Is Trump A RINO?

No we do. We just don't want any of the far Left Communist agenda you espouse.
No need to worry – the Chaos Caucus/Taliban 20 are real Republicans, McCarthy is a real Republican, Trump is a real Republican.

They’re all consistent in their lies about the non-existent ‘swamp’ and ‘deep state’; all consistent with their contempt for sound, responsible governance.
No need to worry – the Chaos Caucus/Taliban 20 are real Republicans, McCarthy is a real Republican, Trump is a real Republican.

They’re all consistent in their lies about the non-existent ‘swamp’ and ‘deep state’; all consistent with their contempt for sound, responsible governance.
So you think there should be zero Conservative representation in the US? that you fuckface Democraps are clean and pure as the wind driven snow, that your party, and your party alone is anointed to rule over the unwashed masses?
That is silly because the Bolsheviks were about the most egalitarian idealists for individual rights in all of history.
Cuba and North Korea have zero connection to Bolsheviks, since Stalin killed off all the Bolsheviks.

the bolsheviks were all about state slavery and tyranny
No need to worry – the Chaos Caucus/Taliban 20 are real Republicans, McCarthy is a real Republican, Trump is a real Republican.

They’re all consistent in their lies about the non-existent ‘swamp’ and ‘deep state’; all consistent with their contempt for sound, responsible governance.


Did you make up that very clever phrase -- Chaos Caucus/Taliban 20 -- all on your own? What a smart little monkey you are!!!!!


These far right holdouts in the House vote for Speaker were Trump MAGAs. Trump intervened and told them to vote for McCarthy, you know, the person those holdouts said was a card carrying RINO, part of the DC swamp. So, does that make Trump a RINO and a member of the swamp for endorsing the RINO McCarthy?

You might find this 2006 op ed shows a big difference between then and now. We have tons of jobs today that go unfilled. Not so back when Bush ran the country as you will see.

Progressives fought - and many lost their lives in the battle - to limit the pool of "labor hours" available to the Robber Barons from the 1870s through the 1930s and thus created the modern middle class. They limited labor-hours by pushing for the 50-hour week and the 10-hour day (and then later the 40-hour week and the 8-hour day). They limited labor-hours by pushing for laws against child labor (which competed with adult labor). They limited labor-hours by working for passage of the 1935 Wagner Act that provided for union shops.

And they limited labor-hours by supporting laws that would regulate immigration into the United States to a small enough flow that it wouldn't dilute the unionized labor pool. As Wikipedia notes: "The first laws creating a quota for immigrants were passed in the 1920s, in response to a sense that the country could no longer absorb large numbers of unskilled workers, despite pleas by big business that it wanted the new workers."

Do a little math. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 7.6 million unemployed Americans right now. (2006) Another 1.5 million Americans are no longer counted because they've become "long term" or "discouraged" unemployed workers. And although various groups have different ways of measuring it, most agree that at least another five to ten million Americans are either working part-time when they want to work full-time, or are "underemployed," doing jobs below their level of training, education, or experience. That's between eight and twenty million un- and under-employed Americans, many unable to find above-poverty-level work.

At the same time, there are between seven and fifteen million working illegal immigrants diluting our labor pool.

If illegal immigrants could no longer work, unions would flourish, the minimum wage would rise, and oligarchic nations to our south would have to confront and fix their corrupt ways.

Edited for copyright violation. Read the rest using the linked source.-meister
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You can say Trump can't be a RINO because he's not really a Republican, but Trump has done some very RINO things. When he was POTUS, he spent money like a Democrat, just like the Bushes. Recently, Trump has criticized DeSantis for his fight against Disney, a woke company. He also has asked conservatives to end their boycott of Bud Light, another woke company, because they give money to the GOP. Trump has criticized DeSantis for voting against amnesty for illegals (read that twice), and for voting against the Omnibus spending bill which was a fiscal debacle.

Is he a RINO? Well, if it walks and quacks like a duck........

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