Islam Is The Enemy

Is Islam evil?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%

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Christian Animals

News Flash, the U.S. was involved in WWI.

Ottoman Turks are long gone.

Another ignorant Nazi, how unique.

America was late entrant in war and was pretty well exclusively fighting the Germans. The Caliphate was not nearly the force they imagined themselves and did poorly against Britain.

The Middle East ended up under British control because the Ottoman Empire attacked Britain and France. Britain mopped the floor with them.

Germany, now that was a different story.
No such statement made.

ISIS is the direct result of the failed U.S. Military Adventurism in Afghanistan and Iraq. Had the U.S. NOT invaded Iraq, there would be no ISIS.

If the US had not invaded Iraq, then Obama would not have retreated with tail between his legs. Thus there would be no perception that America is weak and cowardly, so the dream of establishing a Caliphate would not appear obtainable.

There is a certain logic to your claim.

BUT Obama still would have bowed to Muslim dictators and apologized to Al Qaeda, so your pretence fails. Obama as weak and cowardly is what ultimately emboldens the Muzzie Beasts to attack.

WHY is complying with the Constitution and preventing Americans from being in harms way considered bowing to" Muslim dictators and apologized to Al Qaeda, "?

In Syria Obama and the warmongers allied with Al Qaeda, then known as the Syrian Resistance, now known as ISIS and provided arms and ammunition and moneys. Now ISIS is using the wealth to terrorize Belgium and western Europe,

Christian Animals

News Flash, the U.S. was involved in WWI.

Ottoman Turks are long gone.

Another ignorant Nazi, how unique.

America was late entrant in war and was pretty well exclusively fighting the Germans. The Caliphate was not nearly the force they imagined themselves and did poorly against Britain.

The Middle East ended up under British control because the Ottoman Empire attacked Britain and France. Britain mopped the floor with them.

Germany, now that was a different story.

Palestine was under British control because the Allies - the League of Nations chose it,

In World War I, the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany. As a result, it was embroiled in a conflict with Great Britain. Under the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, it was envisioned that most of Palestine, when freed from Ottoman control, would become an international zone not under direct French or British colonial control.
Listen you miserable zionut

Are you going to tell me lies, you miserable Nazi?

You motherfuckers invaded Palestine in the early 1920's.

No stupid fuck, you lost a war you started, which put the British in charge. The Ottoman Caliphate utterly collapsed after the war, Attaturk turned Turkey into a civilized country, and the rest of the Caliphate went to hell.

The region of Palestine, that is Transjordan and Syria, along with the then civilized Christian Lebanon were without a ruler for the first time in 400 years. Lord Balfour gave Syria to the Arabs, Jordan to the Arabs, Lebanon to the Christians, and carved out tiny Israel for the Jews.

In the late 1930's you attempted to convince FDR to recognize Israhell - FDR turned you down recognizing that you bastards would become a permanent military dependence of the US

Utter bullshit, a story you Nazis crafted from whole cloth. No implementation of the Balfour was even proposed. You Nazis, under your Fuhrer were causing trouble in Europe, so that situation was on hold/

Then you approached Truman who was in a tight race against Dewey. Truman , in order to become electable, made one of the words mistakes of any US president.

Now the US is having to support your ass, we are subject to RETALIATORY attacks, we have the TSA, the NSA spies, the "Patriot" Act, and a gargantuan paramilitary domestic force ready to remove whatever civil liberties we have left.


Time, like reality is something your have no grasp of. !949 was after you Nazi fucks were defeated.

Now you are just a miserable little racist hoping Muzzie Beast terrorists will do what you are too cowardly to do. :dunno:

Oh and shit fer brains, America spends more supporting the Muslims than we do Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. Of course Israel doesn't send terrorists to fly planes into our buildings the way Saudi Arabia did. Maybe if they did, you would embrace them.
Listen you miserable zionut

Are you going to tell me lies, you miserable Nazi?

You motherfuckers invaded Palestine in the early 1920's.

No stupid fuck, you lost a war you started, which put the British in charge. The Ottoman Caliphate utterly collapsed after the war, Attaturk turned Turkey into a civilized country, and the rest of the Caliphate went to hell.

The region of Palestine, that is Transjordan and Syria, along with the then civilized Christian Lebanon were without a ruler for the first time in 400 years. Lord Balfour gave Syria to the Arabs, Jordan to the Arabs, Lebanon to the Christians, and carved out tiny Israel for the Jews.

