Islamic scholar on modern Islam

again, our problem with the Middle East isn't that their belief in a Magic Sky Fairy isn't just as stupid as your belief in a Magic Sky Fairy.

Our problem is we keep invading their countries, and act all shocked when they fight back.

It's like sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
Stalin, you are a stupid fuck.

But even for you this is beyond the pale stupid.

Okay let's say some space aliens invaded America, defeated our military, and then proceeded to destroy our property without much regard.

SO, what would you do? Because I know you guys like to talk about all the guns you own.

NOw imagine the same scenario, and substitute "you" for "an Iraqi" and "Space Aliens' for Americans.
Stalin, you are a stupid fuck.

But even for you this is beyond the pale stupid.

Okay let's say some space aliens invaded America, defeated our military, and then proceeded to destroy our property without much regard.

SO, what would you do? Because I know you guys like to talk about all the guns you own.

NOw imagine the same scenario, and substitute "you" for "an Iraqi" and "Space Aliens' for Americans.

didn't happen

Yahya is full of BS-----Indonesia is just as much a filthy Islamic cesspit as is Saudi Arabia. The
"TOLERANT MODERATE" Indonesian myth is nothing more than propaganda and an attempt
by that shit hole for PRE-EMINENCE in DA UMMA and DA WORLD

As partiers in Bali could attest, if those "tolerant Indonesian Muslims" hadn't murdered them. Well, we could ask the Christians in East Timor, oops, they were murdered too...

Allah loves a cheerful killer..
Wonder if anyone ever reads more than the link's URL?

A little bio about Shaykh Yahya and the moderate Islam he represents:

Nope, as a rule, I avoid the links posted by Islamophobes.

Look, I realize the Zionists and Oil Companies have told you really, really, really have to hate these folks, but you're being played, buddy.
again, our problem with the Middle East isn't that their belief in a Magic Sky Fairy isn't just as stupid as your belief in a Magic Sky Fairy.

Our problem is we keep invading their countries, and act all shocked when they fight back.

It's like sticking your dick in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.
Which country would that be? When they bombed the WTC in 1993, what country had we invaded? How about 9/11? Are they mad we allowed them to have Libya by bombing the Qaddafi regime they were trying to topple? Help me out, here.
Which country would that be? When they bombed the WTC in 1993, what country had we invaded? How about 9/11? Are they mad we allowed them to have Libya by bombing the Qaddafi regime they were trying to topple? Help me out, here.

I don't think there's much we can do to help you out.

Okay, let's look at the list of ME greivences circa 1993.

We had bombed Iraq into submission and were inflicting deadly sanctions that perhaps killed half a million Iraqis due to starvation or treatable diseases.

We had supported the Zionists when they had invaded Lebanon in 1982.

so 9/11. How did that happen? Well, that happened because Ronald Reagan thought arming THESE guys was a good idea.


Just remember, when they were killing Russians, they were "Freedom Fighters".

When they started killing Americans, they became "Terrorists".
Which country would that be? When they bombed the WTC in 1993, what country had we invaded? How about 9/11? Are they mad we allowed them to have Libya by bombing the Qaddafi regime they were trying to topple? Help me out, here.

I don't think there's much we can do to help you out.

Okay, let's look at the list of ME greivences circa 1993.

We had bombed Iraq into submission and were inflicting deadly sanctions that perhaps killed half a million Iraqis due to starvation or treatable diseases.

We had supported the Zionists when they had invaded Lebanon in 1982.

so 9/11. How did that happen? Well, that happened because Ronald Reagan thought arming THESE guys was a good idea.


Just remember, when they were killing Russians, they were "Freedom Fighters".

When they started killing Americans, they became "Terrorists".

Well, you kind of moved the goalposts there, didn't you? So, when you said "invaded", you didn't mean, "invaded". Okay.

Now, shall I list the grievances of the international community? I'll assume your answer is "yes".

Does conquering a sovereign country with the express and sole intent of stealing all of their resources and purging its society count as a greivance? (Iraq) the way, shitty example, as the jihadists wanted the overthrow of the secular Iraqi government. Where were they when Iraqis slaughtered Kuwaiti Muslims? You say this is their beef with us...where were they when Iraq, ostensibly, did exactly the thing that you can't match with a single example of the United states doing?

Yes, when they started killing Americans, they became terrorists. Correct. Well said. When they started targeting civilians on our soil, they became terrorists.

9/11 happened because they could not overthrow the Saudi government , due to the US presence. Exactly as they said, over and over and over. Spare me that "arming the Taliban" bullshit. The 9/11 terrorists used none of those weapons. None of that money. They were primarily Egyptians and Saudis who saw the United States as standing in the way of the next caliphate. We don't have to "guess", here. They told us why they did it.

