Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
No. Not when I taught in grad school and not when I had to develop and deliver training for my clients.

I have a colleague who once griped about having to structure in consideration of union expectations a software training class developed and delivered to certain very low level workers. The specific expectation was that of teaching the workers not how to think about the assortment of tasks they had to perform but rather how to "put square pegs in square holes." It was a classic "give them fish vs. teaching one how to fish" matter.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.

Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.

Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Since you are into the brag efforts I'll go there. I have over fifty years of personal observation being very involved, seeing and going through the experience in four different states to see how their school districts have worked; so again you have tunnel vision.

Children and families all have their own unique circumstances. Someone else already took the time to explain that "box" to ya but obviously you are too ignorant or prideful to accept that.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....
I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.

Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Since you are into the brag efforts I'll go there. I have over fifty years of personal observation being very involved, seeing and going through the experience in four different states to see how their school districts have worked; so again you have tunnel vision.

Children and families all have their own unique circumstances. Someone else already took the time to explain that "box" to ya but obviously you are too ignorant or prideful to accept that.

In other words, you are simply an arrogant schmuck who thinks they are an expert on education simply because you have observed the process. You won't answer questions that should be easy for you if that is what you truly believed, but you don't. That tells anyone all they need to know about you. Baseless accusations and anecdotal stories of dubious origin.

Let me be the first to tell you that you, like most people. don't have a clue as to what education is. You probably could't teach a fish to swim or a monkey to climb trees!
If a teacher requires union support from a union they are a member of then that union supplies that teacher's legal representation in disputes with the school, the school district and the state. Another purpose of that union is in regard to wages and benefits. The fact of the matter is these unions have taken another role and that is political aspirations to dictate what policies others will live by. Teachers are not being rejected it's the curriculum they are being forced to teach. 'You' must be one of those that are being rejected by the general public. Whether you like it or not other peoples children are not yours to do with as you please.

I ignore bodey. I have several very good friends that are or were teachers. One quit because he was unwilling to put up with the crap from the liberal teachers union. His wife remained a teacher as she was willing to play their mind games. Apparently you merely desire to keep a teacher position going or union job of some sort, so basically you will be on my ignore list along with bodey.

Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Since you are into the brag efforts I'll go there. I have over fifty years of personal observation being very involved, seeing and going through the experience in four different states to see how their school districts have worked; so again you have tunnel vision.

Children and families all have their own unique circumstances. Someone else already took the time to explain that "box" to ya but obviously you are too ignorant or prideful to accept that.

In other words, you are simply an arrogant schmuck who thinks they are an expert on education simply because you have observed the process. You won't answer questions that should be easy for you if that is what you truly believed, but you don't. That tells anyone all they need to know about you. Baseless accusations and anecdotal stories of dubious origin.

Let me be the first to tell you that you, like most people. don't have a clue as to what education is. You probably could't teach a fish to swim or a monkey to climb trees!
So you say. Like I said I have close friends who are teachers too. You also desire to claim that genetically modifying crops is one and the same and equivalent with selective breeding so it is truly obvious who is being the actual the ignorant one here. Press on catshit someone will eventually cover you up.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
You truly are a scumbag, and you have the nerve to call yourself a christian. ROTFLMAO. You racist hypocrite.
Guess who picks the curriculum?

Newsflash! It isn't the union. School boards decide that. You aren't even familiar enough with the educational process to get that simple fact right.

Your post just proves every false belief that gets parroted down the line by people to lazy to learn for themselves how powerLESS unions are.

Wallow in your ignorance like a pig in a mud hole. I teach math. There is no PC way to do that. In fact, it is pretty well established as to what children should learn and how they should learn it.

Do you know what unions have done for me in 20 years of education? Not a damn thing!

The pay sucks, the benefits suck, student discipline sucks, and most people outside of the classroom are clueless as to what goes on in there.

Despite all that, it is a job I love.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Since you are into the brag efforts I'll go there. I have over fifty years of personal observation being very involved, seeing and going through the experience in four different states to see how their school districts have worked; so again you have tunnel vision.

Children and families all have their own unique circumstances. Someone else already took the time to explain that "box" to ya but obviously you are too ignorant or prideful to accept that.

