Islamic militants suspected in Moscow bombings

Muscovy dates back to 1238, and predates the forced conversion of Chenchens.
There was no forced conversion of the Chechens, so I suppose you're right about that. Never mind that the territorial boundaries of the Grand Duchy of Moscow never came close to the Caucasus. Islam in the Caucasus predates any Russian incursion into the region.

In fact, the Muscovy state fought for centuries to free itself from Islamic invaders called the Golden Hoard.
By the time the Mongols had adopted Islam, Ivan I was cooperating with them.

So you can then say that Russians killing Muslims now is blow back for all those invasions and forced conversions, using the logic of Bin ladn and other Jihadi types.
That might make a lick of sense if the Mongols were Muslims when they pillaged Moscow.
Kinda sucks eh?

Your violent delussions coming back to haunt you, and all those angry people who left you medieval motherfuckers behind now rule the roost.

Its nice that the best you can do is con the simple minded to blow themselves up, has a nice darwinian touch to it.

Don't feel to bad about being obsolete, here, let me make it up to you, have a snack, on me:

So you can then say that Russians killing Muslims now is blow back for all those invasions and forced conversions, using the logic of Bin ladn and other Jihadi types.

The Russians do not necessarily kill on religious objectives.
They killed their own people in Gulags and also have no problems in killing Orthodox brethren like in Georgia.
It kills mainly on power-preserving and -expanding objectives.
So you can then say that Russians killing Muslims now is blow back for all those invasions and forced conversions, using the logic of Bin ladn and other Jihadi types.

The Russians do not necessarily kill on religious objectives.
They killed their own people in Gulags and also have no problems in killing Orthodox brethren like in Georgia.
It kills mainly on power-preserving and -expanding objectives.
They learned their lessons well from their Muslim neighbors, didn't they.
Kinda sucks eh?

Your violent delussions coming back to haunt you, and all those angry people who left you medieval motherfuckers behind now rule the roost.

Its nice that the best you can do is con the simple minded to blow themselves up, has a nice darwinian touch to it.
Somebody isn't familiar with the struggle for independence in the Caucasus. What's it like to hate Muslims so much that you automatically assume the worst about us in every situation? What did we do to you?
I have no sympathy for one of them.
Of course not. Muslims, in your mind, deserve to die. This is the same belief espoused by the terrorists in the Russian military. Much to the dismay of people like you and Putin, we refuse to be oppressed and slaughtered.

And how are you better than him? In your arrogance you call anyone who has a different religion a "kuffar" (or do you only use that name for Russian non-believers, as I find it insulting if you used it on me), then you claim muslims to be the rightful owner of foreign lands in the name of a foreign religion "Islam" (just because 500 years ago muslims occupied some land there, with that reasoning European Christians would have the right to occupy all their foreign colonies).

Btw: Do you also believe in this part of your religion?
Most Islamic scholars agree that the appropriate punishment for apostasy is beheading . It is a good example of how "Islam" is stuck in ancient religious wars
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And how are you better than him?
I always feel grief over civilian casualties, regardless of whether or not I like their religion. That is the difference between me and those posters here who love to see Muslims suffer.

In your arrogance you call anyone who has a different religion a kuffar, then you claim muslims to be the rightful owner of foreign lands in the name of a foreign religion "Islam" (just because 500 years ago muslims occupied some land there)
What foreign land? The North Caucasus is Islamic.

and seem to support the struggle against innocent civilians.
I do? That's news to me.
And how are you better than him?
I always feel grief over civilian casualties, regardless of whether or not I like their religion. That is the difference between me and those posters here who love to see Muslims suffer.

Than you despise the current war waged by "barbarian" jihadis in Israel (shooting rockets at civilians) and most of the Arabic world jihadis (killing other muslim civilians or foreign civilians)?

In your arrogance you call anyone who has a different religion a kuffar, then you claim muslims to be the rightful owner of foreign lands in the name of a foreign religion "Islam" (just because 500 years ago muslims occupied some land there)
What foreign land? The North Caucasus is Islamic.

Land does not belong to a religion, it belongs to people/governments: you would do well to remember that. And if you believe it belongs to a religion, remember that christianity predates Islam (the prophet Mohammed even married a christian woman)

The Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church is one of the world's most ancient Christian Churches, founded in the 1st century by the Apostle Andrew the First Called. In the first half of the 4th century Christianity was adopted as the state religion. This has provided a strong sense of national identity that has helped to preserve a national Georgian identity despite repeated periods of foreign occupation and attempted assimilation.

