Isaiah 53, the forbidden chapter of the Hebrew Bible

I'm neither a Hebrew nor Greek scholar.

You don't read the language of your Bible, but you claim to know it?
And you may claim to know the language of your Bible, but you likely don't read it --- at least not take it at simple face value.

if you take a translation of any book, especially a scriptural writing "at face value", little nip---you is STOOOOPID. Theoretically I COULD learn Sanskrit----but if I decided to take the idea of an army of FLYING monkeys at "face
value" I would be a shallow minded idiot. .
Getting back to "face value" I have never met an "enthusiastic" christian willing to even attempt to understand the New Testament
Well, I will introduce you some. Yet I presume that you wont like it... Home

too late----I read your idiot propaganda YEARS AGO (pre-internet). I also read both the New Testament and the "old testament" ---in my teen years. FYI I have no "Jewish Education" as a child. I had MORE christian education as a child because a friendly neighbor (lutheran) took me to Sunday school many times to accompany her daughter.
But I was also an avid READER as a kid and came to understand that the sunday school teacher was a jerk
Not all Sunday School teachers are "jerks", and not all "Christians" are Fundamentalists nor born-again for that matter. You should attempt to study the Bible once more, now that you are more mature.
but just wanted to say that a lot of Messianic Jews came to Christ because of Isaiah 53

It's tempting for some to believe that "Messianic Jews" are Jews who became xtians but retained Jewish ritual.

But, the fact is, the majority of Messianic Jews were born xtian and adopted Jewish ritual as a way of hooking in Jews to their religion.

Messianic Judaism and groups such as "Jews for Jesus" are Protestant xtian groups and are funded by Protestant xtian churches.
Yes, I would have to say that "Protestant" groups are likely to fund Biblical missionary work. Christians do not want anyone to go to hell without hearing the Gospel message. However, many Jews I have met do not practice their Orthodoxy. What they have are family TRADITIONS. I have even talked to "Jews" who are atheists. And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians. I'm sure that GOD expects more from individuals than the wearing of odd looking fedoras and dreadlocks by each ear; however, GOD will take anyone just as he is and make of them a new creature if they are willing to seek GOD beyond mere traditions.
You should attempt to study the Bible once more, now that you are more mature.

I've read Torah (more specifically, have it read to me) every week. If I can't get to shul, I listen to the podcast, with commentary.
I'm neither a Hebrew nor Greek scholar.

You don't read the language of your Bible, but you claim to know it?
And you may claim to know the language of your Bible, but you likely don't read it --- at least not take it at simple face value.

if you take a translation of any book, especially a scriptural writing "at face value", little nip---you is STOOOOPID. Theoretically I COULD learn Sanskrit----but if I decided to take the idea of an army of FLYING monkeys at "face
value" I would be a shallow minded idiot. .
Getting back to "face value" I have never met an "enthusiastic" christian willing to even attempt to understand the New Testament
Well, I will introduce you some. Yet I presume that you wont like it... Home

too late----I read your idiot propaganda YEARS AGO (pre-internet). I also read both the New Testament and the "old testament" ---in my teen years. FYI I have no "Jewish Education" as a child. I had MORE christian education as a child because a friendly neighbor (lutheran) took me to Sunday school many times to accompany her daughter.
But I was also an avid READER as a kid and came to understand that the sunday school teacher was a jerk
Not all Sunday School teachers are "jerks", and not all "Christians" are Fundamentalists nor born-again for that matter. You should attempt to study the Bible once more, now that you are more mature.

try again----at no time did I write "..... all Sunday School teachers are jerks" "attempt to study the
bible..." ? I probably know it far better than do you
And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians.

That doesn't seem odd to me at all. As a non-practising Jew, you're still part of the larger Jewish cultural community. As a xtian, you are no longer part of that community.

You aren't just rejecting G-d, you're rejecting your people.
but just wanted to say that a lot of Messianic Jews came to Christ because of Isaiah 53

It's tempting for some to believe that "Messianic Jews" are Jews who became xtians but retained Jewish ritual.

But, the fact is, the majority of Messianic Jews were born xtian and adopted Jewish ritual as a way of hooking in Jews to their religion.

Messianic Judaism and groups such as "Jews for Jesus" are Protestant xtian groups and are funded by Protestant xtian churches.
Yes, I would have to say that "Protestant" groups are likely to fund Biblical missionary work. Christians do not want anyone to go to hell without hearing the Gospel message. However, many Jews I have met do not practice their Orthodoxy. What they have are family TRADITIONS. I have even talked to "Jews" who are atheists. And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians. I'm sure that GOD expects more from individuals than the wearing of odd looking fedoras and dreadlocks by each ear; however, GOD will take anyone just as he is and make of them a new creature if they are willing to seek GOD beyond mere traditions.

your post is rude, vulgar and disgusting
And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians.

