Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

So you can teach them to HATE people. You want a religious fascist state.

So, the way to prevent a “religious fascist state” is to give the state the responsibility for educating children, and for determine what values and morals they will be taught, rather than allowing the parents to have any such say about how their own children will be taught and indoctrinated?

I think you overestimate the morals and values that are taught in school. Your children should have those long before they set foot in school.
Maybe you should actually read my comment? I said maybe not in public schools...but a quick Google revealed some districts are experimenting with them, a school in NJ had 2 million dollars worth installed, they cover every inch of it except restrooms. Belleville School District in NJ

Cameras in the Classroom: Is Big Brother Evaluating You? - NEA Today

This is why it fails! The Belleville School District school system you mentioned is in deep shit over that decision.

Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

Look I get you're a public education supporter and from reading you also teach. That's fine but stop dancing around when it's pointed out you are wrong and you were, there are cameras in public school classrooms.

Our children attend private schools for a multitude of reasons, the main one being not to expose them to educators with an agenda.

If parents decide to homeschool that is their business, as to your comments how "dumb" some homeschooled kids are? There are some pretty stupid kids coming out of public schools as well. I know, ours crush them at the debates.
Cameras in the Classroom: Is Big Brother Evaluating You? - NEA Today

This is why it fails! The Belleville School District school system you mentioned is in deep shit over that decision.

Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

Look I get you're a public education supporter and from reading you also teach. That's fine but stop dancing around when it's pointed out you are wrong and you were, there are cameras in public school classrooms.

Our children attend private schools for a multitude of reasons, the main one being not to expose them to educators with an agenda.

If parents decide to homeschool that is their business, as to your comments how "dumb" some homeschooled kids are? There are some pretty stupid kids coming out of public schools as well. I know, ours crush them at the debates.

Those cameras might be in the classrooms now, but how long will they stay there? It is illegal and a gross invasion of privacy. Did you not comprehend that from the article?

One tiny crappy school district in New Jersey was all you could find to support your ridiculous assertion. That is really pathetic!.

That's good that those home school kids are doing well, because I am guessing it is probably in spite of their parents who seem to be the most arrogant, obnoxious, and just plain mean people I encounter on this forums. They all seem to think their own shit does not stink!

If you want to home school great, but let's keep that to your business and stay out of public education. You made your choices and now you can live with it.
Are there cameras in the classrooms?

You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

Look I get you're a public education supporter and from reading you also teach. That's fine but stop dancing around when it's pointed out you are wrong and you were, there are cameras in public school classrooms.

Our children attend private schools for a multitude of reasons, the main one being not to expose them to educators with an agenda.

If parents decide to homeschool that is their business, as to your comments how "dumb" some homeschooled kids are? There are some pretty stupid kids coming out of public schools as well. I know, ours crush them at the debates.

Those cameras might be in the classrooms now, but how long will they stay there? It is illegal and a gross invasion of privacy. Did you not comprehend that from the article?

One tiny crappy school district in New Jersey was all you could find to support your ridiculous assertion. That is really pathetic!.

Now you're just blabbering to save face. You were wrong
You obviously did not read the article I linked.

Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

Look I get you're a public education supporter and from reading you also teach. That's fine but stop dancing around when it's pointed out you are wrong and you were, there are cameras in public school classrooms.

Our children attend private schools for a multitude of reasons, the main one being not to expose them to educators with an agenda.

If parents decide to homeschool that is their business, as to your comments how "dumb" some homeschooled kids are? There are some pretty stupid kids coming out of public schools as well. I know, ours crush them at the debates.

Those cameras might be in the classrooms now, but how long will they stay there? It is illegal and a gross invasion of privacy. Did you not comprehend that from the article?

One tiny crappy school district in New Jersey was all you could find to support your ridiculous assertion. That is really pathetic!.

Now you're just blabbering to save face. You were wrong

No, you are nitpicking! Show me a state where cameras are in all the classrooms and you might have a point.
Yeah I did, now once again...are there cameras in the classroom? Why yes, yes there are.