In other words, you are simply an arrogant schmuck who thinks they are an expert on education simply because you have observed the process. You won't answer questions that should be easy for you if that is what you truly believed, but you don't. That tells anyone all they need to know about you. Baseless accusations and anecdotal stories of dubious origin.

Let me be the first to tell you that you, like most people. don't have a clue as to what education is. You probably could't teach a fish to swim or a monkey to climb trees!
So you say. Like I said I have close friends who are teachers too. You also desire to claim that genetically modifying crops is one and the same and equivalent with selective breeding so it is truly obvious who is being the actual the ignorant one here. Press on catshit someone will eventually cover you up.

Yeah, some of my best friends are black or gay. That doesn't mean I can impersonate a black female!

Your comments about GMOs are just plain wrong. I never said anything like like. That is just another topic on which you are confused.

Keep embarrassing your self with the lies.
Apparently you live in one area, from what you post it appears that you think you are really hot shit and you obviously have tunnel vision. I went to public schools, even a one room school house one starting out, I could read prior to entering school and so could my daughter. My children went to public schools and my daughter was the honor student. My son on the other hand had to have tutors and he had some real 'hot shit assholes' that would probably sound a lot like you. My grandchildren are generally A students but when they have a f'd up teacher they get f's like any other child. If you can do math you obviously should know that schools are failing many children and whose fault is that? The high school where the children went to school had an administrator that couldn't write or spell any better than a first grader. He got the job because of political connections. That administrator and a few bitches attempted to destroy my son completely because they were too ignorant to know how to teach a dyslexic child. Today son makes more than most with a college education and can do a hell of a lot more than "teach math" and try to fit other peoples children into some f'ing communist box. Feed your shit to someone else as I'm not interested in it.

I live in one area? Ha!

I taught at a high school in Florida for 10 years and ended that last year and a half as the assistant principal. I then worked in a Department of Defense Dependents High School for a year. I then moved to a middle school in another district for a year. That was followed by 3 years in an inner city middle school in another district.. Another half-year at a high school replacing a teacher who was fired. A job came open closer to home so I spent 4 years at a rural high school, and the past year at another district and another high school. In case you weren't counting, that's seven districts in two states and one working for the federal government.

Was there a point in the rest of that personal anecdote?

Your comments make no sense. What is this "f'ing communist box" bullshit?

If you can't address what I say directly, how about not bothering and be on your way to a thread where you might have a clue.

BTW, if a child fails, it is either the child's fault or the parents for not fixing the problem.
Since you are into the brag efforts I'll go there. I have over fifty years of personal observation being very involved, seeing and going through the experience in four different states to see how their school districts have worked; so again you have tunnel vision.

Children and families all have their own unique circumstances. Someone else already took the time to explain that "box" to ya but obviously you are too ignorant or prideful to accept that.

In other words, you are simply an arrogant schmuck who thinks they are an expert on education simply because you have observed the process. You won't answer questions that should be easy for you if that is what you truly believed, but you don't. That tells anyone all they need to know about you. Baseless accusations and anecdotal stories of dubious origin.

Let me be the first to tell you that you, like most people. don't have a clue as to what education is. You probably could't teach a fish to swim or a monkey to climb trees!
So you say. Like I said I have close friends who are teachers too. You also desire to claim that genetically modifying crops is one and the same and equivalent with selective breeding so it is truly obvious who is being the actual the ignorant one here. Press on catshit someone will eventually cover you up.

Yeah, some of my best friends are black or gay. That doesn't mean I can impersonate a black female!

Your comments about GMOs are just plain wrong. I never said anything like like. That is just another topic on which you are confused.

