Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.

Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Or only la ram fan would take la ram fan seriously. Think about it. He could have two screen names although their writing styles are different that would be normal if he or they are a split personality
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

For about the thousandth has never been proven that Brady cheated! All he did was ask for his game balls to be inflated at the low end of the allowable inflation rate. The reason that the NFL's case against Brady was practically laughed out of court is that despite claiming to have proof...the NFL's investigation into the game balls that day was so flawed in so many ways that the judge presiding over the trial at some point asked incredulously if what he'd heard was "all they had"? For those of you that don't speak "judge" that was the bench asking the NFL why it was wasting the court's time with a case that wasn't close to being proven!
Read the report.

"In the report, Wells writes that he “concluded that it is more probable than not” that two Patriots employees, Jim McNally and John Jastremski, deliberately released air from the footballs, and “more probable than not” that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski.”

Deflategate report finds Tom Brady 'generally aware' of 'inappropriate activities'

Bottom line:

1. The NFL did not exceed its authority;
2. Brady lied, cheated and destroyed evidence;
3. Brady agreed to accept the suspension as punishment when he had every right to pursue this at the next judicial level.

There is no way not to figure his actions in the discussion whether he can be considered the greatest. Seems to me every QB being discussed is under a very reveling microscope and every action is being discussed. That same standard should be applied to Brady.

As a "Chief Justice", would think that you'd recognize that "more probable than not" can literally be translated as "maybe" and "maybe" doesn't get people convicted of a crime in a legal system that uses a "reasonable doubt" concept as it's standard! It's the REASON why the lower court judge looked at the Wells Report and asked incredulously if that was all they had before ruling against the NFL! Vague terms like "generally aware" get you laughed out of a court room...which is EXACTLY what happened when the NFL tried to prove Brady's guilt.

It's why the higher court didn't examine guilt or innocence of Brady at all. The only legality that they took up was whether Roger Goodell had the right under the CBA to impose whatever punishment he saw fit regardless of proving guilt. Brady has never admitted guilt nor will he. The NFL has never proven guilt nor will they. THAT is the bottom line!
You are arguing in a vacuum

Brady cheated, lied, destroyed evidence and was suspended. In fact, he gave up his fight and agreed to the suspension.
Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.

Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

Glad you're not resorting to "personal attacks", Phallics! I know how you...a saintly youth football coach (eye roll) and noted barrister (eye roll) would NEVER stoop to something so crass! :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

It is what it is. That is not a personal attack more like factual description of what that guy is all about
Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.

Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Papa: "Alex is a fucked up little kid"

Poor Papa. :uhoh3::itsok:

Here I got you something to soothe your tender little feelings.


Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.

Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

Glad you're not resorting to "personal attacks", Phallics! I know how you...a saintly youth football coach (eye roll) and noted barrister (eye roll) would NEVER stoop to something so crass! :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

It is what it is. That is not a personal attack more like factual description of what that guy is all about

You whine like a little child with a soiled diaper whenever anyone says something "mean" about you, Phallics but you're always the first one to get nasty. Calling someone a "dingleberry on the ass of a dog" isn't a personal attack? You're a buffoon! You're right about it being what it is...and what it "IS" is a personal attack.
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!
Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.

Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Papa: "Alex is a fucked up little kid"

Poor Papa. :uhoh3::itsok:

Here I got you something to soothe your tender little feelings.


Sorry your media link won't work. :dunno:

Poor Alex, keep imagining what you will be when you grow up.
The fact is Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and got suspended.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

comedy gold since at USMB its difficult to find anybody who is objective about sports here,the fact the majority were too stupid to see the truth the rams were coming back to LA even though the facts i laid out were so obvous back then a CHILD could have figured it out.:haha:
The fact is Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and got suspended.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

comedy gold/:haha:hate to break your heart but i am not friends wilth all thse at least dozen or so former NFL players i have talked about that have come out and the open and said brady is a cheater,friedns with them to be able to get them to come on this forum and tell you that brady is not one of the greatest/.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.
Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Papa: "Alex is a fucked up little kid"

Poor Papa. :uhoh3::itsok:

Here I got you something to soothe your tender little feelings.


