ISIS is training a new battalion of children aged between 13 and 15 as future suicide bombers


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I hope parents are keeping a close eye on their teenagers since what ISIS is offering would be very enticing to young people.

ISIS is training a new battalion of children aged between 13 and 15 as future suicide bombers

This undated file picture shows some of the children recruited by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syria. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat—Videos of teenagers and young boys being trained in the use of weapons as well as guerrilla warfare have been circulated profusely on the Internet in the last few months. These images, often released by members of the media affiliated to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), underline the exploitation of children in the conflict currently raging in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS’s recruitment effort has been two-pronged, focusing on adults as well as children. In May 2014 Syria Direct—a non-profit journalist organization—reported that children younger than 18 were spotted at checkpoints, while another teenager under the age of 17 was involved in the bombing of the Bab Al-Salam Syria–Turkey border crossing. According to a report by the Syrian Human Rights Committee, at least 800 children under the age of 18 have been recruited by ISIS.

The report added that ISIS relied on enticing programs which provided children with activities, entertainment and an atmosphere that they often miss out on in Syria due to the ongoing violence in the country.

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ISIS s Child Recruitment Overdrive?
of course , especially if they train their kids for aggression and war and the dream of a caliphate . Here in the west the training for youngsters is to be wusses that cry or tell teacher about being bullied . I posted a link to 'ahmed' a 9 year old running around in some Syrian battleground carrying an AK and smoking cigarettes about a year ago . Last day or 2 there is outrage about a 13 year old member of isis shooting , executing some guy by shooting him in the face and then shooting him in the body . Haven't seen it , just heard about it , probably won't look for it but I think it went viral . Anyway , thanks for the info Sally and keep your eyes peeled for 'short' but murderous people .
War propaganda.

Nice to bring back the classics, isn't it? If it worked once, what the hell, let's give it another go, is that it?

and it goes back for centuries and in all cultures except for the modern day western world , America in particular because I see the wusses in America . I imagine that the same wusse like behavior is beaten into young boys in England . Anyway , this is nothing new as far as I am aware as young boys in particular were and are still trained to hate and kill the enemy .
7-8-9 year old ahmed in Syria video , might be interesting for those who haven't seen it . --- Shocking Video of 8-yr old Syrian Boy Soldier Digital Afro --- and also , the Iranians sent waves of young boys , each was wearing a plastic key around his neck , the key was their key to 'paradise' after their demise . These WAVES of young boys stormed Iraqi front line soldiers and cleared minefields using their bodies .
I hope parents are keeping a close eye on their teenagers since what ISIS is offering would be very enticing to young people.

ISIS is training a new battalion of children aged between 13 and 15 as future suicide bombers

This undated file picture shows some of the children recruited by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syria. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat—Videos of teenagers and young boys being trained in the use of weapons as well as guerrilla warfare have been circulated profusely on the Internet in the last few months. These images, often released by members of the media affiliated to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), underline the exploitation of children in the conflict currently raging in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS’s recruitment effort has been two-pronged, focusing on adults as well as children. In May 2014 Syria Direct—a non-profit journalist organization—reported that children younger than 18 were spotted at checkpoints, while another teenager under the age of 17 was involved in the bombing of the Bab Al-Salam Syria–Turkey border crossing. According to a report by the Syrian Human Rights Committee, at least 800 children under the age of 18 have been recruited by ISIS.

The report added that ISIS relied on enticing programs which provided children with activities, entertainment and an atmosphere that they often miss out on in Syria due to the ongoing violence in the country.

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ISIS s Child Recruitment Overdrive?
Oh dear!! ..... :cool:
the thing that gets to me is the naivety of some people . I mean there were 15 - 16 year old young men trying to enlist in the USA military during ww2 . Some boys dream good things about going to war especially if they perceive that the war is heroic or for the furthering of their country and in the case of jihadi , the furthering of religion . He11 , I'm no historian but I heard in grade school 55 years ago that the Spartans were raised from birth to be warriors . Now young men and women in America are still considered 'kids' at 26 so they can stay on their parents health insurance .
the thing that gets to me is the naivety of some people . I mean there were 15 - 16 year old young men trying to enlist in the USA military during ww2 . Some boys dream good things about going to war especially if they perceive that the war is heroic or for the furthering of their country and in the case of jihadi , the furthering of religion . He11 , I'm no historian but I heard in grade school 55 years ago that the Spartans were raised from birth to be warriors . Now young men and women in America are still considered 'kids' at 26 so they can stay on their parents health insurance .
That´s due to the environment in which children are raised. In Germany, there are very few people who enlist. Especially teenagers prefer to emulate ghetto gangsters instead of doing something reasonable like considering a military carrier.

But the means ISIS uses are kinda different. They force the children to watch beading videos or attend beheadings, they lock them away, they torture them, they rape them as long until their trip to death looks like a redemption to them.
I hope parents are keeping a close eye on their teenagers since what ISIS is offering would be very enticing to young people.

ISIS is training a new battalion of children aged between 13 and 15 as future suicide bombers

This undated file picture shows some of the children recruited by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syria. (Asharq Al-Awsat)

Beirut, Asharq Al-Awsat—Videos of teenagers and young boys being trained in the use of weapons as well as guerrilla warfare have been circulated profusely on the Internet in the last few months. These images, often released by members of the media affiliated to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), underline the exploitation of children in the conflict currently raging in Syria and Iraq.

ISIS’s recruitment effort has been two-pronged, focusing on adults as well as children. In May 2014 Syria Direct—a non-profit journalist organization—reported that children younger than 18 were spotted at checkpoints, while another teenager under the age of 17 was involved in the bombing of the Bab Al-Salam Syria–Turkey border crossing. According to a report by the Syrian Human Rights Committee, at least 800 children under the age of 18 have been recruited by ISIS.

The report added that ISIS relied on enticing programs which provided children with activities, entertainment and an atmosphere that they often miss out on in Syria due to the ongoing violence in the country.

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ISIS s Child Recruitment Overdrive?

Looks like they're using the Palestinian playbook. Except they'll probably be more efficient.



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