In the late 1930's you attempted to convince FDR to recognize Israhell - FDR turned you down recognizing that you bastards would become a permanent military dependence of the US

Utter bullshit, a story you Nazis crafted from whole cloth. No implementation of the Balfour was even proposed. You Nazis, under your Fuhrer were causing trouble in Europe, so that situation was on hold/

Then you approached Truman who was in a tight race against Dewey. Truman , in order to become electable, made one of the words mistakes of any US president.

Now the US is having to support your ass, we are subject to RETALIATORY attacks, we have the TSA, the NSA spies, the "Patriot" Act, and a gargantuan paramilitary domestic force ready to remove whatever civil liberties we have left.



Time, like reality is something your have no grasp of. !949 was after you Nazi fucks were defeated.

Now you are just a miserable little racist hoping Muzzie Beast terrorists will do what you are too cowardly to do. :dunno:

Oh and shit fer brains, America spends more supporting the Muslims than we do Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. Of course Israel doesn't send terrorists to fly planes into our buildings the way Saudi Arabia did. Maybe if they did, you would embrace them.

Excuse me zionut cocksucker

Provide links to historical non-zionist websites or go fellate Bibi.

WHY is complying with the Constitution and preventing Americans from being in harms way considered bowing to" Muslim dictators and apologized to Al Qaeda, "?

You don't actually grasp what the talking points you get from Stormfront even mean, do you?

Should presidents be required to go to congress prior to launching wars?

Of course;

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush did, Hillary voted in favor of it.

In Syria Obama and the warmongers allied with Al Qaeda, then known as the Syrian Resistance, now known as ISIS and provided arms and ammunition and moneys. Now ISIS is using the wealth to terrorize Belgium and western Europe,

ISIS is digging up the artifacts from Babylon in Iraq, after Obama retreated, to finance their terrorism.

These are the people you Nazis are in bed with.
Just my two cents,

Previously I've believed that a lot of the terrorism (especially targeted at America) may have been justified.

Well YOU voted for Obama, that is clear.

We kill A LOT of people in Middle Eastern countries...some of which are actually bad people, some of which just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With that said, it isn't hard to image killing somebody's brother or sister and having them get some sort of ideological blood vendetta stuck into their head.

However, a lot of recent terrorism attacks haven't been against America. They have been against other western nations like France, and, most recently, Belgium. These countries have only minor presences in the middle east, if any at all (at least to my knowledge). Acknowledging this as well as following some of the work of Sam Harris, I would have to say that I don't believe Islam to be "evil" in itself, but I do think that it also allows for "evil" individuals to easily find ideological justifications for their hate.

You are truly an ignorant fool without a hint of a clue to what the fuck you are talking about. You hate America, so that makes you acceptable to the Dhimmicrat party, But little things like the partition of the Middle East are entirely a mystery to you.

But, an ignorant sot who hates America is EXACTLY the type that the Dhimmicrats depend on.
You could say that. Or you could say that I've actually been to Afghanistan, twice, and I've seen whole villages wiped out or deserted as a result of our actions. Sure, we kill the bad guys...we also kill everybody else. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. It is war. War isn't friendly and, given the same situation, I'd do it again. On the other hand, you cannot expect for some of those people to not get JUSTIFIABLY angry at us for doing so. You sound like you are literally speaking out of your ass because you don't actually know what we do in war. Let's be clear, don't get angry at me for telling you that war isn't what they make it out to be in your movies and that bad things happen.

I would actually say that YOU hate America. Why? Did you fight for our nation? Did you see your friends die so that you can enjoy the freedom of complaining about things you have no idea about on some internet forum? How about I answer for you...NO. Just to be clear, most things are not the black and white that your red media makes it out to be. I provided the background for how I've framed the situation and then provided my conclusion and some reasoning for my conclusion. You, instead, speak out of ignorance (which is ironic when you consider you call me ignorant), and have, figuratively, just acted like a child calling names, stomping your feet, and getting angry at somebody who doesn't agree, 100%, with your viewpoints. Grow up.
The violence and genocide going on, perpetrated by terrorists, are due to fanatics who believe all Non-Muslims should be brutally murdered. Liberals, lije Obama, can deny all they want, but that is what's happening. Some people will not learn until they or someone they know / love is beheaded, burned alive, or murdered in some other grusome in the name of Allah.

They could care less if you are nice to them. 'You' are an infidel and must die. Period.

I don't think Obama is denying that but he can't say it. Obama has killed far more Muslim terrorists leader than Bush. Bush called Islam the religion of peace knowing that it is anything but peaceful. I don't think Bush had much choice in the matter politically.

Trump is right about keeping Muslims out and I think the time has come for liberals to embrace their alleged values and condemn Islam.

I do agree with Obama's strategy on ISIS. ISIS is killing mostly other Muslims and I don't think we should come to their rescue unless our goal is to rescue the women and children.

