ISIS downs Russian jet ..

ask a ligit question about the politics in the mid east and the thread gets moved, and the RW hacks somehow imagine I side with isis...

maybe I should have posted a thread about Obama Sucks and gained favor of both.
Jusy when you thought liberals could not be more pathetic.

This loser OP wonders why we think he is siding with the sandNIGGERS.

Honestly, I think this left wing dipshit maybe the dumbest one on this site.

You're human garbage. YOU are the real sandNIGGER here.

America is weaker because of lying slime like you.

Try posting some facts about ISIS for a change.
Supposedly ISIS isn't capable of SAM's that could reach that altitude, but they are capable of hiding a bomb or bomber inside the jet ... So what is POOTIN' going to do now ? Playing fearless leader in the mid east is a bitch, he should have had a sit down convo with his little pal, 43 and hashed out some details before he teamed up with Ass -ad.

you side with ISIS? Why is that?

you're an idiot ? why is that?

whatever, scooter...can you tell me why you side with isis over russia?

can you tell me why you somehow imagine I side with either ?
siete said:
So what is POOTIN' going to do now ? Playing fearless leader in the mid east is a bitch, he should have had a sit down convo with his little pal, 43 and hashed out some details before he teamed up with Ass -ad

You relish that isis may have somehow downed a russian airliner...and then you dance off to drag bush into purposely misspell putin's name and then make a derogatory remark about his "little pal".

It's pretty obvious you just wanted to make up an excuse to disparage bush..that was quite a reach...comical...

No one dragged Bush into it.

Bush dragged US into it.
you side with ISIS? Why is that?

you're an idiot ? why is that?

whatever, scooter...can you tell me why you side with isis over russia?

can you tell me why you somehow imagine I side with either ?
siete said:
So what is POOTIN' going to do now ? Playing fearless leader in the mid east is a bitch, he should have had a sit down convo with his little pal, 43 and hashed out some details before he teamed up with Ass -ad

You relish that isis may have somehow downed a russian airliner...and then you dance off to drag bush into purposely misspell putin's name and then make a derogatory remark about his "little pal".

It's pretty obvious you just wanted to make up an excuse to disparage bush..that was quite a reach...comical...

Wow, you really need a chill pill. Answer the question: What IS Putin going to do now?

He can't answer but my bet is that Pootin will keep doing what he has in the past. Run his country into the dirt, swagger a lot and take off his shirt. And ^^ RW traitors ^^ will hump his leg for it.
I'm still wondering if Israel shot it down.
Low flying near their border.
Could be.
I'm still wondering if Israel shot it down.
Low flying near their border.
Could be.
Ya cause after all there is a history right? ohh wait, no there is not. Care to provide a shred of evidence last i read there is absolutely NO evidence it wasa hit from the outside. Kinda hard to shoot a plane down without hitting it from the outside, now isn't it?
Could have been a US drone collided with the outlined by this columnist.

Did a US Drone Down the Russian Metrojet? - LewRockwell
Once again for the slow and stupid...... They have already ruled NO OUTSIDE contact. No missile, no drone, nothing hit the plane.

Eight digit grid coordinates are verified and locked - forward observers advise smoke round is confirmed on target.

Lasers are standing by if needed.

Fire for effect !

British spies find evidence of bomb smuggled in luggage hold...

Russian Jet Was Blown Up By 'Bomb In The Hold'
6 Nov.`15 - British spies have uncovered evidence that suggests a bomb was smuggled into the hold of the Russian jet that crashed in Egypt, killing 224 people.
UK intelligence found evidence of the plot in intercepts picked up as part of a review of material carried out in the wake of the 31 October disaster, Sky News understands. The discovery by GCHQ prompted Britain to dispatch experts to Sharm el Sheikh to review security at the airport - leading to the suspension of all flights to and from the resort. Sky's Foreign Affairs Editor Sam Kiley said: "Following the downing of the aircraft, British intelligence went back over existing material and began to see some kind of signal that indicated a bomb had been placed on this aircraft."


The discovery has created a diplomatic row with Egypt and Russia, who want to see the intelligence, having previously played down Islamic State claims of responsibility. Kiley said: "The interesting thing is that the intelligence was missed in the first place, which will anger the Russians in particular. "The Russians and Egyptians are wanting the British to share this intelligence with them. The British are resisting that very strongly - quite often they've said they'll share the conclusions but not the raw material because access to the raw material will reveal their capabilities."

David Cameron - who has spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin twice since the crash - has said it is "more likely than not" that the jet was brought down by a bomb, Flights from Sharm to the UK will resume later in the face of heightened security, including a ban on hold luggage for passengers, which will be transported separately. Planes carrying British tourists will depart the UK with the holds "sealed up" and security to ensure they stay that way while in Egypt, the Independent's travel expert Simon Calder has reported.

:: How Security Flaws May Have Led To Bomb On Jet
Have they offered up any oh waht do you call it? Evidence yet? Or is it still just "it's possible it was a bomb."

Ya it's possible a bird got sucked into the jet intakes too. It's possible a UFO shot it down. But before we declare war on the aliens how about we find some evidence substantiating such claims first?
"linked to routine Egyptian military activity and was not a "targeted attack"?...

British plane narrowly avoids being struck by mystery missile over Egypt
Saturday 7th November, 2015 - A British airliner had to take evasive action over Egypt's Sinai region when a missile came within 1,000 feet of hitting the plane in August, according to new reports.
The Daily Mail says the missile almost hit the Thomson Airways London to Sharm el-Sheikh flight carrying 189 passengers. An investigation by the British government concluded the incident was linked to routine Egyptian military activity and was not a "targeted attack". That report has been met with skepticism by many aviation analysts.

Aviation expert Alastair Rosenschein has described the incident as "quite extraordinary" and said he does not believe the UK government's explanation. "I'm not sure that I buy the fact that it was a military exercise and that a missile passed to within a 1,000ft of an aircraft that was presumably on the correct flight path on the approach to land at Sharm el-Sheikh," he said. "It most certainly does not happen. I suspect that this is not the full story." The government has confirmed an investigation into the reported missile incident was carried out by the Department for Transport.


Thomson has confirmed "an event" was reported by the crew of flight TOM 476 on 23 August 2015, which was reported to the UK Department for Transport. "The DfT conducted a full investigation in conjunction with other UK government experts. After reviewing the details of the case, the investigation concluded that there was no cause for concern and it was safe to continue our flying programme to Sharm-el Sheikh," a spokesperson for the airline said.

The news comes a week after a Russian jet - an Airbus A321, operated by Russian airline Metrojet - flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg crashed in Sinai last Saturday, killing all 224 people on board. Most of the victims were Russian. French aviation officials have said the crash was not caused by technical failures, and other French officials said the flight data recorder suggested a "violent, sudden" explosion.

British plane narrowly avoids being struck by mystery missile over Egypt

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