Israel and Russia plan coordination talks. you think Russia fears little pipsqueak Israel??
After Obama's Cairo speech arabs thought he'd be bombing Israel next. Didn't happen. After arrival of the russkie military in Syria arabs think Putin will be bombing Israel next. Won't happen. Dear arab ittihadists, get a life and a job.
It's what happens when you have a strong leader like Netanyahu who says what he means and means what he says. You will even get thugs like Putin to respect and fear you. you think Russia fears little pipsqueak Israel?? .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

Well he knows that Netanyahu has a spine and will not hesitate to defend his nation, unlike Hussien Oblahblah. No one takes that clown seriously. you think Russia fears little pipsqueak Israel??
After Obama's Cairo speech arabs thought he'd be bombing Israel next. Didn't happen. After arrival of the russkie military in Syria arabs think Putin will be bombing Israel next. Won't happen. Dear arab ittihadists, get a life and a job.

And stop the daily masturbation to the destruction of Israel.
There goes another antisemite wet dream of Israel and Russia going to war with each other in Syria. Ha ha ha. Another masturbation to the destruction of Israel goes down in flames!

Israeli, Russian armies plan Syrian coordination talks

The two military chiefs agreed to set up a work group which will establish a mechanism of cooperation between the two armies. Their deputies will lead this effort, with an initial meeting planned in about two weeks.

The location of the group’s meetings has not yet been determined and it is not clear whether they will take place in Israel or Russia.

Earlier on Monday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and the two agreed to establish a mechanism to avoid military confrontations between the two countries in chaotic Syria.
This will hopefully end Israel´s support for al-Qaeda.

Israel never supported Al Queda, it's all made up shit, you ignorant moron.
No, it isn´t. The evidence can be gathered everywhere. Be it Israeli ambulances transporting wounded terrorists that are stopped by the people in Golan, be it the UN that confirmed that Israel supports "rebels" or be it Israeli fire on Syrian troops while Al-Qaeda attacks. Israel is surely going to quit that evil nonsense - for its own sake and the relationship with Russia.

Again Israel has helped wounded protesters because it is a kind and compassionate nation. There is not a shred of evidence that Israel has helped a single Islamic terrorist animal. Made up shit, like I said.
Vast nonsense.

Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

From your report:

Israel has denied actively aiding al-Qaida, though it makes no secret of its determination to thwart Hezbollah's attempts to establish a foothold near the Golan frontier from whence it could harass the North.

The Wall Street Journal quoted "an Israeli military official" who said that most of those treated were armed rebels fighting the regime.

“We don’t ask who they are, we don’t do any screening," the official said. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border and they go on their way.”
There goes another antisemite wet dream of Israel and Russia going to war with each other in Syria. Ha ha ha. Another masturbation to the destruction of Israel goes down in flames!

Israeli, Russian armies plan Syrian coordination talks

The two military chiefs agreed to set up a work group which will establish a mechanism of cooperation between the two armies. Their deputies will lead this effort, with an initial meeting planned in about two weeks.

The location of the group’s meetings has not yet been determined and it is not clear whether they will take place in Israel or Russia.

Earlier on Monday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and the two agreed to establish a mechanism to avoid military confrontations between the two countries in chaotic Syria.

I agree.

Putin isn't antisemitic nor is he against Israel.

He seems to have a special warmth for Russians who have successfully settled in Israel.

Putin's purpose in defending Assad is to maintain his power base in Syria and also as a foil against the US who with Obama's usual stupidity, has left a vacuum in the Middle East.

Hopefully Israel will still be able to prevent the supply of weapons to Hezbollah.

Putin is aware of Israel's necessity to take this action and will not attempt to prevent it.
It appears that Putin has an affinity for the Jewish people.

When Putin met his high school German teacher in Israel

Gee who woulda thunk?

That's an amazing article you just posted! :clap2:

When Putin met his high school German teacher in Israel
In the late 1990s, Mina Yuditskaya Berliner recognized a familiar face on the screen of her television set in Israel.

It was her former student Vladimir, now on television for becoming head of Russia’s FSB security apparatus.

