Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan
It is not who is better, it is whether Brady can ever be considered as the greatest due to his cheating, lying destruction of evidence and suspension. Those who have any regard to society and ethics will hands down say no. Those who have questionable ethical standards will say yes.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
Oh I get it. He was fortunate to play in a great program but he's also a huge part of that program. He did it 4 out of 6 times. Soon to be 5 of 7, or 4 of 7. Wow!

Think about how long he has played and how many more games he has played than Matthew Stafford because Brady goes deep into the playoffs almost every year. Probably another season worth.

Look how great QBs cry when they win one. Aaron rogers is the best today if you ask me but he's only pulled it off once.

Bradys the best. Montana is only great because he won superbowls and he had great teams too.

The greatest physical specimen is? Who's the one guy you think would have done better in new england? Marino? Maybe. Russell Wilson? Possibly. Aaron rogers? Maybe. I get it bradys not the greatest quarterback to watch ever, but he is the goat.
The fact is Brady lied, cheated, destroyed evidence and got suspended.

You are right and he is still considered by many experts, current players, former players and NFL fans as the greatest QB of all time. In fact other than perhaps Montana, Brady is considered the greatest QB of all time and most people put him in the top five.
As far as Fans when I am in New England....many do...many don't and resent the way he is celebrated due to the cheating. Those that do not consider him the greatest feel he lied to them as fans and he let them down when he stopped fighting the Commissioner, ball players I speak with when there is no camera or recording device think he is full of shit and a scumbag because of the cheating, lying and destroying evidence.

Brady had a responsibility to maintain the image he developed and the NFL perpetuated.
17 people say yes 12 say no. Ram doesn't count because he hasn't watched Brady play more than a couple times in the last few years and many of the no's aren't probably being honest or realistic

which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

11 Reasons why ChrisL worships Tom Brady:
  1. She's a Patriots fanatic
  2. She's a Patriots fanatic
  3. She's a Patriots fanatic
  4. She's a Patriots fanatic
  5. She's a Patriots fanatic
  6. She's a Patriots fanatic
  7. She's a Patriots fanatic
  8. She's a Patriots fanatic
  9. She's a Patriots fanatic
  10. She's a Patriots fanatic
  11. She's a Patriots fanatic
:funnyface: :laugh: :smiliehug:
She's like the white girls in metro Detroit. They are in love with the red wings.

Do you think she'd love the Miami dolphins if she lived in Florida? Probably not.

We have had great baseball, basketball and hockey teams. The girls are always into winning teams. You see them wearing Ben Wallace, Steve yzerman or Miguel Cabrera jerseys.

But when the teams losing the girls go by bye

I've been watching football since I was a teenager, and I liked the pats since they stunk back in the 90s with Bledsoe.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

Oh geez, we've got another delusional Pats hater. Great. Why are you even posting here? You don't even watch NFL football.
I do not "hate" the Patriots. Not even a little. And I've forgotten more about football than everyone else here on this thread combined. I watch more than enough NFL to tell you that Brady isn't even remotely in the discussion for GOAT. I've watched him play hundreds of games.

So let me get this straight...Brett Favre thinks Tom Brady is the best ever...Troy Aikman thinks Tom Brady is the best ever...Terry Bradshaw thinks Tom Brady is the best ever...Joe Namath thinks Tom Brady is the best ever...but YOU know more about football and playing the position of quarterback in the NFL than all those Hall of Famers? Is that what you're telling us, Patriot?
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

For about the thousandth has never been proven that Brady cheated! All he did was ask for his game balls to be inflated at the low end of the allowable inflation rate. The reason that the NFL's case against Brady was practically laughed out of court is that despite claiming to have proof...the NFL's investigation into the game balls that day was so flawed in so many ways that the judge presiding over the trial at some point asked incredulously if what he'd heard was "all they had"? For those of you that don't speak "judge" that was the bench asking the NFL why it was wasting the court's time with a case that wasn't close to being proven!
What makes a QB great?
Their ability to throw the ball.
You've said Brady is not because his achievements are team achievements, but you haven't said what the others on your list did or had that made them so much better than Brady (or any other QB). Brady certainly doesn't have much mobility.....but neither did Marino. Brady doesn't have the best arm strength, but someone like Michael Vick did and he wasn't great.

