Isis Inflicting 'monumental Suffering,' Human Rights Watch Adviser Warns

The 108 un-indicted co - conspirators have not been found innocent. That is not true at all.
As much as you hate it.........they have never been charged......and thus are innocent.

That's how the law works........innocent until proven guilty. ..... :cool:
The 108 un-indicted co - conspirators have not been found innocent. That is not true at all.
As much as you hate it.........they have never been charged......and thus are innocent.

That's how the law works........innocent until proven guilty. ..... :cool:

As much as you'll hate this? Here are facts in black and white, Sunni man. Its' legitimate! Read up!

DOJ CAIR s Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit The Investigative Project on Terrorism#

Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich sent the letter last month to four members of Congress who asked for details last fall on how CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror-finance trial against the Holy Land Foundation and its former officials.
He included trial transcripts and exhibits "which demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders, and the Palestine Committee. Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestine Committee and HAMAS, which was designated as a terrorist organization in 1995."
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and trial exhibits show the Brotherhood created the Palestine Committee. CAIR officials adamantly deny any involvement with either Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood. The Weich letter, however, shows that the Department of Justice has not wavered in its conclusion that the internal records it possesses prove a connection.
It echoes a letter last spring from an FBI congressional liaison explaining why Bureau policy bars communication with CAIR outside of a criminal investigation. In that letter, Richard C. Powers, an assistant director in the FBI's office of Congressional Affairs, said evidence "demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders (including its current President Emeritus and its Executive Director) and the Palestine Committee."
Other exhibits showed that the Palestine Committee was a fundraising and propaganda arm in the United States for Hamas, which has been a designated terrorist organization since 1995. "ntil we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS," Powers wrote, "the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner."
Weich's letter to U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick and her colleagues points to two excerpts of trial testimony from FBI Special Agent Lara Burns. Both deal with conversations leading up to CAIR's original formation.
In one, she reads from transcripts from a secret 1993 gathering of Hamas supporters in Philadelphia where the group talks of creating a new organization with a fairly innocuous sounding name. She read comments from Holy Land Foundation President Shukri Abu Baker explain the new entity should present a benign face compared to existing Islamist groups:
"And let's not hoist a large Islamic flag, and let's not be barbaric-talking. We will remain a front so that if the thing happens, we will benefit from the new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified and exposed."
In the other, Burns describes an exhibit which shows CAIR listed on a Palestine Committee agenda within weeks of its 1994 creation. In response to a question from federal prosecutor Barry Jonas, Burns said it was the first time CAIR's name appeared in internal Palestine Committee records seized by the FBI:
A. It did not exist prior to the Philadelphia meeting.
Q. So it came into being after Philadelphia?
A. That is correct.
After a 2007 trial ended with a deadlocked jury, a 2008 retrial resulted in guilty verdicts on 108 counts. CAIR petitioned the Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. Their complaint emphasized the unusual nature of making public the names of the unindicted co-conspirators and claimed the move unfairly tarnished CAIR's reputation. That request was denied last summer.
Weich's letter concludes by noting U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick requested "an investigation into the possible illegalities of CAIR," saying it was passed along to "appropriate FBI entities."
Recent filings in a civil case involving CAIR indicate that a federal grand jury investigation is looking at the organization's ties to Hamas.
Read the full DOJ letter here.​
Please make sure and note the bottom part of this story where CAIR petitioned a Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. The judge said no and their request was denied. Guess what that means, Sunni man? It means CAIR is named as one of the un-indicted co-conspirators for the HLF trials and in case you are confused - there were 108 counts and all 108 counts received a verdict of GUILTY.DOJ CAIR s Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Other exhibits showed that the Palestine Committee was a fundraising and propaganda arm in the United States for Hamas, which has been a designated terrorist organization since 1995. "Until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS," Powers wrote, "the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner."
Weich's letter to U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick and her colleagues points to two excerpts of trial testimony from FBI Special Agent Lara Burns. Both deal with conversations leading up to CAIR's original formation.
In one, she reads from transcripts from a secret 1993 gathering of Hamas supporters in Philadelphia where the group talks of creating a new organization with a fairly innocuous sounding name. She read comments from Holy Land Foundation President Shukri Abu Baker explain the new entity should present a benign face compared to existing Islamist groups:
"And let's not hoist a large Islamic flag, and let's not be barbaric-talking. We will remain a front so that if the thing happens, we will benefit from the new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified and exposed."
In the other, Burns describes an exhibit which shows CAIR listed on a Palestine Committee agenda within weeks of its 1994 creation. In response to a question from federal prosecutor Barry Jonas, Burns said it was the first time CAIR's name appeared in internal Palestine Committee records seized by the FBI:

