ISIS killing Down Syndrome children

The sooner these animals are wiped from the planet the better.

ISIS Begins Institutional Extermination of Children With Down’s Syndrome and Deformities at the Behest of Sharia Judges

How much more depraved can ISIS get? Group's Sharia judges order children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in chilling echo of the Nazis
  • ISIS has reportedly issued fatwa ordering disabled children be killed
  • Iraqi activist group claims more than 38 disabled children already killed
  • Nazis murdered disabled because they were a 'burden'

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling echo to the workings of the Nazis, it is claimed.

Sharia judges have apparently ruled that ISIS followers are authorised to 'kill newborn babies with Down's Syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children' in their latest sickening act.

More than 38 children born with deformities and Down's syndrome, aged between one week and three months, have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation, according to Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye.

The organisation, which released the a video report highlighting the depraved acts, said the killings took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, northern Iraq.

Read more: Sharia judges order children with Down’s syndrome to be killed
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planned parenthood ISIS style

Mothers are not surendering the child willingly. They are removed by force.
Women are not choosing to have the child, she is not given a "choice"
ISIS is doing what they have to according to their muslim religion.
However, white people kill its babies even without any deformities and deseases. This is called abortion and millions of babies are being killed every year. Anyone wants to wipe white race off the planet?

I'm all for anyone killing children to be wiped off the planet. You missed the part I called for ISIS to be wiped out, not all Muslims. Next time think
Ok, white people should be wiped out. Secondary, ISIS are the most literal followers of muslim religion.

Dude.... Stay focus.
The sooner these animals are wiped from the planet the better.

ISIS Begins Institutional Extermination of Children With Down’s Syndrome and Deformities at the Behest of Sharia Judges

How much more depraved can ISIS get? Group's Sharia judges order children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in chilling echo of the Nazis
  • ISIS has reportedly issued fatwa ordering disabled children be killed
  • Iraqi activist group claims more than 38 disabled children already killed
  • Nazis murdered disabled because they were a 'burden'

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling echo to the workings of the Nazis, it is claimed.

Sharia judges have apparently ruled that ISIS followers are authorised to 'kill newborn babies with Down's Syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children' in their latest sickening act.

More than 38 children born with deformities and Down's syndrome, aged between one week and three months, have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation, according to Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye.

The organisation, which released the a video report highlighting the depraved acts, said the killings took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, northern Iraq.

Read more: Sharia judges order children with Down’s syndrome to be killed
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These Salafi Jihadists are not worshippers of the God of Abraham.

They are diabolical and Satanic.
The sooner these animals are wiped from the planet the better.

ISIS Begins Institutional Extermination of Children With Down’s Syndrome and Deformities at the Behest of Sharia Judges

How much more depraved can ISIS get? Group's Sharia judges order children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in chilling echo of the Nazis
  • ISIS has reportedly issued fatwa ordering disabled children be killed
  • Iraqi activist group claims more than 38 disabled children already killed
  • Nazis murdered disabled because they were a 'burden'

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling echo to the workings of the Nazis, it is claimed.

Sharia judges have apparently ruled that ISIS followers are authorised to 'kill newborn babies with Down's Syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children' in their latest sickening act.

More than 38 children born with deformities and Down's syndrome, aged between one week and three months, have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation, according to Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye.

The organisation, which released the a video report highlighting the depraved acts, said the killings took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, northern Iraq.

Read more: Sharia judges order children with Down’s syndrome to be killed
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The Christian God even ordered healthy babies/children to be killed.

The Biblical God is NOT pro-life, he advocates child murder, infanticide, child abuse and abortion:

God's Not Pro-Life
Well you know they've been killing children, right? How do you feel about that?
The American people are soo gullible.

I remember about a dozen years ago everyone was all in a dither to invade Iraq because of a fake story about Saddam removing infants from incubators.

How well did that work out?? ...... :cool:
Well you know they've been killing children, right? How do you feel about that?
The American people are soo gullible.

I remember about a dozen years ago everyone was all in a dither to invade Iraq because of a fake story about Saddam removing infants from incubators.

How did that work out?? ...... :cool:
So you're saying Isis are not killing any children?
How much more depraved can ISIS get? Group's Sharia judges order children with Down syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in chilling echo of the Nazis
  • ISIS has reportedly issued fatwa ordering disabled children be killed
  • Iraqi activist group claims more than 38 disabled children already killed
  • Nazis murdered disabled because they were a 'burden'
  • See our full news coverage on ISIS at

PUBLISHED: 06:42, 14 December 2015 | UPDATED: 04:02, 15 December 2015

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling echo to the workings of the Nazis, it is claimed.

Sharia judges have apparently ruled that ISIS followers are authorised to 'kill newborn babies with Down syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children' in their latest sickening act.

More than 38 children born with deformities and Down syndrome, aged between one week and three months, have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation, according to Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye.

The organisation, which released the a video report highlighting the depraved acts, said the killings took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, northern Iraq.
The sooner these animals are wiped from the planet the better.

ISIS Begins Institutional Extermination of Children With Down’s Syndrome and Deformities at the Behest of Sharia Judges

How much more depraved can ISIS get? Group's Sharia judges order children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in chilling echo of the Nazis
  • ISIS has reportedly issued fatwa ordering disabled children be killed
  • Iraqi activist group claims more than 38 disabled children already killed
  • Nazis murdered disabled because they were a 'burden'

ISIS have issued a fatwa which orders children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities to be killed in a chilling echo to the workings of the Nazis, it is claimed.

Sharia judges have apparently ruled that ISIS followers are authorised to 'kill newborn babies with Down's Syndrome or congenital deformities and disabled children' in their latest sickening act.

More than 38 children born with deformities and Down's syndrome, aged between one week and three months, have already been killed by lethal injection or suffocation, according to Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye.

The organisation, which released the a video report highlighting the depraved acts, said the killings took place in ISIS strongholds in Syria and Mosul, northern Iraq.

Read more: Sharia judges order children with Down’s syndrome to be killed
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

planned parenthood ISIS style

Mothers are not surendering the child willingly. They are removed by force.
Women are not choosing to have the child, she is not given a "choice"

i dont know why you lefties support such people

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