Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.
Yes we can....but as you said "home-schooled kids don't grow up like that' and I've experience that what you said is simply not true.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
We have a middle school in the barrio here that they did a study where up to 80% of the parents are any do they home school?
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
The government school classroom is tailored to one type of kid, the one that can sit still in a chair and focus for an hour at a time, then move to another chair and do it all over again. A large part of classroom time is consumed by the teacher maintaining order, and our standard response to kids unable to fit in that mold is to drug them into compliance. That is not a good thing.

Taking a child out of a government school who is either failing because of disabilities or incorrectly marginalized as learning disabled and teaching him/her at home can give that child a fighting chance at an education that they would otherwise be denied. I have personal experience with one of my children.

Even parents with little education can successfully home-school if they use an online curriculum, with teachers on the other end to collect and grade classwork. There is very little reason most parents cannot successfully home-school.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.
Yes we can....but as you said "home-schooled kids don't grow up like that' and I've experience that what you said is simply not true.
I will stipulate that my statement was very broad. It was in response to an equally broad, and very incorrect statement. I have seen far too many successfully home-schooled kids to accept such crass stupidity.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
We have a middle school in the barrio here that they did a study where up to 80% of the parents are any do they home school?
The same way online colleges work, with an online curriculum. The parent does not have to be involved in grading the class work, but is available to encourage the child and help maintain order. Ever wonder why home-schooled class days are typically only about 2 to 3 hours long? It's because the government school teachers spend large amounts of time maintaining order and trying to get the students to sit down and shut up.
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.
School isn't just about listening to lessons and doing worksheets. School teaches children socialization and routine. You can't get those things at home through Skype.
How would that work?
Someone would have to stay home with Jr.
Yes, they would. It can be done, but the family has to accept the reality that there has to be one full time parent available, at least during school time.

For a lot of people that wouldnt be possible.
It would also require the parent to stay on Jrs. ass all day to make sure he wasnt fuking off.
School isn't just about listening to lessons and doing worksheets. School teaches children socialization and routine. You can't get those things at home through Skype.
How do you think Abraham Lincoln managed? For that matter, how do you think Agrarian America managed to survive when most people were born, lived, and died within a 50 mile radius of their farm, never attending a formal school at all?

Truth is, kids gain socialization and routine skills quite well at home and through the myriad opportunities today's home-schooled kids have. Are you not aware that there are thousands of home-school co-ops where kids can learn a subject together, take field trips together, and play sports?

Kids actually turn out quite well adjusted when exposed primarily to adults as compared to being exposed for most of the day to children. Lord of the Flies, anyone?
How would that work?
Someone would have to stay home with Jr.
Yes, they would. It can be done, but the family has to accept the reality that there has to be one full time parent available, at least during school time.

For a lot of people that wouldnt be possible.

Yes, you have to be highly committed to your child's well being.

It would also require the parent to stay on Jrs. ass all day to make sure he wasnt fuking off.
Only for about 2 to 3 hours. The rest of the day can be taken up by childcare or, when the kids are old enough, a part time job or hanging out at the mall. That's about how long it takes to go through a day's worth of education when you don't have to take so much time trying to get 30 Jr's to sit down and shut up. A lot of kids learn a whole lot faster when they don't have the distraction of friends, bullies and enemies sitting next to them.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
The government school classroom is tailored to one type of kid, the one that can sit still in a chair and focus for an hour at a time, then move to another chair and do it all over again. A large part of classroom time is consumed by the teacher maintaining order, and our standard response to kids unable to fit in that mold is to drug them into compliance. That is not a good thing.

Taking a child out of a government school who is either failing because of disabilities or incorrectly marginalized as learning disabled and teaching him/her at home can give that child a fighting chance at an education that they would otherwise be denied. I have personal experience with one of my children.

Even parents with little education can successfully home-school if they use an online curriculum, with teachers on the other end to collect and grade classwork. There is very little reason most parents cannot successfully home-school.

Your entire post is total ignorant bullshit and shows you have not been in a classroom for many years.

BTW, waht you described in the red text is called a virtual school and it has numerous disadvantages, which is why many students struggle with it.

