Islamist Legal Project Calls for Shunning Muslims Who Warn Police of Terrorist Plots


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Islamist Legal Project Calls for Shunning Muslims Who Warn Police of Terrorist Plots

March 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


There are three important things to remember

1. Islam has nothing to do with terrorism

2. Islamic terrorists just coincidentally happen to be Muslim

3. Muslim groups for some strange reason insist on helping terrorists

Since Muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 people on September 11, Muslim groups have been insisting that the best way to fight terrorism is to pretend that it doesn’t exist. They have warned that any surveillance of Muslims will cause them to stop cooperating with the police. And now they are threatening to banish Muslims who do report terrorist plots from from their mosques.

This shouldn’t be surprising considering that most American mosques are backed by the Saudis and most Muslim organizations are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.


Again, this is proof of their bad faith.

To put the seal of bad faith on all this, the Mapping Muslims report press release trumpets only one endorsement, that of Imam Talib El-Hajj Abdur Rashid.

Abdur Rashid called for releasing Samir Al-Arian, the head of Islamic Jihad in this country and defended Ahmadinejad’s call for genocide in Israel.

The Imam has said that Muslims who work with the police are “collaborators and opportunists” and “house negroes”.

On his blog, the Imam has said that ““The Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe ”

The emphasis here is not on the safety of all New Yorkers, but only on the safety of Muslims.

This sectarian approach is at the heart of the ugliness here and the proposal to shun Muslims who act as good New Yorkers, rather than as good Muslims.

Islamist Legal Project Calls for Shunning Muslims Who Warn Police of Terrorist Plots

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