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Is Trump getting burnt out ??

I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that. After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.
That's not likely to happen until after the election, so he's going to have to watch from the golf course. Of course, that IS his element, so you're right there.
Biden's element is hiding in his basement. Good luck promoting senile Joe for President.
Doesn't matter where Joe is. Trump's doing all the campaigning for him.
Yeah, OK. We'll see. Remember 2016? The democrats could not lose. No way Trump could get to 270 EC votes. H had a 95% probability of winning.....

I don't recall anyone ever saying either of those things. I DO recall Trump crowing that these were the predictions, but no one on the left said anything of the kind. Trump won the election with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Barack Obama, so crowing about his overcoming the pollsters is just hyperbole.

But keep believing Trump is going to turn this around while he ignores 2 million sick Americans, the 50 million unemployed, the tens of thousand who are dying. By October, 12 million people will be evicted, or on the verge of eviction, and more than 200,000 will have died.

This election is a referendum on Trump's record. No matter how hard he tries to deflect to Biden's record or his competence, it will always come back to whether or not people believe and trust Donald Trump. Only an idiot would vote for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos and catastrophe.

And nobody is going to forget Trump's refusal to call Putin on the bounties he put on American troops - least of all the troops or the families.

Every decision Donald Trump has made, is the wrong one. Everything he's tried to "fix", he's made worse. Are YOU better off right now than you were before Trump was elected? That's the ONLY question people are going to ask themselves before they vote. Unless you're a billionaire, the answer is "No". They're the only people who have benefitted from Trump's policies.

1. "You don't recall"?? watch the fucking video!
2. Trump won the biggest presidential upset in US history. His very first election.
3. Trump won an Electoral College landslide. The popular vote doesn't count, read the US Constitution, duh.
View attachment 368238

4. Biden is the dumbest candidate ever to run for president. They don't let him out of the basement to do interviews. Maybe Barr and Durham can get his wrinkley ass out of the basement with a subpoena or two?
5. Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

So ae we bringing up the election again... Is that all ye can do...

By the way if Trump won a landslide what do we call Obama wins... He was way bigger winning margins but he also won the popular vote as well...
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that. After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.
That's not likely to happen until after the election, so he's going to have to watch from the golf course. Of course, that IS his element, so you're right there.
Biden's element is hiding in his basement. Good luck promoting senile Joe for President.
Doesn't matter where Joe is. Trump's doing all the campaigning for him.
Yeah, OK. We'll see. Remember 2016? The democrats could not lose. No way Trump could get to 270 EC votes. H had a 95% probability of winning.....

I don't recall anyone ever saying either of those things. I DO recall Trump crowing that these were the predictions, but no one on the left said anything of the kind. Trump won the election with fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in losing to Barack Obama, so crowing about his overcoming the pollsters is just hyperbole.

But keep believing Trump is going to turn this around while he ignores 2 million sick Americans, the 50 million unemployed, the tens of thousand who are dying. By October, 12 million people will be evicted, or on the verge of eviction, and more than 200,000 will have died.

This election is a referendum on Trump's record. No matter how hard he tries to deflect to Biden's record or his competence, it will always come back to whether or not people believe and trust Donald Trump. Only an idiot would vote for 4 more years of incompetence, chaos and catastrophe.

And nobody is going to forget Trump's refusal to call Putin on the bounties he put on American troops - least of all the troops or the families.

Every decision Donald Trump has made, is the wrong one. Everything he's tried to "fix", he's made worse. Are YOU better off right now than you were before Trump was elected? That's the ONLY question people are going to ask themselves before they vote. Unless you're a billionaire, the answer is "No". They're the only people who have benefitted from Trump's policies.

1. "You don't recall"?? watch the fucking video!
2. Trump won the biggest presidential upset in US history. His very first election.
3. Trump won an Electoral College landslide. The popular vote doesn't count, read the US Constitution, duh.
View attachment 368238

4. Biden is the dumbest candidate ever to run for president. They don't let him out of the basement to do interviews. Maybe Barr and Durham can get his wrinkley ass out of the basement with a subpoena or two?
5. Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

An electoral college landslide? LoL - He squeaked it by 77,000 votes in three states! :rolleyes:
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

LMAO He didn't ignore warnings. He tried to stop flights in from China and you Dem idiots called him a racist. Talk about imbeciles.

