ISIS impregnates 9 year old girl

I'm sure this is just one of many such examples that will be found later on. Hard for people to come forward especially when travel and reporting is limited.
You are aware the Mohammad married a 9 year old right? So ISIS is just following the prophets example.
Did I ever mention a friend of mine, who opened up a business in the middle east? He sells land mines disguised as prayer rugs. He says that business is really booming.
So you believe fucking 9 year olds is ok as long as Muslims do it?
People in various countries in both Africa and Asia allow marriage of very young girls.

This also includes Buddhist, Christian, and Hindu. ..... :cool:

>>Most religions, over history, influenced the marriageable age. For example, Christian ecclesiastical law forbade marriage of a girl before the age of puberty. Hindu vedic scriptures mandated the age of a girl's marriage to be adulthood which they defined as three years after the onset of puberty. Jewish scholars and rabbis strongly discouraged marriages before the onset of puberty. In contrast, some Islamic marriage practices have permitted marriage of girls below the age of 10, because Shariat law is based in part on the life and practices of Muhammad, the Prophet, as described in part in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. The Prophet married Aisha, his third wife, when she was about age six, and consummated the marriage when she was about age nine<<
You are one sick puppy. I can't call you pedophile, but if you support this sick crap what else can one call you?
I only support the right of people in other countries to set their own cultural values and moral standards.

Without the interference of western busybodies telling them what to do. .... :cool:
You are one sick puppy. I can't call you pedophile, but if you support this sick crap what else can one call you?
I only support the right of people in other countries to set their own cultural values and moral standards.

Without the interference of western busybodies telling them what to do. .... :cool:
NO you are actively supporting the rape of 9 year olds. A 9 year old can not consent to marriage or sex. No matter what religion she is from. Remind us how you support Islam taking over in THIS Country and then remind us how you support the rape of children.

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