Is Wal-Mart hiring proselytizers now?

It doesn't sound like the Wal-Mart cashier was "preaching" or "screeching" at the work place. He was just telling a story. People do that all the time -- it's called "small talk." The OP is just an anal retentive and can't handle other people's normal social behavior.


Don't try to change the subject.


The OP can go on a street corner with a sign saying "There is no God" but he wants to live in a world where Christians don't have that same right to express their beliefs.

And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

Had an interesting guy at checkout mention how he was suicidal, found Jebus, and now is an ordained minister. Going to India to proselytize and gave me an earful about his faith. Was pretty sure if I'd mentioned it to a manager he'd be gone but I felt sorry for him. Going to India soon nayway, will be their problem then. :) But it begged the question, does Wal-Mart know when they hire especially religious people? Are they cool with that? It is the Bible belt afterall, probably gonna get a lot of those types. Still...
It's unfortunate that so many Christians are oblivious to how arrogant, inappropriate, and rude they can be; to be so presumptuous as to assume that others would be interested in a Christian's personal, private beliefs.
How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude, you are to presume that anyone would be interested in this personal, private belief of yours.

Pssst, by the way, these beliefs are not private, Genius, if they share them.

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.
It doesn't sound like the Wal-Mart cashier was "preaching" or "screeching" at the work place. He was just telling a story. People do that all the time -- it's called "small talk." The OP is just an anal retentive and can't handle other people's normal social behavior.


Don't try to change the subject.


The OP can go on a street corner with a sign saying "There is no God" but he wants to live in a world where Christians don't have that same right to express their beliefs.

And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

It's unfortunate that so many Christians are oblivious to how arrogant, inappropriate, and rude they can be; to be so presumptuous as to assume that others would be interested in a Christian's personal, private beliefs.
How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude, you are to presume that anyone would be interested in this personal, private belief of yours.

Pssst, by the way, these beliefs are not private, Genius, if they share them.

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

This may come as a surprise to you (no doubt, most things do), but we weren't talking about accosting anyone. Neither was the OP. This thread really isn't about religious people approaching others and shoving their faith in their faces. It's about proselytizing. And proselytizing to customers.

You're an example of how liberals embellish or exaggerate a debate or story to make others seem outrageous. The faux outrage is all yours, my dear.

"Proselytizing" to a customer in a store is accosting shoppers and shoving their religion down other people's throats in a completely inappropriate place.

So is it if its on my front door step.

You wanna preach on a street corner? Go ahead. Its certainly not appropriate and will likely have the opposite effect than the preaching person wants but who cares? I would just shake my head in pity and keep walking.

Doesn't matter what religion it is. Its just nuts that religious nutters think they have rights that usurp the rights of others.
It doesn't sound like the Wal-Mart cashier was "preaching" or "screeching" at the work place. He was just telling a story. People do that all the time -- it's called "small talk." The OP is just an anal retentive and can't handle other people's normal social behavior.


Don't try to change the subject.


The OP can go on a street corner with a sign saying "There is no God" but he wants to live in a world where Christians don't have that same right to express their beliefs.

And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

It's unfortunate that so many Christians are oblivious to how arrogant, inappropriate, and rude they can be; to be so presumptuous as to assume that others would be interested in a Christian's personal, private beliefs.
How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude, you are to presume that anyone would be interested in this personal, private belief of yours.

Pssst, by the way, these beliefs are not private, Genius, if they share them.

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
It doesn't sound like the Wal-Mart cashier was "preaching" or "screeching" at the work place. He was just telling a story. People do that all the time -- it's called "small talk." The OP is just an anal retentive and can't handle other people's normal social behavior.


Don't try to change the subject.


The OP can go on a street corner with a sign saying "There is no God" but he wants to live in a world where Christians don't have that same right to express their beliefs.

And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude, you are to presume that anyone would be interested in this personal, private belief of yours.

Pssst, by the way, these beliefs are not private, Genius, if they share them.

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

This may come as a surprise to you (no doubt, most things do), but we weren't talking about accosting anyone. Neither was the OP. This thread really isn't about religious people approaching others and shoving their faith in their faces. It's about proselytizing. And proselytizing to customers.

You're an example of how liberals embellish or exaggerate a debate or story to make others seem outrageous. The faux outrage is all yours, my dear.

"Proselytizing" to a customer in a store is accosting shoppers and shoving their religion down other people's throats in a completely inappropriate place.
This is your opinion.


Faux outrage.
It doesn't sound like the Wal-Mart cashier was "preaching" or "screeching" at the work place. He was just telling a story. People do that all the time -- it's called "small talk." The OP is just an anal retentive and can't handle other people's normal social behavior.


Don't try to change the subject.


The OP can go on a street corner with a sign saying "There is no God" but he wants to live in a world where Christians don't have that same right to express their beliefs.

And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude, you are to presume that anyone would be interested in this personal, private belief of yours.

Pssst, by the way, these beliefs are not private, Genius, if they share them.