He's a businessman used to working long hours. You don't get to be a billionaire by being lazy. Unlike those wastes of space in DC He knows how to get shit done. I'll be voting for him in 2020.

Donald Trump has NEVER been a "businessman", and watching FOX until noon, and spending 3 days a week golfing isn't "working long hours". Trump has been a "part time" President, at best. Mary Trump's book said he barely worked at all when he was in New York.

7 business bankruptcies, 3000+ law suits, the majority of which are for failure to pay his subcontractors, the most for any American businessman. $1 billion in business losses in the 1980's - a record for any American businessman, and not in a good way - all covered by his father.

The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved.

TRUMP FAILS AT EVERYTHING!!! There's another book out there entitled "Everything Trump Touches, Dies!".


But Trump's biggest failure, is this clusterfuck of a Presidency.

Everything you wrote is backed up by court records.

Trump supporters will still deny he ever filed for bankruptcy.

They live in an alternate universe.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

By the time all of that is in place, you won't have a country left. This is just more "magical thinking" on the part of Trump and his supporters, like "this will just disappear, like magic, when the weather gets warmer".

Pinning all of your hopes on something that won't even happen before the election is just idiocy, when you're doing nothing to stop the disease and the death in the interim. There's no guarantee that it will happen at all. Instead of doing everything possible to stop the spread of the virus saying that a cure or a vaccine is on the horizon, so lets do nothing, is so irresponsible and wrong that it's hard to fathom how anyone could endorse such idiocy.

Just the costs to the economy of having a million people sick, tens of thousands dying, and hospitals filled to capacity, more than offsets any benefit to the economy of re-opening.
You spout partisan lies with no proof. Ok, so they are your "opinions". We have "opinions" too. We'll see in November whose "opinions" are correct.

Its a fact that the blob has filed for bankruptcy several times. Right?
Its a fact that a federal court has found that he was using a charity for personal expenses. Right?
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...
The science is spotty too. The study that said the summer heat would stop the virus was simply wrong. It was supposed to return in the fall like the seasonal flu.
Tell me you don't think that the virus was "weaponized" by the Chinese.

The virus generally ignores weather... Might have slight effects but nothing that seems significant... That was said at the start. The Seasonal Flu but an already strain on health systems today, that is why having two strains at the same time will cause problems.

Well let's look at the conspiracy theory. Have you any actual proof... The DNA has been studied of the virus and it doesn't trace back to any known strain in a lab. I will also point out that when you release a virus as a weapon you don't do it at home. Think about it.
China clearly "Weaponize" this... If they did they would have a vaccine. They don't and tried to rob UK's one...

Seriously just think a bit clearly. Now think how stupid that piece of information was. Now think, where did you hear that? who was saying this?
Now ask yourself what other information have you got from this source?
I know that the "experts" already said that the DNA was not "weaponized/engineered", but can we believe the "experts"?
I'm not going to give the Chinese a pass on duplicity. Tell me you trust the Chinese?
Then again, the US paid for the Chinese "research" into the bat viruses?! Tell me that was a good use of taxpayer dollars.

It would have been if Trump hadn't pulled the scientists out of Wuhan and they had still be there to warn Trump when the virus first surfaced. Although, considering that Trump ignored all of the warnings for nearly two months, before he restricted travel from China, and did nothing to prepare the country's medical facilities for the coming pandemic so maybe nothing would have changed.

I don't just post MY opinions, and I back up what I post with facts, figures and statistics - things that YOU ignore or don't even consider, and links you don't read. You just swallow Trump's lies, distortions, and wishful thinking whole.
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I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

LMAO He didn't ignore warnings. He tried to stop flights in from China and you Dem idiots called him a racist. Talk about imbeciles.

He's a businessman used to working long hours. You don't get to be a billionaire by being lazy. Unlike those wastes of space in DC He knows how to get shit done. I'll be voting for him in 2020.

