ISIS in "Kobani" and al-Hasakah

ISIS Falling Apart in Al-Hasakah Amid Syrian Army Gains

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade – in coordination with the Shaytat Tribesmen of Deir Ezzor, the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia), and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – successfully cleared out the Sports City Quarter of Al-Hasakah City after fierce clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) on Sunday morning.

Following their securing of the Sports City Quarter inside the provincial capital, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over Dawar Al-Kahraba, Dawar Al-Thaqafah and Dawar Al-Shari’ah, killing a confirmed 29 enemy combatants from ISIS, while also destroying four of their armored vehicles that were mounted with either a 14.5mm or 23mm anti-aircraft machine gun.

In addition to their success at the Dawar Al-Shari’ah, Dawar Al-Kahraba, and Dawar Al-Thaqafah, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in cooperation with the Shamir Forces – attacked the terrorist group at the Al-Nishwa Villas, resulting in their subsequent capture of this site after a long firefight that required the use of the SAA’s tanks.

The situation for ISIS inside the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate has not improved over the last two weeks, as they find themselves completely encircled by the Syrian Armed Forces and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Forces” (YPG), leaving the terrorist group with two choices: surrender or fight.

Adding to ISIS’ plight in Al-Hasakah, the persistent airstrikes launched by the Syrian Arab Air Force has paralyzed the terrorist group’s central command, as their headquarters in the southern city of Al-Shadadi has been the primary target for the SAAF."

ISIS Falling Apart in Al-Hasakah Amid Syrian Army Gains
ISIS Kicked Out of Southern Al-Hasakah: Syrian Army in Full Control of Al-Zuhour

It has been 33 days since the Syrian Armed Forces have been inside the southern sector of Al-Hasakah City and since their loss of the Al-Zuhour Quarter to the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS), they have been immersed in fierce firefights with this terrorist group around the north district’s municipal and educational facilities.

To much of ISIS’ surprise on Tuesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division – in coordination with the 5th Border Guard Brigade, the Gozarto Protection Forces (GPF), and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – captured the imperative Youth Housing building, along with the Panorama Roundabout at the southern entrance of the provincial capital.

Following their capture of the southern sector of Al-Hasakah City, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the Gozarto Protection Forces and the National Defense Forces – carried out a powerful assault in the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter, killing 31 enemy combatants from ISIS.

ISIS is now facing serious implications inside the provincial capital, as they are not only isolated from all supply lines, but also, trapped inside the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter.

The terrorist group is besieged from all sides: Syrian Armed Forces from the southern and eastern flanks; and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) from the western and northern flanks.

ISIS Kicked Out of Southern Al-Hasakah Syrian Army in Full Control of Al-Zuhour
ISIS Surrounded at the Southern Entrance of Al-Hasakah City

"The situation is not getting any better for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) inside Al-Hasakah City, as they are now isolated at two different sectors of the provincial capital, all the while, the Syrian Armed Forces and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) continue to capture territory from the terrorist group.

On Wednesday, the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division – in coordination with the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia), the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion – continued their assault on the Panorama Roundabout, where they confronted a large contingent from ISIS trying to entrench themselves inside the buildings near the Youth Housing Camp.

To make matters worse for ISIS at the Al-Zuhour Quarter, their fighters inside the Faculty of Engineering building are cutoff from their other combatants at the Panorama Roundabout, leaving them with only two choices: surrender or die.

West of Al-Zuhour, the YPG carried out a powerful assault at the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter on Wednesday, killing over 20 enemy combatants from the terrorist group, while also capturing a T-72 tank.

To the south of the west district, the Syrian Arab Army engineers dismantled a large payload of IEDs (improvised explosive device) near the Al-Shari’ah district after they were unearthed by a contingent from the 154th Brigade."

ISIS Surrounded at the Southern Entrance of Al-Hasakah City
How is that BAATHIST/IRANIAN alliance working out for you-------captain blei
The question should be how the war on terror works out for us all. If the Nato will be successful in creating a unified Islamist terror state, what do you think will be the result for us? There will be no more safety the more so as our western countries are easy targets.
How is that BAATHIST/IRANIAN alliance working out for you-------captain blei
The question should be how the war on terror works out for us all. If the Nato will be successful in creating a unified Islamist terror state, what do you think will be the result for us? There will be no more safety the more so as our western countries are easy targets.

we are not as vulnerable as you would like to imagine, captain blei------ask your fellow Baathist in hell------saddam----he tried and tried
How is that BAATHIST/IRANIAN alliance working out for you-------captain blei
The question should be how the war on terror works out for us all. If the Nato will be successful in creating a unified Islamist terror state, what do you think will be the result for us? There will be no more safety the more so as our western countries are easy targets.

we are not as vulnerable as you would like to imagine, captain blei------ask your fellow Baathist in hell------saddam----he tried and tried
Are you really that stupid? Hussein did never try to attack the US or other western countries.
I was talking about Islamist terror, you fool.
How is that BAATHIST/IRANIAN alliance working out for you-------captain blei
The question should be how the war on terror works out for us all. If the Nato will be successful in creating a unified Islamist terror state, what do you think will be the result for us? There will be no more safety the more so as our western countries are easy targets.

we are not as vulnerable as you would like to imagine, captain blei------ask your fellow Baathist in hell------saddam----he tried and tried
Are you really that stupid? Hussein did never try to attack the US or other western countries.
I was talking about Islamist terror, you fool.

bullshit-----he FUNDED terrorism----he did not do it himself or use a Hezbollah type militia
How is that BAATHIST/IRANIAN alliance working out for you-------captain blei
The question should be how the war on terror works out for us all. If the Nato will be successful in creating a unified Islamist terror state, what do you think will be the result for us? There will be no more safety the more so as our western countries are easy targets.

we are not as vulnerable as you would like to imagine, captain blei------ask your fellow Baathist in hell------saddam----he tried and tried
Are you really that stupid? Hussein did never try to attack the US or other western countries.
I was talking about Islamist terror, you fool.

bullshit-----he FUNDED terrorism----he did not do it himself or use a Hezbollah type militia
We know who funds terrorism. You are very silent about this.
ISIS flushed out of Syria’s Hasakah, leaves behind mines and rotten corpses

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and paramilitary National Defense Forces (NDF) forced the Islamic State militants out of the eastern Syrian city of Hasakah after days of fierce battles, hereby declaring the city a ‘safe zone’ with no trace of ISIS militants.

The infamous jihadis fled their final hideouts in the Al-Zohour neighborhood after being smashed by Army warplanes and artillery bombardment that left dozens of the extremist militants dead and wounded.

However, the retreating ISIS militants left behind thousands of mines and IEDs planted almost everywhere.

Immediately after their retreat, engineering army units began defusing the explosives from the Economics and Civil Engineering collages in the city.

In their latest offensive to take over the eastern provincial capital, ISIS massacred large numbers of civilians, destroyed houses and burnt government-owned oil tanks, thus wasting away more than 16 million liters of diesel.

Thousands of civilians left their houses in villages around Hasakah and sought refuge to the government-controlled areas inside the city.

Located in the far northeastern corner of Syria, Hasakah is only 2-hour drive from ISIS de facto capital of al-Raqqa.

Hasakah comprises a mixture of ethnic groups including Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians and Armenians among others."

ISIS flushed out of Syria s Hasakah leaves behind mines and rotten corpses

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