According to the Constitution of Georgia, religious institutions are separate from government and every citizen has the right of religion. However, most of the population of Georgia (82%) practices Orthodox Christianity and the Georgian Orthodox Church is an influential institution in the country.

The Gospel was preached in Georgia by the Apostles, Andrew, Simon the Canaanite, and Matthias. Iberia was officially converted to Christianity in 326[117] by Saint Nino of Cappadocia, who is considered to be the Enlightener of Georgia and the Equal to Apostles by the Orthodox Church. The Georgian Orthodox Church, once being under the See of Antioch, gained an autocephalous status in the 4th century during the reign of King Vakhtang Gorgasali.[117]

Religious minorities of Georgia include Russian Orthodox (2%), Armenian Christians (3.9%), Muslims (9.9%), Roman Catholics (0.8%), as well as sizeable Jewish Communities and various Protestant minorities.[85]
Georgia (country) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and seem to support the struggle against innocent civilians.
I do? That's news to me.
My mistake, I misred one of your posts
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KGB terrorists are nothing. The mujahideen regularly engaged and killed Russian Spetsnaz before the Russians were forced to withdraw. Your faux outrage here is a predictable expression of your general disdain for Muslims; the Russians are the ones who slaughter children.
Really? Beslan.

More of your Muslim bullshit.
Beslan? Elistanzhy. Grozny. Novy Sharoy. Katyr-Yurt. Shali. Grozny again. Alkhan-Yurt. Novye Aldi. The list goes on and on, but none of this is of concern to you because the children slaughtered there didn't practice a religion that you like.

No, in the eyes of the resistance such operations have no legitimacy. We ourselves were horrified by what they did in Beslan. Because we know the concrete facts of what our people hoped for, how it all began. - Doka Umarov.​
Religion, although relevant to you in your excusing the slaughter of children, is irrelevant to me. Your heroes slaughtered children at Beslan and are cowards.
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I'm well aware that you love nothing more than hearing about Muslims being wasted.
No I think it is sad that every muslims life is wasted.
I do what I can, but once you believe the absurdities of Mohammad you have a tenancy to become irrational and very hard to reach, everything is about defending Mohammad rather than examining his ideology and atrocities are justified .
Its very sad.

I didn't have the good fortune of being born into a faithful family. Studying my religion is something I had to do largely on my own, and I would not have committed myself to it if I had any doubt about the righteousness of Islam and the messenger of God (SAWS). You would find your life far more enjoyable if you chose to focus on something positive rather than single-mindedly devoting yourself to slandering the religion of truth.

Doubt is the beginning, not the end of wisdom.
Doubt is the key to knowledge.
It's unfortunate that the operation resulted in civilian deaths rather than inflicting casualties on KGB terrorists. Still, this is an example of chickens coming home to roost.

"[Russian soldiers] first expelled, temporarily, hundreds of civilians from Alkhan-Yurt, and then began systematically looting and burning the village, killing anyone in their way... The killings went on for more than two weeks, without any apparent attempt by Russian authorities to stop it. Aindi Altimirov, the last to die, was killed and beheaded by Russian soldiers on December 18... The looting of Alkhan-Yurt was systematic and organized, involving a large number of soldiers who acted with impunity throughout their stay in the village. Looted goods were stored in the homes occupied by Russian commanders as well as the tents of soldiers, and were transported openly in military vehicles out of Alkhan-Yurt. It is simply impossible that such widespread looting could take place in broad daylight without the knowledge and, at a minimum, the tacit consent of Russian commanders. The looting that took place in Alkhan-Yurt was not an isolated incident of such misconduct by Russian forces in Chechnya: since the beginning of the Chechen conflict, Russian troops have been systematically looting villages and towns under their control, and there is no evidence that the Russian command has taken any steps to prevent it." - Human Rights Watch​

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Russians 'mowed down fleeing civilian convoy' | World news | The Observer

We asked for independence and were willing to negotiate peacefully. Russia responded with guns, so that's precisely what we will use to secure freedom for the Caucasus.

YouTube - Çeçenistan'in Aslanlari أسود الشيشان Lions of Chechnya 3/6

It's "unfortunate"? Unfortunate? Are you stupid? They bombed a commuter train. Exactly who were they targeting because you make it sound like the civilians died by some accident. It was not an accident.... they targeted innocent people.

