'Israel after false flag bid to get US into war with Iran'


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.
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To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

I love anti-American traitors.
You must love 99.9% of politicians then. They pledge loyalty to Israel not to the US. If they pledged loyalty to the US they would be doing things VERY differently.
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
I see plenty of periods :) That's your opinion...I differ....Attacking Iraq sure didn't benefit us now did it? So who did it benefit?
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Yes, repubs are happily slobbering on the Israeli knob for sure, but so to are democrats, including their highest ranking members...
HOST: Hello, and welcome to Name That Drug! The ground rules are simple. We allow a randomly selected wingnut to speak for fifteen seconds, and then our panel will attempt to Name That Drug. Ready, panel?

PANEL: (in unison) Ready, Wink!

HOST: Our first contestant hails from his mother's basement in Leith, North Dakota. He's a closet transvestite and a regular at Stormfront. Take it away, Odium!

ODIUM: No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

HOST: Thank you, Odium! All right, panel, Name...That...Druuuuug!

(buzzer sounds)

HOST: Paul! Name That Drug!

PAUL: I'm gonna go with amphetamines.

(rapid bell dinging)

HOST: Okay, we always start the show off with an easy one. Congratulations, Paul. You just earned $200.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

NATO and the US v Russia and Iran. Superb for who?


PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
I see plenty of periods :) That's your opinion...I differ....Attacking Iraq sure didn't benefit us now did it? So who did it benefit?

I'm going with BP and Exxon.......

Iraq’s production surged to a record of about 4 million barrels a day in early 2015, restoring exports to levels not seen since the 1980s. The main fields are in the areas inhabited by the country’s majority Shiite sect, which dominates the central government. More supply is also coming from the region controlled by Kurdish troops since they repelled an Islamic State offensive.

Iraq’s Oil - Bloomberg QuickTake
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
I see plenty of periods :) That's your opinion...I differ....Attacking Iraq sure didn't benefit us now did it? So who did it benefit?

I'm going with BP and Exxon.......

Iraq’s production surged to a record of about 4 million barrels a day in early 2015, restoring exports to levels not seen since the 1980s. The main fields are in the areas inhabited by the country’s majority Shiite sect, which dominates the central government. More supply is also coming from the region controlled by Kurdish troops since they repelled an Islamic State offensive.

Iraq’s Oil - Bloomberg QuickTake
Far as I know we got nothing from Iraq.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

Just the thought.....the mere thought

.....of Putin's foot up Barack's ass.....brings tears to my eyes

tears of joy.
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
I see plenty of periods :) That's your opinion...I differ....Attacking Iraq sure didn't benefit us now did it? So who did it benefit?

I'm going with BP and Exxon.......

Iraq’s production surged to a record of about 4 million barrels a day in early 2015, restoring exports to levels not seen since the 1980s. The main fields are in the areas inhabited by the country’s majority Shiite sect, which dominates the central government. More supply is also coming from the region controlled by Kurdish troops since they repelled an Islamic State offensive.

Iraq’s Oil - Bloomberg QuickTake
Far as I know we got nothing from Iraq.

Companies that supply oil field equipment benefited as well.
PressTV-'Israel seeks to get US into war with Iran'

No shit. I know within 24 hours this will be moved by a boot licking israel firster jew lover but hey....gonna put it here because this IS where it belongs despite their "opinion". They got us into war with Iraq via 9/11,they TRIED to get us into war with Egypt/USSR via the attack on the Liberty but that failed thankfully,this is a no brainer.....Republicans need to remove their heads from their asses,start doing what AMERICANS want and what's best for US and not Israel.What's sad is Clinton is a POS,Sanders is a Jew and that's only 2 worth even a chance of winning the white house and ALL the republicans are pansies to AIPAC so pretty much its a given the deal will collapse and Iran will have to defend its self and hopefully get Russia's help in doing so. Will be a BIG mistake for the US to go back on the deal they made because the world will see they are nothing but liars and backstabbers and I doubt will have much help in any attack on Iran and will certainly have a large segment of its population including me rooting for Iran.

Periods are a good thing. You should use them more.

Israel had nothing to do with Iraq. We did all by ourselves following an idiot bunch of politicians.
I see plenty of periods :) That's your opinion...I differ....Attacking Iraq sure didn't benefit us now did it? So who did it benefit?

It sure didn't benefit Israel since it left Iran without a counter-balance to it's ambitions.

Not sure who it benefited since I consider it one of the most misbegotten and badly thought out American actions that has started the Middle East in a downward spiral. It was utterly irrational.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

Just the thought.....the mere thought

.....of Putin's foot up Barack's ass.....brings tears to my eyes

tears of joy.

It never ceases to amaze me how the right adores and supports strongman thugs who are steadily erasing any form of democratic reform and free press in the former Soviet Union.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

Just the thought.....the mere thought

.....of Putin's foot up Barack's ass.....brings tears to my eyes

tears of joy.

It never ceases to amaze me how the right adores and supports strongman thugs who are steadily erasing any form of democratic reform and free press in the former Soviet Union.

Obama equally could be called a limp wristed left wing fool for his complete foreign policy failures which have caused so much instability in the world.

The point seems to be missed that the fashionable US style "democracy "does not go over well in a country like Russia where Putin is almost universally popular and is certainly looking after Russian national interests which definitely cannot be said about Obama.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

Just the thought.....the mere thought

.....of Putin's foot up Barack's ass.....brings tears to my eyes

tears of joy.

It never ceases to amaze me how the right adores and supports strongman thugs who are steadily erasing any form of democratic reform and free press in the former Soviet Union.

Obama equally could be called a limp wristed left wing fool for his complete foreign policy failures which have caused so much instability in the world.

The point seems to be missed that the fashionable US style "democracy "does not go over well in a country like Russia where Putin is almost universally popular and is certainly looking after Russian national interests which definitely cannot be said about Obama.

The fact that US rightwingers adore an undemocratic thug, who has eliminated democratic reform, eliminated freedom of the press, jailed or had killed political opponents - as a leader is what is astounding. US people - not Russians.
To have a Russian/Iran offensive against the US would be superb. It would be a shame if Israel were harmed. Still worth it to see Putin's foot up obama's ass.

Just the thought.....the mere thought

.....of Putin's foot up Barack's ass.....brings tears to my eyes

tears of joy.

It never ceases to amaze me how the right adores and supports strongman thugs who are steadily erasing any form of democratic reform and free press in the former Soviet Union.

Obama equally could be called a limp wristed left wing fool for his complete foreign policy failures which have caused so much instability in the world.

The point seems to be missed that the fashionable US style "democracy "does not go over well in a country like Russia where Putin is almost universally popular and is certainly looking after Russian national interests which definitely cannot be said about Obama.

The fact that US rightwingers adore an undemocratic thug, who has eliminated democratic reform, eliminated freedom of the press, jailed or had killed political opponents - as a leader is what is astounding. US people - not Russians.

Darling....you have your opinions I have mine. :dunno:

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