Keep embarrassing your self with the lies.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
Maybe some clarity. Children in slum areas can have the same ability to learn if they are capable at a better pace if the proper online courses are available to them. They wouldn't have to worry about being a part of the gang or thug class while getting back and forth to a public school.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
I've learned from personal experience that home schooling can be very beneficial. My youngest daughter had a medical condition that the public school just wouldn't or couldn't deal with properly. We took her out of the school from grades 2 through 5, and enrolled her in Connections Academy. She socialized with her friends, soccer league, dance classes, band, and church youth groups. It took her 3 years to outgrow her condition, at which time she returned to school. She just graduated from high school a couple weeks ago, and will attend university this fall. She graduated with a 3.85 GPA while taking AP classes. I credit her home schooling years with giving her the study skills that lead to her later success. She was way beyond her peers from the local elementary school, whose classes seemed to be bogged down trying to teach all the ESL kids.
Your comments about GMOs are just plain wrong. I never said anything like like. That is just another topic on which you are confused.

Keep embarrassing your self with the lies.
Your exact words and when the links were put up you walked away after your little bullshit rant about not backing up the claim with evidence. Keep showing everyone how ignorant you (communist and fascist type minded peeps) that desire to stick everyone in your little boxed world actually are.
I love when people of ignorance harp on GMOs like they are deadly, when in fact no has ever proven harm from any GMOs,

BTW, bad news for you who hate GMOs. They have already cross-pollinated just about every crop in the world so every one of the crops are now GMOs.
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.

That is a myth! And actually the opposite is true!

I've worked with homeschooled kids who came to volunteer at the wildlife center. All were older than 16 because that's what I required. They all seemed bright enough but ignorant about very basic skills and shy to the point of being paralyzed. I felt sorry for them. Not one could talk to anyone outside their little group that had been educated together, some for many years.

I also gave quite a few education programs but that was always at the homes of the parents. The kids were mostly engaged and interested but who wouldn't be interested in having a great horned owl, red tail hawk, an elf owl and a skunk in your living room? Seriously, I never gave my presentation to any group that wasn't mesmerized.

Bottom line - they were okay in their own little world and unable to cope with strangers or with new surroundings. There was one group where a mother even talked about it and that they were trying to figure out how to help them.

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Anyone remember when weird Glenn Beck said that schools should be closed and/or grand parents should teach kids. He said grand parents are just a drain on resources and should have to 'give something back'.

Our kid, wife and their kids are coming for the solar eclipse. That's about all I'm wanting to "give back" right now. [emoji57]

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Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
You truly are a scumbag, and you have the nerve to call yourself a christian. ROTFLMAO. You racist hypocrite.

It's doubtful bi-gassy has ever even seen a black person OR a church.

Sent from my iPad using
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition

Keep repeating that baseless assertion. it just makes people dislike home schoolers. You aren't even smart enough to recognize your own false statements.

I wouldn't expect you to believe it after all you're a teacher but the the info is there and I have posted the source several times.

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests


Your source uses statistical garbage for "proof". I have posted that many times also.

Self-selection bias is what makes your sources as useless as teats on a boar hog.

That's the same reason why internet polls are garbage.

Se I told you you won't admit that many home schooled kids are better educated than the ones you turn out of public schools
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition

Keep repeating that baseless assertion. it just makes people dislike home schoolers. You aren't even smart enough to recognize your own false statements.

I wouldn't expect you to believe it after all you're a teacher but the the info is there and I have posted the source several times.

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests


Your source uses statistical garbage for "proof". I have posted that many times also.

Self-selection bias is what makes your sources as useless as teats on a boar hog.

That's the same reason why internet polls are garbage.

Se I told you you won't admit that many home schooled kids are better educated than the ones you turn out of public schools

Many home schooled students are better educated than those in public schools. Why would I not agree to that? It's true!

They damned sure better be top dogs with individualized instruction and if the proper resources are used. Why shouldn't they be?

My only problem is by home schoolers who believe:

1) All home schooling students are superior to public and private school students.
2) Home schooling guarantees your child will be a top performer on standardized tests and in college.
3) Anybody can home school.
4) Public schools are all trash, full of liberal indoctrination, and complete failures.

Why do I have a problem with that? Because none of those are true!
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
And we wonder why the # RussianW gets the Racist Rep.......
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I don't think its a good idea, white girls would go insane not having black boys to date....

Black boys can't afford private schools and likely couldn't pass the admissions process
You truly are a scumbag, and you have the nerve to call yourself a christian. ROTFLMAO. You racist hypocrite.
Why would you be surprised.....?

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