Islam and the mentally ill

Then you'll understand my shock that the UN has focused their full attention on phony charges against Israel and dreaming up more - while ignoring the mass murder of 4 million people by arab muslims and 7 million ethnic cleansing and not a word of it because the Muslims did it. If a Jew jaywalks the UN would want a world audience for the event. They are ridiculous and corrupt to the core. We need to kick the UN to the curb!

Cut the bullshit. Israel ignores the UN and the U.S. protects Israel.

The UK is in a problem, and it's not a small one.

They need to stand up and make it very clear that such things are not to be acceptable.

And people like you need to open their eyes.

Next time it might very well be your sons or daughters.

And the moderate ones need to speak their voices, at the end of the day, the outrage is to be adressed to all Muslims, and that make it their interest to stop the terror as much as it is to the people of Europe itself.
In the wake of continuous nonstop attacks by "crazy" Muslims, should we assume that mental illness and Islam are deadly combinations?

Yes religion IS a mental illness! Where it be the christer god or allah god all based on delusions.

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Very controversial statement. Islam and mental illness have absolutely no connection. Uneducated gullible people are the problem.
This is good that even the news outlets are discussing this mental disorder, the more this is brought out in the open maybe it will be addressed

Could Religious Belief be considered to be a Mental Disorder? | News24

To be fair, the world is a better place because of religion.

Are Religious People More Charitable than Non-Believers? | Rational Dreaming

If you are religious, you are 25% more likely to give your time and money to the poor than if you are a secularist. This fact does not discriminate between religions. In essense, those who go to their place of worship consistantly are consistantly encouraged to give and they do so accordingly.

Likewise, if these same people were encouraged to kill then more of them would.

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