Isaac, the most political power the dems have had in years?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
At least they seem to think so. Republicans conducting election business are the devil while Obama at the very same time is campaigning and fund raising.

Let's be real here this storm just made hurricane strength. It will obviously drop tons of rain and have some high winds. Much needed rain at that. You dems are acting like it's the storm of the century when in reality it's likely to be not much more than a rain maker. I mean shouldn't we wait to see if it's a disaster before we claim it as such? And then respond accordingly. This reminds me of that hurricane that hit the east coast a year or two back that the left (including Obama) deemed the storm of the century days before it ever made landfall.

A bunch of fucking drama queens. Sadly as all the commentators have said we can expect to see split screen coverage of some idiots hair being blown in the wind while the gop has their convention.

Besides all the bluster what exactly do you expect the gop to do? Jindal canceled his appearance as is appropriate since the storm is going to hit his area. I suppose you want Christie to fly back to the east coast and give a news conference on how his area ISN'T AFFECTED?


If the storm gets bad THEN you may have some legit complaints. Until then you're just trolling.
Using it as a distraction. No doubt quite a storm but they hyped it all weekend when they had no clue where it was going to make landfall.

Perfect example. We have Comcast Cable so I tuned to MSLSD on 34 and it's about the storm. Tuned to 29 five seconds later which is FOX...all convention. Any surprise who is distracting?
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I wonder if we will get a split screen of the convention vs the democratic base looting abandoned stores?
I wonder if we will get a split screen of the convention vs the democratic base looting abandoned stores?

I doubt many will be watching either convention this year; no reason to. Not because Obama has it locked up--he does--there is just no reason to tune into a 3 night infomercial.
I wonder if we will get a split screen of the convention vs the democratic base looting abandoned stores?

I doubt many will be watching either convention this year; no reason to. Not because Obama has it locked up--he does--there is just no reason to tune into a 3 night infomercial.

2016 Obama's America proves you wrong. Many people are apparently interested.
Not as many will watch the democrat convention as will watch the republican convention. People are sick of obama talking about himself. Other than that it's going to be one long abortion fest and how someone else has to pay for Sandra Flucke to fuck. Then there is failed Deperate Housewife, Eva Longoria. What in the world could she have to say that's important? National security? Foreign affairs? It's like Tom Hanks testifying before Congress on AIDS because he played an AIDS patient.
I wonder if we will get a split screen of the convention vs the democratic base looting abandoned stores?

I doubt many will be watching either convention this year; no reason to. Not because Obama has it locked up--he does--there is just no reason to tune into a 3 night infomercial.

2016 Obama's America proves you wrong. Many people are apparently interested.

Movies have a huge effect on elections, just ask Michael Moore. :thup:
Not as many will watch the democrat convention as will watch the republican convention. People are sick of obama talking about himself. Other than that it's going to be one long abortion fest and how someone else has to pay for Sandra Flucke to fuck. Then there is failed Deperate Housewife, Eva Longoria. What in the world could she have to say that's important? National security? Foreign affairs? It's like Tom Hanks testifying before Congress on AIDS because he played an AIDS patient.

Fuckin' Fluke... has a ring to it. And if you believe how many times she claims to have sex... it also has a ring of truth as well.
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At least they seem to think so. Republicans conducting election business are the devil while Obama at the very same time is campaigning and fund raising.

Let's be real here this storm just made hurricane strength. It will obviously drop tons of rain and have some high winds. Much needed rain at that. You dems are acting like it's the storm of the century when in reality it's likely to be not much more than a rain maker. I mean shouldn't we wait to see if it's a disaster before we claim it as such? And then respond accordingly. This reminds me of that hurricane that hit the east coast a year or two back that the left (including Obama) deemed the storm of the century days before it ever made landfall.

A bunch of fucking drama queens. Sadly as all the commentators have said we can expect to see split screen coverage of some idiots hair being blown in the wind while the gop has their convention.

Besides all the bluster what exactly do you expect the gop to do? Jindal canceled his appearance as is appropriate since the storm is going to hit his area. I suppose you want Christie to fly back to the east coast and give a news conference on how his area ISN'T AFFECTED?


If the storm gets bad THEN you may have some legit complaints. Until then you're just trolling.

A bunch of fucking drama queens

Best quote of the day..............
Just a storm but if it had hit during the Democratic convention Jerry Falwell could have made it into a huge production number.
Why did they have their convention in Florida during hurricane season?? That was stupid. And now if it's messed up it's everybody's fault but theirs?? How typical.
Why did they have their convention in Florida during hurricane season?? That was stupid. And now if it's messed up it's everybody's fault but theirs?? How typical.

Right! Dumbass GOP. How dare they boost a local economy during the months long hurricane season. Fuck the whole gulf coast during those 3 months right?
Why did they have their convention in Florida during hurricane season?? That was stupid. And now if it's messed up it's everybody's fault but theirs?? How typical.

Right! Dumbass GOP. How dare they boost a local economy during the months long hurricane season. Fuck the whole gulf coast during those 3 months right?

That's not what I said at all and you know it. If they did not want a hurricane to upstage them, they should not have picked Florida for their convention. Very simple.
Why did they have their convention in Florida during hurricane season?? That was stupid. And now if it's messed up it's everybody's fault but theirs?? How typical.

Right! Dumbass GOP. How dare they boost a local economy during the months long hurricane season. Fuck the whole gulf coast during those 3 months right?

That's not what I said at all and you know it. If they did not want a hurricane to upstage them, they should not have picked Florida for their convention. Very simple.

What's very simple is Florida is a must win for Romney. Any other pick would have been idiotic
Why did they have their convention in Florida during hurricane season?? That was stupid. And now if it's messed up it's everybody's fault but theirs?? How typical.

Right! Dumbass GOP. How dare they boost a local economy during the months long hurricane season. Fuck the whole gulf coast during those 3 months right?

That's not what I said at all and you know it. If they did not want a hurricane to upstage them, they should not have picked Florida for their convention. Very simple.

Oh please. It wouldn't matter where the GOP was holding their convention. We had the exact same situation in 2008 when the convention was being held in Minnesota. The democrats are determined to portray the republicans as heartless, regardless of facts.

Hurricane Politics Threaten the G.O.P. Convention -
[ame=]Isaac Hayes - Shaft - live 1973 - YouTube[/ame]
Are people still blaming George Bush for Katrina? Are MSNBC hoping this becomes Katrina 2 so Obama can show his superior leadership?
Not amusing; I'd take Santorum before one death. Slow moving TS and Cat 1s can cause massive flooding. Parts of north Florida are still under water from the 2 TS in June, and ABNORMAL rain since then. Tornadoes scare the h*ll out of me, and two watches in the last 48 hours here.

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