ISIS and Other Terrorists Know How to Use Our Media


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Our media is often narrow minded and so predictable. The media rushes to Kobani because of the action there, but the real action is taking place elsewhere. Of course, the administration doesn't discuss real Muslim threats with the public and the media rarely asks tough questions of Obama. They remain quiet on the most pertinent information, either by ignorance or choice.

The very visible fight for Kobani on the Syria-Turkey border is a "diversion" – a military distraction – created by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – the "Islamic State’s" self-proclaimed "caliph." He is a vicious butcher, but no fool. He and his underlings understand their neighborhood and our western media.

Expecting reporters to come – and they have – he sent 4,000 ISIS fighters to assault the Kurds in Kobani – while holding another 5,000+ in reserve – with orders not to cross the nearby border with Turkey. Western media outlets flocked to the frontier and lined up their cameras next to Turkish Army tanks and armored vehicles.

American pundits ask, "Why aren’t the Turks intervening to save the Kurds? Al-Baghdadi knows the Kurds desperately holding on in Kobani are predominantly affiliated with the PKK – the Kurdistan Workers Party – against which Turkish governments have been waging bloody civil war for three decades. In Ankara, the Erdogan regime isn’t about to further the cause of an independent Kurdistan – or prevent a sanguinary end for the Kurds in Kobani.

Meanwhile in Iraq, where the real battle is being fought – there are no western cameras to record the serial defeats ISIS is inflicting on the Shiite-led government of Haider al-Abadi. All but unnoticed, Anbar Province – the heart of Iraq’s "Sunni Triangle" – has fallen to highly mobile IS units.

During the past month, while we focused our lenses on Kobani, Al Baghdadi’s terror army killed, captured and murdered more than 3,500 Iraqi soldiers – all those unable to flee. Now, ISIS is poised to seize Haditha Dam, source of nearly one third of the nation’s hydroelectric power and Al Asad, the Iraqi government’s last remaining airbase west of Baghdad.

ISIS forces have invested Baghdad on three sides and Sunni jihadists are conducting near daily suicide bomb attacks in the capital city’s Shiite neighborhoods. One U.S. officer told me, "These SVBIEDs (Suicide Vehicular-borne Improvised Explosives) in Baghdad are ISIS probes and rehearsals for the attack they plan to launch on the U.S. embassy."

"Worse yet," says a retired senior intelligence official, "nobody in Washington seems to comprehend this is all part of the bloody ‘holy war’ between Sunnis and Shiites that’s been going on since the seventh century. ISIS is gaining ground, recruits and military prowess because al-Baghdadi has succeeded in portraying himself as the ‘protector of Sunni Islam.’ He claims his ‘Sunni Caliphate’ will prevent Shiites from establishing a hegemon from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. His propaganda not only shows IS fighters as brutally victorious, it also depicts the U.S. and the ‘Obama coalition,’ as allied with the Shiites in Baghdad, al-Assad’s Alawite dynasty in Damascus, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Ayatollahs in Tehran. That’s why al-Baghdadi continues to attract Sunni militants by the thousands from every part of the planet – including the United States."
What I find sad about this, is that western governments have given blind support to Turkey and other countries in the region, because otherwise 'they won't help', and are still not realizing the futility of that kind of assessment.

Turkey won't get involved to support Iraq*, nor will any of the other major countries in the region do anything to really dissuade Sunni militants. The war might still last a decade, but I don't see anything but a divided Iraq and Syria as a result.

*And why would it, when it would prefer to keep out of a civil war in Iraq and Syria, which has to a good chance of wiping out the PKK on its border.
Liberal icon and global warming guru Al Gore sold his holdings in a failing media venture to the jihad propaganda network "Al Jazeera". Doesn't that tell you something about the global warming/jihad connection sponsored by left wing American politicians?
the media is pure bred lap dog to Obola Hussein, they are not ignorant, stupid is a better description, they sit obediently awaiting their next treat (orders), i also believe the media is a bit afraid of Obola Hussein, and THAT is what makes them stupid.

i do not know when our media went full blown radical leftist, they always leaned left, but now that "lean" has disappeared, they now are..., THE LEFT !!

ISIS washes their balls by rubbing sand on them. I would bet less than one percent of them have ever held a camera. They have no idea how to use our media.
You ain't been keeping up, School.They all have the latest Apple I-phones, their own Internet sites and it makes no difference if their balls are washed with sand or camel piss.
Obama knows how to use it too...
Yep. All that Marxist training he's had.
Republicans think anyone with an education has had Marxist training.