Donald Trump has NEVER been a "businessman", and watching FOX until noon, and spending 3 days a week golfing isn't "working long hours". Trump has been a "part time" President, at best. Mary Trump's book said he barely worked at all when he was in New York.

7 business bankruptcies, 3000+ law suits, the majority of which are for failure to pay his subcontractors, the most for any American businessman. $1 billion in business losses in the 1980's - a record for any American businessman, and not in a good way - all covered by his father.

The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved.

TRUMP FAILS AT EVERYTHING!!! There's another book out there entitled "Everything Trump Touches, Dies!".


But Trump's biggest failure, is this clusterfuck of a Presidency.

Everything you wrote is backed up by court records.

Trump supporters will still deny he ever filed for bankruptcy.

They live in an alternate universe.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

By the time all of that is in place, you won't have a country left. This is just more "magical thinking" on the part of Trump and his supporters, like "this will just disappear, like magic, when the weather gets warmer".

Pinning all of your hopes on something that won't even happen before the election is just idiocy, when you're doing nothing to stop the disease and the death in the interim. There's no guarantee that it will happen at all. Instead of doing everything possible to stop the spread of the virus saying that a cure or a vaccine is on the horizon, so lets do nothing, is so irresponsible and wrong that it's hard to fathom how anyone could endorse such idiocy.

Just the costs to the economy of having a million people sick, tens of thousands dying, and hospitals filled to capacity, more than offsets any benefit to the economy of re-opening.
You spout partisan lies with no proof. Ok, so they are your "opinions". We have "opinions" too. We'll see in November whose "opinions" are correct.

Its a fact that the blob has filed for bankruptcy several times. Right?
Its a fact that a federal court has found that he was using a charity for personal expenses. Right?
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...
The science is spotty too. The study that said the summer heat would stop the virus was simply wrong. It was supposed to return in the fall like the seasonal flu.
Tell me you don't think that the virus was "weaponized" by the Chinese.

The virus generally ignores weather... Might have slight effects but nothing that seems significant... That was said at the start. The Seasonal Flu but an already strain on health systems today, that is why having two strains at the same time will cause problems.

Well let's look at the conspiracy theory. Have you any actual proof... The DNA has been studied of the virus and it doesn't trace back to any known strain in a lab. I will also point out that when you release a virus as a weapon you don't do it at home. Think about it.
China clearly "Weaponize" this... If they did they would have a vaccine. They don't and tried to rob UK's one...

Seriously just think a bit clearly. Now think how stupid that piece of information was. Now think, where did you hear that? who was saying this?
Now ask yourself what other information have you got from this source?
I know that the "experts" already said that the DNA was not "weaponized/engineered", but can we believe the "experts"?
I'm not going to give the Chinese a pass on duplicity. Tell me you trust the Chinese?
Then again, the US paid for the Chinese "research" into the bat viruses?! Tell me that was a good use of taxpayer dollars.

So you have no proof except you don't trust the Chinese... Sorry but some sort of proof needed...

The experts are US experts. Since you don't know how to read retrieve and read DNA encoding (and if you did then you would be an 'expert') I am going to believe them. Sorry but experts are people who know how top do this stuff... ridiculing expert just makes you look foolish...

There is no trust in Chinese needed...
If you use a virus to attack US why would you release it in China and spread it to Europe?
Would you think they had vaccine for it beforehand?

Think how stupid you are sounding?

The research was into finding out viruses which the bats had which possibly could be transferred into humans in the future. It is there research which was the major starting block for the vaccine research going on today. This cut months of research time off the vaccine development.
This was some of the best taxpayers money ever spent. Leaving the CDC on the ground would have been very good too but they blew that one...
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

LMAO He didn't ignore warnings. He tried to stop flights in from China and you Dem idiots called him a racist. Talk about imbeciles.

He's a businessman used to working long hours. You don't get to be a billionaire by being lazy. Unlike those wastes of space in DC He knows how to get shit done. I'll be voting for him in 2020.

Donald Trump has NEVER been a "businessman", and watching FOX until noon, and spending 3 days a week golfing isn't "working long hours". Trump has been a "part time" President, at best. Mary Trump's book said he barely worked at all when he was in New York.

