ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

Has our obuma sent condolences to Foley ' s family or is that uncalled for since Foley is neither black nor a thug.
Sunni Muslim terrorists are the worst scum to roam this earth.
Poor guy :( i can't imagine what he had to deal with
I remember a few years ago another Jew named Daniel Pearl went to Iraq and donated his head.

You would think by now the Juden would realize it's not a smart move for them to be in Iraq? ... lol


First off, the the man performing the execution looked like a fucking Ninja...

Second, his voice was sexy as Hell...

So a fucking Ninja with a sexy as Hell voice releases a video worldwide where he threatens the "mighty" United States of America and Barack Obama in a sexually stimulating speech, and afterwards he culls some worthless Mundane, leaving his severed head on his body with the beautiful desert in the background.


That other Mundane looks like he is gonna get culled too... :)

GOD what really turned me me on was they way he said "And any attempt... by YOU, Obama..."

We need more MEN like this in our country.

Has our obuma sent condolences to Foley ' s family or is that uncalled for since Foley is neither black nor a thug.


He is questioning if it even happened.

{“If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We will provide more information when it is available,” National Security Council spokesman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.}

Obama Administration "Appalled" at Beheading of American Journalist "If True" - Katie Pavlich
Well we know what the enemy we face is capable of. the question is are we ready to fight fire with fire yet?

Not a chance. We still cling to the "religion of peace" delusion. Until the West accepts the FACT that Islam is at war to destroy civilization - not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, not the Taliban - but ISLAM, the carnage will continue unabated.
The one thing Muslims are great at is murdering each other. They didn't do a great job in killing Jews during the six day war, but Muslims are more than happy to kill off each other in the name of 'peace' and 'honor'. Sometimes it seems like the bloodshed will never end till Sunnis and Shiites have killed each other off. The only people they hate more than each other are the Jews. Christianity was that divided in the Middle Ages, and Islam still is living under a medieval mentality.
Has our obuma sent condolences to Foley ' s family or is that uncalled for since Foley is neither black nor a thug.


He is questioning if it even happened.

{“If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We will provide more information when it is available,” National Security Council spokesman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.}

Obama Administration "Appalled" at Beheading of American Journalist "If True" - Katie Pavlich
Katie may not be a good source for NEWS; the US did not show our hand, a welcome change, now Germany & Italy are with us:

Germany, Italy, Ready to Send Arms to Iraq Kurds - ABC News

And ISIS got this:

Obama: U.S. to continue operations in Iraq -

Obama: ISIS a 'cancer,' U.S. to continue operations in Iraq

The United States launched a series of airstrikes Wednesday against ISIS forces in Iraq, the same day President Barack Obama vowed to act against the militant group following its beheading of an American journalist and its threat to kill another.

"The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless," the President said in televised remarks.

Obama vowed justice for James Foley, calling his killing by ISIS, which refers to itself as the Islamic State, an act of violence that "shocked the conscience of the entire world."

The President's statement followed Tuesday's release by ISIS of a video that showed Foley's killing and carried a stark warning that a second American, believed to be journalist Steven Sotloff, would be killed, if the United States did not end its military operations in Iraq.

Whether Sotloff lives or dies, the executioner said on the video, depends on what Obama does next.

ISIS is believed to be holding a number of Americans, including Sotloff, a U.S. official told CNN. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to say exactly how many Americans were being held or to identify them.

If ISIS, also known as ISIL, hoped the video and threat would ease U.S. military involvement in Iraq, it failed.

Calling ISIS a "cancer," Obama said across the Middle East there has to be a common effort to put an end to the group.

Should we cave, as we did to al Qaeda under Saudi pressure, and wandered into Iraq? We know that left ISIS an open door.
A couple things Obama said are quite troubling. He went out of his way to say "Most victims are Muslims" which is a trick to get out of talking about Christians etc. Then he also went out of his way to lie and say "No religion preaches killing". I paraphrase him, but that was the gist of it. Once again, Barry defends Muslims in his usual way.

