Is UK Business Insider trying to tell us something ???


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
If find it eerily strange that UKBI published this:

What happens when Queen Elizabeth II dies - Business Insider

Queen Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of this Realm and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, is not going to live forever.

Since ascending to the throne in 1952, the monarch has seen 12 Prime Ministers serve Britain, and lived through another 12 US Presidents. She's now 88. At some point — not for many years yet, we hope — Queen Elizabeth II's reign will come to an end.

But what happens then?

For at least 12 days — between her passing, the funeral and beyond — Britain will grind to a halt. It'll cost the British economy billions in lost earnings. The stock markets and banks will close for an indefinite period. And both the funeral and the subsequent coronation will become formal national holidays, each with an estimated economic hit to GDP of between £1.2 and £6 billion, to say nothing of organisational costs.

But to focus on the financial disruption doesn't begin to describe the sheer magnitude of it. It will be an event unlike anything Britain has ever seen before. There will be trivial disruptions — the BBC will cancel all comedy shows, for example — and jarring cultural changes. Prince Charles may change his name, for instance, and the words of the national anthem will be changed, too.

The deaths of Princess Diana and the Queen Mother both brought on waves of public mourning and hysteria. But the Queen, due to her longevity and fundamental place atop British society, will be on a whole new level above that...

There is even a fascinating graphic that they have provided, to put her life span into perspective:


I just find it strange that suddenly, an influential part of the British media is bringing this up. Does the UKBI know something that we do not know?

There is much more at the article, you should read all of it.
When you look at the graphic, the sheer scope of time that this Queen, Elisabeth II, has covered, is truly impressive.
When you look at the graphic, the sheer scope of time that this Queen, Elisabeth II, has covered, is truly impressive.

I think that they are being presumptive.

The Queen Mum lived to be 100 if I recall correctly and it is all in the maternal genes. There is as good a chance as any that there will be a celebration of her Maj turning 100 on the throne (how many monarchs have managed that feat of longevity) that will bring in a couple of billion in tourism funds.

Oh, and there is an offset that they didn't consider. Coronations are few and far between these days. As a media and tourist event that would bring in revenue. T

So I suspect that this is just speculative and no, they don't know anything IMO.

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