Is your laptop cooking your gonads?

Because gonads are funny. That's why.

And only basement dwellers would find the subject matter offensive. Thou protests too much methinks.

only retards post retarded retard stuff like you.

hey, that was a joke, too.

just sayin. :lol:

And only people with limited vocabulary use phrases like "retarded retard stuff". Just saying.. Lay off the video games and read a book. :cool:

I've got a great idea. Maybe these laptop makers could market them as a male contraceptive. Then they would be covered under Obamacare. :lol:

Chanel always tries to find the silver lining.

only retards don't get it when they and their repetitive retarded lines and style are mocked.
Because gonads are funny. That's why.

And only basement dwellers would find the subject matter offensive. Thou protests too much methinks.

They also advise you not to shower to hot. It has the same effect. It's commonly known that heat is not good for the middle-part.

Still, your connection to basement dwellers makes no sense. That kind of guys usually are gamers, who need graphic cards which do not fit into a laptop.

chanel probably thinks solitaire is the game the gamers play. or minesweeper. or sudoku.

Somebody piss in your fucking corn flakes this morning? :eusa_eh:
They also advise you not to shower to hot. It has the same effect. It's commonly known that heat is not good for the middle-part.

Still, your connection to basement dwellers makes no sense. That kind of guys usually are gamers, who need graphic cards which do not fit into a laptop.

chanel probably thinks solitaire is the game the gamers play. or minesweeper. or sudoku.

Somebody piss in your fucking corn flakes this morning? :eusa_eh:

yes, chanel.

actually she does it every morning. luckily i never even eat corn flakes. but the act of pissing into them is disgusting.

there are hungry kids in india.
Chanel's Tip of the Day; When someone pisses in your cornflakes every day, find a new place to have breakfast.
You're welcome.
Somebody piss in your fucking corn flakes this morning? :eusa_eh:

yes, chanel.

actually she does it every morning. luckily i never even eat corn flakes. but the act of pissing into them is disgusting.

there are hungry kids in india.

Not sure if serious. :eusa_eh:

hehe, me neither.

i guess it is a mixture.

in the beginning i just mocked the stupidity of chanel's slam on gamers and porn users.

it went from there.

it seems to be her kind of "joke" to slam groups. usually by adding a slimy slam to her gossip articles. the least she could try is to get the slam right.

so i went personal on chanel and continued mocking her, because frankly, i do not like her style.

and this style can be like piss in cornflakes, if the USMB was cornflakes, instead of material found in cess pits.

so, while it is a good advice to not eat pissy cornflakes, it is even better advice to not go snorkelling in a cess pit.

but, here i am.
These hotties need to spend more time with real girls.

Whoever invented the 'laptop' probably didn't worry too much about male reproductive health.

Turns out, unsurprisingly, that sitting with a computer on your lap will crank up the temperature of your nether regions, which could affect sperm quality.

And there is little you can do about it, according to the authors of a study out today in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

The researchers hooked thermometers to the scrotums of 29 young men who were balancing a laptop on their knees. They found that even with a lap pad under the computer, the men's scrotums overheated quickly.

So far, no studies have actually tested how laptops impact men's fertility, said Sheynkin, and there is no bulletproof evidence that it would. But earlier research has shown that warming the scrotum more than one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) is enough to damage sperm. - Is Your Laptop Cooking Your Gonads?

Now all those young video playing, porn addicted losers living in mama's basement won't be able to reproduce. Thinning of the herd perhaps? :lol:
The only people I ever see using a laptop on their actual lap are business people at the airport.

Whoever invented the 'laptop' probably didn't worry too much about male reproductive health.

Turns out, unsurprisingly, that sitting with a computer on your lap will crank up the temperature of your nether regions, which could affect sperm quality.

And there is little you can do about it, according to the authors of a study out today in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

The researchers hooked thermometers to the scrotums of 29 young men who were balancing a laptop on their knees. They found that even with a lap pad under the computer, the men's scrotums overheated quickly.

So far, no studies have actually tested how laptops impact men's fertility, said Sheynkin, and there is no bulletproof evidence that it would. But earlier research has shown that warming the scrotum more than one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) is enough to damage sperm. - Is Your Laptop Cooking Your Gonads?

Now all those young video playing, porn addicted losers living in mama's basement won't be able to reproduce. Thinning of the herd perhaps? :lol:
The only people I ever see using a laptop on their actual lap are business people at the airport.


I take solace in knowing that chanel is thinking about and is concerned about the health of my gonads.

I would become erect and ejaculate just thinking about it, but I can't because my gonads have been shrivelled down into small prune-like nuggets because of my laptop.
Maybe we should take a poll? Are gonads funny? They look funny. They feel funny. They smell funny...
OMG! What is that? Did some basement dwelling losers sell their cooked man parts?
All i have to say is, you boys need to[ame=""] CHILL![/ame] :lol:
Chill? As in ice? You got that right sista. Sounds like Mr. Hot Pants needs to cool his gonads. I'm starting to think melted sperm leads to PMS. We may have to address them as "she" in the future.

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