ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

Oh this is great. Holder is launching a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into ISIS beheading Foley.

ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.

That link no longer shows the video, but this one does. Just pardon all the nakedness and.. naughty business.

WATCH A Message To America | Best Shockers

I read this morning that the supposedly ISIS was in contact with both Foley's family and his boss. In the video, Foley is scolding the US and his brother, who is Air Force. He says he wishes he was not an American citizen. It is all very personal. If he knew he would die, why read such garbage and basically blame his brother and the US for his death?

The video shows a man, with a British accent who seems to attempt to sound otherwise, holding a plastic looking knife the size of a steak knife to Foley's throat. It looks like a toy dagger. He then starts to saw the neck, but there is no blood coming from that action--the camera cuts and then a body with a head propped on it is shown.

Maybe I have had one too many Criminal Justice classes, but this looks very set up and very personal.

Why did Foley give his captors his family's email address? Getting hold of his boss' is one thing, but why give terrorists access to his family? Why put them at risk? Why wait until now to execute him? Why would they release his translator? Why not kill the translator?
He was driving away in a car when a gunman fired shots into the air. Foley stopped and was forced into the gunman's car. Why didn't he just push the gas pedal and keep going full speed ahead? I mean really--there is a greater chance of getting away alive doing that than stopping and letting them take you.
James Foley, U.S. journalist abducted in Syria, likely detained by government: investigation - NY Daily News
The story states that it was the Syrian government that took him, not ISIS militant. How did the ISIS get him from the Syrian government? I'm not the only one asking this question.
How Did ISIS Kidnap James Foley? - Business Insider
The family thought the Syrian government had him so they had the Syrian ambassador deliver letters to the Syrian government for his release.
James Foley, U.S. journalist abducted in Syria, likely detained by government: investigation - NY Daily News

I am not saying Foley was not killed, but I am not saying that he was either. I am not saying that the Syrian government did this, nor ISIS. I am saying that this story has more holes than Swiss cheese.
I personally believe Foley was a sympathizer to the cause and against the US and ISIS and chose to die a martyr or is still alive.
We in the West already knew that this brand of Muslim is barbaric. They are stupid also thinking that cutting off the head of a journalist is going to have any positive results for their goals.

All it will do is ramp up the air support being engaged by the U S.

At least a thousand more of these ignorant A-Holes will be blown to red mist for their effort to scare us into backing down.

The "tiger" was leaving anyway yet these morons in all their Muslim wisdom have decided to kick the beast with unspeakable ability to kill in the nuts.

Now they will be exposed by air strikes and the Kurds will gleefully mop up the wounded.
ISIS is about to be destroyed. As they should be.

Huggy these aren't your Mohammed six pack jihadists here. ISIS is a full blown terror army that control and govern area in Syria and Iraq that are the size of Great Britain.

Too bad the west waited so bloody long to deal with them. ISIS has become the wealthiest and most powerful terror army on the planet. They make AQ look like Girl Scouts selling cookies.

Underestimate them at your peril.

I don't really know enough about ISIS to estimate them at all.

I'm pretty sure that the U S does want to get the Hell out of Iraq and THAT will be the driving force in stepping up intel and along with the regional regulated forces providing as much manned air and drone activity to reverse this trend.

These people (ISIS) clearly are not that smart. Doesn't speak well for the morons that sign up with them either.

Apparently we must kill a bunch of them ... so be it. They can't hold vast tracts of territory and towns/cities without exposing themselves to air attacks.

Air can't kill all of them but the same old rules of warfare still apply. We are not talking about the mountains of Afgahnistan.. And if there is anything that drives Americans it is the need to build and deliver ordinance.

Nothing gets our blood flowing like a reason to make money assembling rockets and bombs.

THAT is something even the stupid political terrorist Republicans can get behind.
Gotta say, while I don't approve of lopping people's heads off, the reaction is overblown and artifical. US killed over 300,000+ civilians in Iraq, did anyone get in trouble for that? Nope. Think they actually got promoted. So let's keep it in perspective.
Oh this is great. Holder is launching a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into ISIS beheading Foley.