To look specifically at Marino, who certainly was great, Brady has a higher career completion %, better TD to INT ratio, more total TDs, more total yards, more yards per attempt, more yards per game, and a higher QB rating. Brady also had a season with 50 TD passes. Brady has 3 Super Bowl MVPs.
Marino, of course, did what he did in a time with somewhat different rules.

Are those all team achievements?
Finally! Someone makes an actual, intelligent case for why Tom Brady is the best QB ever - instead of some stupid team stat like "he won 26 playoff games". Kudos my friend.

To answer you question: Marino had the arm to make throws Brady can't even fantasize about making. Marino had a lighting quick release that no other QB could ever come close to. Marino completely shattered, then rewrote the record book. No QB ever held as many passing records as Dan Marino. When he retired, there were some records where he was #1, #2, and #3 in that category. Do you have any idea how ISANE that is? Has Brady even held the top two spots for a single record - much less the top three in multiple records? In just his second season in the NFL - Dan Marino set the NFL record for passing TD's in a season with 48 (completely obliterating the previous record). In Brady's second season in the NFL, he was riding the bench. He wasn't even freaking good enough to start - much less shatter major records.

Look at the records Marino still holds - they are jaw-dropping numbers:

Most season leading the league in pass completions (6): 1984–1986, 1988, 1992, 1997

Most games with 450+ passing yards (career): 4

Most touchdown passes, first three seasons in NFL: 96

You want a "jaw dropping" number? How about this one! In Dan Marino's career he threw 420 touchdowns. In Tom Brady's career he has throw 456 touchdowns so far. Fairly similar stats all things considered. Where they differ however is interceptions. Over Dan Marino's career he threw 252 interceptions compared to the 152 interceptions that Tom Brady has thrown. That's a HUNDRED more interceptions for Marino.
which proves 17 people are in denial mode he is a fraud of course.:rolleyes:
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
Oh I get it. He was fortunate to play in a great program but he's also a huge part of that program. He did it 4 out of 6 times. Soon to be 5 of 7, or 4 of 7. Wow!

Think about how long he has played and how many more games he has played than Matthew Stafford because Brady goes deep into the playoffs almost every year. Probably another season worth.

Look how great QBs cry when they win one. Aaron rogers is the best today if you ask me but he's only pulled it off once.

Bradys the best. Montana is only great because he won superbowls and he had great teams too.

The greatest physical specimen is? Who's the one guy you think would have done better in new england? Marino? Maybe. Russell Wilson? Possibly. Aaron rogers? Maybe. I get it bradys not the greatest quarterback to watch ever, but he is the goat.

Manning played for how many coaches? In the Belichick system, I bet a mediocre QB would excel. Do you think Brady would have been as good playing in Cleveland with different coaches and terrible management?

I consider Brady top five but is was coached by one of the greatest of all time.
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
Oh I get it. He was fortunate to play in a great program but he's also a huge part of that program. He did it 4 out of 6 times. Soon to be 5 of 7, or 4 of 7. Wow!

Think about how long he has played and how many more games he has played than Matthew Stafford because Brady goes deep into the playoffs almost every year. Probably another season worth.

Look how great QBs cry when they win one. Aaron rogers is the best today if you ask me but he's only pulled it off once.

Bradys the best. Montana is only great because he won superbowls and he had great teams too.

The greatest physical specimen is? Who's the one guy you think would have done better in new england? Marino? Maybe. Russell Wilson? Possibly. Aaron rogers? Maybe. I get it bradys not the greatest quarterback to watch ever, but he is the goat.

Manning played for how many coaches? In the Belichick system, I bet a mediocre QB would excel. Do you think Brady would have been as good playing in Cleveland with different coaches and terrible management?

I consider Brady top five but is was coached by one of the greatest of all time.

And? All good QBs have a good coach at some point in their careers.
Find me 17 people who think any other quarterback is the greatest. If you can't find 17 then Brady and us 17 win. Discussion is over.