7 business bankruptcies, 3000+ law suits, the majority of which are for failure to pay his subcontractors, the most for any American businessman. $1 billion in business losses in the 1980's - a record for any American businessman, and not in a good way - all covered by his father.

The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved.

TRUMP FAILS AT EVERYTHING!!! There's another book out there entitled "Everything Trump Touches, Dies!".


But Trump's biggest failure, is this clusterfuck of a Presidency.

Everything you wrote is backed up by court records.

Trump supporters will still deny he ever filed for bankruptcy.

They live in an alternate universe.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

By the time all of that is in place, you won't have a country left. This is just more "magical thinking" on the part of Trump and his supporters, like "this will just disappear, like magic, when the weather gets warmer".

Pinning all of your hopes on something that won't even happen before the election is just idiocy, when you're doing nothing to stop the disease and the death in the interim. There's no guarantee that it will happen at all. Instead of doing everything possible to stop the spread of the virus saying that a cure or a vaccine is on the horizon, so lets do nothing, is so irresponsible and wrong that it's hard to fathom how anyone could endorse such idiocy.

Just the costs to the economy of having a million people sick, tens of thousands dying, and hospitals filled to capacity, more than offsets any benefit to the economy of re-opening.
You spout partisan lies with no proof. Ok, so they are your "opinions". We have "opinions" too. We'll see in November whose "opinions" are correct.

Its a fact that the blob has filed for bankruptcy several times. Right?
Its a fact that a federal court has found that he was using a charity for personal expenses. Right?

Loads of businessmen file for bankruptcy all over the world. Oh and he's not a blob. Guess you haven't seen him lately. Looks pretty damned good.

Carry on clueless.

Good to see you know he’s a failure. Your blob is a failure.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...
/——/ As soon as Dementia Joe remembers what office he’s running for, he’ll debate Trump and we can see for ourselves.

I'm going to enjoy seeing Trump called on his lies in real time, just like Chris Wallace did. Trump was the one who look confused, disoriented, and he started babbling incoherently.

Or being forced to defend his record. This isn't 2016. Trump didn't have a record then, and nobody called him on his lies, of which there were many. Now, all of America knows that Trump is the REAL criminal, and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about the 200,000 Americans he's killed, or the 4 million who got sick.


If I was preping Biden I would get a number of topics which there is full video statements from Trump where we know he will contradict himself in a debate.
Lead him into it. Catch him. But instead of a barking match. Just say 'Mr. President do you not remeber this?'
Then say (for example): 'Mr. Wallace was there the wind was blowing, don't you remember what you said, what do you think you said?'

Don't attack him, show concern, show pity. I have said in my job for years don't fight, show concern that is the real knife.

Do that a few times and post debate the News stations will be littered with him not able to remeber incidents that appeared on TV... You own the post debate TV... Trump would be humiliated and could possibly cancel the rest of the debates...

Brilliant, now you know why you won't be prepping Biden. For every Trump video you find there are be at least three Biden videos...or haven't you been paying attention.

Sorry but Trump is a double down king... He first has a bad idea and then keeps going after it until it comes crashing down...

It doesn't really matter what you think anyway... You father away from reality that Trump at this stage.
If this country rejects Trump it will be just what Ben Franklin warned us about losing our Republic if we didn't have the courage to keep it.

In the view of Benjamin Franklin Donald Trump would not be a republican - I guess he would be a monarchist in his view to the world. "King Trump, the great" accepts not loyal republicans of the USA - he asks only for loyal personal spitlickers.
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I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

Which warnings and from who?
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...
/——/ As soon as Dementia Joe remembers what office he’s running for, he’ll debate Trump and we can see for ourselves.

I'm going to enjoy seeing Trump called on his lies in real time, just like Chris Wallace did. Trump was the one who look confused, disoriented, and he started babbling incoherently.

Or being forced to defend his record. This isn't 2016. Trump didn't have a record then, and nobody called him on his lies, of which there were many. Now, all of America knows that Trump is the REAL criminal, and that he doesn't give a rat's ass about the 200,000 Americans he's killed, or the 4 million who got sick.


