ISIS Releases New Video In English…You Have To See It To Know What We’re Up Against


Retired Mod
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
If this has already been posted, then my apologies..

ISIS released a new propaganda video recently, and while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,” the terrorists don’t seem to align their actions with Obama’s words. And they’re clearly not cowered by the president’s military actions against them — actions often criticized as feeble and inadequate.
The slick new ISIS video features the voice of an English speaking man hammering the United States as cowards and calling the countries currently fighting the Islamic State a “coalition of devils.”

Despite Obama’s hollow rhetoric that’s dismissive of the terrorists’ capabilities, the video starts off by pointing out that ISIS currently controls territory that’s larger in size than Great Britain.
It then goes on to call America “a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of … legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.”

ISIS also said their warriors are waiting for another 20 nations to join the “coalition of devils,” citing the Koran, saying, “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.”

The lowest, most cruel point of their propaganda video for some, though, was pointing out the tragedy of U.S. service-member suicide rates.
“We continue to haunt the minds of your soldiers and sow fear in their hearts, with eighteen of your soldiers committing suicide each day,” the narrator said
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller, recently told the Today Show that this video is part of the marketing strategy forISIUS, a way they recruit.
“Their main bread-and-butter has been recruiting people online,” Miller said. “The videos are part of the cheerleading section of that. That’s for one audience. The flipside of that audience is fear is the grist of the terrorist mill and the videos are meant to inspire that. So one part is for potential recruits, the other part is for us, but we operate under a fairly high state of alert normally (in New York City).”
Despite what many characterize as his persistent misconceptions about ISIS, one thing President Obama has right, though, it that the terror organization has good social media.
“One thing that ISIS understands almost better than terrorism is marketing,” Miller said. “What you saw last night was a commercial. It was meant to sell a product. The product is fear. Could it happen here? Of course it could, but that’s because it could happen anywhere. Are we better prepared here than most if not all other places? The answer to that is yes.”

If you’re inclined to see the details for yourself, you can watch the new ISIS propaganda video by clicking below.

ISIS Releases New Video In English...You Have To See It To Know What We're Up Against
That's a great recruiting tool. Not for ISIS but for American patriots. I hope this makes it's rounds.
If this has already been posted, then my apologies..

ISIS released a new propaganda video recently, and while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,” the terrorists don’t seem to align their actions with Obama’s words. And they’re clearly not cowered by the president’s military actions against them — actions often criticized as feeble and inadequate.
The slick new ISIS video features the voice of an English speaking man hammering the United States as cowards and calling the countries currently fighting the Islamic State a “coalition of devils.”

Despite Obama’s hollow rhetoric that’s dismissive of the terrorists’ capabilities, the video starts off by pointing out that ISIS currently controls territory that’s larger in size than Great Britain.
It then goes on to call America “a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of … legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.”

ISIS also said their warriors are waiting for another 20 nations to join the “coalition of devils,” citing the Koran, saying, “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.”

The lowest, most cruel point of their propaganda video for some, though, was pointing out the tragedy of U.S. service-member suicide rates.
“We continue to haunt the minds of your soldiers and sow fear in their hearts, with eighteen of your soldiers committing suicide each day,” the narrator said
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller, recently told the Today Show that this video is part of the marketing strategy forISIUS, a way they recruit.
“Their main bread-and-butter has been recruiting people online,” Miller said. “The videos are part of the cheerleading section of that. That’s for one audience. The flipside of that audience is fear is the grist of the terrorist mill and the videos are meant to inspire that. So one part is for potential recruits, the other part is for us, but we operate under a fairly high state of alert normally (in New York City).”
Despite what many characterize as his persistent misconceptions about ISIS, one thing President Obama has right, though, it that the terror organization has good social media.
“One thing that ISIS understands almost better than terrorism is marketing,” Miller said. “What you saw last night was a commercial. It was meant to sell a product. The product is fear. Could it happen here? Of course it could, but that’s because it could happen anywhere. Are we better prepared here than most if not all other places? The answer to that is yes.”

If you’re inclined to see the details for yourself, you can watch the new ISIS propaganda video by clicking below.

ISIS Releases New Video In English...You Have To See It To Know What We're Up Against

I'm on dial up and if I try to load the video I can take a holiday to Hawaii while waiting for it to load so I really appreciate the commentary.

This terror army/nation aren't cave dwellers. They are no JVT. The US actually trained the Chechen who has led ISIS in so many victorious campaigns. Trained him in Georgia. They are pros and obviously highly successful.

Just took over greater portion of Afghanistan from the Taliban. We're not reporting it but the UN did.

At least they aren't racist... which places them above much of the scum who post in this subforum.

"No difference between an Arab and a Non Arab, or a Black Man and a White Man, but their piety..."