Before immigrating to Israel in 1973, Yuditskaya Berliner, now 93, was Vladimir Putin’s German teacher at St. Petersburg’s High School 281, she recently told the Israeli news site Ynet.

Putin, she revealed, even bought her the small Tel Aviv apartment where she now lives.

According to the Ynet article, Putin and his teacher were reunited in 2005, when the Russian president visited Israel. She had asked the Russian embassy whether she could attend a reception in Putin’s honor.

She joined World War II veterans for their meeting with Putin in Jerusalem, but afterwards he invited her to have tea with him in private.

“As we were walking to have tea, he told me: ‘You see, I’m bald now’,” she told Ynet. “I replied: ‘I can see that.’” At the reception, Putin introduced her to then Israeli president Moshe Katzav.

Shortly after the meeting, Yuditskaya Berliner, who is a widow, began receiving gifts: A watch and Putin’s autographed 2000 biography. Shortly after that, an employee of the Russian government showed up at her doorstep and took her to see some apartments in the center of Tel Aviv, she told Ynet.

“I told him all I needed was a flat that would be near the bus station, the market and to kuppat holim,” she told Ynet, using the Hebrew term for a health maintenance organization. “It all happened fast from there on; a few months later the movers came to my [rented] apartment in Florentine [in southern Tel Aviv], packed everything up and moved me,” she said.

She described Putin as a diligent student who, despite skipping classes to attend wrestling matches and practice, had a good command of the material taught to him by Yuditskaya Berliner.

Putin often spoke admiringly of his Jewish wrestling coach, Anatoly Rakhlin. At Rakhlin’s funeral last year, Putin, reportedly overcome by emotion, ditched his security detail and went on a short, solitary walk.

And in the biography he gave Yuditskaya Berliner, he recalled with affection his relationship with a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block and took care of him while his parents worked.

These encounters and relationships with Russian Jews helped shape a special appreciation in Putin for Jewish people, according to Mikhail Chlenov, secretary general of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. This appreciation and experience, he said, may well have a role in Putin’s current attitudes toward Russian Jewry, which critics and supporters alike describe as friendly.

Approached by Ynet, Putin’s office confirmed that Yuditskaya Berliner was the Russian president’s teacher and that the two saw each other in Israel, but declined to comment on other details, citing privacy issues. The question is, did the two speak in Russian or was Putin able to remember some of the German Berliner taught him?
Oh well, I guess the antisemetic dreams of Russia and Israel going to war in Syria just went poof.
This will hopefully end Israel´s support for al-Qaeda.

Israel never supported Al Queda, it's all made up shit, you ignorant moron.
No, it isn´t. The evidence can be gathered everywhere. Be it Israeli ambulances transporting wounded terrorists that are stopped by the people in Golan, be it the UN that confirmed that Israel supports "rebels" or be it Israeli fire on Syrian troops while Al-Qaeda attacks. Israel is surely going to quit that evil nonsense - for its own sake and the relationship with Russia.

Again Israel has helped wounded protesters because it is a kind and compassionate nation. There is not a shred of evidence that Israel has helped a single Islamic terrorist animal. Made up shit, like I said.
Vast nonsense.

Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

From your report:

Israel has denied actively aiding al-Qaida, though it makes no secret of its determination to thwart Hezbollah's attempts to establish a foothold near the Golan frontier from whence it could harass the North.

The Wall Street Journal quoted "an Israeli military official" who said that most of those treated were armed rebels fighting the regime.

“We don’t ask who they are, we don’t do any screening," the official said. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border and they go on their way.”
Israel never supported Al Queda, it's all made up shit, you ignorant moron.
No, it isn´t. The evidence can be gathered everywhere. Be it Israeli ambulances transporting wounded terrorists that are stopped by the people in Golan, be it the UN that confirmed that Israel supports "rebels" or be it Israeli fire on Syrian troops while Al-Qaeda attacks. Israel is surely going to quit that evil nonsense - for its own sake and the relationship with Russia.

Again Israel has helped wounded protesters because it is a kind and compassionate nation. There is not a shred of evidence that Israel has helped a single Islamic terrorist animal. Made up shit, like I said.
Vast nonsense.

Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

From your report:

Israel has denied actively aiding al-Qaida, though it makes no secret of its determination to thwart Hezbollah's attempts to establish a foothold near the Golan frontier from whence it could harass the North.

The Wall Street Journal quoted "an Israeli military official" who said that most of those treated were armed rebels fighting the regime.

“We don’t ask who they are, we don’t do any screening," the official said. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border and they go on their way.”

They aren't intentionally helping Al Queda, dufus. As far as they're concerned, they're helping the rebels. Over 300,000 dead and millions of refugees thanks to your hero Assad.
No, it isn´t. The evidence can be gathered everywhere. Be it Israeli ambulances transporting wounded terrorists that are stopped by the people in Golan, be it the UN that confirmed that Israel supports "rebels" or be it Israeli fire on Syrian troops while Al-Qaeda attacks. Israel is surely going to quit that evil nonsense - for its own sake and the relationship with Russia.

Again Israel has helped wounded protesters because it is a kind and compassionate nation. There is not a shred of evidence that Israel has helped a single Islamic terrorist animal. Made up shit, like I said.
Vast nonsense.

Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

From your report:

Israel has denied actively aiding al-Qaida, though it makes no secret of its determination to thwart Hezbollah's attempts to establish a foothold near the Golan frontier from whence it could harass the North.

The Wall Street Journal quoted "an Israeli military official" who said that most of those treated were armed rebels fighting the regime.

“We don’t ask who they are, we don’t do any screening," the official said. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border and they go on their way.”

They aren't intentionally helping Al Queda, dufus. As far as they're concerned, they're helping the rebels. Over 300,000 dead and millions of refugees thanks to your hero Assad.
Please show me where "rebels" are acting without Al-Qaeda. And show me why Assad is guilty of the war´s effects and not those who support terrorist groups.
Again Israel has helped wounded protesters because it is a kind and compassionate nation. There is not a shred of evidence that Israel has helped a single Islamic terrorist animal. Made up shit, like I said.
Vast nonsense.

Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

From your report:

Israel has denied actively aiding al-Qaida, though it makes no secret of its determination to thwart Hezbollah's attempts to establish a foothold near the Golan frontier from whence it could harass the North.

The Wall Street Journal quoted "an Israeli military official" who said that most of those treated were armed rebels fighting the regime.

“We don’t ask who they are, we don’t do any screening," the official said. "Once the treatment is done, we take them back to the border and they go on their way.”

They aren't intentionally helping Al Queda, dufus. As far as they're concerned, they're helping the rebels. Over 300,000 dead and millions of refugees thanks to your hero Assad.
Please show me where "rebels" are acting without Al-Qaeda.

Are you dumb or just acting like you are?