And, for the record.... I find your attitude abhorrent. You are the reason why people 'hate' Muslims.
Somethings never change

Azerbaijan Says Thwarts Plot to Attack School
Filed at 2:08 p.m. ET

BAKU (Reuters) - Azerbaijan said on Monday it had detained eight people including a Chechen man on suspicion of planning "terrorist acts" against a school and kindergarten in the capital of the oil-producing Caucasus state.

Secular authorities in mainly Muslim Azerbaijan, a tightly controlled former Soviet republic, are concerned over what they say is the rising influence of radical Islam and the threat posed to the country's oil-fuelled economic growth.

Some analysts warn of potential spillover from an insurgency in neighbouring Russia's mainly Muslim south blah blah blah
It's unfortunate that the operation resulted in civilian deaths rather than inflicting casualties on KGB terrorists. Still, this is an example of chickens coming home to roost.

"[Russian soldiers] first expelled, temporarily, hundreds of civilians from Alkhan-Yurt, and then began systematically looting and burning the village, killing anyone in their way... The killings went on for more than two weeks, without any apparent attempt by Russian authorities to stop it. Aindi Altimirov, the last to die, was killed and beheaded by Russian soldiers on December 18... The looting of Alkhan-Yurt was systematic and organized, involving a large number of soldiers who acted with impunity throughout their stay in the village. Looted goods were stored in the homes occupied by Russian commanders as well as the tents of soldiers, and were transported openly in military vehicles out of Alkhan-Yurt. It is simply impossible that such widespread looting could take place in broad daylight without the knowledge and, at a minimum, the tacit consent of Russian commanders. The looting that took place in Alkhan-Yurt was not an isolated incident of such misconduct by Russian forces in Chechnya: since the beginning of the Chechen conflict, Russian troops have been systematically looting villages and towns under their control, and there is no evidence that the Russian command has taken any steps to prevent it." - Human Rights Watch​

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Russians 'mowed down fleeing civilian convoy' | World news | The Observer

We asked for independence and were willing to negotiate peacefully. Russia responded with guns, so that's precisely what we will use to secure freedom for the Caucasus.

YouTube - Çeçenistan'in Aslanlari أسود الشيشان Lions of Chechnya 3/6

It's "unfortunate"? Unfortunate? Are you stupid? They bombed a commuter train. Exactly who were they targeting because you make it sound like the civilians died by some accident. It was not an accident.... they targeted innocent people.

And, for the record.... I find your attitude abhorrent. You are the reason why people 'hate' Muslims.

The only "attitude" you approve is one of active ignorance adored by skanks like yourself. The point is this attack was not unprovoked and the islamophobia here is so bad nobody even acknowledges the atrocities committed by russia against the chechens. When rich people fight they are called soldiers but when poor people fight back they are called terrorists.
It's unfortunate that the operation resulted in civilian deaths rather than inflicting casualties on KGB terrorists. Still, this is an example of chickens coming home to roost.

"[Russian soldiers] first expelled, temporarily, hundreds of civilians from Alkhan-Yurt, and then began systematically looting and burning the village, killing anyone in their way... The killings went on for more than two weeks, without any apparent attempt by Russian authorities to stop it. Aindi Altimirov, the last to die, was killed and beheaded by Russian soldiers on December 18... The looting of Alkhan-Yurt was systematic and organized, involving a large number of soldiers who acted with impunity throughout their stay in the village. Looted goods were stored in the homes occupied by Russian commanders as well as the tents of soldiers, and were transported openly in military vehicles out of Alkhan-Yurt. It is simply impossible that such widespread looting could take place in broad daylight without the knowledge and, at a minimum, the tacit consent of Russian commanders. The looting that took place in Alkhan-Yurt was not an isolated incident of such misconduct by Russian forces in Chechnya: since the beginning of the Chechen conflict, Russian troops have been systematically looting villages and towns under their control, and there is no evidence that the Russian command has taken any steps to prevent it." - Human Rights Watch​

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Russians 'mowed down fleeing civilian convoy' | World news | The Observer

We asked for independence and were willing to negotiate peacefully. Russia responded with guns, so that's precisely what we will use to secure freedom for the Caucasus.

YouTube - Çeçenistan'in Aslanlari أسود الشيشان Lions of Chechnya 3/6

It's "unfortunate"? Unfortunate? Are you stupid? They bombed a commuter train. Exactly who were they targeting because you make it sound like the civilians died by some accident. It was not an accident.... they targeted innocent people.

And, for the record.... I find your attitude abhorrent. You are the reason why people 'hate' Muslims.