No one knows how to use the media like the GOP. Look at how well they have terrorized America:

Refugee children from Central America
Mushroom cloud
Gays will destroy the family
Education will turn you into a liberal
Vaccines cause autism
Think ACORN. An organization that helped middle class and poor Americans. Republicans created false videos and lies about Acorn that destroyed a good organization. What organizations do Republicans have that help anyone?

The list of terror is endless. al Qaeda only dreams of damaging this country the way the GOP has.
ISIS washes their balls by rubbing sand on them. I would bet less than one percent of them have ever held a camera. They have no idea how to use our media.

The idiots of the American right are doing exactly what they're complaining Muslims are doing, but they're too fucking stupid to realise.

What a set of morons.
Obama knows how to use it too...
Yep. All that Marxist training he's had.
Republicans think anyone with an education has had Marxist training.

No one knows how to use the media like the GOP. Look at how well they have terrorized America:

Refugee children from Central America
Mushroom cloud
Gays will destroy the family
Education will turn you into a liberal
Vaccines cause autism
Think ACORN. An organization that helped middle class and poor Americans. Republicans created false videos and lies about Acorn that destroyed a good organization. What organizations do Republicans have that help anyone?

The list of terror is endless. al Qaeda only dreams of damaging this country the way the GOP has.
You're a Proud American, rdean . I can tell.
They don't need to know how to use our media. The traitors in our own government do it just fine. :woohoo:
the media is pure bred lap dog to Obola Hussein, they are not ignorant, stupid is a better description, they sit obediently awaiting their next treat (orders), i also believe the media is a bit afraid of Obola Hussein, and THAT is what makes them stupid.

i do not know when our media went full blown radical leftist, they always leaned left, but now that "lean" has disappeared, they now are..., THE LEFT !!

I believe the term "useful idiots" applies. Usually they are the second to be murdered when they have delivered on their treason.

Obama knows how to use it too...
Yep. All that Marxist training he's had.
Republicans think anyone with an education has had Marxist training.

No one knows how to use the media like the GOP. Look at how well they have terrorized America:

Refugee children from Central America
Mushroom cloud
Gays will destroy the family
Education will turn you into a liberal
Vaccines cause autism
Think ACORN. An organization that helped middle class and poor Americans. Republicans created false videos and lies about Acorn that destroyed a good organization. What organizations do Republicans have that help anyone?

The list of terror is endless. al Qaeda only dreams of damaging this country the way the GOP has.
You're a Proud American, rdean . I can tell.

Republicans think Democrats don't love the country. But ask them to name a single GOP policy in the last 20 years that have helped the US, and the only thing they come up with is tax cuts for the wealthy. Because the wealthy will create jobs. Another failed delusion that only dipshits believe in.
"What organizations do Republicans have that help anyone?"

Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans Occasional Planet

Dems talk the talk; Republicans walk the walk!!!

So don't be such an ass and go and collect some Republican charity.


Another dipshit. Did you bother to read the article? No.


Many conservatives are aware of this disparity and like to crow about it – as if they are the truly compassionate ones. The problem with this contention is that it assumes that all compassion is shown through charity. Many Democrats, who well may contribute less to charities than conservatives do, look at compassion as being more than charity.

Republicans have historically promoted more in the way of charitable giving. Their support of large charitable organizations such as traditional religious organizations and welfare organizations like the Red Cross reflect their commitment to trying to help those in need. But truth be told, what they offer to large charitable organization is often less than ten percent of what the federal government provides to address these issues.

Akin talks about charity being the solution to providing adequate healthcare for the uninsured. He says, “You can’t cheat mathematics” as the undergirding of his argument. Unfortunately for him it appears that his facts are just not correct; not correct by a factor of 18.


Republican states are welfare states. When you pay only minimum wage with no benefits, the federal government picks up the tab. This is why Blue States fund the government and Red States suckle.

Those are both the facts and the math.

There is a reason Red States go to Blue States like California, New York and Illinois in an attempt to poach jobs and lure educated workers. Because the GOP leadership doesn't believe in educating their own base. They know education turns people liberal and with most Republicans, education simply doesn't "take". Voting Republican proves it.
The problem is with "aid AND comfort".

Obama's on OK legal grounds just sending them aid so long as he doesn't comfort them with kind words. Important, though, that apologies don't count as "comfort" or he'd be in deep......
The problem is with "aid AND comfort".

Obama's on OK legal grounds just sending them aid so long as he doesn't comfort them with kind words. Important, though, that apologies don't count as "comfort" or he'd be in deep......

Republicans should apologize to the US and the World. To the US for assaulting the economy and starting a fake war. To the world, for the same.

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