Is war beginning in the Middle East...........Israel attacks Iran in Syria

...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
That is true but I have it from a military member that recruits are being pushed thru faster as something is in the wings so to speak
The sad part is when these kikes do finally push the limits and trigger a regional war...the US is REQUIRED by treaty to protect them...
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
That is true but I have it from a military member that recruits are being pushed thru faster as something is in the wings so to speak

"recruits" to what, frannie?
Since Israel as prophesied was a Nation brought back from The Grave, there will be War in The Middle East surrounding Israel until The 2nd Coming. Israel and Jerusalem is where Christ returns, so the World thinks if it can destroy All Jews, and Wipe Israel from History that Christ cannot return and they make God a Liar.

Prophecy Against Damascus:

Bible Gateway passage: Isaiah 17 - New International Version


Book of Daniel
Ezekiel 38
Revelation 9
Revelation 17
Matthew 24

Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time

World War 3 | WW3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries | Irvin Baxter and Dave Robbins
Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
Netanyahu is refusing to resign in spite of three indictments for bribery, fraud, breach of trust; he's essentially mounting the same "deep state" defense as his ally in DC.

Benjamin Netanyahu Is Indicted on Criminal Charges; His Defiance Puts Israel’s Democracy at Risk

"Then, on November 12th, Israeli air strikes in Gaza killed Baha Abu al-Ata, a commander of Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran.

"The Ata assassination was predictably followed by escalating exchanges of fire between Islamic Jihad and Israeli forces, along with new exchanges between Israel and Iranian-backed Syrian forces, culminating in Israeli air strikes on dozens of Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria, which killed as many as twenty Iranians."

By law an Israeli minister indicted for a criminal offense is required to resign; Bibi turns loose his dogs and hopes "wag the dog" works one more time.
Funny how The Obama Administration launches four intelligence operations simultaneously in four countries that oppose Globalism and that promoted Anti-Corruption in addition to three COUPs he launched in Syria, Libya, and Egypt and paid Terrorists to do his dirty work.

Yet you could care less about Obama assassinating people, arming and financing terrorism, as well as interfering in elections both in The US and abroad in foreign nations.

We know The Obama Administration tried
To prop up a corrupt Ukraine Government beholden to Putin, and opposed Anti-Corruption Candidates there sinking millions of dollars in to Ukraine’s Elextions to keep Zelensky and other Anti-Corruption candidates out of office.

Obama also tried To keep Netanyahu out of
office through smear campaigns and financing opposition, and interfered in their elections, Obama also interfered in Great Britain’s election of Johnson, opposed Brexit, and have tried since Fall of 2016 to overturn The US 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump.

Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
Netanyahu is refusing to resign in spite of three indictments for bribery, fraud, breach of trust; he's essentially mounting the same "deep state" defense as his ally in DC.
Benjamin Netanyahu Is Indicted on Criminal Charges; His Defiance Puts Israel’s Democracy at Risk

"Then, on November 12th, Israeli air strikes in Gaza killed Baha Abu al-Ata, a commander of Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran.

"The Ata assassination was predictably followed by escalating exchanges of fire between Islamic Jihad and Israeli forces, along with new exchanges between Israel and Iranian-backed Syrian forces, culminating in Israeli air strikes on dozens of Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria, which killed as many as twenty Iranians."

By law an Israeli minister indicted for a criminal offense is required to resign; Bibi turns loose his dogs and hopes "wag the dog" works one more time.
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...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
That is true but I have it from a military member that recruits are being pushed thru faster as something is in the wings so to speak

"recruits" to what, frannie?
That's classified actually...………………….
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
When the Iran deal was axed by Trump, this is what Trump wanted.
I wanted it too.…………………..

Trump is great
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
When the Iran deal was axed by Trump, this is what Trump wanted.
I wanted it too.…………………..

Trump is great
Then you wanted war. Which is a good excuse to steal their oil. You're a thief like Trump.
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
When the Iran deal was axed by Trump, this is what Trump wanted.
I wanted it too.…………………..

Trump is great
Then you wanted war. Which is a good excuse to steal their oil. You're a thief like Trump.
We do not need Irans oil, they are making threats in the gulf that are having no effect on the USA.