That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
Oh I get it. He was fortunate to play in a great program but he's also a huge part of that program. He did it 4 out of 6 times. Soon to be 5 of 7, or 4 of 7. Wow!

Think about how long he has played and how many more games he has played than Matthew Stafford because Brady goes deep into the playoffs almost every year. Probably another season worth.

Look how great QBs cry when they win one. Aaron rogers is the best today if you ask me but he's only pulled it off once.

Bradys the best. Montana is only great because he won superbowls and he had great teams too.

The greatest physical specimen is? Who's the one guy you think would have done better in new england? Marino? Maybe. Russell Wilson? Possibly. Aaron rogers? Maybe. I get it bradys not the greatest quarterback to watch ever, but he is the goat.

Manning played for how many coaches? In the Belichick system, I bet a mediocre QB would excel. Do you think Brady would have been as good playing in Cleveland with different coaches and terrible management?

I consider Brady top five but is was coached by one of the greatest of all time.

What's made the Brady/Belichick partnership work so well though, Papa is that Brady is able to seamlessly handle major changes to the offensive game plan from year to year and even from half to half. You can have the greatest coach in the world but if the players that he coaches can't handle what he's giving them then they aren't going to be successful. They tried to change the offense that Manning was playing that last year in Denver and he really struggled so they went back to what Peyton was comfortable with.
So you knew your teammates were cheaters but you did nothing about it? Yet you're here condemning Tom Brady while you pontificate about integrity? Interesting're not guilty of cheating because you couldn't figure out how to get the NCAA's attention?
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

For about the thousandth has never been proven that Brady cheated! All he did was ask for his game balls to be inflated at the low end of the allowable inflation rate. The reason that the NFL's case against Brady was practically laughed out of court is that despite claiming to have proof...the NFL's investigation into the game balls that day was so flawed in so many ways that the judge presiding over the trial at some point asked incredulously if what he'd heard was "all they had"? For those of you that don't speak "judge" that was the bench asking the NFL why it was wasting the court's time with a case that wasn't close to being proven!
Even if he did. So what? 4 game suspension is all it was worth. I wish the lions were cheaters/winners
What makes a QB great?
Their ability to throw the ball.
You've said Brady is not because his achievements are team achievements, but you haven't said what the others on your list did or had that made them so much better than Brady (or any other QB). Brady certainly doesn't have much mobility.....but neither did Marino. Brady doesn't have the best arm strength, but someone like Michael Vick did and he wasn't great.

To look specifically at Marino, who certainly was great, Brady has a higher career completion %, better TD to INT ratio, more total TDs, more total yards, more yards per attempt, more yards per game, and a higher QB rating. Brady also had a season with 50 TD passes. Brady has 3 Super Bowl MVPs.
Marino, of course, did what he did in a time with somewhat different rules.

Are those all team achievements?
Finally! Someone makes an actual, intelligent case for why Tom Brady is the best QB ever - instead of some stupid team stat like "he won 26 playoff games". Kudos my friend.

To answer you question: Marino had the arm to make throws Brady can't even fantasize about making. Marino had a lighting quick release that no other QB could ever come close to. Marino completely shattered, then rewrote the record book. No QB ever held as many passing records as Dan Marino. When he retired, there were some records where he was #1, #2, and #3 in that category. Do you have any idea how ISANE that is? Has Brady even held the top two spots for a single record - much less the top three in multiple records? In just his second season in the NFL - Dan Marino set the NFL record for passing TD's in a season with 48 (completely obliterating the previous record). In Brady's second season in the NFL, he was riding the bench. He wasn't even freaking good enough to start - much less shatter major records.

Look at the records Marino still holds - they are jaw-dropping numbers:

Most season leading the league in pass completions (6): 1984–1986, 1988, 1992, 1997

Most games with 450+ passing yards (career): 4

Most touchdown passes, first three seasons in NFL: 96

You want a "jaw dropping" number? How about this one! In Dan Marino's career he threw 420 touchdowns. In Tom Brady's career he has throw 456 touchdowns so far. Fairly similar stats all things considered. Where they differ however is interceptions. Over Dan Marino's career he threw 252 interceptions compared to the 152 interceptions that Tom Brady has thrown. That's a HUNDRED more interceptions for Marino.
And in a game of inches that's the difference between zero superbowls and 7.