Odd how when non-citizens murder US citizens it's a national news story. When the President murders US citizens with a drone attack...Oh wait, that was a story too...;)
It's hard to tell what shocked and outraged the world the worst, the beheading or obama's actions.
Sounded just right, got attention away from today's bombings of ISIS targets. So, do we cave in to ISIS like we did al Qaeda in 2003 or stay the course?

If we has caved in to Al Qaeda in 2003, there might be a rational basis for your question.

ISIS is Obama's creation. Obama fucking around in the Middle East, funding Al Qaeda in Egypt, pushing the coup in Libya, and backing ISIS in Syria is what hatched this madness.

I realize you are desperate to somehow blame this cluster fuck of Obama's on BOOOOSSSSSHHH, but there is no rational way to do it. ISIS is the creation of Barack Obama - his fucktarded foreign policy of destabilizing the ME is the reason they murder and rampage.
Sounded just right, got attention away from today's bombings of ISIS targets. So, do we cave in to ISIS like we did al Qaeda in 2003 or stay the course?

If we has caved in to Al Qaeda in 2003, there might be a rational basis for your question.

ISIS is Obama's creation. Obama fucking around in the Middle East, funding Al Qaeda in Egypt, pushing the coup in Libya, and backing ISIS in Syria is what hatched this madness.

I realize you are desperate to somehow blame this cluster fuck of Obama's on BOOOOSSSSSHHH, but there is no rational way to do it. ISIS is the creation of Barack Obama - his fucktarded foreign policy of destabilizing the ME is the reason they murder and rampage.

Yep. Obama enabled ISIS.

In a press conference at the White House East Room on Friday, President Obama said that the “core” of Al Qaeda was on its heels but that the terrorist group had “metastasized” into a different sort of threat.

“They have the capacity,” he said, “to go after our embassies... to go after our businesses... to be destabilizing and disruptive in countries where the security apparatus is weak.”

Obama said that it was consistent to believe that this “tightly organized” Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been “broken apart” and is “very weak,” while simultaneously claiming that the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula could still pose a serious threat.

Obama stated, “We’ve got to continue to be vigilant and to go after known terrorists…This is an ongoing process. We are not going to completely eliminate terrorism. What we can do is to weaken it and strengthen our partnerships” so that there is not another 9/11.

Obama Claims Al Qaeda 'Broken Apart' Despite Warnings

You break it - you buy it.
Sounded just right, got attention away from today's bombings of ISIS targets. So, do we cave in to ISIS like we did al Qaeda in 2003 or stay the course?

If we has caved in to Al Qaeda in 2003, there might be a rational basis for your question.

ISIS is Obama's creation. Obama fucking around in the Middle East, funding Al Qaeda in Egypt, pushing the coup in Libya, and backing ISIS in Syria is what hatched this madness.

I realize you are desperate to somehow blame this cluster fuck of Obama's on BOOOOSSSSSHHH, but there is no rational way to do it. ISIS is the creation of Barack Obama - his fucktarded foreign policy of destabilizing the ME is the reason they murder and rampage.

Bush let al Qaeda off the hook with the Iraq disaster, however, Obama asked for the job, and has not cleaned the mess. Thus, rational humans know responsibility is shared.
ISIS militants released gruesome video footage this afternoon of the beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley as a message to the U.S. to stop intervening in Iraq. Foley, a freelancer who contributed to the Global Post, was first captured in Libya in 2012, released, and then kidnapped again around Thanksgiving 2012 by unidentified gunmen in Syria. He was 39 years old.
The (extremely disturbing) video can be viewed.....

ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.
Watched the foul video last night. I hope the members of ISIS die in a hail of pig parts and rot in hell with 72 swine.
Yep. Obama enabled ISIS.

