ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

If this was a thread about Americans waterboarding the mastermind of 911, there would be a lot more responses and words of absolute disgust for our practices of torture from the usual liberal hypocritical assholes.

How do I know? Cause liberals to this day (Obama just brought it up 2 weeks ago) still talk about it and reveal their "concerns" over the acts of torture. They have been yelling about waterboarding for 14 years. Mind you, all of them lived and the number of people that were waterboarded were 5 TERRORISTS?

THEY NEVER start a thread about the acts of torture, or the mass violations of the Geneva convention committed by America's or Israel's enemies.

Notice, how they have avoided this thread. Hardly a peep.
I think a lot of the ire being directed at ISIS are from people who recognize they fight the way you're supposed to - without concern of what people think. And they wish we fought like that instead of going at it half-assed in fear of negative press coverage or public outcry. If ISIS were an ally or we ourselves, we'd be applauding them. But they're the badguys so they're condemned.
If this was a thread about Americans waterboarding the mastermind of 911, there would be a lot more responses and words of absolute disgust for our practices of torture from the usual liberal hypocritical assholes.

How do I know? Cause liberals to this day (Obama just brought it up 2 weeks ago) still talk about it and reveal their "concerns" over the acts of torture. They have been yelling about waterboarding for 14 years. Mind you, all of them lived and the number of people that were waterboarded were 5 TERRORISTS?

THEY NEVER start a thread about the acts of torture, or the mass violations of the Geneva convention committed by America's or Israel's enemies.

Notice, how they have avoided this thread. Hardly a peep.

If it were fundamentalists Christians, you can be sure American liberals would be tripping over their own feet running to their computers to post.
As has been pointed out by minds greater than mine (what few there are hehe) calling ISIS 'Muslims' is like calling KKK 'Christians.'

Agreed. Though the KKK is a kid's club, compared to ISIS. I still see nihilism as their possible goal.
Current U.S. trends suggest that beheadings will be come rather common right here in perhaps as short as a year. Thing is, they'll be "official" and available for free viewing on television. Probably multiples in a single "show" - with elaborate half-time performances by popular entertainers.

The ratings will amaze you. We are a bloodthirsty people whose appetite for violence knows no bounds. Doubt that? Go the nearest multiplex theater and examine the titles.
We in the West already knew that this brand of Muslim is barbaric.

Yes, but you Communists keep claiming there are other brands of Islam - once again we see that you are lying.

They are stupid also thinking that cutting off the head of a journalist is going to have any positive results for their goals.

All it will do is ramp up the air support being engaged by the U S.

This sort of act ramps up support from Muslims and has no effect on the response of the pussies in the West. This kind of thing invigorates the Muslim masses, significantly increasing the number of Jihadists availible to fight.

This is the real danger of the fucking lies you Communists tell; based on your lies, this will shock and outrage the "peaceful brand of Islam." But that never happens, instead we find that it fires up all Muslims to commit more atrocities - for the simple fact that there is no other brand of Islam. Sunni and Shiite alike hold the murder of Infidels to be pleasing to the djin Allah.

At least a thousand more of these ignorant A-Holes will be blown to red mist for their effort to scare us into backing down.

While 50,000 more will strap on suicide bombs and ISIS colors - then Obama will claim we are winning.

The "tiger" was leaving anyway yet these morons in all their Muslim wisdom have decided to kick the beast with unspeakable ability to kill in the nuts.

Now they will be exposed by air strikes and the Kurds will gleefully mop up the wounded.
ISIS is about to be destroyed. As they should be.

Your fantasy is dangerous in that some may actually believe your idiocy.
I'm not watching any video of this. I just heard on the radio it took over 7 minutes to behead him, using a small knife. The hell that guy endured, imagine the terror and the pain, the realization that life will soon be over, never to see friends or loved ones again.

Fucking savages, subhuman filth who ought to be burned alive.

Allahu Akbar indeed.
David Cameron cancelled his vacation to return to London to assess the threat posed in the beheading of the AMERICAN.

obama hurries back to return to his vacation.

After ISIS Beheading Video, UK's Cameron Cancels Vacation, Obama Returns to His Vacation | National Review Online

Over there: “U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short his summer vacation to return to London and chair urgent meetings on the threat posed by ISIS in Iraq and Syria, calling the video ‘shocking and depraved.’”
Over here:
President Obama went back to his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard Tuesday evening following less than 48 hours in Washington, leaving people puzzled over why he came back in the first place.

We in the West already knew that this brand of Muslim is barbaric. They are stupid also thinking that cutting off the head of a journalist is going to have any positive results for their goals.

All it will do is ramp up the air support being engaged by the U S.

At least a thousand more of these ignorant A-Holes will be blown to red mist for their effort to scare us into backing down.

The "tiger" was leaving anyway yet these morons in all their Muslim wisdom have decided to kick the beast with unspeakable ability to kill in the nuts.

Now they will be exposed by air strikes and the Kurds will gleefully mop up the wounded.
ISIS is about to be destroyed. As they should be.

Huggy these aren't your Mohammed six pack jihadists here. ISIS is a full blown terror army that control and govern area in Syria and Iraq that are the size of Great Britain.

Too bad the west waited so bloody long to deal with them. ISIS has become the wealthiest and most powerful terror army on the planet. They make AQ look like Girl Scouts selling cookies.

Underestimate them at your peril.
Wikipedia's bio on the journalist who was beheaded says he grew up in Brooklyn........which is code for Jew.

The guy was stupid for being there and was most likely a zionist spy.
Wikipedia's bio on the journalist who was beheaded says he grew up in Brooklyn........which is code for Jew.

The guy was stupid for being there and was most likely a zionist spy.

I think you're a Zionist spy......your mission is to make Muslims look as stupid as possible. Mission accomplished.
Well we know what the enemy we face is capable of. the question is are we ready to fight fire with fire yet?

Not a chance. We still cling to the "religion of peace" delusion. Until the West accepts the FACT that Islam is at war to destroy civilization - not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, not the Taliban - but ISLAM, the carnage will continue unabated.

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