Isn't it time you yanks grew up regarding your gun death epidemic?

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Stats for homicides alone:
Results: US homicide rates were 7.0 times higher than in other high-income countries, driven by a gun homicide rate that was 25.2 times higher.

See the link for details.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
You're gonna scare the boys with that, Oz. None of the countries you mentioned has a complete ban on guns.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Stats for homicides alone:
Results: US homicide rates were 7.0 times higher than in other high-income countries, driven by a gun homicide rate that was 25.2 times higher.

See the link for details.

Still, my chances of dying on the open road is much higher than being killed in a violent crime resulting from a firearm.

Many firearm deaths have suicides in them which if you remove them and focus on the violent crime deaths then the reality of dying from a firearm death during a violent crime is much lower than dying on the open roads and you know this.

Also many of your violent crime deaths are in gang infested neighborhoods and if you look at that you will realize your are even less likely to die from a violent crime death with a firearm in Maine...
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
You're gonna scare the boys with that, Oz. None of the countries you mentioned has a complete ban on guns.

And what you and Oz are not acknowledging is your numbers are padded with suicide deaths...
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The history and culture of the United States is nothing like that of other Western nations.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

Uh oh.....not this again :smoke:
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

Welcome to our new Chinese Communist Party spokesman. In other news please throw a shrimp on the Barbie and bugger off.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
You're gonna scare the boys with that, Oz. None of the countries you mentioned has a complete ban on guns.

And what you and Oz are not acknowledging is your numbers are padded with suicide deaths...

Numbers do not lie and the reality is the numbers those like the Op'er and Old Lady love to use are padded with suicide deaths and not just violent crime deaths.

Why would someone not distinguish between suicide and violent crime?

Simple, if you actually use the violent crime number then it will show that more people die from reckless driving than by a violent crime in the States and if you dig even further into the numbers and look at gang killings which is most likely used by a person who did not have the right to own a firearm you would then see the flaw in their numbers.

The Federal Government along with State and Local governments have laws already and many times they are not used.

It is against the law to sell a felon a firearm, do a straw purchase and even commit murder, so how many more laws do you need to tell a criminal not to kill with a firearm?
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
we should deport our Democrats to England and then you will understand
“The United States has an enormous firearm problem compared with other high-income countries, with higher rates of homicide and firearm-related suicide.” ibid

That there’s a serious problem isn’t at issue – there is in fact a serious problem.

The issue is the wrongheaded notion that what the UK or Canada might have done to address the problem will work in the United States.

It won’t.

That’s why, again, comparing the United States to other high-income countries is as pointless as it is ridiculous.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

"isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society."

A civilised society? Is Britain a civilised society? A nation where your Politically Correct police IGNORE THOUSANDS of young Ethnic British girls being groomed and gang-raped for YEARS by savage Muslim Pakistani filth.

Your list you left OUT Switzerland, wonder why? Oh that's right the below is why:


^^^^ Compares Honduras with the exact same population number as Switzerland.

Guns don't kill peoples, peoples kill peoples. A gun is an inanimate object, there are many more law-abiding gun owners in America than there are criminals. Even if you totally ban guns there will still be gun deaths because criminals will ALWAYS be able to get guns, all you do if you totally ban guns is that means you leave ONLY the bad POS with a gun and deprive law-abiding peoples the ability to defend themselves.

There IS a reason why nearly ALL America's mass gun deaths occur in States that are FULL of Gun Free Zones.



Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Stats for homicides alone:
Results: US homicide rates were 7.0 times higher than in other high-income countries, driven by a gun homicide rate that was 25.2 times higher.

See the link for details.

Still, my chances of dying on the open road is much higher than being killed in a violent crime resulting from a firearm.

Many firearm deaths have suicides in them which if you remove them and focus on the violent crime deaths then the reality of dying from a firearm death during a violent crime is much lower than dying on the open roads and you know this.

Also many of your violent crime deaths are in gang infested neighborhoods and if you look at that you will realize your are even less likely to die from a violent crime death with a firearm in Maine...
The stats I put up do not include suicides or accidents.

Misguided yoot are people too.

This argument is not about car accidents. Start another thread if you want to talk about them. This is about the needless 30,000+ gun homicides each year BEYOND car accidents and cancer and Covid and whatever else.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.
You're gonna scare the boys with that, Oz. None of the countries you mentioned has a complete ban on guns.