A. It did not exist prior to the Philadelphia meeting.
Q. So it came into being after Philadelphia?
A. That is correct.
After a 2007 trial ended with a deadlocked jury, a 2008 retrial resulted in guilty verdicts on 108 counts. CAIR petitioned the Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. Their complaint emphasized the unusual nature of making public the names of the unindicted co-conspirators and claimed the move unfairly tarnished CAIR's reputation. That request was denied last summer.
Weich's letter concludes by noting U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick requested "an investigation into the possible illegalities of CAIR," saying it was passed along to "appropriate FBI entities."
Recent filings in a civil case involving CAIR indicate that a federal grand jury investigation is looking at the organization's ties to Hamas.
Read the full DOJ letter here.

Truth is a very stubborn thing. Why? Because there is evidence and facts that can be provided to back up the truth. As for you? What do you have? Beside your claims? Yes, your claims which have just been shot out of the water and do you know why, Sunni man? I think I know why. You do not do your own homework and you do not know what you are talking about. You only know what you are told and obviously the people who told you about HLF Trials and CAIR didn't tell you the truth. You should find people of better reputation to support. Not these people. You're headed the wrong way.
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Cut & Paste all of the old articles you want Jeremiah.

Bottom line .........the 108 people haven't been charged with anything.......and they never will be.

They are innocent, free, and the case is cold and dead. ..... :cool:
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They are guilty as sin which is why the Dallas judge refused to grant the petition from CAIR to have their names removed off that list, Sunni Man. One does not hire lawyers and go to court to petition a judge to remove their name from such a list unless as CAIR admitted - it is "harming their reputations". Now you've lost this debate and you should go gracefully instead of insisting on being right long after you've been clearly proven wrong.

Have you not had time to read the full report and links provided for you here? Yes. You have had adequate time. Now be still and go repent for pretending not to understand what is going on here. You most certainly do and so does everyone else reading. You're dismissed.
Please make sure and note the bottom part of this story where CAIR petitioned a Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. The judge said no and their request was denied. Guess what that means, Sunni man? It means CAIR is named as one of the un-indicted co-conspirators for the HLF trials and in case you are confused - there were 108 counts and all 108 counts received a verdict of GUILTY.DOJ CAIR s Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Other exhibits showed that the Palestine Committee was a fundraising and propaganda arm in the United States for Hamas, which has been a designated terrorist organization since 1995. "Until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS," Powers wrote, "the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner."
Weich's letter to U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick and her colleagues points to two excerpts of trial testimony from FBI Special Agent Lara Burns. Both deal with conversations leading up to CAIR's original formation.
In one, she reads from transcripts from a secret 1993 gathering of Hamas supporters in Philadelphia where the group talks of creating a new organization with a fairly innocuous sounding name. She read comments from Holy Land Foundation President Shukri Abu Baker explain the new entity should present a benign face compared to existing Islamist groups:
"And let's not hoist a large Islamic flag, and let's not be barbaric-talking. We will remain a front so that if the thing happens, we will benefit from the new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified and exposed."
In the other, Burns describes an exhibit which shows CAIR listed on a Palestine Committee agenda within weeks of its 1994 creation. In response to a question from federal prosecutor Barry Jonas, Burns said it was the first time CAIR's name appeared in internal Palestine Committee records seized by the FBI:

A. It did not exist prior to the Philadelphia meeting.
Q. So it came into being after Philadelphia?
A. That is correct.
After a 2007 trial ended with a deadlocked jury, a 2008 retrial resulted in guilty verdicts on 108 counts. CAIR petitioned the Dallas court presiding over the Holy Land trial to be removed from the co-conspirator list. Their complaint emphasized the unusual nature of making public the names of the unindicted co-conspirators and claimed the move unfairly tarnished CAIR's reputation. That request was denied last summer.
Weich's letter concludes by noting U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick requested "an investigation into the possible illegalities of CAIR," saying it was passed along to "appropriate FBI entities."
Recent filings in a civil case involving CAIR indicate that a federal grand jury investigation is looking at the organization's ties to Hamas.
Read the full DOJ letter here.

Truth is a very stubborn thing. Why? Because there is evidence and facts that can be provided to back up the truth. As for you? What do you have? Beside your claims? Yes, your claims which have just been shot out of the water and do you know why, Sunni man? I think I know why. You do not do your own homework and you do not know what you are talking about. You only know what you are told and obviously the people who told you about HLF Trials and CAIR didn't tell you the truth. You should find people of better reputation to support. Not these people. You're headed the wrong way.