If I was preping Biden I would get a number of topics which there is full video statements from Trump where we know he will contradict himself in a debate.
Lead him into it. Catch him. But instead of a barking match. Just say 'Mr. President do you not remeber this?'
Then say (for example): 'Mr. Wallace was there the wind was blowing, don't you remember what you said, what do you think you said?'

Don't attack him, show concern, show pity. I have said in my job for years don't fight, show concern that is the real knife.

Do that a few times and post debate the News stations will be littered with him not able to remeber incidents that appeared on TV... You own the post debate TV... Trump would be humiliated and could possibly cancel the rest of the debates...

Brilliant, now you know why you won't be prepping Biden. For every Trump video you find there are be at least three Biden videos...or haven't you been paying attention.

Sorry but Trump is a double down king... He first has a bad idea and then keeps going after it until it comes crashing down...

It doesn't really matter what you think anyway... You father away from reality that Trump at this stage.

Great, so you haven't been paying attention and can't speak English...what a surprise.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

LMAO He didn't ignore warnings. He tried to stop flights in from China and you Dem idiots called him a racist. Talk about imbeciles.

He's a businessman used to working long hours. You don't get to be a billionaire by being lazy. Unlike those wastes of space in DC He knows how to get shit done. I'll be voting for him in 2020.

Donald Trump has NEVER been a "businessman", and watching FOX until noon, and spending 3 days a week golfing isn't "working long hours". Trump has been a "part time" President, at best. Mary Trump's book said he barely worked at all when he was in New York.

7 business bankruptcies, 3000+ law suits, the majority of which are for failure to pay his subcontractors, the most for any American businessman. $1 billion in business losses in the 1980's - a record for any American businessman, and not in a good way - all covered by his father.

The perception Trump has managed to create around himself is vastly at odds with the cold realities of his track record. After a few early high-profile real estate wins that were largely funded by his family fortune, Trump’s business flops significantly outnumbered his successes. Trump Steak. Trump Airlines. Trump Vodka. Trump Mortgage. Trump Magazine. Trump University. All were debacles—characterized by disappointed customers, stiffed vendors, and confusion on the part of virtually everyone involved.

TRUMP FAILS AT EVERYTHING!!! There's another book out there entitled "Everything Trump Touches, Dies!".


But Trump's biggest failure, is this clusterfuck of a Presidency.

Everything you wrote is backed up by court records.

Trump supporters will still deny he ever filed for bankruptcy.

They live in an alternate universe.
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

By the time all of that is in place, you won't have a country left. This is just more "magical thinking" on the part of Trump and his supporters, like "this will just disappear, like magic, when the weather gets warmer".

Pinning all of your hopes on something that won't even happen before the election is just idiocy, when you're doing nothing to stop the disease and the death in the interim. There's no guarantee that it will happen at all. Instead of doing everything possible to stop the spread of the virus saying that a cure or a vaccine is on the horizon, so lets do nothing, is so irresponsible and wrong that it's hard to fathom how anyone could endorse such idiocy.

Just the costs to the economy of having a million people sick, tens of thousands dying, and hospitals filled to capacity, more than offsets any benefit to the economy of re-opening.
You spout partisan lies with no proof. Ok, so they are your "opinions". We have "opinions" too. We'll see in November whose "opinions" are correct.

Its a fact that the blob has filed for bankruptcy several times. Right?
Its a fact that a federal court has found that he was using a charity for personal expenses. Right?

Loads of businessmen file for bankruptcy all over the world. Oh and he's not a blob. Guess you haven't seen him lately. Looks pretty damned good.

Carry on clueless.

Good to see you know he’s a failure. Your blob is a failure.

Some failure. He's done a great job as POTUS. If he were a Dem like you, you would be singing his praises.

Biden is the failure. Name one thing that man has done since we tax payers have been supporting his lazy ass?? You can't because he hasn't done a damned thing.

Good to see you support a failure. Foot in mouth Biden.
If this country rejects Trump it will be just what Ben Franklin warned us about losing our Republic if we didn't have the courage to keep it.

In the view of Benjamin Franklin Donald Trump would not be a republican - he would be a monarchist: "King Trump" accepts not loyal republicans of the USA - her asks for loyal spitlickers of king Trump.