"We supported the Zionists"

Yes, their religious enemy. You are making my point and undermining your own. "My God can beat up your God"

Yes, they hate the United States because they see it as the main obstacle standing between them and world domination of Islam. Again, we do not have to guess at this. They say EXACTLY THIS. So, instead of arguing with me, you might want to argue with them.

And spare me any accusations of Islamophobia. We need to be empowering moderate Muslims to reform their horrible religion from within. We need to be defending the very people most affected by jihadist violence: Muslims. And your equivocation and apologetic, Zionist canards serve only to empower terrorists and keep the moderates in a perpetual state of oppression. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Well, you kind of moved the goalposts there, didn't you? So, when you said "invaded", you didn't mean, "invaded". Okay.

No, I really did mean "invaded"... I'm sorry you are one of these morons who thinks, "Hey, we didn't invade, we just bombed the shit out them and killed civilians. That makes it okay."

Does conquering a sovereign country with the express and sole intent of stealing all of their resources and purging its society count as a greivance? (Iraq) the way, shitty example, as the jihadists wanted the overthrow of the secular Iraqi government. Where were they when Iraqis slaughtered Kuwaiti Muslims? You say this is their beef with us...where were they when Iraq, ostensibly, did exactly the thing that you can't match with a single example of the United states doing?

Okay, yeah there were babies thrown out of incubators... oh, wait, no, that was a lie perpetrated by the Bush Crime Family and the Kuwaitis.

Point is, we killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because the Oil Companies didn't want to deal with Saddam and the Zionists wanted him gone.

Stick your dick into a hornet's nest, complain about getting stung. American foreign policy.

Spare me that "arming the Taliban" bullshit. The 9/11 terrorists used none of those weapons. None of that money. They were primarily Egyptians and Saudis who saw the United States as standing in the way of the next caliphate. We don't have to "guess", here. They told us why they did it.

I think you must be some kind of border line retard. The reason why Bin Laden became so prominant is because we gave him and his followers the prestige of having beat the Soviets. If they can beat the Soviets, they can beat the AMericans and Zionists! We created this monster. And much like Frankenstein, we lament the things the monster we created eventually did.

"We supported the Zionists"

Yes, their religious enemy. You are making my point and undermining your own. "My God can beat up your God"

Oh, Please. THe one thing the Zionists have been very good at is playing us to make us think that THEIR fight with the people they robbed, is our fight.

Back in the 1970's, the PLO - you know, the people all living in refugee camps because the Zionists stole their land - were all a bunch of pro-Russian communists. and then our focus shifted from Communists to "Jihadists", and lo and behold, the Palestinians all became Jihadists.

And spare me any accusations of Islamophobia. We need to be empowering moderate Muslims to reform their horrible religion from within. We need to be defending the very people most affected by jihadist violence: Muslims. And your equivocation and apologetic, Zionist canards serve only to empower terrorists and keep the moderates in a perpetual state of oppression. You should be ashamed of yourself.

again, guy, here's the thing. How many people have we backed over there because they were guys we can deal with?

Bin Laden was a guy we could deal with, because he hated the Commies! And then he turned on us.

Saddam was a guy we could deal with, because he hated the Ayatollahs in Iran. And then he turned on us.

The Rebels in Libya were guys we could deal with, because they hated Khadafy. and then they turned on us and attacked Benghazi.

So let me know who these "moderates' are so when they turn on us, I can say, "I told you so".

Or we can try the novel of idea of just getting out of that region, and minding our own fucking business.
Well, you kind of moved the goalposts there, didn't you? So, when you said "invaded", you didn't mean, "invaded". Okay.

No, I really did mean "invaded"... I'm sorry you are one of these morons who thinks, "Hey, we didn't invade, we just bombed the shit out them and killed civilians. That makes it okay."

Does conquering a sovereign country with the express and sole intent of stealing all of their resources and purging its society count as a greivance? (Iraq) the way, shitty example, as the jihadists wanted the overthrow of the secular Iraqi government. Where were they when Iraqis slaughtered Kuwaiti Muslims? You say this is their beef with us...where were they when Iraq, ostensibly, did exactly the thing that you can't match with a single example of the United states doing?

Okay, yeah there were babies thrown out of incubators... oh, wait, no, that was a lie perpetrated by the Bush Crime Family and the Kuwaitis.

Point is, we killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis because the Oil Companies didn't want to deal with Saddam and the Zionists wanted him gone.

Stick your dick into a hornet's nest, complain about getting stung. American foreign policy.

Spare me that "arming the Taliban" bullshit. The 9/11 terrorists used none of those weapons. None of that money. They were primarily Egyptians and Saudis who saw the United States as standing in the way of the next caliphate. We don't have to "guess", here. They told us why they did it.

I think you must be some kind of border line retard. The reason why Bin Laden became so prominant is because we gave him and his followers the prestige of having beat the Soviets. If they can beat the Soviets, they can beat the AMericans and Zionists! We created this monster. And much like Frankenstein, we lament the things the monster we created eventually did.

