ISIS release pic of wha they calim is the bomb that brought down Russian airliner


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Islamic State says 'Schweppes bomb' used to bring down Russian plane

That doesn't make any sense. If you figure out a way to bring down an airliner, why tell people? Now airport security knows what to watch out for. You coulda used it again, but not now.

Maybe that's just me thinking sensibly and they not thinking sensibly oweing to who they are but doubt isn't coming from just me.

Claim came out after Russia said it was a 1 kg device. So they produce a 1kg device. But they didn't need to to establish they did, everyone already assumes that whether they did or not. So why spoil a working tactic?
Looks like a mechanical toggle switch? Someone had to set it off? Or an IC timer? Can not hold much? Have not heard if they track it to seat with Terrorist sitting? Skeptical. Airport worker planted it? No way to trigger it from ground? That don't look like timer? don't buy it.
Now airport security knows what to watch out for.
The real bomb probably didn't look anything like the picture.
They probably thought that up so that the airlines will start scrutinizing every soft-drink can that enters an airplane - if they're not banned outright.
Disinformation is the terrorists' cheapest and most reliable weapon.

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