Isis cringes in fear as Obama takes center stage in the battle to save the world

Incompetent, irrelevant, and not material, lol. You guys are sooo done, I know it, you know it, and everybody else on here knows it too. Do you understand how much FUN it actually is to watch you guys attempt your usual bullshit, and get absolutely nowhere, lololol! We thought it would never happen, but the incompetence of the lefties and their surrogates......the ASTRO TURFERS, have proven us wrong. You have actually irritated the silent majority enough to take you down. That is really a hard project to accomplish, but somehow, you and your lefty pals arrogance, have managed to not only wake them up, but insure the bunch of you are so far removed from power after the next election, that you could not even get a school spending bill passed. Congrats you bunch of failures, llololol!
I noticed you never discussed the science. Why is that? Couldn't be because you're talking out your ass and don't really know shit, could it?

Why discuss the science? You are not a scientist, and neither am I. You are all in because it fits YOUR ASTRO TURF agenda.

Here, let me educate you, oh incompetent one of the left! How much is 2 + 2? Why that equals 4, and every person who has gone to 2nd grade can tell you that! I know it, you know it, and even Hillary knows it, unless it is all bad for her, than she will try and convince us it was some movie, lolol. But I digress.

So are we having climate change? Why yes we are, and again, you will have everyone agree to that too. It has been happening for eons, and every scientist agrees with that.

Is it MMGW, or is it MMGC, or is it MMCC, lololol. You have 30 different opinions, and just because you like one of them, doesn't mean squat to us. You can pretend to be a scientist and post all your drivel, but for every graph you show, we can find 5 that refute your one.

Personally, I am willing to accept a DEBATE on the issue, and the conclusion it draws. No, not the Paris debate, because it is a circle jerk, with all of the jerkers grabbing something hard. I am thinking more of a debate between those that think like you while using scientific theory, and those who disagree, and will use scientific theory.

If that comes to pass and they come to a conclusion, then I am in. And NO, not the conclusion that climate is changing, lololol.......but the conclusion we are causing it!

Now, are you an astro turfer? If you aren't, then let me be the 1st to inform you that it will NEVER happen! Why? Because your side does not have the science to back up its claims; done, over!!!! It can NOT convince the scientific community as a whole by using scientific methods, that it has proof positive that their thesis is correct.

Let me put it this way.............when you scientifically prove something, then anyone who disagrees with you has to show an experimental conclusion that differs from yours. Your side hasn't proven ANYTHING besides the climate is changing, lol. (who woulda thunk it) It can NOT scientifically prove we are the cause, or even part of the cause, or if we are part of the cause, what percentage of the cause we are!

When you can do that, come back and talk to us. If you can't and want us to accept your premise..........just in case...........that is like Obama asking us to accept Obamacare, and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

All phony baloney good time rock-n-roll, and believe it or not, you are people are LOSING-)
Obungles focuses on GLOBULL warming for two reasons, a distraction and he doesn't have the first phucking clue how to defeat ISIS

First they would have to establish that normal long-trend weather patterns are happening. Then establish that Man Made instruments are causing these new trends in weather. Are these trends harmful, abnormal?

They have not. They cannot. End of GW scam artists. go to work on Muslim killers as we pay them to do.
Obozo is focusing on climate change because he can announce an agreement that will be worthless but sound good. Anyone remember his last trip to Copenhagen? What came out of that/ Yeah, nothing.

ahh.........that was 5*star vacation for bunches of "overworked" politicians. Some people will willingly pay for others to have more free European vacation? stupid much.
I noticed you never discussed the science. Why is that? Couldn't be because you're talking out your ass and don't really know shit, could it?
Why discuss the science? You are not a scientist, and neither am I. You are all in because it fits YOUR ASTRO TURF agenda.
You need to read profiles, so you don't end up looking more foolish than you already do. It IS a scientific question, but having already lost that argument, denialists only ever want to stick to politics or resort to ridicule.
Gee I didn't know there couldn't be more than one global problem at a time. Thanks guys. Either only Islamic terrorism is a problem or only global warming is a problem. You guys are so smart.

There may be several problems. But global warming isn't one of them
I have a prediction.

In the next 10 years the REPUBLICANS are going to pass an AGW bill or sign a treaty on it.

Crazy nutcase prediction, huh?:alcoholic:
I noticed you never discussed the science. Why is that? Couldn't be because you're talking out your ass and don't really know shit, could it?
Why discuss the science? You are not a scientist, and neither am I. You are all in because it fits YOUR ASTRO TURF agenda.
You need to read profiles, so you don't end up looking more foolish than you already do. It IS a scientific question, but having already lost that argument, denialists only ever want to stick to politics or resort to ridicule.

I am not going to insult your intelligence my lefty friend, but I will make it simple for you one more time.

1. Is the earth round? Yes. How do we know this? It is settled science, has been proven. All scientists agree.

2. Do those big holes in the earth called oceans have water in them? Yes! How do we know? It is settled science, all scientists agree, done deal.

3. Does the moon orbit the earth? Yes it does! How do we know? It is settled science. All scientists agree.

4. Is the climate of earth volatile and changing? Yes it is! How do we know? It is settled science, all scientists agree.

5. Is climate change driven soley by man, and if it is driven by man at all, what is the percentage? UNKNOWN. All scientists do not agree. It is NOT settled science, and in fact, scientists have no models to predict, or project accurately what is going on.

There you have it, simple, and factual. Now if you try to come back with some ridiculous graph to prove your point, you haven't learned a thing. You don't have to convince me, you have to convince the scientists who disagree with you, because as long as they disagree with you, it is NOT settled science.

Now then, if you try your typical lefty excuses routine, then I will have to add number 6 to the post above, saying that all WATERMELONS are dumb, because they won't accept scientific methods of proof! And that to, will be settled science from all of the watermelons posts on here that prove my theory. My experiment passes muster, and until you can show me one watermelon who believes that MMCC is not true, my experiment has passed muster conclusively-)
I have a prediction.

In the next 10 years the REPUBLICANS are going to pass an AGW bill or sign a treaty on it.

Crazy nutcase prediction, huh?:alcoholic:

That will happen over my dead body, and that goes for most Republicans.
I am not going to insult your intelligence my lefty friend, but I will make it simple for you one more time.
Sorry, I can't return the favor. You're a moron and don't know the first thing about the subject. Since you admit to not being a scientist, the only thing I can infer is that you're a parrot that simply repeats whatever fits your preconceived biases. Your #5 is what clinches it, since no one claims that human actions are "solely" the determinant of climate. What IS claimed AND proven is that CO2 and other gases absorb infra-red radiation. What IS known or inferred from other sources is that the concentrations of those gases have been going up since the advent of the Industrial Revolution with no known cause other than human action. Therefore, if the trend continues, how can we expect anything but warming? That's how real science works, with data and logic, NOT lists of disconnected facts, half-truths and outright falsehoods that denialists throw together to fool the general public.
So is listening to a Trump speech. Given the two, I'll take the one that makes scientific sense, not jingoistic nonsense.
Trump isnt a scientist. Neither are you. The evidence against MMGW is so enormous it's hard to imagine why people still believe it.
Well your first sentence is true. Your second isn't. The third is an out and out lie and proves that logic isn't your forte.
So is listening to a Trump speech. Given the two, I'll take the one that makes scientific sense, not jingoistic nonsense.
Trump isnt a scientist. Neither are you. The evidence against MMGW is so enormous it's hard to imagine why people still believe it.
Well your first sentence is true. Your second isn't. The third is an out and out lie and proves that logic isn't your forte.
My entire post was true. Your entire post was bullshit.
And that isnt just this thread either.

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