And what you and Oz are not acknowledging is your numbers are padded with suicide deaths...
The study I linked only counts HOMICIDES.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Stats for homicides alone:
Results: US homicide rates were 7.0 times higher than in other high-income countries, driven by a gun homicide rate that was 25.2 times higher.

See the link for details.

Still, my chances of dying on the open road is much higher than being killed in a violent crime resulting from a firearm.

Many firearm deaths have suicides in them which if you remove them and focus on the violent crime deaths then the reality of dying from a firearm death during a violent crime is much lower than dying on the open roads and you know this.

Also many of your violent crime deaths are in gang infested neighborhoods and if you look at that you will realize your are even less likely to die from a violent crime death with a firearm in Maine...
The stats I put up do not include suicides or accidents.

Misguided yoot are people too.

This argument is not about car accidents. Start another thread if you want to talk about them. This is about the needless 30,000+ gun homicides each year BEYOND car accidents and cancer and Covid and whatever else.

Most of America's gun homicides are done by Black Gangsta's, usually drug deals gone wrong and general Black Gang violence, sometimes random peoples are caught in the crossfire of this Black Gang violence.

There is a thread in Current Events about the amount of gun deaths across the weekend in Chicago, all Black areas it occur in.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

"isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society."

A civilised society? Is Britain a civilised society? A nation where your Politically Correct police IGNORE THOUSANDS of young Ethnic British girls being groomed and gang-raped for YEARS by savage Muslim Pakistani filth.

Your list you left OUT Switzerland, wonder why? Oh that's right the below is why:

View attachment 340774

^^^^ Compares Honduras with the exact same population number as Switzerland.

Guns don't kill peoples, peoples kill peoples. A gun is an inanimate object, there are many more law-abiding gun owners in America than there are criminals. Even if you totally ban guns there will still be gun deaths because criminals will ALWAYS be able to get guns, all you do if you totally ban guns is that means you leave ONLY the bad POS with a gun and deprive law-abiding peoples the ability to defend themselves.

There IS a reason why nearly ALL America's mass gun deaths occur in States that are FULL of Gun Free Zones.

View attachment 340768

View attachment 340770

View attachment 340769
The Swiss do not require gun ownership. Those doing mandatory military service store their guns at home, yes, and they are in the reserves for ten years, but they no longer get ammunition from the government. I suppose they buy their own. Very interesting country.
Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.

Coronavirus deaths in comparison work out at 98,000,- true that is more than twice as many, but gun deaths happen every year. Considering the lengths gone to, to stop Corona, isn't it time a total ban on guns was taken to bring the USA in line with what we consider to be a civilized society.

And how many of those gun deaths are suicide vs violent crime deaths and then take into how many people die yearly from reckless drivers vs someone going to kill me in a violent crime my chances of dying is higher on the open road...
Stats for homicides alone:
Results: US homicide rates were 7.0 times higher than in other high-income countries, driven by a gun homicide rate that was 25.2 times higher.

See the link for details.

Still, my chances of dying on the open road is much higher than being killed in a violent crime resulting from a firearm.

Many firearm deaths have suicides in them which if you remove them and focus on the violent crime deaths then the reality of dying from a firearm death during a violent crime is much lower than dying on the open roads and you know this.

Also many of your violent crime deaths are in gang infested neighborhoods and if you look at that you will realize your are even less likely to die from a violent crime death with a firearm in Maine...
The stats I put up do not include suicides or accidents.

Misguided yoot are people too.

This argument is not about car accidents. Start another thread if you want to talk about them. This is about the needless 30,000+ gun homicides each year BEYOND car accidents and cancer and Covid and whatever else.

Most of America's gun homicides are done by Black Gangsta's, usually drug deals gone wrong and general Black Gang violence, sometimes random peoples are caught in the crossfire of this Black Gang violence.

There is a thread in Current Events about the amount of gun deaths across the weekend in Chicago, all Black areas it occur in.
That's true. Going by stats from the National Gang Center, about half of US homicides yearly are done by gangs. But blacks aren't the only people who form gangs, Lucy. Hispanics, Asians, Whites--anyone at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder looking for some cash and some influence and protection from other gangs. It's a mess. BUT THESE PEOPLE ALSO COUNT. A lot of those guns they use are illegally purchased on the street or stolen. If there weren't about a billion guns floating around in the US, it would be a LOT harder to get one illegally. Even if you take away that half (which we can't, they are part of our nation and our culture), we would still be many times higher in gun homicides than any other "highly developed" nation. Because a whole stinkin' bunch of us still have a gun in the closet for when we get pissed off. Around here, over half the gun homicides here are domestic violence.
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