Sorry your media link won't work. :dunno:

Poor Alex, keep imagining what you will be when you grow up.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
excellent.well said.:udaman:

you are making far too much sense for the cheatriot apologists to comprehend since that backs up what I was saying before that ON camera,of course all these former NFL OB's are going to say he is the best,but off camera to their best friends,they will tell a much different story.someone like me or one of us though who they just meet,they wont be honest with us and tell us even off camera what they REALLY think of him.

here is a PERFECT example of how you cant believe anything celebritys say on camera.this is a true life story.

Here in kc,my local sports station was saying that elvis grbec deserved the be the starting quarterback over rich gannon when they were both playing for the chiefs.none of the chiefs fans wanted grbec as the starter so anytime someone called in and tried to explain WHY Gannon should be the starter,the announcers belittled them and tried defending Grbec.

well guess what? they are at a restaraunt that night when they were broadcasting and talking about that so my buddy wrote something down and went over to them and asked them to read it because it was a critical piece of grbeck and they did read it on air but of course they then went on and tried to promote grbecks accomplishments and say gannons were not anywhere as good as his and justify why grbec was the right choice to be the starter.

well after the broadcast was over,my buddy went over to them and thanked them for reading that on the air for him saying-"thanks for reading that on the air for me,I know you disagree with me and what i said and all but i still wanted to thank you for reading that as you did."

well guess what? HERE is where it gets very interesting.

after my friend said that to them they then said back to him-Oh no we agree with you. we actually do agree with you 100% on this.Its just that we cant say that on the air and say that grbec should not be the starter and Gannon should or we will get fired and lose our jobs.'

true life story and if you cheatriot apologists dont want to believe that,thats on you and your problem to deal with. But that right there is a perfect example of what alex was just saying that OFF THE RECORD,NFL people will say an entire different thing about Brady that what they really think. somethign like gannon should be the starter they of course are not going to be worried about they dont know like me recording them and sending it to the chiefs headquarters where if a famous player like bradshaw is concerned,is he comes out and tells the truth to someone like me that gets him on tape,well he will lose his job if his bosses at CBS hears that tape.

this of course is too much logic and common sense so the cheatriots apologists brains will be overloaded afthere all these facts.:D
"all these former NFL OB's are going to say he is the best,but off camera to their best friends,they will tell a much different story.someone like me or one of us though who they just meet,they wont be honest with us and tell us even off camera what they REALLY think of him."

Oh yes, to those who make their money from the NFL in pone way or another...many will not bite the hand that feeds them and will say the PC thing.

as I said,that logic and common sense even a child can understand,doesnt register with these cheatriot apologists they so much have their head up his ass.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
They have been trying to abrogate the standard of review and punishment that Brady actually agreed to. These jujubees just don't get it, Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar who destroyed evidence and was suspended in accordance with the tribunal HE SELECTED when he signed the CBA...:uhoh3::itsok:
which is why they always change the subject and do this all the time everytime you bring that pesky little fact up that he is a fraud the fact he destroyed evidence in a investigation.a pesky fact they run off from all the time,they get sore feet all the time doing this-:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::haha::haha::haha::haha:

never gets old watching them play dodgeball on that pesky little fact.
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Papa: "Alex is a fucked up little kid"

Poor Papa. :uhoh3::itsok:

Here I got you something to soothe your tender little feelings.


Sorry your media link won't work. :dunno:

Poor Alex, keep imagining what you will be when you grow up.


great pic you found of pooper there.:up:
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
Hardly, you folks simply cannot deal with life on life's terms.

Brady actually agreed to the punishment. No reason for court...he quit on himself and thereby quit on his supporters. It is very clear and Brady accepts the fact that everyone knows he lied, he cheated, he destroyed evidence and he deserved his suspension.

Now you wish to once again make this thread about me?:uhoh3::laugh:

Brady is not the greatest due to his own volitional conduct and bad acts.:itsok:
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
Hardly, you folks simply cannot deal with life on life's terms.

