Isnt rather obvious that everything the democraps do is designed to destroy America for the globalist new world order?

Stop fucking whining. The world is bigger than your trailer park and you are just going to have to get used to dealing with other people. If you hurry up and die you wont have to worry about it.
Americans must lose wealth in real terms for globalism to be implemented. And they are as government outlays are massive to make the losses in wealth look acceptable. In the same vein, the aged has become protected from outlays and they are doing much better for the most part including their pensions and any savings with the government subsidies in which they have more independence also. But that is slowly regressing. A few decades of massive expansion has peaked. This while the value of what people earn as a living is not what it was many years ago.
there have been many World Orders throughout history.

This is The NEW WORLD ORDER. Australia is the first to enact it, as they openly admit

Any idiot can claim that anything is the start of the 'New World Order', but it was a concept back in the 1700s that people who believed in the enlightenment tried to achieve.

It was realized when for the first time a stable nation was born that was not dominated by a monarchy, but a democracy under the ideals of the Declaration of Independance.

THAT was MEANINGFUL, what you posted was garbage.
Republicans can stop the racism claims literally overnight, just stop doing racist things, supporting racist policies and promoting them.

Ith tho thimple.
Would you like to have a contest to see who’s the bigger racist Dementia riddled *Joe or Trump. Let’s post videos of racist things each has said and see who has the most.
I think that Conservatives are mixing up the 'New World Order' with 'Worldwide Socialism'

The former was started in 1776, the latter will not happen for many centuries.
Any idiot can claim that anything is the start of the 'New World Order', but it was a concept back in the 1700s that people who believed in the enlightenment tried to achieve.

It was realized when for the first time a stable nation was born that was not dominated by a monarchy, but a democracy under the ideals of the Declaration of Independance.

THAT was MEANINGFUL, what you posted was garbage.
Yes, you are correct. 1776 was the new world order at the time and it created democracies all throughout the world up to this present day.

The New World Order being installed today is GLOBALISM
I don't think there is a design to it. It's just politics has strictly become about 2 parties that purely hate eachother so much it's not enough to just disagree, no they must do everything in their power to do everything so far the exact that everything is only in extremes now. There is no discussion, no agreements, no common ground, no concessions, it's all just purely "our way or no way".

Both sides are guilty of it but Democrats seem a bit more childish about it and when their ideas are distilled down they are all just awful ideas when concentrated.
Then why are Democrats the only ones who talks about, and seeks to, work w/the other side publicly?

Why has Biden, been bending over backwards to work w/Republicans?

And no, he can't capitulate to every rightwing Republican whim and wishlist, that's not how elections work.
Any idiot can claim that anything is the start of the 'New World Order', but it was a concept back in the 1700s that people who believed in the enlightenment tried to achieve.

It was realized when for the first time a stable nation was born that was not dominated by a monarchy, but a democracy under the ideals of the Declaration of Independance.

THAT was MEANINGFUL, what you posted was garbage.
This is the dream of the New World Order. Not the old world order from 1776

you’re half asleep
Would you like to have a contest to see who’s the bigger racist Dementia riddled *Joe or Trump. Let’s post videos of racist things each has said and see who has the most.
Why is your measuring stick only "racist things they've said?"
Everything they do. Everything their voters stand for. From attacking anyone that takes pride in America. Calling them NATIONALISTS which means wait for it....


Everything from the border dispute, closing down the pipeline (as if the left don't ever rely on oil) to raising taxes exponentially on the middle class, to every policy designed to cause inflation.

They get away with this by of course blaming capitalism or conservative Republicans.

Like the economic crisis in 2008. Despite all of that happening only after Pelosi took over the power in 2007 and democraps controlled the House and Senate.

The Banker fool never responded to me when I pointed out the Community Reinvestment Act being rewritten in 1998 by clinton which was designed to force banks to lend to unqualified buyers. The fact that clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in December of 2000 (just before he left office) which exempted default swaps from regulation. The Fannie and Freddie headed by Dodd and Frank and that debacle.

Many of these people are supposedly educated and yet this what they do? Unless of course it is actually intentional which is what I suspect. Strongly suspect.

Isn't it rather obvious? It's one of two things. Either they are truly that stupid or that diabolical.

One of those two.

There have been many, many New World Orders... Alexander the Great, Sargon 2, King Cyrus, Napoleon. the Roman Empire.
Everything they do. Everything their voters stand for. From attacking anyone that takes pride in America. Calling them NATIONALISTS which means wait for it....


Everything from the border dispute, closing down the pipeline (as if the left don't ever rely on oil) to raising taxes exponentially on the middle class, to every policy designed to cause inflation.

They get away with this by of course blaming capitalism or conservative Republicans.

Like the economic crisis in 2008. Despite all of that happening only after Pelosi took over the power in 2007 and democraps controlled the House and Senate.

The Banker fool never responded to me when I pointed out the Community Reinvestment Act being rewritten in 1998 by clinton which was designed to force banks to lend to unqualified buyers. The fact that clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in December of 2000 (just before he left office) which exempted default swaps from regulation. The Fannie and Freddie headed by Dodd and Frank and that debacle.

Many of these people are supposedly educated and yet this what they do? Unless of course it is actually intentional which is what I suspect. Strongly suspect.

Isn't it rather obvious? It's one of two things. Either they are truly that stupid or that diabolical.

One of those two.
No. Right-wingers are worse while alleging they are for Capitalism in socialism threads.
There have been many, many New World Orders... Alexander the Great, Sargon 2, King Cyrus, Napoleon. the Roman Empire.
None explicitly referred to a New World order like the founding fathers of the U.S.A.

The Pyramid symbol on the dollar bill - created by Franklin, Jefferson and Adams explicitly states:

“novus ordo seclorum,” which is interpreted as “a new order of the ages.”


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