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
So people who want to share their faith in God shouldn't work?

you aren't a captive audience if you voluntarily shop and then pick that person out of a huge selection of cashiers. No one is hurting you by sharing their life with you. Be tolerant for a change. Especially since you want others to be

Don't try to change the subject.


And I asked you

Within the confines of the US Constitution, EXACTLY where are the rights of "christians" being taken away?

Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

"How arrogant, inappropriate, and rude" of people of any faith to think they have the right to preach or even mention their religion to a customer.
Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Certainly, you have a right under the Constitution to complain to the Wal-Mart manager, but you're still a prick if you do it.

I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

Of course you would think it arrogant, inappropriate, and rude. Your personal, private belief is noted; we all can see it now.

However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have. It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Everyone free from faith is going to heaven; in fact, there will likely be very few Christians for obvious reasons.
I wouldn't but I would certainly tell them to keep their preaching to themselves.

Because -

I have the right not to be accosted by froot loops while minding my own business.

Any of you remember when Hari Krishnas were accosting people in airports?

The airports stopped them because they have that right.

This is exactly why I don't like to even read posts in the religion forum. Its always the same damn thing - this screeching from phony christians who have nothing but hate in their hearts. Honestly, I am so glad I don't live this life of desperate hate that so many of you obviously do.

For the gazillionth time, you're more than welcome to whatever you want and need to believe but for Pete's sake, leave people alone.

You're more than welcome to your churches. I would never go into a church and harass you for your beliefs. I wouldn't accost some fool in a store for wearing a cross talisman around their neck.

Why can't you give that same courtesy to people outside your churches?

Just shut up. Quit this constant shoving it down people's throats.

Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Hell yes, good for me. I didn't even have to get on board with the angry, self-hating paradigm of christian apologetics.

That must really piss you off, right?
Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Hell yes, good for me. I didn't even have to get on board with the angry, self-hating paradigm of christian apologetics.

That must really piss you off, right?
I have no idea why you would think I care.
However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have.
Only if you own the business.

It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.
there is no right to use someone else's business to spread your personal message to their customers.
On the contrary. Does Chik-Fil-A not allow it? Or Hobby Lobby? Or any number of others?

Who are you, or any other atheist, to tell a business what its code of conduct is?
Luddly, it seems that a lot of bad things must have happened to you to make you so angry and bitter. When Christians see a person as unhappy as you, they want to help you, by sharing with you what makes them happy. It is an act of love, not hate, to want to help people who are wandering in darkness and loneliness.

I will pray for you.

I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Hell yes, good for me. I didn't even have to get on board with the angry, self-hating paradigm of christian apologetics.

That must really piss you off, right?

No one sounds more pissed than you.

The very thing you resent in others.
There was once a young lady who came in to sign an affidavit that she had no assets. She had been at fault in a vehicle accident that killed three people. She was totally broken with guilt and despair, and I resorted to religious advice to try to console her. I told her that there was nothing she could do that God wouldn't forgive. I hope it helped.
I've read your posts. There is nothing "loving" in what you write about your fellow man.

You're not even a christian.
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Hell yes, good for me. I didn't even have to get on board with the angry, self-hating paradigm of christian apologetics.

That must really piss you off, right?

No one sounds more pissed than you.

The very thing you resent in others.
I am not pissed at you, or anyone else. What would give you that idea?
I never claimed to be a good Christian. I am a mediocre Christian. But I will be forgiven for my sins, and when I die I will eventually go to heaven.

You, on the other hand, aren't even a good atheist. You are a hateful, bitter, petty, and angry man who feels sorry for himself if he's ever exposed to the opinions of people who disagree with him.

I will pray for you because I pity you. You are very unhappy and I will pray that you find some sort of peace in your heart.
I'm going to heaven and I'm not a christian. How's that for a kick in the ass?
Good for you.
Hell yes, good for me. I didn't even have to get on board with the angry, self-hating paradigm of christian apologetics.

That must really piss you off, right?

No one sounds more pissed than you.

The very thing you resent in others.
I am not pissed at you, or anyone else. What would give you that idea?

I thought I was directing that towards Hollie?

Which I was.

Be that as it may, it was just a quip, not meant to be a complete review of anyone's character.
However, proselytizing to customers is a right that people of faith have.
Only if you own the business.

It is not a right they have only if their employers say it isn't. Not you.
there is no right to use someone else's business to spread your personal message to their customers.
On the contrary. Does Chik-Fil-A not allow it? Or Hobby Lobby? Or any number of others?
I don't know, do they? Chick-fil-A, as a company, spreads a religious message, but I have not heard that individual workers can personally proselytize. Especially since they would have to allow any and all religious messages from the individuals. As I said, if you own the company, of course it's your right. But the individual? How long would a proselytizing Muslim last at Hobby Lobby?

Who are you, or any other atheist, to tell a business what its code of conduct is?
I'm not. A company can set whatever legal non-discriminatory policy it wants. You're the one saying an individual has a right to proselytize regardless of the company. Or are you claiming a timing Was-Mart has a policy allowing proselytizing?

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