In a press conference at the White House East Room on Friday, President Obama said that the “core” of Al Qaeda was on its heels but that the terrorist group had “metastasized” into a different sort of threat.
“They have the capacity,” he said, “to go after our embassies... to go after our businesses... to be destabilizing and disruptive in countries where the security apparatus is weak.”

Obama said that it was consistent to believe that this “tightly organized” Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been “broken apart” and is “very weak,” while simultaneously claiming that the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula could still pose a serious threat.

Obama stated, “We’ve got to continue to be vigilant and to go after known terrorists…This is an ongoing process. We are not going to completely eliminate terrorism. What we can do is to weaken it and strengthen our partnerships” so that there is not another 9/11.

Obama Claims Al Qaeda 'Broken Apart' Despite Warnings

You break it - you buy it.

I find it interesting that the truth is virtually the opposite of what Obama claims.

Al Qaeda on 9-11 was not "tightly organized." Quite the opposite, Al Qaeda was a group of loosely affiliated cells, which is what made hunting them down so difficult.

ISIS on the other hand, IS tightly organized, thanks to Obama and the half billion dollars worth of weapons given to them by the Administration.
Bush let al Qaeda off the hook with the Iraq disaster, however, Obama asked for the job, and has not cleaned the mess. Thus, rational humans know responsibility is shared.

Partisan bullshit makes rdean squeal with delight, but it has no effect with me other than to discredit you.

Whether Iraq was right or wrong - what the fuck does that have to do with your claim that Al Qaeda was 'let off the hook?"
Yep. Obama enabled ISIS.

In a press conference at the White House East Room on Friday, President Obama said that the “core” of Al Qaeda was on its heels but that the terrorist group had “metastasized” into a different sort of threat.
“They have the capacity,” he said, “to go after our embassies... to go after our businesses... to be destabilizing and disruptive in countries where the security apparatus is weak.”

Obama said that it was consistent to believe that this “tightly organized” Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been “broken apart” and is “very weak,” while simultaneously claiming that the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula could still pose a serious threat.

Obama stated, “We’ve got to continue to be vigilant and to go after known terrorists…This is an ongoing process. We are not going to completely eliminate terrorism. What we can do is to weaken it and strengthen our partnerships” so that there is not another 9/11.

Obama Claims Al Qaeda 'Broken Apart' Despite Warnings

You break it - you buy it.

I find it interesting that the truth is virtually the opposite of what Obama claims.

Al Qaeda on 9-11 was not "tightly organized." Quite the opposite, Al Qaeda was a group of loosely affiliated cells, which is what made hunting them down so difficult.

ISIS on the other hand, IS tightly organized, thanks to Obama and the half billion dollars worth of weapons given to them by the Administration.

Obama is the de facto Godfather of ISIS.
The FACTS, ISIS formed before Obama even announced his candidacy, MID 2000-2010:

The half billion dollars your little tin god gave them certainly altered their ability to operate.

After deposing The Man Who Threatened Poppy. Bush II lost interest, selected Maliki, and here we are. Bush owns ISIS, and Obama asked for the work of cleaning up the Bush disasters, is too slow doing so.

I understand you are a partisan and seek to serve you party, but that's just fucking stupid.

ISIS is a product of the "Arab Spring" that your little tin god stuck his dick into. He didn't grasp that players - he backed Al Qaeda in Egypt, which became a disaster that the military had to salvage. Was Obama really so stupid that he didn't grasp that the MB are AQ? He IS incompetent, I'll grant you that, but he can't be this stupid.

He was warned that ISIL was an Al Qaeda cell, but in his zeal to appeal to the Islamic world, he backed them - giving rise to ISIS.

By the way, the Obama Network (NBC) link you posted said ISIL arose in 2013.
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The FACTS, ISIS formed before Obama even announced his candidacy, MID 2000-2010:

The half billion dollars your little tin god gave them certainly altered their ability to operate.

After deposing The Man Who Threatened Poppy. Bush II lost interest, selected Maliki, and here we are. Bush owns ISIS, and Obama asked for the work of cleaning up the Bush disasters, is too slow doing so.