Did Marino even make a Superbowl?

Who cares how good you are beating up regular season teams. Win in the playoffs loser. Lol
What makes a QB great?
Their ability to throw the ball.
You've said Brady is not because his achievements are team achievements, but you haven't said what the others on your list did or had that made them so much better than Brady (or any other QB). Brady certainly doesn't have much mobility.....but neither did Marino. Brady doesn't have the best arm strength, but someone like Michael Vick did and he wasn't great.

To look specifically at Marino, who certainly was great, Brady has a higher career completion %, better TD to INT ratio, more total TDs, more total yards, more yards per attempt, more yards per game, and a higher QB rating. Brady also had a season with 50 TD passes. Brady has 3 Super Bowl MVPs.
Marino, of course, did what he did in a time with somewhat different rules.

Are those all team achievements?
Finally! Someone makes an actual, intelligent case for why Tom Brady is the best QB ever - instead of some stupid team stat like "he won 26 playoff games". Kudos my friend.

To answer you question: Marino had the arm to make throws Brady can't even fantasize about making. Marino had a lighting quick release that no other QB could ever come close to. Marino completely shattered, then rewrote the record book. No QB ever held as many passing records as Dan Marino. When he retired, there were some records where he was #1, #2, and #3 in that category. Do you have any idea how ISANE that is? Has Brady even held the top two spots for a single record - much less the top three in multiple records? In just his second season in the NFL - Dan Marino set the NFL record for passing TD's in a season with 48 (completely obliterating the previous record). In Brady's second season in the NFL, he was riding the bench. He wasn't even freaking good enough to start - much less shatter major records.

Look at the records Marino still holds - they are jaw-dropping numbers:

Most season leading the league in pass completions (6): 1984–1986, 1988, 1992, 1997

Most games with 450+ passing yards (career): 4

Most touchdown passes, first three seasons in NFL: 96

You want a "jaw dropping" number? How about this one! In Dan Marino's career he threw 420 touchdowns. In Tom Brady's career he has throw 456 touchdowns so far. Fairly similar stats all things considered. Where they differ however is interceptions. Over Dan Marino's career he threw 252 interceptions compared to the 152 interceptions that Tom Brady has thrown. That's a HUNDRED more interceptions for Marino.
And in a game of inches that's the difference between zero superbowls and 7.

Did Marino even make a Superbowl?

Who cares how good you are beating up regular season teams. Win in the playoffs loser. Lol

Marino went to one...and his team got spanked! Never took the Dolphins to another.
What makes a QB great?
Their ability to throw the ball.
You've said Brady is not because his achievements are team achievements, but you haven't said what the others on your list did or had that made them so much better than Brady (or any other QB). Brady certainly doesn't have much mobility.....but neither did Marino. Brady doesn't have the best arm strength, but someone like Michael Vick did and he wasn't great.

To look specifically at Marino, who certainly was great, Brady has a higher career completion %, better TD to INT ratio, more total TDs, more total yards, more yards per attempt, more yards per game, and a higher QB rating. Brady also had a season with 50 TD passes. Brady has 3 Super Bowl MVPs.
Marino, of course, did what he did in a time with somewhat different rules.

Are those all team achievements?
Finally! Someone makes an actual, intelligent case for why Tom Brady is the best QB ever - instead of some stupid team stat like "he won 26 playoff games". Kudos my friend.

To answer you question: Marino had the arm to make throws Brady can't even fantasize about making. Marino had a lighting quick release that no other QB could ever come close to. Marino completely shattered, then rewrote the record book. No QB ever held as many passing records as Dan Marino. When he retired, there were some records where he was #1, #2, and #3 in that category. Do you have any idea how ISANE that is? Has Brady even held the top two spots for a single record - much less the top three in multiple records? In just his second season in the NFL - Dan Marino set the NFL record for passing TD's in a season with 48 (completely obliterating the previous record). In Brady's second season in the NFL, he was riding the bench. He wasn't even freaking good enough to start - much less shatter major records.