The reason some parents cannot home school is that they themselves are ignorant and uneducated.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
We have a middle school in the barrio here that they did a study where up to 80% of the parents are any do they home school?
The same way online colleges work, with an online curriculum. The parent does not have to be involved in grading the class work, but is available to encourage the child and help maintain order. Ever wonder why home-schooled class days are typically only about 2 to 3 hours long? It's because the government school teachers spend large amounts of time maintaining order and trying to get the students to sit down and shut up.

If they are covering the curriculum in 2-3 hours per day, they are ankle deep in an ocean.
Ultimately...the thing that makes private schools and home schooling successful is parents that want to go that extra mile and dollar to educate their kids....every private school I know REQUIRES parents to volunteer and participate. Public schools have no power in that regard. If the law were changed to allow school other words, public schools have the choice as to accepting and keeping students just as private schools'd see public school scores go up.

Maybe some day, the government will say "not our problem" with students and parents who don't want to learn.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
The government school classroom is tailored to one type of kid, the one that can sit still in a chair and focus for an hour at a time, then move to another chair and do it all over again. A large part of classroom time is consumed by the teacher maintaining order, and our standard response to kids unable to fit in that mold is to drug them into compliance. That is not a good thing.

Taking a child out of a government school who is either failing because of disabilities or incorrectly marginalized as learning disabled and teaching him/her at home can give that child a fighting chance at an education that they would otherwise be denied. I have personal experience with one of my children.

Even parents with little education can successfully home-school if they use an online curriculum, with teachers on the other end to collect and grade classwork. There is very little reason most parents cannot successfully home-school.

Your entire post is total ignorant bullshit and shows you have not been in a classroom for many years.

BTW, waht you described in the red text is called a virtual school and it has numerous disadvantages, which is why many students struggle with it.

The reason some parents cannot home school is that they themselves are ignorant and uneducated.
Virtual schools can work, but remember, no one solution fits all situations. The key is that parents can choose (isn't that the magic word?) a solution that works for them. A lot of kids can handle government schools if their parents want to go that route. They may not get the best education, but hey.

I have first hand knowledge that virtual schools can work.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.

Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

OK. How about the numerous instances I had of parents disenrolling their kids to home school them after 10 years in public school and the child had been diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities? Who home schools a special needs kid when the parents never graduated from high school?
The government school classroom is tailored to one type of kid, the one that can sit still in a chair and focus for an hour at a time, then move to another chair and do it all over again. A large part of classroom time is consumed by the teacher maintaining order, and our standard response to kids unable to fit in that mold is to drug them into compliance. That is not a good thing.

Taking a child out of a government school who is either failing because of disabilities or incorrectly marginalized as learning disabled and teaching him/her at home can give that child a fighting chance at an education that they would otherwise be denied. I have personal experience with one of my children.

Even parents with little education can successfully home-school if they use an online curriculum, with teachers on the other end to collect and grade classwork. There is very little reason most parents cannot successfully home-school.

Your entire post is total ignorant bullshit and shows you have not been in a classroom for many years.

BTW, waht you described in the red text is called a virtual school and it has numerous disadvantages, which is why many students struggle with it.

The reason some parents cannot home school is that they themselves are ignorant and uneducated.
Virtual schools can work, but remember, no one solution fits all situations. The key is that parents can choose (isn't that the magic word?) a solution that works for them. A lot of kids can handle government schools if their parents want to go that route. They may not get the best education, but hey.

I have first hand knowledge that virtual schools can work.

My son took a virtual school class when he was in high school for an extra credit. The first thing he will tell you about the class is that if his father was not a math teacher, he never would have passed. There was little to no instruction or explanations offered because the class was supposed to have a teacher assigned to assist students. Guess who was never available when he needed help?

I am sure there are success stories, just like all of the home school students that win all of these spelling and geography bees, but most kids have a life outside their academics and they do not need that 24/7/365.
How many children are graduating without being able to read? Lots when you look at it. Public schools have been a failing money pit when it turns out children that can't read with diplomas just for they could get those fed-bucks. how many children graduate school with the inability to read - Google Search
What power does a public school have to make students learn? Tell us.
Used to be kids would be flunked out or have to repeat grades

but we can't have that anymore can we?
They still do...and it doesn't end up with a 16 year old 8th grader. You like that?

Then you flunk him out and stop wasting the taxpayers' money on him

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