I understand you are a partisan and seek to serve you party, but that's just fucking stupid.

ISIS is a product of the "Arab Spring" that your little tin god stuck his dick into. He didn't grasp that players - he backed Al Qaeda in Egypt, which became a disaster that the military had to salvage. Was Obama really so stupid that he didn't grasp that the MB are AQ? He IS incompetent, I'll grant you that, but he can't be this stupid.

He was warned that ISIL was an Al Qaeda cell, but in his zeal to appeal to the Islamic world, he backed them - giving rise to ISIS.

By the way, the Obama Network (NBC) link you posted said ISIL arose in 3013.

The tens of milions are now cited as a billion or half a billion; any facts, other than from godlikeproductions to back the claim? ISIS is using weapons left beyond by the Iraqi army the US set up after 2003.

And from the article:

The terror group, made up of Sunni extremists, originated from al Qaeda in Iraq in the mid-2000s.
I'm not watching any video of this. I just heard on the radio it took over 7 minutes to behead him, using a small knife. The hell that guy endured, imagine the terror and the pain, the realization that life will soon be over, never to see friends or loved ones again.

Fucking savages, subhuman filth who ought to be burned alive.

It took the guy over 7 mins to cut this guys head off. Well that is hard to imagine, to have someone so inexperienced in a video to show just how good they are at beheading people. It seems they would of used a machete and of done a professional job for all to see. Sorry I believe he was CIA, whether he is dead or not I don't know, I don't think so watching his parents on TV, First Isis terror attach on US the news stated , looks like we'll be going to Syria soon, time to take out Assad.

There is a picture of a pick up truck with lots of beheaded heads in it , they looked very clean cut. Using a knife for over 7 mins would of been like nightmare for the guy doing it and well for the guy having it done to.

His parents video of TV interview in on you tube. Just my opinion.
The tens of milions are now cited as a billion or half a billion; any facts, other than from godlikeproductions to back the claim? ISIS is using weapons left beyond by the Iraqi army the US set up after 2003.

And from the article:

The terror group, made up of Sunni extremists, originated from al Qaeda in Iraq in the mid-2000s.

The link I provided was to the Wall Street Journal.

Oh and from your Obama Network link;

{Prominent jihadist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi emerged as a leader in 2010, transforming the fighters into a cohesive unit
The group became known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (or the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) in April 2013, when Baghdadi said his militants were also fighting in Syria. ISIS remains the largest terror organization in Iraq, with its numbers estimated in the thousands.}

Try not to bullshit so much. I mean, unless you want to sink to rdean, blindboo, shallow, et al levels....
I'm not watching any video of this. I just heard on the radio it took over 7 minutes to behead him, using a small knife. The hell that guy endured, imagine the terror and the pain, the realization that life will soon be over, never to see friends or loved ones again.

Fucking savages, subhuman filth who ought to be burned alive.

It took the guy over 7 mins to cut this guys head off. Well that is hard to imagine, to have someone so inexperienced in a video to show just how good they are at beheading people. It seems they would of used a machete and of done a professional job for all to see. Sorry I believe he was CIA, whether he is dead or not I don't know, I don't think so watching his parents on TV, First Isis terror attach on US the news stated , looks like we'll be going to Syria soon, time to take out Assad.

There is a picture of a pick up trucks with lots of beheaded heads in it, they looked very clean cut. Using a knife for over 7 mins would of been like nightmare for the guy doing it and well for the guy having it done to.

His parents video of TV interview in on you tube. Just my opinion.

What could be more horrifying than taking that long? Why make it quick? Where's the "terror" in that?

The only one of these I have ever watched was the beheading of Nick Berg. He screamed like a woman, shrieking at the pain and the reality of his fate all the while a sick fucking Muslim freak was chanting to Allah and cutting his head off with a small knife. It was more like sawing than cutting, and it was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen, and ever wish to see.

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