ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

The tens of milions are now cited as a billion or half a billion; any facts, other than from godlikeproductions to back the claim? ISIS is using weapons left beyond by the Iraqi army the US set up after 2003.

And from the article:

The terror group, made up of Sunni extremists, originated from al Qaeda in Iraq in the mid-2000s.

The link I provided was to the Wall Street Journal.

Oh and from your Obama Network link;

{Prominent jihadist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi emerged as a leader in 2010, transforming the fighters into a cohesive unit
The group became known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) in April 2013, when Baghdadi said his militants were also fighting in Syria. ISIS remains the largest terror organization in Iraq, with its numbers estimated in the thousands.}

Try not to bullshit so much. I mean, unless you want to sink to rdean, blindboo, shallow, et al levels....

Now, NBC is the Obama network; you are desperate, more on ISIS:

Isis, a Salafi jihadist force, evolved out of a group founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant who moved to Iraq after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. He later launched al-Qaida in Iraq, responsible for the bombing of the Askari mosque in Samarra that triggered Iraq's 2006-07 civil war. Renamed the Islamic State in Iraq after its leader was killed in a US raid in 2006, it was weakened in 2007 after US forces aligned with Sunni Iraqi tribes to fight the group.

The Syrian conflict revived Isis, which provided support to one of its members, Abu Mohammed al-Jaulani, to form a group in Syria after the 2011 uprising.

Isis: a portrait of the menace that is sweeping my homeland | World news | The Observer
ISIS: A Short History - The Atlantic
Now, NBC is the Obama network; you are desperate, more on ISIS:

Isis, a Salafi jihadist force, evolved out of a group founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant who moved to Iraq after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. He later launched al-Qaida in Iraq, responsible for the bombing of the Askari mosque in Samarra that triggered Iraq's 2006-07 civil war. Renamed the Islamic State in Iraq after its leader was killed in a US raid in 2006, it was weakened in 2007 after US forces aligned with Sunni Iraqi tribes to fight the group.

The Syrian conflict revived Isis, which provided support to one of its members, Abu Mohammed al-Jaulani, to form a group in Syria after the 2011 uprising.

Isis: a portrait of the menace that is sweeping my homeland | World news | The Observer
ISIS: A Short History - The Atlantic

NBC has been the Obama network since 2008 - they are the most biased source on television. MSNBC doesn't even make pretense of being anything but a propaganda outlet for the DNC.

I see you ran from your prior link, since it refuted you.

Even here we see;

The Syrian conflict revived Isis, which provided support to one of its members, Abu Mohammed al-Jaulani, to form a group in Syria after the 2011 uprising.

Obama's dumbfuckery in Syria spawned ISIS.

BTW, prior to 2012 it was ISIL.
Now, NBC is the Obama network; you are desperate, more on ISIS:

Isis, a Salafi jihadist force, evolved out of a group founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian militant who moved to Iraq after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2002. He later launched al-Qaida in Iraq, responsible for the bombing of the Askari mosque in Samarra that triggered Iraq's 2006-07 civil war. Renamed the Islamic State in Iraq after its leader was killed in a US raid in 2006, it was weakened in 2007 after US forces aligned with Sunni Iraqi tribes to fight the group.

The Syrian conflict revived Isis, which provided support to one of its members, Abu Mohammed al-Jaulani, to form a group in Syria after the 2011 uprising.

Isis: a portrait of the menace that is sweeping my homeland | World news | The Observer
ISIS: A Short History - The Atlantic

NBC has been the Obama network since 2008 - they are the most biased source on television. MSNBC doesn't even make pretense of being anything but a propaganda outlet for the DNC.

I see you ran from your prior link, since it refuted you.

Even here we see;

The Syrian conflict revived Isis, which provided support to one of its members, Abu Mohammed al-Jaulani, to form a group in Syria after the 2011 uprising.

Obama's dumbfuckery in Syria spawned ISIS.

Revived, not "create", is called variously ISIL, ISIS, IL also.

BTW, prior to 2012 it was ISIL.