"We supported the Zionists"

Yes, their religious enemy. You are making my point and undermining your own. "My God can beat up your God"

Oh, Please. THe one thing the Zionists have been very good at is playing us to make us think that THEIR fight with the people they robbed, is our fight.

Back in the 1970's, the PLO - you know, the people all living in refugee camps because the Zionists stole their land - were all a bunch of pro-Russian communists. and then our focus shifted from Communists to "Jihadists", and lo and behold, the Palestinians all became Jihadists.

And spare me any accusations of Islamophobia. We need to be empowering moderate Muslims to reform their horrible religion from within. We need to be defending the very people most affected by jihadist violence: Muslims. And your equivocation and apologetic, Zionist canards serve only to empower terrorists and keep the moderates in a perpetual state of oppression. You should be ashamed of yourself.

again, guy, here's the thing. How many people have we backed over there because they were guys we can deal with?

Bin Laden was a guy we could deal with, because he hated the Commies! And then he turned on us.

Saddam was a guy we could deal with, because he hated the Ayatollahs in Iran. And then he turned on us.

The Rebels in Libya were guys we could deal with, because they hated Khadafy. and then they turned on us and attacked Benghazi.

So let me know who these "moderates' are so when they turn on us, I can say, "I told you so".

Or we can try the novel of idea of just getting out of that region, and minding our own fucking business.
I never tried to represent us as saints. I merely ridiculed your absurd idea that jihad doesn't derive from favoring a particular religion, but rather as a response to our misdeeds. That is false, it is absurd and bizarre, and I will push back against what not just represents false moral and intellectual equivalence, but a blatant lie about human history and the human condition.

"Show you the moderates"... Easy, find a shallow grave in Indonesia, Iraq, or Syria. There you will find the Muslims who did not capitulate to the fanatics. Happy digging.

And good luck with your isolationist fantasies.
I never tried to represent us as saints. I merely ridiculed your absurd idea that jihad doesn't derive from favoring a particular religion, but rather as a response to our misdeeds. That is false, it is absurd and bizarre, and I will push back against what not just represents false moral and intellectual equivalence, but a blatant lie about human history and the human condition.

You can push back with whatever Zionist brainwashing you want, but our policies created the 'Jihadist" movement.

Now you expect other Muslims to fight the monster we created, because we've gotten bored with it.

"Show you the moderates"... Easy, find a shallow grave in Indonesia, Iraq, or Syria. There you will find the Muslims who did not capitulate to the fanatics. Happy digging.

Except those weren't the guys you represented as "moderates". YOu ignored the rest of the point that everyone who has turned on us in the last 25 years is someone that the CIA said we could "work with" at some point.

And good luck with your isolationist fantasies.

Americans are already tired of the "War on an Emotional State". Most people barely remembered Monday was the anniversary of 9/11.
I never tried to represent us as saints. I merely ridiculed your absurd idea that jihad doesn't derive from favoring a particular religion, but rather as a response to our misdeeds. That is false, it is absurd and bizarre, and I will push back against what not just represents false moral and intellectual equivalence, but a blatant lie about human history and the human condition.

You can push back with whatever Zionist brainwashing you want, but our policies created the 'Jihadist" movement.

Now you expect other Muslims to fight the monster we created, because we've gotten bored with it.

"Show you the moderates"... Easy, find a shallow grave in Indonesia, Iraq, or Syria. There you will find the Muslims who did not capitulate to the fanatics. Happy digging.

Except those weren't the guys you represented as "moderates". YOu ignored the rest of the point that everyone who has turned on us in the last 25 years is someone that the CIA said we could "work with" at some point.

And good luck with your isolationist fantasies.

Americans are already tired of the "War on an Emotional State". Most people barely remembered Monday was the anniversary of 9/11.

Our policies did not create the jihadist movement. That is moronic. It was wrong 1000 years ago, it was wrong 100 years ago, it is wrong today, and it will always be wrong.
Our policies did not create the jihadist movement. That is moronic. It was wrong 1000 years ago, it was wrong 100 years ago, it is wrong today, and it will always be wrong.

There wasn't a Jihadist movement 100 years ago, much less 1000.

do you know what happened 100 years ago. The Caliph of Islam- the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, called for a "Jihad" against the west. Most of the world's Muslims ignored him and some of them threw in with the British in the hopes of getting their own countries.

Except the British screwed them and turned their countries into colonies and then tried to resettle a bunch of Zionist scum they didn't want in Europe there.

And we Americans, generally being idiots, decided to pick up where the British left off when they got tired of being stung after sticking their dicks in the hornet's nest too many times.

So please take your Islamophobic bullshit and stick it where the sun don't shine. Or at least fight your own fucking wars for a change.

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