Islamic State claims responsibility for Manchester arena attack

How can it be ISIS? Trump totally took care of it on day 1.

Like closing gitmo

or keeping your health care plan and your doctor

or the $25000 reduction in premiums

Well I am glad to see you at least admit it, even through deflection.

Trump aint done yet cupcake.

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I recall right after the attacks in Paris a couple of years ago where over 100 were killed, France the next day went and bombed dozens of ISIS fighters. It was widely reported. They interviewed a man on the street about it and he said something to the effect "12 down, another 100 to go". Basically airing the rage people were feeling and yes, revenge was on the minds of people. A quiet, stoic desire for justice.

I believe an Eye for an Eye if appropriate in these cases. Not only because of justice, but also to send a message, "you attack us, we will attack you. You will not be martyred, you will be eliminated". This is war, there is no other way to define this.

So, if need be England should buy an MOAB or two from America, get the coordinates of where some of these dogs are hiding and let loose, so be it. It's unfortunate that this is how it must be, but the longer these animals are allowed to live and spread their hatred, the more of these cases in which peoples children and slaughtered.

It is thoroughly disgusting and heartbreaking.

How do you attack someone who has just blown himself up?

You attack them BEFORE they get an opportunity to attack your citizens on your soil, or, before they get to radicalize and spread their hatred to others who will do their work for them.
Obama's JV team looks like they took some of the money he was giving them and went to the hardware build a bridge of love.....not a wall....a bridge.....I tell you.

And the UK needs to go Hard Liner on Islamic Enclaves that are trying to establish Sharia law, and crack down on these communities and the people who are harboring and supporting radicals.

They also should engage in a massive deportation of illegals and refugees in their country and send them to Angela Merkel.
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I recall right after the attacks in Paris a couple of years ago where over 100 were killed, France the next day went and bombed dozens of ISIS fighters. It was widely reported. They interviewed a man on the street about it and he said something to the effect "12 down, another 100 to go". Basically airing the rage people were feeling and yes, revenge was on the minds of people. A quiet, stoic desire for justice.

I believe an Eye for an Eye if appropriate in these cases. Not only because of justice, but also to send a message, "you attack us, we will attack you. You will not be martyred, you will be eliminated". This is war, there is no other way to define this.

So, if need be England should buy an MOAB or two from America, get the coordinates of where some of these dogs are hiding and let loose, so be it. It's unfortunate that this is how it must be, but the longer these animals are allowed to live and spread their hatred, the more of these cases in which peoples children and slaughtered.

It is thoroughly disgusting and heartbreaking.

How do you attack someone who has just blown himself up?

You attack them BEFORE they get an opportunity to attack your citizens on your soil, or, before they get to radicalize and spread their hatred to others who will do their work for them.

? what happened to your Eye for an Eye story?

Besides, we've been at this since 9/11, what is it specifically you are proposing that is different?
The "Islamic state" has a big foothold in the U.K. The mayor of London is an Islamic activist and the most popular name for a male child in London is "mohammed". It's likely that the jihad sees the country formerly known as England as weak and ripe for Sharia law. Jihadists have no interest in the political system, they live mentally in the 6th century and the only thing they understand is murder and terror.

Yeah, the Brits sure did allow their Leftists to destroy that once great nation. They allowed their Left to systematically dismantle their Immigration System. But it's not just Great Britain. Most of Western Europe has allowed that.

Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. I know Leftists are smug, and laugh at that notion, but it is the truth. The same people who've created this deadly chaos, aren't gonna be the people to change it. The Left has to go. Period, end of story.
The problem with islam is that while they claim their the most dangerous and violent people on earth, and while they clearly scare the crap out of the rich-boy wussies this country dresses in uniforms and call soldiers, they are clearly to cowardly to even try to attack the fat, alpha-male gorrillas that live in Washington and own us as slaves.

instead they show their "courage" by attacking helpless innocent wonderful people they can get their filthy hands on, much like the wussies rich-boy cowards in our so called military and the ugly self love alpha-male gorillas the run this country from Washington.
The "Islamic state" has a big foothold in the U.K. The mayor of London is an Islamic activist and the most popular name for a male child in London is "mohammed". It's likely that the jihad sees the country formerly known as England as weak and ripe for Sharia law. Jihadists have no interest in the political system, they live mentally in the 6th century and the only thing they understand is murder and terror.

Yeah, the Brits sure did allow their Leftists to destroy that once great nation. They allowed their Left to systematically dismantle their Immigration System. But it's not just Great Britain. Most of Western Europe has allowed that.

Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. I know Leftists are smug, and laugh at that notion, but it is the truth. The same people who've created this deadly chaos, aren't gonna be the people to change it. The Left has to go. Period, end of story.

I have to say your right, but islam is marketing its way into the U.S. right now using the same strategy they used to move into the U.K. which is shipping people born and raised in Islam here as "refugee's" from wars they themselves start.
The "Islamic state" has a big foothold in the U.K. The mayor of London is an Islamic activist and the most popular name for a male child in London is "mohammed". It's likely that the jihad sees the country formerly known as England as weak and ripe for Sharia law. Jihadists have no interest in the political system, they live mentally in the 6th century and the only thing they understand is murder and terror.

Yeah, the Brits sure did allow their Leftists to destroy that once great nation. They allowed their Left to systematically dismantle their Immigration System. But it's not just Great Britain. Most of Western Europe has allowed that.

Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. I know Leftists are smug, and laugh at that notion, but it is the truth. The same people who've created this deadly chaos, aren't gonna be the people to change it. The Left has to go. Period, end of story.

I have to say your right, but islam is marketing its way into the U.S. right now using the same strategy they used to move into the U.K. which is shipping people born and raised in Islam here as "refugee's" from wars they themselves start.

Spot On. It's shocking our Left Wingers are being allowed to take us down that same destructive path. They have to be stopped.

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