Next time just answer a simple yes or no question. I have little time or patience for spin.

Why should I answer a question to which you already know the answer?

Why would I give you a link to educate yourself if you ignore what it says?

I hope you don't home school! That would be a very bad habit to pass along to your kids.

Look I get you're a public education supporter and from reading you also teach. That's fine but stop dancing around when it's pointed out you are wrong and you were, there are cameras in public school classrooms.

Our children attend private schools for a multitude of reasons, the main one being not to expose them to educators with an agenda.

If parents decide to homeschool that is their business, as to your comments how "dumb" some homeschooled kids are? There are some pretty stupid kids coming out of public schools as well. I know, ours crush them at the debates.

Those cameras might be in the classrooms now, but how long will they stay there? It is illegal and a gross invasion of privacy. Did you not comprehend that from the article?

One tiny crappy school district in New Jersey was all you could find to support your ridiculous assertion. That is really pathetic!.

Now you're just blabbering to save face. You were wrong

No, you are nitpicking! Show me a state where cameras are in all the classrooms and you might have a point.

I don't have too, you claimed they didn't exist, I proved they did.

I certainly hope you're not teaching children debate skills.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?

there is no legitimate reason to home school unless there's a safety issue

A family's decision is a legitimate reason.

science doesn't give a flying what your religion is.

again, there is no legitimate reason to prevent your child from getting a proper education.

Define "proper" Shillian.......the kind of education that the tax free foundations like the Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations had in mind? Ever heard of Norman Dodd? The Reece Committee hearings? Educate yourself. Charlotte Iserbyte's website "The Intentional Dumbing Down Of America" is a good place to start. The public school system is nothing but indoctrination centers.

Some students need that teacher for motivation and even nurturing. Putting a screen in front of them doesn't mean it has their full attention. Maybe in the later grades. I could see that.
You may be right but I think the system should be implemented regardless allowing parents to opt in if it works for them. As time goes on, I think the program would definitely pick up speed and get more popular as terrorism, pedophilia, drugs, and brainwashing grow. Just in the last ten years the world has changed enormously and NOT for the better. So I think at the very least people should be allowed that option.

With no outside interaction or monitoring. they would certainly be in an ideal position for brainwashing into terrorism. pedophilia, drugs, or anything else their parents might be into. Who would know what was going on? They could turn out a prostitute or suicide bomber before the kid even reached puberty. It's not like there would be concerns about outsiders finding out what as going on. There wouldn't be any outsiders.
Teachers should be well trained to look for that. Aside from that possibly a course taught to kids where they should go to get help if they need it outside their families and homes?

I mean I know of kids going to school now that this is happening to and know they'll probably become drug dealers and prostitutes so that's going to happen regardless whether they're in school or home. If parents are shitty, there really isn't much hope especially since DSS doesn't really do squat about anything even if a kid runs into their office stripped naked screaming rape. They in my opinion are pretty useless and don't give a rat's ass about kids. But in the long run I believe MOST kids would be safer and better off being home schooled via Skype.

Well, your idiotic post counts as a strike against Skype homeschooling.

Your derpitude is now documented.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah because kids have no other places in the entire country to interact with other people except public schools

FYI home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts in every measure even socialization
Some students need that teacher for motivation and even nurturing. Putting a screen in front of them doesn't mean it has their full attention. Maybe in the later grades. I could see that.
You may be right but I think the system should be implemented regardless allowing parents to opt in if it works for them. As time goes on, I think the program would definitely pick up speed and get more popular as terrorism, pedophilia, drugs, and brainwashing grow. Just in the last ten years the world has changed enormously and NOT for the better. So I think at the very least people should be allowed that option.

With no outside interaction or monitoring. they would certainly be in an ideal position for brainwashing into terrorism. pedophilia, drugs, or anything else their parents might be into. Who would know what was going on? They could turn out a prostitute or suicide bomber before the kid even reached puberty. It's not like there would be concerns about outsiders finding out what as going on. There wouldn't be any outsiders.

