Islamist ban men and women from shaking hands unless they have breast feed first!


May 10, 2010
I had to laugh when i read Ozmars thread about Islamist ban men and women from shaking hands.

However, Islam has a work around for that. Breast feed from any woman you want to shake hands with..associate with...or talk to for that matter. :eek:

As many of us know, women and men in Saudi Arabia must be careful not to mingle, as the insanely strict Islamic law bans mixing between the sexes who are not related. Recently, the Saudis have issued a fatwa that forces women who come into contact with unrelated men on a regular basis to breastfeed them so that they can be considered “relatives” and not potential lovers. The strangest part is, this isn’t the actual issue at hand. The issue is, how do the men get the milk? I know, it just gets weirder.

Adult Breastfeeding Establishes "Maternal Relations"... - twodaymag - Open Salon
I had to laugh when i read Ozmars thread about Islamist ban men and women from shaking hands.

However, Islam has a work around for that. Breast feed from any woman you want to shake hands with..associate with...or talk to for that matter. :eek:

As many of us know, women and men in Saudi Arabia must be careful not to mingle, as the insanely strict Islamic law bans mixing between the sexes who are not related. Recently, the Saudis have issued a fatwa that forces women who come into contact with unrelated men on a regular basis to breastfeed them so that they can be considered “relatives” and not potential lovers. The strangest part is, this isn’t the actual issue at hand. The issue is, how do the men get the milk? I know, it just gets weirder.

Adult Breastfeeding Establishes "Maternal Relations"... - twodaymag - Open Salon

So, if a man sucks the baby milk of a mother who is not a relative, then this means he is allowed to be alone with them? :lmao:
I had to laugh when i read Ozmars thread about Islamist ban men and women from shaking hands.

However, Islam has a work around for that. Breast feed from any woman you want to shake hands with..associate with...or talk to for that matter. :eek:

As many of us know, women and men in Saudi Arabia must be careful not to mingle, as the insanely strict Islamic law bans mixing between the sexes who are not related. Recently, the Saudis have issued a fatwa that forces women who come into contact with unrelated men on a regular basis to breastfeed them so that they can be considered “relatives” and not potential lovers. The strangest part is, this isn’t the actual issue at hand. The issue is, how do the men get the milk? I know, it just gets weirder.

Adult Breastfeeding Establishes "Maternal Relations"... - twodaymag - Open Salon

"Forces women who come into contact with unrelated men on a regular basis to breastfeed them so that they can be considered 'relatives'” And I thought these folks were the highest forms of moralists! How about just having intercourse? But I guess the Islamic hypocrites, like their cousins Jewish hypocrites and Christian hypocrites, would simply stone the woman to death as always. Tsk, tsk, tsk!

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