Syrian National CoalitionEdit

Official logo of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces.
The National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces is a coalition of opposition groups and individuals, mostly exilic, who support the Syrian revolution side and are against the Assad government ruling Syria. It formed on 11 November 2012 at a conference of opposition groups and individuals held in Doha, Qatar. It includes organisations such as the Syrian National Council, the previous iteration of an exilic political body attempting to represent the grassroots movement. Moderate Islamic preacher Moaz al-Khatib, who had protested on the Syrian street in the early nonviolent phase of the uprising, served a term as the president of the coalition, but soon resigned his post, frustrated with the gap between the body and the grassroots of the uprising inside Syria.[14] Riad Seif and Suheir Atassi, both of whom had also protested on the street in Syria early in the uprising, were elected as vice presidents. Mustafa Sabbagh is the coalition's secretary-general.[15]
  • Coalition of Secular and Democratic Syrians: nucleus of a Syrian secular and democratic opposition that appeared during the Syrian civil war. It came about through the union of a dozen Muslim and Christian, Arab and Kurd parties, who called the minorities of Syria to support the fight against the government of Bashar al-Assad.[22][23] The Coalition has also called for military intervention in Syria, under the form of a no-fly zone similar to that of Kosovo, with a safe zone and cities.[24][25] The president of the coalition, who is also a member of the SNC, is Randa Kassis.[26][27][28][29]
  • Damascus Declaration: Opposition bloc from 2005. Twelve members were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison in 2008. Syrian journalist and activist Michel Kilo launched the declaration, after the Syrian writer and thinker Abdulrazak Eid had written its first draft. Riad Seif, another democracy activist, became the first signatory.[30] The "five small opposition groups" signing the declaration were
  • Syrian Democratic People's Party: A socialist party which played a "key role" in the creation of the SNC.[33] The party's leader George Sabra (a secularist born to a Christian family) is the official spokesman of the SNC, and also ran for chairman.[34]
  • Supreme Council of the Syrian Revolution: Syrian opposition group supporting the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad's government. It grants local opposition groups representation in its national organization.
  • Assyrian Democratic Organization: A party representing Assyrians in Syria and long repressed by the Assad government, it has been a participant in opposition structures since the beginning of the conflict. Abdul-Ahad Astepho is a member of the SNC.[35][36]
  • Syrian Turkmen Assembly: A recently formed assembly of Syrian Turkmens which constitutes a coalition of Turkmen parties and groups in Syria. It is against the partition of Syria after the collapse of Baath government. The common decision of Syrian Turkmen Assembly is: "Regardless of any ethnic or religious identity, a future in which everybody can be able to live commonly under the identity of Syrian is targeted in the future of Syria."[37]
  • Syrian Democratic Turkmen Movement: An opposition party of Syrian Turkmens, which was constituted in Istanbul on 21 March 2012. The leader of Syrian Democratic Turkmen Movement is Ziyad Hasan.
  • Syrian Turkmen National Bloc: An opposition party of Syrian Turkmens, which was founded in February 2012. The chairman of the political party is Yusuf Molla.
  • Local Coordination Committees of Syria: Network of local protest groups that organise and report on protests as part of the Syrian civil war, founded in 2011.[38][39] As of August 2011, the network supported civil disobedience and opposed local armed resistance and international military intervention as methods of opposing the Syrian government.[40] Key people are activists Razan Zaitouneh and Suhair al-Atassi.[41]
  • Free Syrian Army & Higher Military Council: Paramilitary that has been active during the Syrian civil war.[42][43] Composed mainly of defected Syrian Armed Forces personnel,[44][45] its formation was announced on 29 July 2011 in a video released on the Internet by a uniformed group of deserters from the Syrian military who called upon members of the Syrian army to defect and join them.[46] The leader of the group, who identified himself as Colonel Riad al-Asaad, announced that the Free Syrian Army would work with demonstrators to bring down the system, and declared that all security forces attacking civilians are justified targets.[47][48] It has also been reported that many former Syrian Consulates are trying to band together a Free Syrian Navy from fishermen and defectors to secure the coast.[49]
    • Syrian Turkmen Brigades: An armed opposition structure of Syrian Turkmens fighting against Syrian Armed Forces. It is also the military wing of Syrian Turkmen Assembly. It is led by Colonel Muhammad Awad and Ali Basher.
Your joke does not exist in Syria, never did and never will.

"Within minutes of opening a Twitter account this past week, the leader of Syria's main Western-backed opposition group received an onslaught of criticism.