So in your world public schools don't?


Bad shit happens at public schools. No where near as much as would happen without them.

Shit happens. Not much to be done about it. Paddlings, yeah.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
So you can teach them to HATE people. You want a religious fascist state.

So, the way to prevent a “religious fascist state” is to give the state the responsibility for educating children, and for determine what values and morals they will be taught, rather than allowing the parents to have any such say about how their own children will be taught and indoctrinated?

I think you overestimate the morals and values that are taught in school. Your children should have those long before they set foot in school.

Now I know you're a teacher and all, but when I was in public school, we prayed. The teachers reinforced what we were taught at home. Mostly, except the California man, he didn't do that, but all the other teachers did.

C'mon, contrary to what Obama said, the US is a christian country. I thank God I received my schooling long ago, before PC was around, for real.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Gee maybe by actually interacting in society and not public schools

On average home schooled kids because of the individual attention can get through their class time much faster than public school kids which leaves them more time for creative play, sports, music, etc
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Gee maybe by actually interacting in society and not public schools

On average home schooled kids because of the individual attention can get through their class time much faster than public school kids which leaves them more time for creative play, sports, music, etc

Who will they interact with?
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Gee maybe by actually interacting in society and not public schools

On average home schooled kids because of the individual attention can get through their class time much faster than public school kids which leaves them more time for creative play, sports, music, etc

Who will they interact with?

Other people. Duh

Do you know any kids who have been home schooled?

I have known quite a few and on average not only are they more articulate they are extremely comfortable in social situations because their parents actually get them out into the real world where they must interact with others on a more mature level.

They play sports, Little League, Pop Warner foot ball, take music lessons, etc all without being over scheduled because they don't have to sit in school for 7 hours a day to get about 3 hours worth of productive class time
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Gee maybe by actually interacting in society and not public schools

On average home schooled kids because of the individual attention can get through their class time much faster than public school kids which leaves them more time for creative play, sports, music, etc

Who will they interact with?

Other people. Duh

Do you know any kids who have been home schooled?

I have known quite a few and on average not only are they more articulate they are extremely comfortable in social situations because their parents actually get them out into the real world where they must interact with others on a more mature level.

They play sports, Little League, Pop Warner foot ball, take music lessons, etc all without being over scheduled because they don't have to sit in school for 7 hours a day to get about 3 hours worth of productive class time

Actually I do, they don't interact much outside the home, it seems they're starving for it. They are well-educated enough.

However, they all play an instrument and well. One has even done the church services before.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Marion--remember who you're asking.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Marion--remember who you're asking.

Thank you for that moment of clarity.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

Kids are only in school 180 days out of the year with 90 percent of that time in a classroom with limited interaction with classmates. I think it's rather silly to believe that the only way kids can learn social skills is from being in a public school.

So do tell how are they supposed to be introduced to dealing with society?
Marion--remember who you're asking.

Really? You think public school is the only way kids can learn to "inter-act"? Teaching kids how to "go along to get along" so that they will be accepted and be popular???? That if a child doesn't have the latest clothes in fashion that they need to be shunned? Or if they aren't good in athletics or have the audacity to not go along with "group think" like common core says that they should be ostracized until they get with the program? Trust me, bitch.....I wouldn't allow my kids to be around someone of your influence AT all.
Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

Hell, no. Too few students pay attention -- which is among the most significant reasons they don't master the material being taught -- in class when there's nothing other than the subject matter to which their attention should be directed. Why on Earth anyone would think a kid would be any more attentive when "Skyping" into a class is beyond me. Hell it's college students' are universally sufficiently engaged in class, and they, being adults, are willfully there.
The reality is that people, even kids, fully engage on and excel at things that capture their interest. No surprise there, but in the context of education, the reality is that there are scholastic topics s/he must master that aren't all that interesting to the student. That's just the way things are; one isn't going to be enthralled with everything one must do -- be it scholastically or otherwise -- but that doesn't mean one hasn't an obligation to perform well at it.
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.

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