Revived, not "create", is called variously ISIL, ISIS, IL also. More:

The ideological roots of the ISIS can be traced to the Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, which was established in Iraq in 2004 by the Salafi-jihadi Jordanian Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi. Al-Zarqawi soon pledged his allegiance to Al Qaeda’s founder Osama bin Laden, and changed the name of his organization to Tanzim Al Qaeda fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (Al Qaeda Organization in the Country of the Two Rivers). This organization became commonly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was killed by American troops in 2006 in Iraq. His successors Abu Hamza al-Muhajir and Abu Omr al-Baghdadi were both killed in 2010, whereupon the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq passed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The ISIS Chronicles: A History | The National Interest
Revived, not "create", is called variously ISIL, ISIS, IL also. More:

The ideological roots of the ISIS can be traced to the Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, which was established in Iraq in 2004 by the Salafi-jihadi Jordanian Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi. Al-Zarqawi soon pledged his allegiance to Al Qaeda’s founder Osama bin Laden, and changed the name of his organization to Tanzim Al Qaeda fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (Al Qaeda Organization in the Country of the Two Rivers). This organization became commonly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was killed by American troops in 2006 in Iraq. His successors Abu Hamza al-Muhajir and Abu Omr al-Baghdadi were both killed in 2010, whereupon the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq passed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The ISIS Chronicles: A History | The National Interest

You're desperate to cover for your little tin god, but just as George Bush owned Iraq - Obama own ISIS - he created and funded it. Hacks can spew all they like - ISIS belongs to Obama.
Revived, not "create", is called variously ISIL, ISIS, IL also. More:

The ideological roots of the ISIS can be traced to the Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, which was established in Iraq in 2004 by the Salafi-jihadi Jordanian Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi. Al-Zarqawi soon pledged his allegiance to Al Qaeda’s founder Osama bin Laden, and changed the name of his organization to Tanzim Al Qaeda fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (Al Qaeda Organization in the Country of the Two Rivers). This organization became commonly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was killed by American troops in 2006 in Iraq. His successors Abu Hamza al-Muhajir and Abu Omr al-Baghdadi were both killed in 2010, whereupon the leadership of Al Qaeda in Iraq passed to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The ISIS Chronicles: A History | The National Interest

You're desperate to cover for your little tin god, but just as George Bush owned Iraq - Obama own ISIS - he created and funded it. Hacks can spew all they like - ISIS belongs to Obama.

I think Obama is fair to middling, hardly a "god" to me. But facts remain facts; ISIS began in the early half of the first decade of the 21st Century:

Isis is the (slightly confusing) English acronym for the Islamic State in Iraqand the Levant, a Sunni jihadist group whose sudden capture of Mosul, Tikrit and extensive swaths of Iraqi territory last week has triggered a new crisis, complete with atrocities targeting Iraqi army soldiers and volunteers. Known in Arabic as Da'ash, it grew out of the Islamic State in Iraq, an al-Qaida affiliate which, in turn, came into existence after the 2003 US-led invasion.

The terrifying rise of Isis: $2bn in loot, online killings and an army on the run | World news | The Guardian
What could be more horrifying than taking that long? Why make it quick? Where's the "terror" in that?

The only one of these I have ever watched was the beheading of Nick Berg. He screamed like a woman, shrieking at the pain and the reality of his fate all the while a sick fucking Muslim freak was chanting to Allah and cutting his head off with a small knife. It was more like sawing than cutting, and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen, and ever wish to see.

Well I did see Nick Bergs online. The video, yes gross, but lack of blood. Now I also seen Eugene Armstrong's online and there is little doubt in my mind that was legit, lots of blood and movement I wonder why those were online and not James Foley, not that I enjoy seeing that kind of stuff. I just can't imagine how his parents in the interview seemed so calm, they did shed a few tears but just not what I would imagine after finding out your son was brutally beheaded.
Oh well.So it you have weak gut do not watch either.
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What could be more horrifying than taking that long? Why make it quick? Where's the "terror" in that?

The only one of these I have ever watched was the beheading of Nick Berg. He screamed like a woman, shrieking at the pain and the reality of his fate all the while a sick fucking Muslim freak was chanting to Allah and cutting his head off with a small knife. It was more like sawing than cutting, and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen, and ever wish to see.

I saw a slightly blurred version of it.

To be honest, I've seen worse done to animals.