It's OK, I know that trip to DC was rough. Time to go back to Maaatha's Vineyard while the world burns.
Katie may not be a good source for NEWS; the US did not show our hand, a welcome change, now Germany & Italy are with us:

Germany, Italy, Ready to Send Arms to Iraq Kurds - ABC News

And ISIS got this:

Obama: U.S. to continue operations in Iraq -

Obama: ISIS a 'cancer,' U.S. to continue operations in Iraq

The United States launched a series of airstrikes Wednesday against ISIS forces in Iraq, the same day President Barack Obama vowed to act against the militant group following its beheading of an American journalist and its threat to kill another.

"The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless," the President said in televised remarks.

Obama vowed justice for James Foley, calling his killing by ISIS, which refers to itself as the Islamic State, an act of violence that "shocked the conscience of the entire world."

The President's statement followed Tuesday's release by ISIS of a video that showed Foley's killing and carried a stark warning that a second American, believed to be journalist Steven Sotloff, would be killed, if the United States did not end its military operations in Iraq.

Whether Sotloff lives or dies, the executioner said on the video, depends on what Obama does next.

ISIS is believed to be holding a number of Americans, including Sotloff, a U.S. official told CNN. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to say exactly how many Americans were being held or to identify them.

If ISIS, also known as ISIL, hoped the video and threat would ease U.S. military involvement in Iraq, it failed.

Calling ISIS a "cancer," Obama said across the Middle East there has to be a common effort to put an end to the group.

Should we cave, as we did to al Qaeda under Saudi pressure, and wandered into Iraq? We know that left ISIS an open door.

Only because the FBI confirmed the video is real.

FBI believes Foley video is authentic -GlobalPost| Reuters

The Obama administration made the crass announcement I linked prior to the FBI authentication.
Katie may not be a good source for NEWS; the US did not show our hand, a welcome change, now Germany & Italy are with us:

Germany, Italy, Ready to Send Arms to Iraq Kurds - ABC News

And ISIS got this:

Obama: U.S. to continue operations in Iraq -

Obama: ISIS a 'cancer,' U.S. to continue operations in Iraq

The United States launched a series of airstrikes Wednesday against ISIS forces in Iraq, the same day President Barack Obama vowed to act against the militant group following its beheading of an American journalist and its threat to kill another.

"The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless," the President said in televised remarks.

Obama vowed justice for James Foley, calling his killing by ISIS, which refers to itself as the Islamic State, an act of violence that "shocked the conscience of the entire world."

The President's statement followed Tuesday's release by ISIS of a video that showed Foley's killing and carried a stark warning that a second American, believed to be journalist Steven Sotloff, would be killed, if the United States did not end its military operations in Iraq.

Whether Sotloff lives or dies, the executioner said on the video, depends on what Obama does next.

ISIS is believed to be holding a number of Americans, including Sotloff, a U.S. official told CNN. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to say exactly how many Americans were being held or to identify them.

If ISIS, also known as ISIL, hoped the video and threat would ease U.S. military involvement in Iraq, it failed.

Calling ISIS a "cancer," Obama said across the Middle East there has to be a common effort to put an end to the group.

Should we cave, as we did to al Qaeda under Saudi pressure, and wandered into Iraq? We know that left ISIS an open door.

Only because the FBI confirmed the video is real.

FBI believes Foley video is authentic -GlobalPost| Reuters

The Obama administration made the crass announcement I linked prior to the FBI authentication.

Sounded just right, got attention away from today's bombings of ISIS targets. So, do we cave in to ISIS like we did al Qaeda in 2003 or stay the course?
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ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.
Yeah, but Obama got Bin Laden.

The war on terror is over........
Since obama said we would be vigilant and relentless his surrender should be in the next few days. After the other American is killed he can say no more Americans are being held. It's up to Iraq to solve their own problems.
When was that IF statement, this is what the Presifent said:

12:52 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Today, the entire world is appalled by the brutal murder of Jim Foley by the terrorist group, ISIL.