True I would love to see Irans nuke plant nuked along with Tehran and all of their military bases and ports.
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
That is true but I have it from a military member that recruits are being pushed thru faster as something is in the wings so to speak

"recruits" to what, frannie?
That's classified actually...………………….

Then how do you know?
...there have been many tit for tat attacks for many decades involving Israel and the Arabs/etc--with no war resulting from them ..and this was not an attack on Iranian soil
That is true but I have it from a military member that recruits are being pushed thru faster as something is in the wings so to speak

"recruits" to what, frannie?
That's classified actually...………………….

Then how do you know?
You will never know...……………

I take that back, you may well find out, or you may know now, but not from me.

As always I could choose to tell you, but then again I would have to kill you, and I do not want to do that because frankly you are a lot of fun
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Funny how The Obama Administration launches four intelligence operations simultaneously in four countries that oppose Globalism and that promoted Anti-Corruption in addition to three COUPs he launched in Syria, Libya, and Egypt and paid Terrorists to do his dirty work.

Yet you could care less about Obama assassinating people, arming and financing terrorism, as well as interfering in elections both in The US and abroad in foreign nations.

We know The Obama Administration tried
To prop up a corrupt Ukraine Government beholden to Putin, and opposed Anti-Corruption Candidates there sinking millions of dollars in to Ukraine’s Elextions to keep Zelensky and other Anti-Corruption candidates out of office.

Obama also tried To keep Netanyahu out of
office through smear campaigns and financing opposition, and interfered in their elections, Obama also interfered in Great Britain’s election of Johnson, opposed Brexit, and have tried since Fall of 2016 to overturn The US 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump.

Israel Demolished Iranian Republican Guard Corps HQs in Syria in Retaliation for Rocket Attack

Iran has it's back to the wall, at some point they have no reason not to die by fighting
Netanyahu is refusing to resign in spite of three indictments for bribery, fraud, breach of trust; he's essentially mounting the same "deep state" defense as his ally in DC.
Benjamin Netanyahu Is Indicted on Criminal Charges; His Defiance Puts Israel’s Democracy at Risk

"Then, on November 12th, Israeli air strikes in Gaza killed Baha Abu al-Ata, a commander of Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran.

"The Ata assassination was predictably followed by escalating exchanges of fire between Islamic Jihad and Israeli forces, along with new exchanges between Israel and Iranian-backed Syrian forces, culminating in Israeli air strikes on dozens of Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria, which killed as many as twenty Iranians."

By law an Israeli minister indicted for a criminal offense is required to resign; Bibi turns loose his dogs and hopes "wag the dog" works one more time.
Obama also tried To keep Netanyahu out of
office through smear campaigns and financing opposition, and interfered in their elections, Obama also interfered in Great Britain’s election of Johnson, opposed Brexit, and have tried since Fall of 2016 to overturn The US 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump.
Netanyahu and Trump are among the most corrupt chief executives in the world today; Obama is gone, like Hillary...remember?

The Netanyahu corruption case that changed the attorney general's mind

"It's been nearly four years since the Israeli police got the first pieces of intelligence about businessmen giving favors to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara.

"It was three and a half years ago that recordings were found on the phone of former Netanyahu aide Ari Harow, laying out a bribery deal between the prime minister and Arnon Mozes, the publisher of one of Israel's leading daily newspapers, Yedioth Ahronoth.

"More than two years have elapsed since an Israel Securities Authority probe of fraud allegations against Shaul Elovitch, at the time Bezeq controlling shareholder, pointed to the use of Walla News, owned by the telecom giant, to extend favors to Netanyahu in the form of clearly biased coverage."

If there's any justice, Trump and Bibi die in prison (along with Hillary and Barry). Rich people guarantee that's highly unlikely to happen.
Since Israel as prophesied was a Nation brought back from The Grave, there will be War in The Middle East surrounding Israel until The 2nd Coming. Israel and Jerusalem is where Christ returns, so the World thinks if it can destroy All Jews, and Wipe Israel from History that Christ cannot return and they make God a Liar.

Prophecy Against Damascus:

Bible Gateway passage: Isaiah 17 - New International Version


Book of Daniel
Ezekiel 38
Revelation 9
Revelation 17
Matthew 24

Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of time

World War 3 | WW3 | WWIII | Endtime Ministries | Irvin Baxter and Dave Robbins
I'm betting on Israel.

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