That doesn't seem odd to me at all. As a non-practicing Jew, you're still part of the larger Jewish cultural community. As a xtian, you are no longer part of that community.

You aren't just rejecting G-d, you're rejecting your people.
So, the lesser of 2 evils is rejecting GOD but to pretend to be a dutiful JEW? Remember, it were the dutiful Israelites who caused the nation to be invaded and the people to be carried off to Babylon. Messianic Jews would seem to be doing both. They love the LORD and they love their Jewish traditions ------ but not more than GOD.
I'm neither a Hebrew nor Greek scholar.

You don't read the language of your Bible, but you claim to know it?
And you may claim to know the language of your Bible, but you likely don't read it --- at least not take it at simple face value.

if you take a translation of any book, especially a scriptural writing "at face value", little nip---you is STOOOOPID. Theoretically I COULD learn Sanskrit----but if I decided to take the idea of an army of FLYING monkeys at "face
value" I would be a shallow minded idiot. .
Getting back to "face value" I have never met an "enthusiastic" christian willing to even attempt to understand the New Testament
Well, I will introduce you some. Yet I presume that you wont like it... Home

too late----I read your idiot propaganda YEARS AGO (pre-internet). I also read both the New Testament and the "old testament" ---in my teen years. FYI I have no "Jewish Education" as a child. I had MORE christian education as a child because a friendly neighbor (lutheran) took me to Sunday school many times to accompany her daughter.
But I was also an avid READER as a kid and came to understand that the sunday school teacher was a jerk
Not all Sunday School teachers are "jerks", and not all "Christians" are Fundamentalists nor born-again for that matter. You should attempt to study the Bible once more, now that you are more mature.

try again----at no time did I write "..... all Sunday School teachers are jerks" "attempt to study the
bible..." ? I probably know it far better than do you
but just wanted to say that a lot of Messianic Jews came to Christ because of Isaiah 53

It's tempting for some to believe that "Messianic Jews" are Jews who became xtians but retained Jewish ritual.

But, the fact is, the majority of Messianic Jews were born xtian and adopted Jewish ritual as a way of hooking in Jews to their religion.

Messianic Judaism and groups such as "Jews for Jesus" are Protestant xtian groups and are funded by Protestant xtian churches.
Yes, I would have to say that "Protestant" groups are likely to fund Biblical missionary work. Christians do not want anyone to go to hell without hearing the Gospel message. However, many Jews I have met do not practice their Orthodoxy. What they have are family TRADITIONS. I have even talked to "Jews" who are atheists. And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians. I'm sure that GOD expects more from individuals than the wearing of odd looking fedoras and dreadlocks by each ear; however, GOD will take anyone just as he is and make of them a new creature if they are willing to seek GOD beyond mere traditions.

your post is rude, vulgar and disgusting
I seem to have hit a nerve with you. Sorry, but my post is anything but rude, vulgar, and disgusting. It is honest and straight to the point. If the only thing that makes a Jew a Jew is his cultural traditions (with no regard for GOD) what real value of it is there? If, however, the fact is that all those traditions point to GOD and HIS salvation of fallen humanity, then it is of eternal value. Christians shouldn't be practicing "Christianity" to make other Christians happy ---- but to embrace GOD! And Jews should not be practicing Judaism to bring contentment to other Jews, but for the very same reason previously stated!
I'm neither a Hebrew nor Greek scholar.

You don't read the language of your Bible, but you claim to know it?
And you may claim to know the language of your Bible, but you likely don't read it --- at least not take it at simple face value.

if you take a translation of any book, especially a scriptural writing "at face value", little nip---you is STOOOOPID. Theoretically I COULD learn Sanskrit----but if I decided to take the idea of an army of FLYING monkeys at "face
value" I would be a shallow minded idiot. .
Getting back to "face value" I have never met an "enthusiastic" christian willing to even attempt to understand the New Testament
Well, I will introduce you some. Yet I presume that you wont like it... Home

too late----I read your idiot propaganda YEARS AGO (pre-internet). I also read both the New Testament and the "old testament" ---in my teen years. FYI I have no "Jewish Education" as a child. I had MORE christian education as a child because a friendly neighbor (lutheran) took me to Sunday school many times to accompany her daughter.
But I was also an avid READER as a kid and came to understand that the sunday school teacher was a jerk
Not all Sunday School teachers are "jerks", and not all "Christians" are Fundamentalists nor born-again for that matter. You should attempt to study the Bible once more, now that you are more mature.

try again----at no time did I write "..... all Sunday School teachers are jerks" "attempt to study the
bible..." ? I probably know it far better than do you
but just wanted to say that a lot of Messianic Jews came to Christ because of Isaiah 53

It's tempting for some to believe that "Messianic Jews" are Jews who became xtians but retained Jewish ritual.

