Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

So you can teach them to HATE people. You want a religious fascist state.

So, the way to prevent a “religious fascist state” is to give the state the responsibility for educating children, and for determine what values and morals they will be taught, rather than allowing the parents to have any such say about how their own children will be taught and indoctrinated?

I think you overestimate the morals and values that are taught in school. Your children should have those long before they set foot in school.

Now I know you're a teacher and all, but when I was in public school, we prayed. The teachers reinforced what we were taught at home. Mostly, except the California man, he didn't do that, but all the other teachers did.

C'mon, contrary to what Obama said, the US is a christian country. I thank God I received my schooling long ago, before PC was around, for real.

You are old! :D

I do not support organized prayer in school simply because it has no place there. There are far too many religions or lack thereof present in schools for this to not become an issue.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.
No! Kids need to learn social interaction which can't be learned from that.

They do socially interact, they are involved in athletics, clubs, church groups, etc.

I know plenty of home schooled children, they are happy, well adjusted, not socially awkward and smart as whips
Okay, but, I mean, there's something to interacting with other kids. Seriously
Thank you. One of the few things we agree on. If more parents took an interest in their child's education, the children would be getting school at home and at school. We made three week summer trips from Oregon to the Missouri and Mississippi rivers while our children were growing up. Hit most of the National Parks, and almost every museum along the roads. Went to a lecture by Donald Johanson when he was ten, as well as other lectures at museums. But that did not teach them the social interactions that all children need. That was gained at school, and at family reunions.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.
Um either you didn't even read my post or you don't know what Skype is. I agree this is not something that should be left up to parents although some do a pretty good job, others not so much. My suggestion states they would be taught by teachers via Skype. The kids of course will still need to be monitored by parents or someone just to ensure they stay at their desks and are actually doing their studies and not wondering off.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. How stupid of me. It would be far better that they become brainwashed by liberal teachers, become drug addicts or sexually active from peer pressure, gunned down, blown up, or raped by pedophiles.

I mean you do realize there are many other ways to socialize kids rather than send them into those situations, right? You know like sports and such?
If you are unhappy with current teachers, why don't you become one.

I find that "those that can....teach. Those who cannot...bitch about teaching."
How many children are graduating without being able to read? Lots when you look at it. Public schools have been a failing money pit when it turns out children that can't read with diplomas just for they could get those fed-bucks. how many children graduate school with the inability to read - Google Search
What power does a public school have to make students learn? Tell us.
Used to be kids would be flunked out or have to repeat grades

but we can't have that anymore can we?
So you can teach them to HATE people. You want a religious fascist state.

So, the way to prevent a “religious fascist state” is to give the state the responsibility for educating children, and for determine what values and morals they will be taught, rather than allowing the parents to have any such say about how their own children will be taught and indoctrinated?

I think you overestimate the morals and values that are taught in school. Your children should have those long before they set foot in school.

Now I know you're a teacher and all, but when I was in public school, we prayed. The teachers reinforced what we were taught at home. Mostly, except the California man, he didn't do that, but all the other teachers did.

C'mon, contrary to what Obama said, the US is a christian country. I thank God I received my schooling long ago, before PC was around, for real.
So, you are for forced prayer in school....which sect?
How many children are graduating without being able to read? Lots when you look at it. Public schools have been a failing money pit when it turns out children that can't read with diplomas just for they could get those fed-bucks. how many children graduate school with the inability to read - Google Search
What power does a public school have to make students learn? Tell us.
Used to be kids would be flunked out or have to repeat grades

but we can't have that anymore can we?
They still do...and it doesn't end up with a 16 year old 8th grader. You like that?
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.
Um either you didn't even read my post or you don't know what Skype is. I agree this is not something that should be left up to parents although some do a pretty good job, others not so much. My suggestion states they would be taught by teachers via Skype. The kids of course will still need to be monitored by parents or someone just to ensure they stay at their desks and are actually doing their studies and not wondering off.

The word you are looking for is "wandering."
Isn't it time that all kids be home schooled via Skype online classes?

Hell, no. Too few students pay attention -- which is among the most significant reasons they don't master the material being taught -- in class when there's nothing other than the subject matter to which their attention should be directed. Why on Earth anyone would think a kid would be any more attentive when "Skyping" into a class is beyond me. Hell it's college students' are universally sufficiently engaged in class, and they, being adults, are willfully there.
The reality is that people, even kids, fully engage on and excel at things that capture their interest. No surprise there, but in the context of education, the reality is that there are scholastic topics s/he must master that aren't all that interesting to the student. That's just the way things are; one isn't going to be enthralled with everything one must do -- be it scholastically or otherwise -- but that doesn't mean one hasn't an obligation to perform well at it.
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition

Keep repeating that baseless assertion. it just makes people dislike home schoolers. You aren't even smart enough to recognize your own false statements.
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition

Keep repeating that baseless assertion. it just makes people dislike home schoolers. You aren't even smart enough to recognize your own false statements.

