Islamaphobe, homophobe, racist, bigot, nazi, or any other overused defensive term...

The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op
Do you deny opposing gay marriage? Do you deny supporting politicians who oppose it? Do you deny anger at the acceptance they’ve won and continue to win?
I thought marriage belonged to heterosexual couples because of the religious overtones involved in marriage and I'm not even a believer. Having said that I had no problem with civil unions. You know, EQUAL RIGHTS but that wasn't good enough for you loons. You had to co-op existing tradition to shove your bullshit down everyone's throat
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
^^^^an example of the juvenile hysteria I spoke of in the op
Do you deny opposing gay marriage? Do you deny supporting politicians who oppose it? Do you deny anger at the acceptance they’ve won and continue to win?
-------------------------------------- now everyone has to happily accept in their hearts all things even those things that they oppose eh BFlag .
The dumbest overused term used by moronic leftists. Do you lock your doors at night? If so you must FEAR your neighbors. Do you have a fence around your property? Again, why do you fear your neighbors?
Fear and opinion are not one and the same. I can't stand die hard progressives. I certainly don't fear them. I loathe what they stand for because it is usually the polar opposite of what I believe in.
You all proclaim the mantle of tolerance but immediately condemn and vilify any opinion that does not mesh with your own. Having an opinion that does not coincide with yours =/= fear. It simply means we don't agree.
The sooner you grow up and realize that the sooner you can articulate an opinion that is actually worthy of debate.
Fuck tolerance. It was a nice idea, but the Trump campaign and his sheep proved it is a failure. No more. You want to bully gay people into hiding and strip their rights? Then fuck you.
------------------------------ just don't violently hurt people no matter who they are and everything should be fine BFlag .
It’s come to that plenty of times in human history
------------------------------------- yeah , maybe but not in the here and now BFlag .

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