That stupid statement is nothing more than your TDS mental illness speaking.

Trump is a great competent President working hard for the American people to undo the tremendous damage done by the disastrous incompetent Obama administration.

A filthy Obama administration that increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, raise taxes, gave away the store on foreign policy, weakened the military. ran up the cost of health care, let millions of Illegal flood in and had dismal economic growth.
No Moon Mat we did not have things a lot better before Trump. Once again you are confused.

My life was awesome before Trump took over. After that, it's been one crisis after another. We'll all be happy to see him go.

Biden's Chicom buddies virus fucked our economy but that was not Trump's fault. Blame the Obama/Biden administration for kissing their ass and giving away the store to them. Trump has been great at managing the Biden Chicom Buddies virus from the Federal level.

Wow, man, the sad thing is, you really believe this shit.
This idiot attacks Germany still in many ways. What an ugly, contemptible man.
Your east german furher is far worse than trump

"Führer" = "leader". Never understood why the English speaking world is not translating this word. And her homeland McPomm (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is not in the East of Germany - it's in the North of Germany. And chancellor Angela Merkel is indeed an angel compared with dictator Donald Trump.

If this country rejects Trump it will be just what Ben Franklin warned us about losing our Republic if we didn't have the courage to keep it.

In the view of Benjamin Franklin Donald Trump would not be a republican - he would be a monarchist: "King Trump" accepts not loyal republicans of the USA - her asks for loyal spitlickers of king Trump.

That stupid statement is nothing more than your TDS mental illness speaking.

Trump is a great competent

Competent? Donald Trump?

President working hard

Working hard? Donald Trump?

for the American people

For the American people? Are you sure Donald Trumps knows what are people and that they have the same rank as he has?

to undo the tremendous damage done by the disastrous incompetent Obama administration.

I fear it will need decades to repair the destructive nonsense Donald Trump had done, is doing and will continue to do in international affairs. I guess 1 year Trump-time will cost 10 years real hard work for another future president of the USA.

A filthy Obama administration that increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up tremendous debt with nothing to show for it, raise taxes, gave away the store on foreign policy, weakened the military. ran up the cost of health care, let millions of Illegal flood in and had dismal economic growth.

Is it so? By the way: Why lost many US-Americans their health insurance in the moment they did need it because of Corona? How damned idiotic is your system of health insurance and/or health care, which seem to help only as long as no one needs really help?
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And her homeland McPomm (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is not in the East of Germany

Born in Hamburg in 1954, Merkel moved with her family to East Germany as a baby when her father, Horst Kasner, was offered a job as a pastor there. She grew up in Templin, a small town north of Berlin surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque lakes.

so how is it that I know important facts about your communist fuhrer that you dont know?
I agree that the pandemic has Trump out of his comfort zone. Circumstances are beyond his control and he's not used to that.
After therapies and vaccines are available, and things return to near normal, Trump should be in his element again.

I know actually he must be kicking himself for disbanding the CDC team in China and ignoring months of warnings...

But you know he said it is just going to disappear again last week... The magic act doesn't seem to work...

Which warnings and from who?
  • CDC
  • Peter Navrro
  • WHO
  • Europe
  • His intelligence team

China didn't pick up the phone and scream at him so they must to be to blame...
And her homeland McPomm (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) is not in the East of Germany

Born in Hamburg in 1954, Merkel moved with her family to East Germany as a baby when her father, Horst Kasner, was offered a job as a pastor there. She grew up in Templin, a small town north of Berlin surrounded by rolling hills and picturesque lakes.

so how is it that I know important facts about your communist fuhrer that you dont know?

Are you trying to imply that Germany is Communist?
After 4 yrs of 24/7 hate and lies against him ; I feel part of him has had enough of this job and life .
He rarely does rallies and he seems he wants to move on
I don’t see the passion or fire and I cannot blame him
America cannot be fixed after 8 yrs of the “ skinny demon king “

Yes, looks that way.

Trump has said that the years just before he came President were the happiest in his life, he was making money and happy.

Obama was in charge....

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