Not according to a Canadian Study.
Canadian Study Finds That Homeschooled Kids Are Smarter Than Public School Students
Hell, no. Too few students pay attention -- which is among the most significant reasons they don't master the material being taught -- in class when there's nothing other than the subject matter to which their attention should be directed. Why on Earth anyone would think a kid would be any more attentive when "Skyping" into a class is beyond me. Hell it's college students' are universally sufficiently engaged in class, and they, being adults, are willfully there.
The reality is that people, even kids, fully engage on and excel at things that capture their interest. No surprise there, but in the context of education, the reality is that there are scholastic topics s/he must master that aren't all that interesting to the student. That's just the way things are; one isn't going to be enthralled with everything one must do -- be it scholastically or otherwise -- but that doesn't mean one hasn't an obligation to perform well at it.
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
Due to all the problems facing kids today, I personally think it's clearly time children start learning from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. So why not push to make it happen sooner? Before nay saying this idea, consider the following.

First of all the savings would be enormous. It would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would be needed or have to be maintained, it would save on energy costs, no trees would be used to print school books, far less teachers would be needed, no other staff would be needed as well such as administration, cafeteria, and cleaning staff. No nut jobs, terrorists, or pedophiles would be hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classrooms which liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology of transgender this or that. And there would be no need to buy school buses, pay drivers, purchase fuel, or maintain the vehicles as well!

If parents can't be home to oversee this operation, possibly some of the savings from no longer operating schools and paying all those employees could instead be diverted to companies where parents work as an incentive to set up rooms or areas for employee's kids to take their classes online via Skype. And/or other arrangements could be made such as parents taking turns or day care and libraries could be used. Besides Skype, faxes would be used to transfer homework assignments and tests.

At any rate, I think the benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh that of attending school given the current rising costs of education, terrorism, pedophilia, bullying, bad peer pressure from kids trying to push drugs and sex, and progressive Marxism ideology taught by teachers which is what's being heavily reported these days.

What say you?
I say that is the dumbest think I have seen posted in a long time. Most parents make lousy teachers, and, in America, most are as dumb as posts when it comes to science. Just look at this board to see that confirmed.

But home schooled kids outperform their public school counter parts across the board so if you don't care if your kid gets a shit education then send him to public school.

My experience with home schooled kids is that they are more articulate, more polite, mare mature and even more socially at ease in everyday situations.

If you think socialization is merely interacting with people of your own age group or grade that would seem to me to be a pretty narrow definition

Keep repeating that baseless assertion. it just makes people dislike home schoolers. You aren't even smart enough to recognize your own false statements.

Not according to a Canadian Study.
Canadian Study Finds That Homeschooled Kids Are Smarter Than Public School Students

Last time I checked, I am not Canadian? Nor Mexican? Nor Finnish? Nor Swedish? Nor Iranian?

Why the hell should I care?
Parents who work could pay one stay at home mom to host ten kids who all Skype from their tablets and she helps when they need someone in person.
Oh' the horror of it some people may actually have to have some decent skills to draw a paycheck of some kind....

I'm not following you here.
That was sarcasm. Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful teachers but there are many that are worthless that do not belong anywhere near children. Many teachers are indoctrinated with their college education which denotes what and how they teach their class. The majority have joined a union and therefore are even further restricted as to what and how they can teach. The basics of education are being regulated out of existence in favor of NWO agendas. One must be politically correct nowadays. If a bad teacher has tenure they are near impossible for a school district to rid themselves of them.
Become a teacher and be the change.

I have the person that you are replying to on ignore for idiocy above and beyond the call of duty. But I have a question that came from their post that I think people need to see.

In your career, has a union ever dictated to you anything, even microscopically, about what or how you teach?
I personally am not a teacher but we have many in our family....and brother and sister in law teach in union there. Here in CA, as I understand it...the union deals with legal issues, pay and insurance....a close friend is in a district where some teachers and administrators were just "re-assigned" because they didn't stop a fight between a 300 lb kid just back from juvie and another kid...and it got filmed by another kid. The kicker: the District does NOT allow admin or teachers to even touch the do you stop a fight?
Only if you want your kids to grow up to be anti-social, awkward retards.
That's totally moronic, as home-schooled kids don't grow up like that. Totally moronic.
Ones who used to rent a house next to us grew up like that. I shudder that they may be reproducing now.
We can all produce anecdotes of single instances illustrating any point we want.

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