You really shouldn't talk about yourself that way. People might get the wrong idea. ;)

(not meaning you td...meant the one I just put on ignore....their post disappeared...yft)
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Meh, Those debates mean nothing. You were worshiping though, huh? To each his (or her) own.
"ISIS released a new propaganda video recently"

That unfortunately most on the right fall prey to, where conservatives end up doing exactly what the terrorists want: propagate fear and try to turn Americans against each other.

Indeed, it's the politics of fear and division practiced by most on the right which is as much of a threat.
'...while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,”'


The president believes no such thing, this fails as a lie and straw man fallacy.

In fact, the president is taking the correct course of action, by not doing what the terrorists want, which is to send conventional American ground forces to the Region; a mistake most on the right are far too willing to make.
Well, I didn't say it, just posted what was written mostly to post the video. It would be nice to see an American President care enough to try and defend the country though, hey?
Oh nm, you seem to buy in to what he has to (not) say. Which is basically NOTHING. Do...basically NOTHING. That is why we will be as overrun as Europe in the near future. It is happening as we speak. Prove that wrong. And I would like proven non biased links and all please. :)
Well, I didn't say it, just posted what was written mostly to post the video. It would be nice to see an American President care enough to try and defend the country though, hey?
Oh nm, you seem to buy in to what he has to (not) say. Which is basically NOTHING. Do...basically NOTHING. That is why we will be as overrun as Europe in the near future. It is happening as we speak. Prove that wrong. And I would like proven non biased links and all please. :)

How right you are. That moron in the WH is going to import another 100,000 Syrian refugees next year.

Of course we taxpayers will be footing the bill as most are uneducated and don't speak English. They will be on Welfare for years. Oh joy.

Not to mention the terrorists who will be among them. Hell the FBI says there is no real way to vet any of them yet that moron in the WH still wants them in America. Wonder what his real agenda is??

The man is either the biggest fool in America or he does have an agenda.
If this has already been posted, then my apologies..

ISIS released a new propaganda video recently, and while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,” the terrorists don’t seem to align their actions with Obama’s words. And they’re clearly not cowered by the president’s military actions against them — actions often criticized as feeble and inadequate.
The slick new ISIS video features the voice of an English speaking man hammering the United States as cowards and calling the countries currently fighting the Islamic State a “coalition of devils.”

Despite Obama’s hollow rhetoric that’s dismissive of the terrorists’ capabilities, the video starts off by pointing out that ISIS currently controls territory that’s larger in size than Great Britain.
It then goes on to call America “a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of … legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.”

ISIS also said their warriors are waiting for another 20 nations to join the “coalition of devils,” citing the Koran, saying, “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.”

The lowest, most cruel point of their propaganda video for some, though, was pointing out the tragedy of U.S. service-member suicide rates.
“We continue to haunt the minds of your soldiers and sow fear in their hearts, with eighteen of your soldiers committing suicide each day,” the narrator said
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller, recently told the Today Show that this video is part of the marketing strategy forISIUS, a way they recruit.
“Their main bread-and-butter has been recruiting people online,” Miller said. “The videos are part of the cheerleading section of that. That’s for one audience. The flipside of that audience is fear is the grist of the terrorist mill and the videos are meant to inspire that. So one part is for potential recruits, the other part is for us, but we operate under a fairly high state of alert normally (in New York City).”
Despite what many characterize as his persistent misconceptions about ISIS, one thing President Obama has right, though, it that the terror organization has good social media.
“One thing that ISIS understands almost better than terrorism is marketing,” Miller said. “What you saw last night was a commercial. It was meant to sell a product. The product is fear. Could it happen here? Of course it could, but that’s because it could happen anywhere. Are we better prepared here than most if not all other places? The answer to that is yes.”

If you’re inclined to see the details for yourself, you can watch the new ISIS propaganda video by clicking below.

ISIS Releases New Video In English...You Have To See It To Know What We're Up Against

Simple provocation, and Obama's smart enough to see it for what it is.
If this has already been posted, then my apologies..

ISIS released a new propaganda video recently, and while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,” the terrorists don’t seem to align their actions with Obama’s words. And they’re clearly not cowered by the president’s military actions against them — actions often criticized as feeble and inadequate.
The slick new ISIS video features the voice of an English speaking man hammering the United States as cowards and calling the countries currently fighting the Islamic State a “coalition of devils.”

Despite Obama’s hollow rhetoric that’s dismissive of the terrorists’ capabilities, the video starts off by pointing out that ISIS currently controls territory that’s larger in size than Great Britain.
It then goes on to call America “a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of … legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.”

ISIS also said their warriors are waiting for another 20 nations to join the “coalition of devils,” citing the Koran, saying, “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.”