Brady actually agreed to the punishment. No reason for court...he quit on himself and thereby quit on his supporters. It is very clear and Brady accepts the fact that everyone knows he lied, he cheated, he destroyed evidence and he deserved his suspension.

Now you wish to once again make this thread about me?:uhoh3::laugh:

Brady is not the greatest due to his own volitional conduct and bad acts.:itsok:

i know you probably cant find the one where he is in the pool with a cigar,but do you still have the pic you took of old fart style when you were on a golf course one day and you found him golfing as well and to avoid falling into a lake after he stumbled,he grabbed on to his golf club bag with his golf stick only to fall into the lake anyways? i cant believe the luck you had that OFS just happened to be there golfing that day the same day you were.comedy gold.
He already is considered the greatest by many. Many have a different opinion than yours. I put him third, behind Montana and Manning. I am in the minority but that is life.

Everyone has an opinion and yours is just one, not the authority.
for those who excuse or accept his cheating as the norm, Brady's acts most likely mirror their own

That is just your opinion and not a valid one at that. Most people haven't blown it out of proportion. The NFL usually treats tampering as a $25000 fine to the team. A few weeks ago the NFL didn't fine the Steelers, nor investigated the accusation made against the Steelers. In 2014 the NFL failed to investigate the Panthers and the Vikings tampering with footballs during a game. The incident was filmed. Not sure why the NFL felt that the Patriots tampering was so much more egregious.

That is why the opinion of you and the NFL hold little weight with most people.
op=Tom brady. Tom Brady is not the greatest he is a liar and a cheater who suspended. he is not even in the same conversation

Again, yours in minority opinion and experts, current player and former players don't agree with you.
In some ways I respect the Patriots for being so competitive that they would even "cheat" to win. You know what? It's a game! And these guys get paid a lot of money to win. So fuck it I would cheat too. What does deflating balls cost? 4 games? OK, but consider their cheating ways has led to 7 freaking superbowls. Moral of the story for the kids is cheatin
cheaters sometimes win. I think it's a great life lesson for the kids. Life isn't fair and your competition doesn't always play by the rules.

It's not pass interference if the ref doesn't call it. It's not a flagrant foul if the ref doesn't see it.

7 superbowls and bitches crying about stealing plays and deflated balls.
of course you would cheat,thats why you have your head up bradys ass cause you admire people that have no morals or conscience.:up:
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
Hardly, you folks simply cannot deal with life on life's terms.

Brady actually agreed to the punishment. No reason for court...he quit on himself and thereby quit on his supporters. It is very clear and Brady accepts the fact that everyone knows he lied, he cheated, he destroyed evidence and he deserved his suspension.

Now you wish to once again make this thread about me?:uhoh3::laugh:

Brady is not the greatest due to his own volitional conduct and bad acts.:itsok:

i know you probably cant find the one where he is in the pool with a cigar,but do you still have the pic you took of old fart style when you were on a golf course one day and you found him golfing as well and to avoid falling into a lake after he stumbled,he grabbed on to his golf club bag with his golf stick only to fall into the lake anyways? i cant believe the luck you had that OFS just happened to be there golfing that day the same day you were.comedy gold.
As OldFartStyle attempts, in vain, to put together a cogent argument, Poopergorgio tries to help him from stumbling but fails.

This mirrors the time Poopy and OldFart style were smoking joints and playing golf...what happened next is not to be spoken of in mixed company

Oh but that is where you are wrong. He is in fact up for discussion for greatest ever. Sorry if you don't like it but it is what it is.
No....really....he's not. Irrational Patriot fanatics does not a conversation make. You Pat's fans can stoke him off all you want but all of you are bias. The rest of the knowledgeable football world realizes he's not in the conversation with the likes of Dan Marino and John Elway.

or even in the top 20 modern day quarterbacks either.
chrissy lives in boston which explains why ehs has her head up his ass and finds him to be the greatest which is WHY she is so biased as you said so well. welcome to the world of chrissy and patriot worshippers who are so baised towards him they are in denial that he is a fraud,welcome to chrissys world p@triot.:haha:
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