Unless there is mass genocide against the Middle East and the Muslims are wiped off the face of the earth I can't see the Middle East never not being a hell hole. Sharia law is more evil than Nazism.

Christian Animals

News Flash, the U.S. was involved in WWI.

Ottoman Turks are long gone.

Another ignorant Nazi, how unique.

America was late entrant in war and was pretty well exclusively fighting the Germans. The Caliphate was not nearly the force they imagined themselves and did poorly against Britain.

The Middle East ended up under British control because the Ottoman Empire attacked Britain and France. Britain mopped the floor with them.

Germany, now that was a different story.

Palestine was under British control because the Allies - the League of Nations chose it,

In World War I, the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany. As a result, it was embroiled in a conflict with Great Britain. Under the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, it was envisioned that most of Palestine, when freed from Ottoman control, would become an international zone not under direct French or British colonial control.

more b.s.
The Turks sided with the Austro-Hungarian Empire NOT Imperial Germany.

The Turks fought against the U.S, France, Italy, and Britain (To name a few).

You either to deliberately forget or conveniently ignore the fact it was the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein, gave aid and comfort Al_Qeada during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. Each of these events individually and collectively forged the current crisis in the Middle East.

Did Great Britain renege on its Balfour Declaration? Yes.

Did the U.S. give material aid and support to Saddam Hussein after the Islamic Revolution - Yes.

Did the U.S. give material aid and support Usama and Bin Laden during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Yes.

Try to more recent.
You could say that. Or you could say that I've actually been to Afghanistan, twice,

Training under Bin Laden?

and I've seen whole villages wiped out or deserted as a result of our actions. Sure, we kill the bad guys...we also kill everybody else. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. It is war. War isn't friendly and, given the same situation, I'd do it again. On the other hand, you cannot expect for some of those people to not get JUSTIFIABLY angry at us for doing so. You sound like you are literally speaking out of your ass because you don't actually know what we do in war. Let's be clear, don't get angry at me for telling you that war isn't what they make it out to be in your movies and that bad things happen.

Odd thing, in WWII we carpet bombed Dresden, yet there are no Germans blowing people up in malls. We dropped nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet no Japanese are slaughtering fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood.

Afghanistan pulled the tail of the tiger, and paid the price.

I would actually say that YOU hate America. Why? Did you fight for our nation? Did you see your friends die so that you can enjoy the freedom of complaining about things you have no idea about on some internet forum? How about I answer for you...NO. Just to be clear, most things are not the black and white that your red media makes it out to be. I provided the background for how I've framed the situation and then provided my conclusion and some reasoning for my conclusion. You, instead, speak out of ignorance (which is ironic when you consider you call me ignorant), and have, figuratively, just acted like a child calling names, stomping your feet, and getting angry at somebody who doesn't agree, 100%, with your viewpoints. Grow up.


You blame America for the attacks in Brussels then complain that I speak from ignorance?
You could say that. Or you could say that I've actually been to Afghanistan, twice,

Training under Bin Laden?

and I've seen whole villages wiped out or deserted as a result of our actions. Sure, we kill the bad guys...we also kill everybody else. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. It is war. War isn't friendly and, given the same situation, I'd do it again. On the other hand, you cannot expect for some of those people to not get JUSTIFIABLY angry at us for doing so. You sound like you are literally speaking out of your ass because you don't actually know what we do in war. Let's be clear, don't get angry at me for telling you that war isn't what they make it out to be in your movies and that bad things happen.

Odd thing, in WWII we carpet bombed Dresden, yet there are no Germans blowing people up in malls. We dropped nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet no Japanese are slaughtering fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood.

Afghanistan pulled the tail of the tiger, and paid the price.

I would actually say that YOU hate America. Why? Did you fight for our nation? Did you see your friends die so that you can enjoy the freedom of complaining about things you have no idea about on some internet forum? How about I answer for you...NO. Just to be clear, most things are not the black and white that your red media makes it out to be. I provided the background for how I've framed the situation and then provided my conclusion and some reasoning for my conclusion. You, instead, speak out of ignorance (which is ironic when you consider you call me ignorant), and have, figuratively, just acted like a child calling names, stomping your feet, and getting angry at somebody who doesn't agree, 100%, with your viewpoints. Grow up.


You blame America for the attacks in Brussels then complain that I speak from ignorance?
Did you even read my posts? When did I blame America for the attack in Brussels? Are you honestly responding to what you THINK I said rather than what I've actually written? Try practicing some reading comprehension. It is pointless to discuss something with someone when they cannot even accurately process the English that was written.
"Islam Is The Enemy"

Actually not.

