Is Walmart Complicit in Gun Control?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Is Walmart Complicit in Gun Control?​

By: CJ

BLUF: This hasn’t been confirmed yet. I’ve send a note to corporate asking for a response – as have many others – and have yet to get a response. According to the Daily Sheeple, Walmart Corporate Headquarters has instructed itsits local store managers NOT to restock their depleted ammunition shelves.

I’m not sure if this is something the company is doing in response to a White House directive or in response to liberal reports trying to link the chain to the Sandy Hook shooting because it happens to sell the same type of rifle used to kill 26 people there, including 20 children. The same Bushmaster rifle was also used in the Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting.

It is interesting that WalMart has been sold out of ammunition since December 26th locally...…


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Is Walmart Complicit in Gun Control? | Flopping Aces
I don't think so.

Our Wal-mart has ammo and has been restocking AR15 without price gouging.
On 9/11/01 I was working for a National Company that inventories merchandise for stores. We were counting a Wallmart on that day. Shortly after the second plane hit, and it was clear the US was under attack. Wallmarts response was to pull all fire arms off the floor. Their fear being that angry Americans would rush to buy guns and kill Muslims or something I guess.

Pretty sad, on a day Americans were under attack, Wallmarts move was to limit our access to a means of defense.

food for thought.
On 9/11/01 I was working for a National Company that inventories merchandise for stores. We were counting a Wallmart on that day. Shortly after the second plane hit, and it was clear the US was under attack. Wallmarts response was to pull all fire arms off the floor. Their fear being that angry Americans would rush to buy guns and kill Muslims or something I guess.

Pretty sad, on a day Americans were under attack, Wallmarts move was to limit our access to a means of defense.

food for thought.

That's beyond disturbing. What a whacked out response. Depriving citizenry the ability to defend itself from an attack.


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