Makes me mad as Hell.
What could be more horrifying than taking that long? Why make it quick? Where's the "terror" in that?

The only one of these I have ever watched was the beheading of Nick Berg. He screamed like a woman, shrieking at the pain and the reality of his fate all the while a sick fucking Muslim freak was chanting to Allah and cutting his head off with a small knife. It was more like sawing than cutting, and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen, and ever wish to see.

I saw a slightly blurred version of it.

To be honest, I've seen worse done to animals.

Makes me mad as Hell.[/QUOTE]

Don't ever read about what Danny Rollings did, many officers vomited after entering one of the murder scenes, a couple diasappeared from the not only the Department but the state after that.
Barry was obviously worried about his Tee time and was on the golf course a half hour after addressing his concern about the beheaded journalist.
The FACTS, ISIS formed before Obama even announced his candidacy, MID 2000-2010:

James Foley Killing Part of Larger Terror Spree Unleashed by ISIS - NBC News

After deposing The Man Who Threatened Poppy. Bush II lost interest, selected Maliki, and here we are. Bush owns ISIS, and Obama asked for the work of cleaning up the Bush disasters, is too slow doing so.

Cleaning up? Obama's idea of cleaning things up is arming an army.

No link, never a cite; just semi lucid repetition; ISIS got their weapons from those given to those "free" Iraqis 2003-2008 and left there when Maliki's Army split.

Michael Pregent, a former U.S. Army officer who speaks Arabic and has worked for the Defense Department in Iraq as a military and political analyst, estimated that the militants have captured up to 60 of the three heaviest pieces of U.S.-built equipment in the Iraqi arsenal — M1 Abrams tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M109 self-propelled howitzers.

Pregent, who is now an adjunct lecturer at National Defense University, said some of these weapons were used in attacks on the Kurdish Peshmerga militia forces defending their semi-autonomous region. ISIS’ threat to the Kurdish capital of Erbil triggered the United States’ intervention.

A video of the first U.S. airstrikes shows a U.S.-made F/A-18 Hornet, which cost roughly $61 million, bombing what appears to be a U.S.-made M198 towed howitzer, which cost $527,000, in the hands of insurgents. Both Pregent and Birnie said the artillery piece was clearly identifiable in the video.

U.S. now faces threat of U.S.-made weapons in Iraq
I think Obama is fair to middling, hardly a "god" to me. But facts remain facts; ISIS began in the early half of the first decade of the 21st Century:

Isis is the (slightly confusing) English acronym for the Islamic State in Iraqand the Levant, a Sunni jihadist group whose sudden capture of Mosul, Tikrit and extensive swaths of Iraqi territory last week has triggered a new crisis, complete with atrocities targeting Iraqi army soldiers and volunteers. Known in Arabic as Da'ash, it grew out of the Islamic State in Iraq, an al-Qaida affiliate which, in turn, came into existence after the 2003 US-led invasion.

The terrifying rise of Isis: $2bn in loot, online killings and an army on the run | World news | The Guardian

You know full well that what you post is false.

ISIL rose and fell in Iraq. By 2007 it was done. ISIL had no quarter in Iraq - your links and my links have confirmed this a dozen times over.

ISIS reformed on the concept of ISIL in 2010 - they had a new sponsor Barack Obama, and a place to train in Syria. Obama was claiming these terrorist were "freedom fighters." I realize that Assad is a complete scumbag, but Obama is too fucking stupid to grasp that the Islamic groundswell he was backing is nothing more than Al Qaeda.

ISIS belongs to Barack Obama - no matter how much you complain, bullshit, or post partisan nonsense - ISIS belongs to Obama.
I'll take the officer's word for it, and those hundreds & thousands, millions, and .5 OR 1 billion never have links.......wonder why?:D

Michael Pregent, a former U.S. Army officer who speaks Arabic and has worked for the Defense Department in Iraq as a military and political analyst, estimated that the militants have captured up to 60 of the three heaviest pieces of U.S.-built equipment in the Iraqi arsenal — M1 Abrams tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M109 self-propelled howitzers.
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

Did they?
Israel says it gagged reports captive Sotloff was its citizen Reuters
Turns out he'd abandoned America to become an Israel - then went to Syria, supposedly as a journalist.

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