But, the fact is, the majority of Messianic Jews were born xtian and adopted Jewish ritual as a way of hooking in Jews to their religion.

Messianic Judaism and groups such as "Jews for Jesus" are Protestant xtian groups and are funded by Protestant xtian churches.
Yes, I would have to say that "Protestant" groups are likely to fund Biblical missionary work. Christians do not want anyone to go to hell without hearing the Gospel message. However, many Jews I have met do not practice their Orthodoxy. What they have are family TRADITIONS. I have even talked to "Jews" who are atheists. And oddly, most Jews would much rather see such relatives remain atheists than to come to believe in GOD and become Christians. I'm sure that GOD expects more from individuals than the wearing of odd looking fedoras and dreadlocks by each ear; however, GOD will take anyone just as he is and make of them a new creature if they are willing to seek GOD beyond mere traditions.

your post is rude, vulgar and disgusting
I seem to have hit a nerve with you. Sorry, but my post is anything but rude, vulgar, and disgusting. It is honest and straight to the point. If the only thing that makes a Jew a Jew is his cultural traditions (with no regard for GOD) what real value of it is there? If, however, the fact is that all those traditions point to GOD and HIS salvation of fallen humanity, then it is of eternal value. Christians shouldn't be practicing "Christianity" to make other Christians happy ---- but to embrace GOD! And Jews should not be practicing Judaism to bring contentment to other Jews, but for the very same reason previously stated!

more rude, vulgar, filth. It takes a real peanut brain SCHMUCK to mock modes of dress. There is no "god" in christianity-----it is all tinsel, candycanes and jelly beans
Grin. Glad you agree you are mistaken!

Seriously, Christians have great belief in God. While not fully understanding the total nature of God, we understand His attributes of Creator, Power through Word, and Spirit. Where Jews and Christians vehemently disagree is that any power of God can be manifested in any human.
more rude, vulgar, filth. It takes a real peanut brain SCHMUCK to mock modes of dress. There is no "god" in christianity-----it is all tinsel, candycanes and jelly beans

He was simply making the point that tradition should not be put above all else. Tradition - if it is not attached to actual truth - means nothing. That is the same point that Jesus made repeatedly to the religious leaders of that day, teaching people to not put tradition above God. Little Nipper may have been blunt, but I didn't see anything "vulgar" or "filthy" so your response to his post is interesting.

You accuse him of being rude but then you turn around and claim that there's "no god in Christianity" and it's all tinsel and candy canes and jellybeans? You don't think that statement is rude?
right----the easter bunny

^ And that statement is not rude?

almost as rude as the nipper-fart to which it is
an answer and to which you made no objection

You were replying to Meriweather in that last post I quoted. I haven't read all of Nipper's posts, but I don't think his intention is to be rude.

Sometimes strong statements come across as rude, when in reality it is just that truth can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many people hated Jesus, because he called out empty religion or hypocrites who put their own agendas first, above God.
right----the easter bunny

^ And that statement is not rude?

almost as rude as the nipper-fart to which it is
an answer and to which you made no objection

You were replying to Meriweather in that last post I quoted. I haven't read all of Nipper's posts, but I don't think his intention is to be rude.

Sometimes strong statements come across as rude, when in reality it is just that truth can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many people hated Jesus, because he called out empty religion or hypocrites who put their own agendas first, above God.

to what "truth" do you refer. Of course many people hated Jesus-----the Romans HATED the Pharisees like Jesus as did CAIAPHAS who, himself, was hated by jews since he was a Roman Shill. The manner in which sunday school teachers PERVERT the writings of the "new testament"
has fascinated me since I was an adolescent. You want to discuss manners of dress? Good----lots of the idiosyncratic aspects of the dress of this or that community of jews is an HISTORIC issue and relates to the vile filth of "canon law" You really want to get into it?
but my post is anything but rude, vulgar, and disgusting.

Actually, it's ample portions of all three. With a creamy filling of profound ignorance.

You clearly know nothing about Jews so I'm curious, in all this reaching out to Jews, why have you learned absolutely nothing about them?
right----the easter bunny

Hey! That bunny died for YOUR sins...


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