Jim was a journalist, a son, a brother, and a friend. He reported from difficult and dangerous places, bearing witness to the lives of people a world away. He was taken hostage nearly two years ago in Syria, and he was courageously reporting at the time on the conflict there.

Jim was taken from us in an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the entire world. He was 40 years old -- one of five siblings, the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. Earlier today, I spoke to the Foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss, and join them in honoring Jim and all that he did.

Jim Foley’s life stands in stark contrast to his killers. Let’s be clear about ISIL. They have rampaged across cities and villages -- killing innocent, unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct women and children, and subject them to torture and rape and slavery. They have murdered Muslims -- both Sunni and Shia -- by the thousands. They target Christians and religious minorities, driving them from their homes, murdering them when they can for no other reason than they practice a different religion. They declared their ambition to commit genocide against an ancient people.

So ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day. ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt. They may claim out of expediency that they are at war with the United States or the West, but the fact is they terrorize their neighbors and offer them nothing but an endless slavery to their empty vision, and the collapse of any definition of civilized behavior.

And people like this ultimately fail. They fail, because the future is won by those who build and not destroy and the world is shaped by people like Jim Foley, and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him.

The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. We will be vigilant and we will be relentless. When people harm Americans, anywhere, we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done. And we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.

The people of Iraq, who with our support are taking the fight to ISIL, must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their communities. The people of Syria, whose story Jim Foley told, do not deserve to live under the shadow of a tyrant or terrorists. They have our support in their pursuit of a future rooted in dignity.

From governments and peoples across the Middle East there has to be a common effort to extract this cancer, so that it does not spread. There has to be a clear rejection of these kind of nihilistic ideologies. One thing we can all agree on is that a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century.

Friends and allies around the world, we share a common security and a common set of values that are rooted in the opposite of what we saw yesterday. And we will continue to confront this hateful terrorism, and replace it with a sense of hope and civility. And that’s what Jim Foley stood for, a man who lived his work; who courageously told the stories of his fellow human beings; who was liked and loved by friends and family.

Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim. All of us feel the ache of his absence. All of us mourn his loss. We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families. We will do everything that we can to protect our people and the timeless values that we stand for.

May God bless and keep Jim’s memory, and may God bless the United States of America.'

Obama is not going to invade Bermuda because some guy threatened his grandfather 30 years ago.
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.
That is one video I could never bring myself to watch. I am nauseous from this news. How many more will suffer the same fate and what if anything, will be done to stop it. :(
Has our obuma sent condolences to Foley ' s family or is that uncalled for since Foley is neither black nor a thug.

He spoke with the family before his statement today, as they noted later:

Shortly before he spoke, the president talked by phone with Foley's parents. At a subsequent news conference on their front lawn, the parents were asked why Foley decided to travel to dangerous locales. "Why do firemen go back into a blazing home? It was his job," John Foley answered.
James Foley remembered as 'brave and tireless' -

Can a few minutes be taken out from the endless attacks on Obama to remember Foley? The 9/11/01, Iraq invasion, and New Orleans dead were too numerous, they faded into a blur amid the cheering of the Bush boy playing dress up on a fllight deck. The parades and "Proud to be an American" stickers obscured the suffering. Many of us reject that that route now.
Has our obuma sent condolences to Foley ' s family or is that uncalled for since Foley is neither black nor a thug.


He is questioning if it even happened.

{“If genuine, we are appalled by the brutal murder of an innocent American journalist and we express our deepest condolences to his family and friends. We will provide more information when it is available,” National Security Council spokesman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement.}

Obama Administration "Appalled" at Beheading of American Journalist "If True" - Katie Pavlich

Sure you didn't confuse the President with PM Cameron?

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: "If true, the brutal murder of James Foley is shocking and depraved"
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Q: President Obama, you just announced that Foley was beheaded by ISIS. What are you going to do next?

Obama: I'm going GOLFING!


Fist bump: Furious reactions to Obama's 5-hour golf game overshadow his 5-minute ISIS speech as he teed off IMMEDIATELY after condemning American photojournalist James Foley's executioners | Mail Online

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