
Nov 7, 2014
Not trying to flame or attack anyone with this but discussing a serious religion subject; the religion of Islam religiously sanctions wife-beating...

The following is 2 translations of chapter 4, verse 34 from the Qur'an (the Moslems scripture book;) these translations (the Noble Qur'an and the Yusuf Ali translation) are the 2 most standard English translations among the Moslems...Chapter 4:34:

Noble Qur'an translation
...As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct...beat them (lightly, if it is useful)...

Yusuf Ali translation
...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct...beat them (lightly)...

This is a video of a Moslem man beating a Moslem woman :( ...Comments...?

Be condoning beating their children next. Like the Bible does. ;)

And lest we forget, Christians have a practice of beating their wives too.

Be condoning beating their children next. Like the Bible does. ;)

And lest we forget, Christians have a practice of beating their wives too.


Well children can be as animals are so beating them is one thing but beating an adult is is illegal to beat adults in this country (America) would think that the Moslems should be immigrating/fleeing for refuge to a Moslem country.

...and no, unlike Islam, Christianity does not instruct violence against wives but it instructs to LOVE your wife like Jesus loved the church...Jesus did not beat anyone in the church sir.

I don't have time to visit and discuss your link...
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Image of a beaten Moslem woman holding Qur'an 4:34...

Be condoning beating their children next. Like the Bible does. ;)

And lest we forget, Christians have a practice of beating their wives too.


A practice of beating there wives? really? I didn't get that in sunday school. All the times my mother dragged me to church as a youth I don't remember ONE TIME a minister or preacher telling the congregation its good or productive to Beat your wife. Where do you get this from? what church have you personally gone to where this is taught?
My Muslim brother-in-law beat my sister, until finally he threw a vase at her head, splitting it open. She ran out to call the police, but none of her Muslim neighbors would let her in to make the phone call.

Muslims suck, there's no two ways around it. We should not let Muslims into our country, so that's one thing Trump says that I agree with. This does not violate the Constitution because foreigners do not have a Constitutional right to enter the United States, and the Congress has plenary power over immigration.
Not trying to flame or attack anyone with this but discussing a serious religion subject; the religion of Islam religiously sanctions wife-beating...

The following is 2 translations of chapter 4, verse 34 from the Qur'an (the Moslems scripture book;) these translations (the Noble Qur'an and the Yusuf Ali translation) are the 2 most standard English translations among the Moslems...Chapter 4:34:

Noble Qur'an translation
...As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct...beat them (lightly, if it is useful)...

Yusuf Ali translation
...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct...beat them (lightly)...

This is a video of a Moslem man beating a Moslem woman :( ...Comments...?

No need to apologize for telling the truth.
Any opinions from anyone else on religiously sanctioned wife-beating?
The black community also sanctions wife beating.

No b*tch, like all Americans it is illegal for Blacks to beat their wives, like it is illegal for any American to beat his wife.

So why are you so on my jock? Are you gay or something.

Sorry ace but I'm not gay if you are.

Feeling some kind of f*g lust or something coming from you.

Beat it, man. I'm straight.
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Not trying to flame or attack anyone with this but discussing a serious religion subject; the religion of Islam religiously sanctions wife-beating...

The following is 2 translations of chapter 4, verse 34 from the Qur'an (the Moslems scripture book;) these translations (the Noble Qur'an and the Yusuf Ali translation) are the 2 most standard English translations among the Moslems...Chapter 4:34:

Noble Qur'an translation
...As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct...beat them (lightly, if it is useful)...

Yusuf Ali translation
...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct...beat them (lightly)...

This is a video of a Moslem man beating a Moslem woman :( ...Comments...?

No need to apologize for telling the truth.

I asked that my old account be closed because of a security issue, but I am the guy who was Anonymous1977.

Was not apologizing but the forums have rules about flaming & baiting in OPs.
Any opinions from anyone else on religiously sanctioned wife-beating?
The black community also sanctions wife beating.

No b*tch, like all Americans it is illegal for Blacks to beat their wives, like it is illegal for any American to beat his wife.

So why are you so on my jock? Are you gay or something.

Sorry ace but I'm not gay if you are.

Feeling some kind of f*g lust or something coming from you.

Beat it, man. I'm straight.
Sounds to me like with all that protesting over not being gay that you must be a down-low kinda guy. :D

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