The enemy is the fear, cowardice, ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, and hate which results in wrongfully condemning an entire religion for the acts of the non-representative few.
"Islam Is The Enemy"

Actually not.

The enemy is the fear, cowardice, ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, and hate which results in wrongfully condemning an entire religion for the acts of the non-representative few.

Here comes the "we are a nation of laws" hypocrite. Stupid asshole.
You could say that. Or you could say that I've actually been to Afghanistan, twice,

Training under Bin Laden?

and I've seen whole villages wiped out or deserted as a result of our actions. Sure, we kill the bad guys...we also kill everybody else. I'm not saying that is a bad thing. It is war. War isn't friendly and, given the same situation, I'd do it again. On the other hand, you cannot expect for some of those people to not get JUSTIFIABLY angry at us for doing so. You sound like you are literally speaking out of your ass because you don't actually know what we do in war. Let's be clear, don't get angry at me for telling you that war isn't what they make it out to be in your movies and that bad things happen.

Odd thing, in WWII we carpet bombed Dresden, yet there are no Germans blowing people up in malls. We dropped nukes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet no Japanese are slaughtering fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood.

Afghanistan pulled the tail of the tiger, and paid the price.

I would actually say that YOU hate America. Why? Did you fight for our nation? Did you see your friends die so that you can enjoy the freedom of complaining about things you have no idea about on some internet forum? How about I answer for you...NO. Just to be clear, most things are not the black and white that your red media makes it out to be. I provided the background for how I've framed the situation and then provided my conclusion and some reasoning for my conclusion. You, instead, speak out of ignorance (which is ironic when you consider you call me ignorant), and have, figuratively, just acted like a child calling names, stomping your feet, and getting angry at somebody who doesn't agree, 100%, with your viewpoints. Grow up.


You blame America for the attacks in Brussels then complain that I speak from ignorance?
Did you even read my posts? When did I blame America for the attack in Brussels? Are you honestly responding to what you THINK I said rather than what I've actually written? Try practicing some reading comprehension. It is pointless to discuss something with someone when they cannot even accurately process the English that was written.
It is pointless.

Most are so consumed by their fear, cowardice, bigotry, and hate that they’re incapable of intelligent, rational, factual discourse.
Did you even read my posts? When did I blame America for the attack in Brussels? Are you honestly responding to what you THINK I said rather than what I've actually written? Try practicing some reading comprehension. It is pointless to discuss something with someone when they cannot even accurately process the English that was written.

What I think what you said was;

Previously I've believed that a lot of the terrorism (especially targeted at America) may have been justified. We kill A LOT of people in Middle Eastern countries...some of which are actually bad people, some of which just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With that said, it isn't hard to image killing somebody's brother or sister and having them get some sort of ideological blood vendetta stuck into their head.

That is very much blaming America.

Now granted, HAD Islamic terrorism started in 2004, there might be some validity to your rant, but that is not the case. The little Nazi fuck Cometacious is right about one thing, the main reason that Muslims attack America is that we recognize and support Israel, as well we should.

BUT remember that the Fatwa that Bin Laden issued for the death of all Americans was based on our helping a Muslim country, for protecting the Saudis and thus defiling the "holy ground" that the Idol is on.

Why do Muslims kill? Because the book tells them to. They only read one book, and they read it every day. We will lose and suffer until we wake the fuck up and admit what it is we are dealing with, You can't reason with them, you can't appease them, Their book says you must be subjugated or killed, and that is the ONLY peace they will accept, ever, as long as the Idol stands in Mecca it will be so. Pretend all you like, hurl epithets and blame America, this will still remain the incontrovertible truth.
"Islam Is The Enemy"

Actually not.

The enemy is the fear, cowardice, ignorance, bigotry, stupidity, and hate which results in wrongfully condemning an entire religion for the acts of the non-representative few.

Had morons like you been around in 1940, we would all be speaking German.

Well, not you; they would have exterminated you.

Less than 1% of Nazi party members were involved in the holocaust (yes, I'm sure you deny the holocaust ever happened.) But that does not make Nazism the "Fascism of Peace."
Did you even read my posts? When did I blame America for the attack in Brussels? Are you honestly responding to what you THINK I said rather than what I've actually written? Try practicing some reading comprehension. It is pointless to discuss something with someone when they cannot even accurately process the English that was written.

What I think what you said was;

Previously I've believed that a lot of the terrorism (especially targeted at America) may have been justified. We kill A LOT of people in Middle Eastern countries...some of which are actually bad people, some of which just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With that said, it isn't hard to image killing somebody's brother or sister and having them get some sort of ideological blood vendetta stuck into their head.

