Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?


In comparison a small monthly Internet charge would be a fraction of the current cost if the parent and the child have the ability to go with an Internet based education.
If it costs $5k per year to send a kid to school give the family $2400 if they go online. Save is $2600 and pay for their internet
I am sure it wouldn't be for everyone but for those who have both parents together and even for some single parents it may help in them being able to spend more time with their children. Children need structures in their environment to thirve and the way it is with so much fractured they are not getting what they need. My grand loved being here even though I was strict about many things. That lil' piece of stability was terrible for them when it was taken away. Children rebel faster than adults when things become unstable and then they grow up not sure what to do with themselves and that perpetuates with each generation more and more.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?
You know how many girls that grew up so protected become pregnant?
I wish they had cameras in my 7th-grade classroom. That teacher was a nut!

He probably should have been hung.

Guy ate so many carrots his skin was orange. We used to get whacks with a boat paddle, too.

He only lasted half the year.

Mostly I read The Chronicles of Narnia trilogy that year, probably Lord of The Rings, too.

That guy seemed to like whacking the girls a little too much.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

That's a total myth that I have to admit I used to believe. Then I met some homeschooled kids that were way smarter than most kids I ever met and none of them were socially awkward.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?

there is no legitimate reason to home school unless there's a safety issue

A family's decision is a legitimate reason.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

No. Because it only deals with one way of learning.

paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype.

Not interested. There are other things that happen at schools that promote opportunities that can't be had by Skype.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?

there is no legitimate reason to home school unless there's a safety issue

A family's decision is a legitimate reason.

science doesn't give a flying what your religion is.

again, there is no legitimate reason to prevent your child from getting a proper education.
So you can teach them to HATE people. You want a religious fascist state.

So, the way to prevent a “religious fascist state” is to give the state the responsibility for educating children, and for determine what values and morals they will be taught, rather than allowing the parents to have any such say about how their own children will be taught and indoctrinated?
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?

there is no legitimate reason to home school unless there's a safety issue

A family's decision is a legitimate reason.

science doesn't give a flying what your religion is.


Where did I mention religion?
School also has the social component about it. Kids learn how to interact with other kids and adults, they might play in a band, be on a sports team... Skype is for long distance catching up, and losers.
Those cameras are all for security. They would be completely useless for instruction.

I simply pointed out there are cameras in classrooms and you will be seeing more of them.

Not in public school classrooms!

Maybe you should actually read my comment? I said maybe not in public schools...but a quick Google revealed some districts are experimenting with them, a school in NJ had 2 million dollars worth installed, they cover every inch of it except restrooms. Belleville School District in NJ

Cameras in the Classroom: Is Big Brother Evaluating You? - NEA Today

This is why it fails! The Belleville School District school system you mentioned is in deep shit over that decision.

Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.
Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

Hell, no. Too few students pay attention -- which is among the most significant reasons they don't master the material being taught -- in class when there's nothing other than the subject matter to which their attention should be directed. Why on Earth anyone would think a kid would be any more attentive when "Skyping" into a class is beyond me. Hell it's college students' are universally sufficiently engaged in class, and they, being adults, are willfully there.
The reality is that people, even kids, fully engage on and excel at things that capture their interest. No surprise there, but in the context of education, the reality is that there are scholastic topics s/he must master that aren't all that interesting to the student. That's just the way things are; one isn't going to be enthralled with everything one must do -- be it scholastically or otherwise -- but that doesn't mean one hasn't an obligation to perform well at it.
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
I simply pointed out there are cameras in classrooms and you will be seeing more of them.

Not in public school classrooms!

Maybe you should actually read my comment? I said maybe not in public schools...but a quick Google revealed some districts are experimenting with them, a school in NJ had 2 million dollars worth installed, they cover every inch of it except restrooms. Belleville School District in NJ

Cameras in the Classroom: Is Big Brother Evaluating You? - NEA Today

This is why it fails! The Belleville School District school system you mentioned is in deep shit over that decision.

Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

That's a total myth that I have to admit I used to believe. Then I met some homeschooled kids that were way smarter than most kids I ever met and none of them were socially awkward.

I am not saying that home school kids are not very bright and may be smarter than kids you know. However, there are LARGE number of kids that the home school community pretends do not exist. Those are the kids whose parents use it to dodge mandatory attendance requirements, raising an new generation so dumb that McDonalds won't hire them. They also do not test their students so the results are often skewed when comparing them to public and private school students.

As I said, there are some great results in home schooling, but as an educator teaching in mostly public schools, I can say without any reservation, that home school kids that returned to public schools in my class were never above elementary school level educations in my high school classes. Also, I don't think a single one (and there were quite a few) that ever were able to recover enough to pass my class, despite our best efforts in some cases.

They were simply dumber than dirt and I consider that to be child abuse.
Not in public school classrooms!

Maybe you should actually read my comment? I said maybe not in public schools...but a quick Google revealed some districts are experimenting with them, a school in NJ had 2 million dollars worth installed, they cover every inch of it except restrooms. Belleville School District in NJ

Cameras in the Classroom: Is Big Brother Evaluating You? - NEA Today

This is why it fails! The Belleville School District school system you mentioned is in deep shit over that decision.

Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

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