Isane Israel Shill Lindsey Graham Wants To Attack Iran By October

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
The Progressive Gazette: Lindsey Graham Wants Attack on Iran by October

Lindsey Graham Wants Attack on Iran by October

Senator Lindsey Graham has vowed to introduce legislation in September or October to authorize a military attack on Iran.

“If nothing changes in Iran, come September, October, I will present a resolution that will authorize the use of military force to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb,” Graham told a “cheering” audience at a meeting of the Christians United for Israel organization.

“The only way to convince Iran to halt their nuclear program is to make it clear that we will take it out,” he added.
Graham made the threat despite the fact that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be replaced by Hasan Rouhani on August 4th, who is seen by many as a more moderate leader.
“The U.S. is no position to further extend its presence overseas, especially since Congress approved Obama’s initiative to support Syrian rebels by sending arms, ammunition, and perhaps anti-tank weaponry,” reports PolicyMic. “The U.S. is already indirectly dedicating resources to opposing Iran since they are supporting al-Assad’s forces, along with aid from Hezbollah. Potentially, if Graham’s initiative passes through Congress, both nations could end up preemptively clashing on Syria’s battleground. This would be a terrible outcome for the U.S., considering the significant amount of manpower and resources already allocated abroad and pressing economic issues at home.”
I'd say various Israeli lobby groups have him in his pocket, but men like this devil are going to get us all killed.
Lindsey Graham is Mortimer Snerd to John McQuisling's Edgar Bergen. If Graham speaks it is because McQuisling has his hand up his ass pulling the strings.


Lindsey Graham and John McCain in an undated photo.

It is McQuisling who is in the pocket of the Middle East perpetual war party.
If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?
Any of these guys cheering going to sign up and go fight over there?

No because they believe that we can bomb the place to hell and back with no repercussions.

The thing is Iran has said if we bomb them they will attack our bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain etc etc so troops will be involved.

We no longer have bases in Iraq and can sufficiently defend other bases in the area. What an attack on Iran would involve is cratering their runways, blinding their radar, taking out civilian and paramilitary leadership, and then dropping the block-busters on the nuke facilities....all this can be accomplished in 48 hours. The only real concern is russian technicians who'd be buried alive in the rubble. Putin would go apeshit....FUCK PUTIN.
If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?

Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.
If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?

Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.

Israel would have been happy to do just that before Soetoro told them an over-flight of Iraq would be considered a hostile act. The IDF can't get to Iran and back without refueling over Iraq so our muslin moron in the WH pretty much killed that plan. Israel has been a very useful ally and provide us with most of the good intel we get from the ME. Iran ain't kidding and neither should we be....they'll not be allowed to build a bomb.
Apparently some of you have apparently missed the fact bombing Iraq is the only guarantee that they will actually build one. And lets not forget the fact the Russians and Chinese have issued veiled threats of war in case that happens with one Russian general going to so far to suggest that a regional nuclear war would be an option.
If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?

Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.

Israel would have been happy to do just that before Soetoro told them an over-flight of Iraq would be considered a hostile act. The IDF can't get to Iran and back without refueling over Iraq so our muslin moron in the WH pretty much killed that plan. Israel has been a very useful ally and provide us with most of the good intel we get from the ME. Iran ain't kidding and neither should we be....they'll not be allowed to build a bomb.

Apparently some of you have apparently missed the fact bombing Iraq is the only guarantee that they will actually build one. And lets not forget the fact the Russians and Chinese have issued veiled threats of war in case that happens with one Russian general going to so far to suggest that a regional nuclear war would be an option.

You mean Iran I suppose. Of course there are threats flying around because China gets a lot of oil from Iran and the russians are making money helping the Iranians.....remember Russia has a long history with their own Jews....maybe that's why so many lefitsts in the US are content to have Jews support democrat candidates but give Israel the finger. If we hit Iran, they'll be a decade in starting over again. This could have all been prevented if Barry had helped the Iranian "green revolution" a few years back...his cowardice resulted in the Basij beating hundreds of US friends to death and ending the threat to the mullahs.
Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.