Look at the records Marino still holds - they are jaw-dropping numbers:

Most season leading the league in pass completions (6): 1984–1986, 1988, 1992, 1997

Most games with 450+ passing yards (career): 4

Most touchdown passes, first three seasons in NFL: 96

You want a "jaw dropping" number? How about this one! In Dan Marino's career he threw 420 touchdowns. In Tom Brady's career he has throw 456 touchdowns so far. Fairly similar stats all things considered. Where they differ however is interceptions. Over Dan Marino's career he threw 252 interceptions compared to the 152 interceptions that Tom Brady has thrown. That's a HUNDRED more interceptions for Marino.
And in a game of inches that's the difference between zero superbowls and 7.

Did Marino even make a Superbowl?

Who cares how good you are beating up regular season teams. Win in the playoffs loser. Lol

Marino went to one...and his team got spanked! Never took the Dolphins to another.
Who knows what Marino would have done if given bradys teams. We will never know. Wouldn't it be great to visit alternative universes where Brady went to Cleveland or detroit
Maybe there is not just one great one, but many very good ones. Regardless, it is a very silly, and immature thing to be fighting over. Each has a right to an opinion. Even the ones I disagree with. ;)
That's an odd metric. :p
OK how about this. If the 14 who said Brady is not the best can all agree who is better, then we have a discussion.

The only one who comes close is Montana and I'm not going to reward him for making it to 3 less superbowls. And when Brady goes to another Superbowl then he will have gone to twice as many superbowls as Joe.

And no pressure because he already has as many rings as Joe. If he wins this year that should shut the haters up.

Tom Brady has been to more finals than Michael jordan

Brady played for one coach and one system and a very good coach and a great system at that. Not many QBs are able to do that and it has been advantageous to Brady. I consider that when considering Brady.
Oh I get it. He was fortunate to play in a great program but he's also a huge part of that program. He did it 4 out of 6 times. Soon to be 5 of 7, or 4 of 7. Wow!

Think about how long he has played and how many more games he has played than Matthew Stafford because Brady goes deep into the playoffs almost every year. Probably another season worth.

Look how great QBs cry when they win one. Aaron rogers is the best today if you ask me but he's only pulled it off once.

Bradys the best. Montana is only great because he won superbowls and he had great teams too.

The greatest physical specimen is? Who's the one guy you think would have done better in new england? Marino? Maybe. Russell Wilson? Possibly. Aaron rogers? Maybe. I get it bradys not the greatest quarterback to watch ever, but he is the goat.

Manning played for how many coaches? In the Belichick system, I bet a mediocre QB would excel. Do you think Brady would have been as good playing in Cleveland with different coaches and terrible management?

I consider Brady top five but is was coached by one of the greatest of all time.

What's made the Brady/Belichick partnership work so well though, Papa is that Brady is able to seamlessly handle major changes to the offensive game plan from year to year and even from half to half. You can have the greatest coach in the world but if the players that he coaches can't handle what he's giving them then they aren't going to be successful. They tried to change the offense that Manning was playing that last year in Denver and he really struggled so they went back to what Peyton was comfortable with.

It was the same system, same style, Brady knew it his whole career. Manning had two teams two coaches in Denver, several in Indianapolis. The system Belichick runs is a plug and play system. Take Brady out and Cassel makes the playoffs, this year they went 3-1 without Brady. Manning the whole system relied on one guy. 10-6 one year and without Manning they go 2-14. As far as Manning's last season, the injuries took a huge toll on Manning and he was a shell of himself.
Maybe there is not just one great one, but many very good ones. Regardless, it is a very silly, and immature thing to be fighting over. Each has a right to an opinion. Even the ones I disagree with. ;)

Better than fighting over politics, I'm burned out on that for awhile. Lol!
  • Thanks
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Maybe there is not just one great one, but many very good ones. Regardless, it is a very silly, and immature thing to be fighting over. Each has a right to an opinion. Even the ones I disagree with. ;)

Better than fighting over politics, I'm burned out on that for awhile. Lol!

LOL I hear ya!

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