The only "attitude" you approve is one of active ignorance adored by skanks like yourself. The point is this attack was not unprovoked and the islamophobia here is so bad nobody even acknowledges the atrocities committed by russia against the chechens. When rich people fight they are called soldiers but when poor people fight back they are called terrorists.
Why the fuck should anyone acknowledge anything other than the cowardice of this attack when there is a terrorist attack - an attack specifically targeting non-combatants?

I do no such enabling of cowardly acts.

Note that the cowards' plan to attack a kindergarten were stopped before the cowards could do so.

It's "unfortunate"? Unfortunate? Are you stupid? They bombed a commuter train. Exactly who were they targeting because you make it sound like the civilians died by some accident. It was not an accident.... they targeted innocent people.

And, for the record.... I find your attitude abhorrent. You are the reason why people 'hate' Muslims.

The only "attitude" you approve is one of active ignorance adored by skanks like yourself. The point is this attack was not unprovoked and the islamophobia here is so bad nobody even acknowledges the atrocities committed by russia against the chechens. When rich people fight they are called soldiers but when poor people fight back they are called terrorists.
Why the fuck should anyone acknowledge anything other than the cowardice of this attack when there is a terrorist attack - an attack specifically targeting non-combatants?

I do no such enabling of cowardly acts.

Note that the cowards' plan to attack a kindergarten were stopped before the cowards could do so.


Yeah, you're probably right. Keep both eyes closed. Keep your ears plugged. Sell your common sense for pennies.....or half penny if qualified. That is the best way to understand what is happening and why. Nah! Who the hell needs that? It will all just stop on its own.........

Only a fuxxing jackass would try to equate comprehension with "enabling."
The only "attitude" you approve is one of active ignorance adored by skanks like yourself. The point is this attack was not unprovoked and the islamophobia here is so bad nobody even acknowledges the atrocities committed by russia against the chechens. When rich people fight they are called soldiers but when poor people fight back they are called terrorists.
Why the fuck should anyone acknowledge anything other than the cowardice of this attack when there is a terrorist attack - an attack specifically targeting non-combatants?

I do no such enabling of cowardly acts.

Note that the cowards' plan to attack a kindergarten were stopped before the cowards could do so.


Yeah, you're probably right. Keep both eyes closed. Keep your ears plugged. Sell your common sense for pennies.....or half penny if qualified. That is the best way to understand what is happening and why. Nah! Who the hell needs that? It will all just stop on its own.........

Only a fuxxing jackass would try to equate comprehension with "enabling."
It has NOTHING to do with blindness. Although beyond an idiot's comprehension, I do not enable terrorism.

You want awareness from me? Don't terrorize. Don't slaughter children and non-combatants.
Kinda sucks eh?

Your violent delussions coming back to haunt you, and all those angry people who left you medieval motherfuckers behind now rule the roost.

Its nice that the best you can do is con the simple minded to blow themselves up, has a nice darwinian touch to it.
Somebody isn't familiar with the struggle for independence in the Caucasus. What's it like to hate Muslims so much that you automatically assume the worst about us in every situation? What did we do to you?

First off abdul, its a struggle for Chechens, NOT Muslims.

You Jihadi cocksuckers always insert your medival superstition into everything.

I'm not interested in what some delussion jerk thought he saw after sniffing camel ass all day, so don't tell us about 'Muslims.'

The next part is, I know exactly what I am talking about, 'Islam' violently converted the entire area, basically as a way to keep the Turks from fucking with them. All the shit you think they go through can be classified blowback, but even more accurately as poetic justice.

The Russians are hostile because that's just the way the Russians roll, but you and them deserve each other, good luck trying to beat them, nobody ever does permanently.

BTW, have you noticed that the poorest, worst kept and most unwanted places on earth just happen to be Muslim countries?

Seems Allah isn't a fan of you guys either, as the cosmic joke is on you.
Why the fuck should anyone acknowledge anything other than the cowardice of this attack when there is a terrorist attack - an attack specifically targeting non-combatants?

I do no such enabling of cowardly acts.

Note that the cowards' plan to attack a kindergarten were stopped before the cowards could do so.


Yeah, you're probably right. Keep both eyes closed. Keep your ears plugged. Sell your common sense for pennies.....or half penny if qualified. That is the best way to understand what is happening and why. Nah! Who the hell needs that? It will all just stop on its own.........

Only a fuxxing jackass would try to equate comprehension with "enabling."
It has NOTHING to do with blindness. Although beyond an idiot's comprehension, I do not enable terrorism.

You want awareness from me? Don't terrorize. Don't slaughter children and non-combatants.

You maxxed out early.....

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