Islamaphobe, homophobe, racist, bigot, nazi, or any other overused defensive term...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Right now we have a run of Conservaphobes and Trumphobia.
They are incapable of rational thought.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
White Privilege.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.

I know that there are many of my compatriots on the Left who take it upon themselves to try and convince you that if you personally discriminate against homosexuals, Muslims, Jews, feminists, black and brown people, etc. that you’re a homophobe, Islamaphobe, sexist, racist, etc-ist.

Thing is, that’s exactly what you are if you do.

Those on the Left think it is morally reprehensible not to tolerate people because they are gay, a different religion, another race, for fighting back against discrimination, for fighting injustice.

Not tolerating your prejudicial and bigoted opinion isn’t intolerance in the same spirit of the word. Your opinion when legislated hurts innocent people. Their opinion mainly hurts bigots.

Admittedly, many on the left take it too far, but they’re the fringe whether you’d like to admit it or not. Most on the Left don’t want to call people out for black face worn 25 years ago or wearing a Native American costume to a party. Just the extreme and loudest do.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
The Regressives toss those terms out to put you on the defensive and avoid honest conversation.

It's not working as well as it used to, that's for sure.

It's also part of the reason Trump is in the White House. Enough people had had enough of it, and they pushed back.
All these sniveling bed wetters insist I accept their stupid shit, and if I don't I'm "intolerant". I can't be disgusted when fruitcake "men" flamboyantly prance around in women's clothes and make up. If that offends me it's "intolerance".

If I don't want to associate with them they get to be offended. There is no tolerance for my sense of disgust.

I can't want to limit people who come from countries and cults that are notorious for blowing themselves up in crowds. Not wanting them in my country is "intolerant" but can I go to their countries and have a beer? They don't even allow people who aren't mooselimbs in mecca, PERIOD. Yet we have to welcome them here?

Fuck libturds and their bigotry against sane Americans.

The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op
The fake word "Islamaphobe" was invented in the '90s by the Muslim Bro.-hood grandaddy of all terrorist groups; to silence any criticism of the massive, horrifying, human rights atrocities that muslim filth commit against women and children all over the world 24/7/365. Like stoning women to death, beheading for trivial things, throwing disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women, child suicide bombers, executing teenagers for homosexuality through public defenestration in front of giant, cheering crowds of muslim spectators, raping non-muslims children (per the Quran's imperatives), etc., etc.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
The truth can hurt – and you and others on the right have always feared the truth, just as you’re frightened of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

If you don’t like homophobe than just use the word bigot, it covers the right’s unwarranted hostility toward gay and transgender Americans.

To seek to deny gay Americans access to marriage law is bigotry; to seek to compel transgender Americans to conform is bigotry.

Building a ‘wall’ to keep out Hispanic immigrants is bigotry.

Placing an undue burden on the right of black Americans to vote is racism.

Truthfully identifying the bigotry, racism, and hate common to most on the right is not to ‘overuse’ those terms – they’re used appropriate and accurately.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op

Sounds like an unhinged homo to me.
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
The truth can hurt – and you and others on the right have always feared the truth, just as you’re frightened of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

If you don’t like homophobe than just use the word bigot, it covers the right’s unwarranted hostility toward gay and transgender Americans.

To seek to deny gay Americans access to marriage law is bigotry; to seek to compel transgender Americans to conform is bigotry.

Building a ‘wall’ to keep out Hispanic immigrants is bigotry.

Placing an undue burden on the right of black Americans to vote is racism.

Truthfully identifying the bigotry, racism, and hate common to most on the right is not to ‘overuse’ those terms – they’re used appropriate and accurately.

The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
------------------------------ just don't violently hurt people no matter who they are and everything should be fine BFlag .
Are you black? Gay? Muslim?

No worries, phony white liberal guilt and outrage will pay your Bill's right lefties?
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
You left out blackface hysteria...
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op
Do you deny opposing gay marriage? Do you deny supporting politicians who oppose it? Do you deny anger at the acceptance they’ve won and continue to win?
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
------------------------------ just don't violently hurt people no matter who they are and everything should be fine BFlag .
It’s come to that plenty of times in human history
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op
Do you deny opposing gay marriage? Do you deny supporting politicians who oppose it? Do you deny anger at the acceptance they’ve won and continue to win?
---------------------------- as you admit , they won BFlag .

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