Islamic militants suspected in Moscow bombings

It's a pretty safe bet that Putin will take Islamofascism a lot more seriously than Obama does.
Beslan proves that Islamic terrorists do and will target innocence, "soft targets", to drum up emotion and fear

Striking fear in the hearts of the infidel

They will not be ignored :cuckoo:

Well at least these children are innocent according to the rest of the civilized world

[ame=]YouTube - Beslan Tribute[/ame]
Beslan proves that Islamic terrorists do and will target innocence, "soft targets", to drum up emotion and fear

Striking fear in the hearts of the infidel

They will not be ignored :cuckoo:

Well at least these children are innocent according to the rest of the civilized world

Religion, although relevant to you in your excusing the slaughter of children, is irrelevant to me.
Both you and I know that isn't true. You hate Islam and Muslims and express that hatred openly and frequently. If it was truly "irrelevant" to you, you wouldn't mention Beslan as if the deaths there were somehow more tragic than the deaths of tens of thousands of Chechen children at the hands of Russia.

Your heroes slaughtered children at Beslan and are cowards.
"Abdul-Khalim Sadullaev, the successor to slain Chechen President and resistance leader Aslan Maskhadov, told RFE/RL's North Caucasus Service in a 3 June (2005) interview that he strongly condemns terrorism and said it is not part of the resistance's policy. Sadullaev also said that while the resistance will continue to try to inflict the maximum damage on the Russian armed forces and military targets, they will not attack peaceful civilians, women, and children, and will not take them hostage." - RFE on President Abdul-Halim Sadulayev (RA), martyred in 2006

"...he posted a letter on the internet in which he condemned the Beslan incident and denied any connection between 'the Ansar in Chechnya...with the killing of children, women and unarmed people in the Beslan school in North Ossetia.'" - Jamestown Foundation on Abu Hafs al-Urduni (RA), Commander of Foreign Mujahideen, martyred in 2006

"No, in the eyes of the resistance such operations have no legitimacy. We ourselves were horrified by what they did in Beslan. Because we know the concrete facts of what our people hoped for, how it all began." - Doka Umarov, Amir of the Caucasus Emirate​

There's a reason that Shamil Basayev, who orchestrated the Beslan crisis, did not attempt to kill any civilians after Shaykh Abdul-Halim Sadulayev became President.

40,000 Chechen children killed by Russians, and nobody from the "remember Beslan" crowd seems to care about them one bit. I wonder if it has anything to do with their being Muslims? :eusa_think:

[ame=]YouTube - Chechnya Shaheed Jihad Islam Nasheed[/ame]
if the story about the christian militia terrorists was moved to "religion and ethics", because it contained the word "christian" in the header, then this one should be too.

if cow shit turns to butter you can turn in yer churn.. Meanwhile do you need a waaaambalance?

was that supposed to be some effort at the english language?
if the story about the christian militia terrorists was moved to "religion and ethics", because it contained the word "christian" in the header, then this one should be too.

if cow shit turns to butter you can turn in yer churn.. Meanwhile do you need a waaaambalance?

was that supposed to be some effort at the english language?

Says the English professor who forgot to capitalize the beginning of her sentence criticizing another's writing skill....
One good thing that may come from this terrorism: Putin may not veto UN sanctions on Iran. That is, if our administration is sharp enough to strike with proposed sanctions quickly and effectively. The latter is no given.
People hate Muslims because people are ignorant and prejudicial. I could say the same thing about the attitude of most of the posters here toward Russian atrocities, but I tend not to make broad generalizations based on the stupidity of a few.

You just did.

Not all people hate them because they are being ignorant and prejudical, some people hate them for trying to impose their medieval beliefs upon us. Some hate muslims for not acting against the extremists that they say abuse their religion, up until recentently I only saw this influential guy speaking out to defend his religion ( BBC News - Islamic scholar Tahir ul-Qadri issues terrorism fatwa ). People often say that when you say/do nothing you unwillingly/willingly agree with something and that is how it is perceved by many: muslims are unwilling to speak out against the people who murder in the name of "their" religion, but when someone makes a cartoon (not a crime in the modern world as far as I know) then you see what a lot of muslims stand for: the aggressive spread of more Islamic influence in a secular society.

Some hate muslims for being extremists themselves: for example, many muslims assume that wearing a headscarf is obligated for a muslim and impose it upon others. Or take the muhammed cartoon incident, in europe there is a division between church and state: the latest european evolution was to a more secular society (the last 50 years). One were people of all beliefs are free to express their opinions, make jokes, FREE press (that does not mean that it is only free to say things that are in line with Islam). In short: Europeans demand respect for their culture, values and traditions (secularity is one of the more modern european traditions). Even so it is officially a multicultural society, multiculturality does not mean you have the right to spit on the native culture, if you come to another country you need to show respect for the country.

Another thing that bothers many people is the building of minarets, as they are often felt as an agressive form of spreading Islam by muslims. How would you feel when a man yells the name of his diffent god to you when you re praying/... in your mosque/house/... , it is agressive by shoving anothers god propaganda song down your throat at your own house. In a recent documentary I saw on TV about Jerusalem showing the extremism of some Isreali jews I was kind of struck by the yelling of a foreign god while they were doing their prayers, I could understand why people would become hostile towards a different religion when it is as intrusive as that.

In a way it shows a lot of disrespect when you see at how a minority of muslims can violate the non-religious areas of hundreds/thousands of non-muslims.

Then there was another issue with muslims wearing head scarves in PUBLIC SECULAR schools in europe, defending the wearing of the headscarf by saying that it is part of their religious identity and that they could otherwise not go to school. As I see it, this is a case in point where muslims expect everyone to put out their shoes and show respect for Islam when entering a mosque but then go outside and take a shit on the non-believers (/ "Kuffars") in the name of allah.

I will show respect when you show me that you deserve it, some muslims I know deserve my respect but this is not because of their religious aspects but their human qualities. For now I do not really see what considerable contribution Islam has brought to society in this latest century, if you know 1 please let me know (I m curious).
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That's a lot of work that wholly fails to justify bigotry against muslims. Two quick examples:

Head scarves: who the fuk cares if they demanded to wear them as part of their identity? You act like they were trying to force everyone else to wear them.

Cartoon: I totally agree violence in response was wrong but you are being intellectually dishonest and ignoring the fact the West had been killing muslims in huge numbers. I know it's difficult for bigots to see things from other perspectives but it doesn't justify the hatred.
Dude! I didnt even know he was still here !!!
False claims of bigotry are an insufficient answer to Islam genocidal ideology.
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if cow shit turns to butter you can turn in yer churn.. Meanwhile do you need a waaaambalance?

was that supposed to be some effort at the english language?

Says the English professor who forgot to capitalize the beginning of her sentence criticizing another's writing skill....

i rarely use caps. and i think you're capable of understanding what i write.

her rant was unintelligible. ;)

but it's very cute that you defend her.

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