CDZ Islamification of The West

You should not allow people into your country who cannot contribute to the economic success of your country. You should not allow people into your country who do not have the ability and the desire to conform to your culture. If you don't want to become an American or a Brit, then stay the hell out of those countries. Allowing floods of "refugees", whose countries have fallen to pieces, is only likely to make your country fall to pieces, and completely unlikely to make any real difference to these failed states, who will simply continue to destabilize and send millions of refugees out into the world to spread their instability.
Islamification means equality goes out the window. Seems like there were gays killed and hung out as reminders of how that would be tolerated by ISIS. If it were simply a matter of celebrating a birth and religion it would be one thing. This comes with a whole set of anti western civilization aspects. Sorry Dhara, you are going to have to choose Islam or LBGT on this one, not both.

Islamification - by that definition is not occurring - it's all fear-mongering and xenophobia. You do not have to choose Islam or LBGT, you can chose both as long as they obey the laws of the land, which are based on western values. Christians have to do it, even if they don't like it ;)

It will happen, it has every other place this has been tried. It is happening here in the US, less than 25 miles form where I am sitting right now. We see it growing, eventually it will boil over and the feds will have to respond.

What will boil over? Fascism?

Subjugation of women, LBGT elimination, relocation of Christians and all that goes with "extremist" Islam.
No, subjugation of women will NOT happen in America. LGBT won't be eliminated, XXXXXX Christians won't be relocated. Extremist Islam is not going to get a foothold in America.

Paranoia will.
When Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) announced it was launching a UK franchise, many waited with baited breath to see whether the German-born movement could muster the same show of strength in the UK which had provided its namesake’s notoriety. Specifically, it has been the German Pegida’s ability to draw crowds numbering in the tens of thousands which placed the movement squarely in the spotlight, combined with a new form of far right activism which saw a shift from thuggish gangs to the presence of families and women coming together to oppose the so-called “Islamicisation of Europe”.

British punditry was quick to deride the small show of a few hundred people marching through the rain by Birmingham train station on a cold February morning. There has long been a sense of British exceptionalism when it comes to the far right, particularly when compared with other European countries. The French National Front won record numbers of votes and historic firsts in local and regional elections last year and is set to make the second round of the 2017 presidential election. In Greece, one of Europe’s most violent far-right parties, Golden Dawn, came third in the September’s general election, while even more traditionally resilient to fascism Nordic countries, including Finland and Denmark, have seen the growth of the political representation of far-right parties at the polls.

In Britain, the BNP is a largely redundant party, while efforts by other far-right parties, such as Britain First, have failed to garner much public support. Meanwhile UKIP’s Nigel Farage has played on the very same register which has seen the far-right rise to prominence elsewhere, notably a fear of immigrants and a disdain for the EU.
- See more at: Pegida UK: Mainstreaming the far right with mums and prams

Dhara, there are certain cultures that do not mix and when one becomes more dominant than the other because of ideologies and how they conflict? It doesn't work and it will never work. Would it be wise to introduce grizzly bears into the wilds of Africa? Would that make any sense at all? I have seen the youtube videos of radical muslims that have been shipped into European countries and they are being allowed to take over. There are certain parts of London that the cops will not even go into because they get attacked by these middle eastern muslims. Not every culture can mix and merge and to think so is pollyanna thinking and it's not gonna end well for all concerned.

Videos are a snapshot in time...with no context. Are they representative of a larger trend or - just a sensationalist scene that goes viral?

The idea of "no go zones" in London is one of those not so accurate claims that has gone viral.

Yeaaaah, keep thinking that if it makes you sleep better at night. There are hundreds of youtube videos showing these "guests" being less than gracious.

There are hundreds of youtube videos showing lots of things - that doesn't mean they are representative of large numbers. Youtube is like the news - what gets attention? Sex, violence, extreme behaviors (usually involving celebrities), blood and gore. When is the last time you saw a youtube video going viral depicting a Christian rummage sale benefitting building shelters for the homeless, or a Mosque sponsored student event supporting earthquake victims? No one cares about that stuff.
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.
Thanks Dale,

My point is this. Since the UK allows Muslims to live in it's borders they ought to be treated the same as any other citizens.

They are already there. What's your solution?

Demand they follow the laws of the country NOT islam.
They do follow the law like every other citizen..

The Islamophobes want ALL Muslims out of America. Then they won't be satisfied and it will be the Jews, the Gays, the Buddhists.
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.

Yes, dozens of attacks on military bases by Christian groups these days. Thank Allah Muslim bakeries are making gay wedding cakes....
Is it possible for you to stay on topic and address the topic rather than my sleeping habits. You do remember you're not in the FZ, right?

Is the topic the name of the city? Or the presence of islamists?
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.
Christians did NOT behead that woman in Oklahoma, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill those people in California, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill the homosexual in Seattle, Islam did.

The anger is NOT misplaced. The guilt is simply being denied by the group.
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.

Yes, dozens of attacks on military bases by Christian groups these days. Thank Allah Muslim bakeries are making gay wedding cakes....

To be honest, we haven't even had dozens of attacks on military bases by Islamic groups ;)
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.

Yes, dozens of attacks on military bases by Christian groups these days. Thank Allah Muslim bakeries are making gay wedding cakes....
What military bases in teh US are being attacked by Muslims.
You reject freedom of religion in the US? You think Islam should be banned?

Oh absolutely. Really? You get to put words in my mouth? Try again. Maybe try a more honest approach to debate okay?
It's a question, not a statement. Apparently, you don't want to give an honest answer.

Oh, you got dishonest old me. So there would be no point to answering a question, since I would obviously be untruthful.
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.
Christians did NOT behead that woman in Oklahoma, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill those people in California, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill the homosexual in Seattle, Islam did.

The anger is NOT misplaced. The guilt is simply being denied by the group.

A Christian blew up the Oklahoma City federal building. Are you angry at Christians for that?
Christians have killed thousands of people in California in the past 10 years. Are you angry at Christians for that?
Christians have killed gays all over the U.S. Are you angry at Christianity for that?
How do you think the US can best counter the efforts extremist religions may try to gain power in the US? Right now we have far more to fear from extremist Christians than Muslims in America.
Christians did NOT behead that woman in Oklahoma, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill those people in California, Islam did.
Christians did NOT kill the homosexual in Seattle, Islam did.

The anger is NOT misplaced. The guilt is simply being denied by the group.
I abhor ALL violence. I also abhor hatred in all it's forms, whether targeting religous groups, ethnicities or LGBT.

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