The lowest, most cruel point of their propaganda video for some, though, was pointing out the tragedy of U.S. service-member suicide rates.
“We continue to haunt the minds of your soldiers and sow fear in their hearts, with eighteen of your soldiers committing suicide each day,” the narrator said
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller, recently told the Today Show that this video is part of the marketing strategy forISIUS, a way they recruit.
“Their main bread-and-butter has been recruiting people online,” Miller said. “The videos are part of the cheerleading section of that. That’s for one audience. The flipside of that audience is fear is the grist of the terrorist mill and the videos are meant to inspire that. So one part is for potential recruits, the other part is for us, but we operate under a fairly high state of alert normally (in New York City).”
Despite what many characterize as his persistent misconceptions about ISIS, one thing President Obama has right, though, it that the terror organization has good social media.
“One thing that ISIS understands almost better than terrorism is marketing,” Miller said. “What you saw last night was a commercial. It was meant to sell a product. The product is fear. Could it happen here? Of course it could, but that’s because it could happen anywhere. Are we better prepared here than most if not all other places? The answer to that is yes.”

If you’re inclined to see the details for yourself, you can watch the new ISIS propaganda video by clicking below.

ISIS Releases New Video In English...You Have To See It To Know What We're Up Against

I'm not about to be pegged a potential ISIS recruit by watching that video. It shouldn't be posted here at all.
If this has already been posted, then my apologies..

ISIS released a new propaganda video recently, and while President Obama wants the world to think these bloodthirsty marauders are just “a bunch of killers with good social media,” the terrorists don’t seem to align their actions with Obama’s words. And they’re clearly not cowered by the president’s military actions against them — actions often criticized as feeble and inadequate.
The slick new ISIS video features the voice of an English speaking man hammering the United States as cowards and calling the countries currently fighting the Islamic State a “coalition of devils.”

Despite Obama’s hollow rhetoric that’s dismissive of the terrorists’ capabilities, the video starts off by pointing out that ISIS currently controls territory that’s larger in size than Great Britain.
It then goes on to call America “a secular state built on man-made laws, whose soldiers fight for the interests of … legislators, liars, fornicators, corporations and for the freedoms of sodomites.”

ISIS also said their warriors are waiting for another 20 nations to join the “coalition of devils,” citing the Koran, saying, “Our prophet said [they] would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death.”

The lowest, most cruel point of their propaganda video for some, though, was pointing out the tragedy of U.S. service-member suicide rates.
“We continue to haunt the minds of your soldiers and sow fear in their hearts, with eighteen of your soldiers committing suicide each day,” the narrator said
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, John Miller, recently told the Today Show that this video is part of the marketing strategy forISIUS, a way they recruit.
“Their main bread-and-butter has been recruiting people online,” Miller said. “The videos are part of the cheerleading section of that. That’s for one audience. The flipside of that audience is fear is the grist of the terrorist mill and the videos are meant to inspire that. So one part is for potential recruits, the other part is for us, but we operate under a fairly high state of alert normally (in New York City).”
Despite what many characterize as his persistent misconceptions about ISIS, one thing President Obama has right, though, it that the terror organization has good social media.
“One thing that ISIS understands almost better than terrorism is marketing,” Miller said. “What you saw last night was a commercial. It was meant to sell a product. The product is fear. Could it happen here? Of course it could, but that’s because it could happen anywhere. Are we better prepared here than most if not all other places? The answer to that is yes.”

If you’re inclined to see the details for yourself, you can watch the new ISIS propaganda video by clicking below.

ISIS Releases New Video In English...You Have To See It To Know What We're Up Against

I'm not about to be pegged a potential ISIS recruit by watching that video. It shouldn't be posted here at all.

hmmm I didn't think of that at all, and I doubt Herman Cain did either. I got it off his site via my FB. I don't think looking at a video on any site is going to get you pegged as anything. There are hundreds of videos people look at daily, ya know?
If Staff thinks it should not be here, I am fine with it being removed.
"ISIS released a new propaganda video recently"

That unfortunately most on the right fall prey to, where conservatives end up doing exactly what the terrorists want: propagate fear and try to turn Americans against each other.

Indeed, it's the politics of fear and division practiced by most on the right which is as much of a threat.

Yea, because that's what Islamist thugs in the Middle East do in the middle of the night, stay up watching American politicians debating in English.

Islamists are recruited by batshit crazy Muslims, usually at mosques or by devout Muslim friends. The Koran is their single greatest recruiting tool, and the imams that repeat the lies in it.

So stop blaming Republicans or conservatives for what Islamist thugs are doing. Especially since you claim "turning Americans against each other" is what the terrorists want. That seems to be exactly what you are doing.

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