That is very much blaming America.

Now granted, HAD Islamic terrorism started in 2004, there might be some validity to your rant, but that is not the case. The little Nazi fuck Cometacious is right about one thing, the main reason that Muslims attack America is that we recognize and support Israel, as well we should.

BUT remember that the Fatwa that Bin Laden issued for the death of all Americans was based on our helping a Muslim country, for protecting the Saudis and thus defiling the "holy ground" that the Idol is on.

Why do Muslims kill? Because the book tells them to. They only read one book, and they read it every day. We will lose and suffer until we wake the fuck up and admit what it is we are dealing with, You can't reason with them, you can't appease them, Their book says you must be subjugated or killed, and that is the ONLY peace they will accept, ever, as long as the Idol stands in Mecca it will be so. Pretend all you like, hurl epithets and blame America, this will still remain the incontrovertible truth.
Previously = prior, in the past...the insinuation is that it is a belief no longer held. Not only that, but I'm only addressing terrorist attacks against Americans. To put it more plainly (since you seem a simple fellow). Americans do bad things to Muslim extremists. Muslim extremists do bad things to Americans. Repeat.

English. It is a thing. As stated, this provides a framing for my mindset going into the following paragraph, in which I state my conclusion (referring to whether or not I believe Islam to be evil).

However, a lot of recent terrorism attacks haven't been against America. They have been against other western nations like France, and, most recently, Belgium. These countries have only minor presences in the middle east, if any at all (at least to my knowledge). Acknowledging this as well as following some of the work of Sam Harris, I would have to say that I don't believe Islam to be "evil" in itself, but I do think that it also allows for "evil" individuals to easily find ideological justifications for their hate.

However = either a directly contradicting point or a side consideration which doesn't follow the preceding statement. English. It is a thing.

Here, I basically go in to describe that recent terrorist attacks don't fit into my understanding that I previously held. I point towards this evidence as well as the body of work of Sam Harris as supporting evidence for my conclusion that I don't believe Islam to be evil, but believe that it easily allows for evil.

The crazy thing is that I don't hold the common "liberal" understanding of Islam, which is that it is a totally innocent religion. I take a middle of the road, "grey area" stance that doesn't assert that the religion of Islam is bad in itself, but also admits that it easily allows for bad things to happen (which, may in itself, be considered evil by some). Just because I don't take the hardlined, black-and-white, extremist stance that you attack me. Not only that, but you open with nothing but name calling, biased statements that misrepresent the viewpoints that I clearly wrote.

As an FYI, American forces have had a presence in the middle east far before 2004 (I have no clue why you randomly draw this year out of your we invaded Iraq in 2003 and have had sizable force presence in Afghanistan since 2001...however the point mainly being that we have been there long before then since, at the very least, the early 90's when we originally invaded Iraq and then placed sanctions on them (and thus the forces required to enforce those sanctions)).

Christian Animals

News Flash, the U.S. was involved in WWI.

Ottoman Turks are long gone.

Another ignorant Nazi, how unique.

America was late entrant in war and was pretty well exclusively fighting the Germans. The Caliphate was not nearly the force they imagined themselves and did poorly against Britain.

The Middle East ended up under British control because the Ottoman Empire attacked Britain and France. Britain mopped the floor with them.

Germany, now that was a different story.

Palestine was under British control because the Allies - the League of Nations chose it,

In World War I, the Ottoman Empire sided with Germany. As a result, it was embroiled in a conflict with Great Britain. Under the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, it was envisioned that most of Palestine, when freed from Ottoman control, would become an international zone not under direct French or British colonial control.

more b.s.
The Turks sided with the Austro-Hungarian Empire NOT Imperial Germany.

The Turks fought against the U.S, France, Italy, and Britain (To name a few).

You either to deliberately forget or conveniently ignore the fact it was the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein, gave aid and comfort Al_Qeada during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. Each of these events individually and collectively forged the current crisis in the Middle East.

Did Great Britain renege on its Balfour Declaration? Yes.

Did the U.S. give material aid and support to Saddam Hussein after the Islamic Revolution - Yes.

Did the U.S. give material aid and support Usama and Bin Laden during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - Yes.

Try to more recent.

We need to stay the fuck out of the ME because we only end up making things worse.

In 1953 at the behest of the Anglo Iranian Oil Company now known as BP the CIA and the British secret service orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iran. The Brits called it Operation Boot and the CIA called it Operation Ajax. The heads of BP at the time should have been executed for war crimes.

Like you were saying, we then installed Saddam Husssien as out puppet in Iraq and gave him chemical weapons that he used on the Iranian people.

Iran has reason to hate and mistrust the US.

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