Isn't it strange...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun?

Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun?


Not so strange, I think.

Very few bombing incidents compared to the number of gun related tragedies that happen in the USA every day.

O know I know, it doesn't make sense.

But we are talking about human beings after all, and collectively they seldom really make much sense.
Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun?


Well yeah. You kill somebody with rat poison or bad mushrooms or a baseball bat or by dropping a hair dryer into his/her bath or running him over with your car or push him off a cliff or stabbing him with a butcher knife, and you committed murder. And not a soul will suggest restricting or regulating rat poison or mushrooms or ball bats or hair dryers or automobiles or knives or fencing off cliffs.

But somebody gets killed with a gun, and the cries for more gun control are loud and immediate. And admittedly, in most homicides the gun is the weapon of choice.

But would reducing guns reduce homicides? Japan has an almost gun free society--the most gun free of the developed world--but still has more intentional deaths per capita than does the USA.
List of countries by intentional death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I have to ask myself. If I'm gonna be murdered, would I prefer to be poisoned? Bludgeoned? Stabbed? Hacked via Samuria sword? Or shot?
Students restrain college knifeman who hurt 14 in Texas stabbing spree | Metro News

Students restrain college knifeman who injured 14 in Texas stabbing spree

damn knife makers!!!!! :D :D :D

These incidents are sad, but the problem is mental illness and tough abortion laws. :D

No offense, longknife. :)

Depends on whether you consider hate, rage, radical extremism, or sociopathic behavior to be mental illness. The Boston bombers were intent on killing, maiming, hurting, and scaring as many people as they possibly could. Not having a gun certainly didn't deter them.

And I can't imagine anybody determined to commit violence and mayhem against another person or person being deterred from doing that because he doesn't have a gun.
Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun?


If the shooter is a Muslim, everyone wants to ban Islam and kill the shooter. If the shooter is a normal average Joe, the righties just ignore it.
It's because guns are the only real effective method of fighting back against government forces. Bombs take too much time and expertise to be effective. Knives and hammers aren't really a threat either. The effort to take guns away is not for the purpose of reducing crime or violence, it's to make the citizens defenseless against the government. When there is a big push to disarm law-abiding citizens, that means the government is up to no good, which explains why the tyrant Obama is so adamant about gun control.
Better wake up, they have plans for us. ALL of us.
Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun?


If the shooter is a Muslim, everyone wants to ban Islam and kill the shooter. If the shooter is a normal average Joe, the righties just ignore it.

Just out of curiosity, who wants to ban Islam?
I don't wanna ban them, I just want them to stay on the other side of the planet.

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