Israel would have been happy to do just that before Soetoro told them an over-flight of Iraq would be considered a hostile act. The IDF can't get to Iran and back without refueling over Iraq so our muslin moron in the WH pretty much killed that plan. Israel has been a very useful ally and provide us with most of the good intel we get from the ME. Iran ain't kidding and neither should we be....they'll not be allowed to build a bomb.


If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?

Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.

Israel would have been happy to do just that before Soetoro told them an over-flight of Iraq would be considered a hostile act. The IDF can't get to Iran and back without refueling over Iraq so our muslin moron in the WH pretty much killed that plan. Israel has been a very useful ally and provide us with most of the good intel we get from the ME. Iran ain't kidding and neither should we be....they'll not be allowed to build a bomb.

Actually, it was foreign policy expert and adviser to the OA, Zbigniew Brzezinski, that called for the president to shoot Israeli planes out of the sky. Obama actually backed down from something so drastic but there were concerns in the OA of the audacity of the Israelis to fly over our airspace without much a warning or any warning at all.

Moreover, Israel is hardly capable of doing it themselves and even if they did Tehran can build it's own centrifuges and there is a 100% certainty that when they are bombed they'll make a bomb and probably use it.

At this time, as a signatory of the Nuclear Non Proliferation agreement, unlike Israel, there is nothing to indicate that the Persians are spinning up enrichment passed 20%. Nothing, nada, even the Joint Chiefs of the U.S. military concur.

We have a military presences in every state that surrounds Iran and those areas would be fodder for long range attacks. The state of the art and most lethal missile defense system in the world would be deployed and would send plane after plane to the ground. The second they started prepping for an attack, Iranian assets on the ground would alert Tehran. There would be no sneak attack. The same goes for the U.S. as those B-1's starting lifting off in Missouri the news of the attack would spread quickly to Tehran.
Hezbollah could launch it's collective wad at Israel circumventing Iron Dome by sheer numbers alone.

Meanwhile, back in the homeland, the price of gas would eclipse 9 dollars a gallon in a day while the terrorists sitting in the Pentagram push us to Defense Condition 2, last seen ,I believe, in the Kennedy Administration.
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You're overestimating the russian AA capabilities....the IDF already showed it could countermand them a few months back with the strike they put on the Hezbollah weapons shipment in Syria. Israel has tactical nuke-heads in artillery pieces....Hezbollah would be toast in a matter of an afternoon should they join in a multi-faceted attack on Israel. And should we join in a joint-attack, much of the damage would be done with our submarine cruise-missles. The brunt of any attack should of course be on Irainian leadership...something we can't do by law but the IDF certainly can. All we really need to do is assure the IDF that Iraq AF will remain in their hangars for a day or two while the IDF takes care of business.
I'm not overestimating the Gen4 capability of that system. And I don't believe I've every seen any solid proof that they were bombed, but if they were bombed they'll just make more and this time they will learn from their mistake. Worse yet, the Russians won't tolerate it.

Loading a tactical nuke on arty round and lobbing it at a target in a regional war will escalate the war and isolate Israel politically. It will be universally hated and sanctioned especially if Iran is just defending itself from an attack with unjustifiable reasons.
I'm not overestimating the Gen4 capability of that system. And I don't believe I've every seen any solid proof that they were bombed, but if they were bombed they'll just make more and this time they will learn from their mistake. Worse yet, the Russians won't tolerate it.

Loading a tactical nuke on arty round and lobbing it at a target in a regional war will escalate the war and isolate Israel politically. It will be universally hated and sanctioned especially if Iran is just defending itself from an attack with unjustifiable reasons.

Which is why we can't let Israel go it alone....they will use any and every means necessary to defend themselves, including tactical nukes which are very accurate and don't involve much airborn fact, radiating the major Iranian nuke site makes much more sense then trying to cave in a mountain.....put a half-life of 500 years of sure-death on that site and that's the end of the mullah's grand design to "keel all the jooos". Russia knows what's coming and if they leave their technicians in the way of it, that's on them. Putin knows he loses a nuclear exchange with us....Barry would be arrested if he didn't retaliate. An October "surprise" is coming....maybe you should buy a helmet and dig a bomb shelter. :lol:
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