I forgot to mention I got the link on this story from a post off of RoccoR's writings on AIPAC thread. That man is on top of the news and finds the best links! I'm telling you. I thank God for RoccoR. His timing is impeccible!

I do feel it is necessary to re-inforce once again to Muslims who may be reading that truth is not hate. Truth is information which will set you from hate if you allow it to have its perfect work done in you.

If you resist the truth eventually you will hate it and when you get to that point anyone speaking the truth will be in your eyes - a hater. It is a matter of your false perception and not the messenger. The Messenger who brings truth is always doing a good thing because although some might not like it - others will be grateful for having understood what is truly going on in a matter as important as the future of America. Amen? Amen!
They are guilty as sin which is why the Dallas judge refused to grant the petition from CAIR to have their names removed off that list, Sunni Man. One does not hire lawyers and go to court to petition a judge to remove their name from such a list unless as CAIR admitted - it is "harming their reputations". Now you've lost this debate and you should go gracefully instead of insisting on being right long after you've been clearly proven wrong.

Have you not had time to read the full report and links provided for you here? Yes. You have had adequate time. Now be still and go repent for pretending not to understand what is going on here. You most certainly do and so does everyone else reading. You're dismissed.
Sorry, Jeremiah the fake Christian........but you are wrong and need to repent for you vile tone and baseless accusations.

I have read all about this case years ago, and in fact know some of the people involved.The people were innocent American citizens and wanted to have their names cleared of any hint of wrong doing.

I realize you think they were guilty just because they are muslim.

Jeremiah, your hatred runs deep and is not reflective of Jesus's teachings.

You have a spiritual sickness that only G-d can heal. ...... :cool:
Truth is also important because those who are following ISIS, Hamas, other terrorist organizations will one day find themselves in hell if they do not abandon such groups completely and call on the LORD. There can be no financial support of such groups. It is the same as having done it yourself. To assist in evil is evil. To call evil good is evil. To call good evil is also evil. We must align ourselves with Gods truth in the bible and not truth according to our own point of view or opinions of man.
We are speaking of the greatest of consequences here. It is very important that we stand with the truth no matter how uncomfortable that may be for some people. If people are trying to get you to go along with something which you know is evil? Leave those people and have nothing to do with them. The fear of the LORD is to depart from evil.
Truth is also important because those who are following ISIS, Hamas, other terrorist organizations will one day find themselves in hell if they do not abandon such groups completely and call on the LORD. There can be no financial support of such groups. It is the same as having done it yourself. To assist in evil is evil. To call evil good is evil. To call good evil is also evil. We must align ourselves with Gods truth in the bible and not truth according to our own point of view or opinions of man.
We are speaking of the greatest of consequences here. It is very important that we stand with the truth no matter how uncomfortable that may be for some people. If people are trying to get you to go along with something which you know is evil? Leave those people and have nothing to do with them. The fear of the LORD is to depart from evil.
LOL.........Jeremiah, you and "Truth" aren't even in the same zip code........ :lol: :lol:
for those who do not know------BAATHIST pigs are all time faves of Russian communists-------Baathism ---sorta ascribes to its own version of
"SOCIALISM"-------although it is actually more of an arabist-islamicist ideology of stink. Nasser was a Baathist which is why Russia armed Egypt so extensively.
Assad is a Baathist pig. also as was Sadaam Just review the record---
Baathist pigs are BELOVED of Russia ----simply for some aspect of its sickening
ideology-------- probably more because Baathist pigs are so ANTI -AMERICAN and SO ANTI Jewish and so sickeningly disgustingly barbaric. The history of Yemen is
a case in point which reveals the stink of baathism------The northern part of
Yemen was loyal to the KING OF YEMEN------but the southern part rebelled on
a BAATHIST platform. Nasser helped out by bombing civilian villages with
NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----way back in the 1960s. Anyone out there not
know what nitrogen mustard gas does? Nasser got it from the Nazis thru his dear
pal AL HUSSEINI------and it was Nasser who gave it and its recipe to the islamicist beloved murdering pig-----SADAAM . Nitrogen mustard gas was used by the Germans in world war I. Since then no civilized nation has used it but it is now
on the list of highly possible islamo pig terrorist agents -------fret not---there are
protocols in place---------in case of islamo pig attack. PAY ATTENTION TO
ALL INSTRUCTIONS ------if the pigs do spread it around----it STICKS ---
to everything it touches and clings around for long periods of time

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