Is Your Ideology Consistent?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.
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1) Show Voter Photo ID
2) See 1
3) 4473 and NICS
4) No
4) Monitor Radical Threat Projecting (Criminal ones)
5) Stricter monitor of criminals
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

Two questions #4. Does not compute. Error! Error!
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

I think so.

I support Voter ID.

I am also in favor of some oversight in private sales... long as it doesn't lead to de facto registration.

I oppose profiling, whether it be Muslims or gun owners.
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

Their affirmation on a Voter Registration is sufficient. Their name and SS # should be checked and verified. If not verified, the voter shows some form of ID at the polls. (Note the absence of the word photo)

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

No. Illegals voting isn't a problem. Define criminals. Some "criminals" can vote.

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

A background check

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

No. I think it's too easy for anyone to buy guns.

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

Nope. Color me a hypocrite I guess. I don't see a person and a thing as the same.

I do support the monitoring of large money transactions, but that's not really limited to Muslim groups.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

Monitoring, no. Large purchases of ammunition or weapons by anyone (Muslims included ;) )should raise flags though.

I do support background checks on all sales and a limit on magazines and clips.
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?
with a reasonably secure ID card like a driver's license that is based upon sound background voter registration with enough time for checking before voting day....

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?
yes...this goes back to how easy it is to get a driver's license in some places....regarding criminals if they paid their debt to society i think their rights should be reinstated...

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?
everybody already gets a background check at gun shows except for the occasional private buyer/seller...

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?
the facts prove it is easy...and that's not going to change any time soon...whether you 'close the gun show loophole" or not.....whether you have draconian checks on everybody else or not...

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.'s a fact that 99.9% of all terrorism is caused by Muslims....i believe in profiling...because it works....

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.
no....just the groups that obviously cause the killings over and over again...i.e., muslims and madmen....which are not necessarily exclusive of one another....
4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.'s a fact that 99.9% of all terrorism is caused by Muslims....i believe in profiling...because it works....

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.
no....just the groups that obviously cause the killings over and over again...i.e., muslims and madmen....which are not necessarily exclusive of one another....

I see a contradiction here.

You say it is a fact that 99.9% of all terrorism is caused by Muslims. I'll stipulate that as true even though it isn't.

But you fail to see that 99.9% of all crazed gunmen are gun owners and therefore all gun owners should be monitored and controlled as consistently as you would monitor and control all Muslims.
I think so.

I support Voter ID.

I am also in favor of some oversight in private sales... long as it doesn't lead to de facto registration.

I oppose profiling, whether it be Muslims or gun owners.

How would you have oversight in private sales without de facto registration?

you wouldn' least not with people who didn't want or need to be checked out....

do you think criminals are going to register the guns they buy or sell....?

do you think a father should do a background check on his 14 year old son because he is giving him a gun....?

I think so.

I support Voter ID.

I am also in favor of some oversight in private sales... long as it doesn't lead to de facto registration.

I oppose profiling, whether it be Muslims or gun owners.

How would you have oversight in private sales without de facto registration?

you wouldn' least not with people who didn't want or need to be checked out....

do you think criminals are going to register the guns they buy or sell....?

do you think a father should do a background check on his 14 year old son because he is giving him a gun....?


That is why I am asking Missourian if he has thought his idea through to an actual methodology that does not contradict a Voter ID ideology.
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

Instead of some (not so clever) wordplay, why don't you simply lay out your argument that conservative "ideology" is somehow inconsistent. Personally, I don't subscribe to any ideology, but I do take note of illogical and/or disingenuous arguments.
4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.'s a fact that 99.9% of all terrorism is caused by Muslims....i believe in profiling...because it works....

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.
no....just the groups that obviously cause the killings over and over again...i.e., muslims and madmen....which are not necessarily exclusive of one another....

I see a contradiction here.

You say it is a fact that 99.9% of all terrorism is caused by Muslims. I'll stipulate that as true even though it isn't.

But you fail to see that 99.9% of all crazed gunmen are gun owners and therefore all gun owners should be monitored and controlled as consistently as you would monitor and control all Muslims.

OK if you consider madmen terrorists i'll give you that....

not all crazed gunmen are gun owners.....the Sandy Hook incident for example....the guy stole his mother's gun....

as far as Muslims go i think all Muslims who do not renounce Sharia should not be allowed to own a gun....because Sharia is anti-American and anti-Constitutional.....why allow guns in the hands of enemies....? for that matter they should leave the country....:cool:
Pertaining to our Constitutional rights, I would like everyone to do a gut check on their ideological consistency.

1) If a person shows up to vote on Election Day, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to vote?

2) Have you find yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to vote?

3) If a person shows up at a gun show to buy a gun, how would you ensure he is not an illegal immigrant or a convicted felon without infringing on a law-abiding citizen's right to own a gun?

4) Have you found yourself ranting about how easy it is for illegals and criminals to buy guns?

4) Crazed Muslims have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all Muslims? Explain.

5) Crazed gunman have killed a bunch of innocent people, so have you supported closer monitoring of, and/or stricter controls on, all gun owners? Explain.

Instead of some (not so clever) wordplay, why don't you simply lay out your argument that conservative "ideology" is somehow inconsistent. Personally, I don't subscribe to any ideology, but I do take note of illogical and/or disingenuous arguments.

I think there are people on the right AND left who are being ideologically inconsistent.

Control Muslims (violate 1st Amendment), but not gun owners.

Control gun owners (violate 2nd Amendment), but not Muslims.

Impede voting more, but not buying guns. Impede buying guns more, but not voting.

Each side has a piece of the Constitution they want to tear off.

The purpose of this topic is to provide food for thought for ideologues of either persuasion.
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I think so.

I support Voter ID.

I am also in favor of some oversight in private sales... long as it doesn't lead to de facto registration.

I oppose profiling, whether it be Muslims or gun owners.

How would you have oversight in private sales without de facto registration?

Background check the potential buyer, not the gun...leave serial numbers out of it.

I detailed it in a post, reproduced here:

I'd like to see ALL background checks handled differently...and in exchange for that compromise, ALL weapons transfers would need to be handle thru an FFL.

The compromise would be that all background check simply determine the legal illegibility of the firearm data is recorded in conjunction with a persons name.

And for that small concession, private sales would be subject to the same federal background checks that are required of FFL transactions.

Keep in mind, when Obama and the gun grabber talk about ending the "gun show loophole"...what they really mean is ending the private sales exception.
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