"Welcome to Twitter Mr. Western Puppet," one comment to Ahmad al-Jarba read. Others called him a Saudi stooge and scorned the opposition's perceived ineffectiveness. The comments reflect the deep disillusionment and distrust that many Syrians have come to feel toward the Syrian National Coalition, Syria's main opposition group in exile. They also underline the predicament of who will represent the Syrian opposition at an upcoming peace conference in Geneva marking the first face-to-face meeting between Syria's warring sides.
The Geneva talks have raised the possibility of a negotiated end to a conflict activists say has killed more than 120,000 people. But with a fractured opposition, many have little hope for strong negotiations with emissaries of President Bashar Assad.
"Each of them represents himself and maybe his wife," said an anti-government activist in the central Homs province, who uses the pseudonym Abul Hoda. "Nobody here pays any attention to what they say."
The Syrian National Coalition is seen by many as a disparate group of out-of-touch exiles with inflated egos and non-Syrian allegiances. Syrians often deride it as the "five-star-hotel opposition" for spending more time meeting in luxury hotels than being on the ground in Syria.
Damascus-based opposition groups call members of the coalition traitors for demanding U.S. military airstrikes against Syria following a chemical weapons attack in August that killed hundreds. But groups known as the "internal opposition" are themselves seen as aging and submissive to Assad's government, incapable of playing an effective opposition role for fear of arrest.
More importantly, the rebel factions that hold the real power on the ground won't go to Geneva. Some of the most powerful Islamic brigades have distanced themselves from the coalition. Meanwhile, rebels are losing ground to a crushing government military offensive.
"Given the lack of unity amongst the opposition, the West and regional allies such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia will struggle to establish a representative negotiation partner that is willing to engage with the Syrian government," said Torbjorn Soltvedt, a senior analyst at the British risk analysis firm Maplecroft.
He added that negotiations likely will prove futile until there is a significant shift in the balance of power on the ground. "As such, the Syrian conflict is still likely to be decided on the battlefield," he said.
The Syrian foreign ministry said this week that it will send a high-level delegation to the talks with clear directives from Assad. Although it hasn't said who will be going, Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem is expected to head the delegation.
It is much less clear who from the opposition side will be at the talks. Their deep splits will make it extremely difficult to select a unified opposition delegation. Western leaders have made clear they expect the coalition to be the chief negotiator on the opposition side at the conference, set for Jan. 22. The group has called on others to participate in a delegation under its command.
"The coalition will form the whole opposition delegation and it will lead this delegation. This is not up for discussion," senior coalition member Ahmad Ramadan said. "The coalition is the only side responsible for that."
The U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has said that the coalition will play a very important role in forming the delegation. "But I have always said that the delegation has to be credible and representative, as representative as possible," he said in Geneva last month.
Hassan Abdul-Azim, a veteran opposition figure in Syria who leads the Syria-based National Coordination Body for Democratic Change, said his group was ready to go to Geneva with a unified delegation made up of internal and external opposition group. But he said the coalition rejected the idea because it considers itself the only legitimate representative.
Many smaller opposition groups, including Kurdish parties, have not decided whether they will go and who will represent them. The coalition has said it will meet in Istanbul in mid-December to discuss the makeup of the delegation. But members of the group itself are split on the whole concept of a peace conference. Some of its senior members insist that Assad should step down and stand trial before any talks.
"In Europe, a train crash leads to government resignation. What about destroying half of Syria, displacing half its people and the killing and maiming of a million people?" asked opposition figure Kamal Labwani. "I am totally opposed to the Geneva conference."
Many believe the talks — if they go ahead — will be pointless, particularly now that Assad's forces have the upper hand in the fighting on the ground. The talks aim to establish a transitional government that would take over the country. But the opposition insists Assad must step aside, as the government says that's out of the question.
Gen. Salim Idris, the commander of the coalition's military wing known as the Free Syrian Army, said his faction will not take part in the talks and will not stop fighting until Assad is brought down by force. Meanwhile, frustration in the opposition remains clear, as it does in Twitter messages mocking Jarba's username "PresidentJarba."
"I find it disturbing you are calling yourself president already," one read. Another read: "100,000 Syrians martyrs and you ... still issue 'warnings.' No wonder ... Assad is still standing.""

Geneva II peace Conference doomed to fail? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You are the joke who supports a mass murdering dictator responsible for the genocide of his own people, and, the millions of refugees fleeing Syria now. Tell your friend in the Assad's Syrian regime to eat shit and die.
I would add that Putin has a lot more respect for Netanyahu than the clown we have in office now.
Saying that Putin respects like saying Stalin respected Mao. ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

Russia and Israel have had mutually beneficial pacts with each other for a long time. No visa is required for a Russian going to Israel and vice versa. That's even better than Americans.

What is needed now, Roudy, is a little intermission to listen to Russians singing.
There goes another antisemite wet dream of Israel and Russia going to war with each other in Syria. Ha ha ha. Another masturbation to the destruction of Israel goes down in flames!

Israeli, Russian armies plan Syrian coordination talks

The two military chiefs agreed to set up a work group which will establish a mechanism of cooperation between the two armies. Their deputies will lead this effort, with an initial meeting planned in about two weeks.

The location of the group’s meetings has not yet been determined and it is not clear whether they will take place in Israel or Russia.

Earlier on Monday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and the two agreed to establish a mechanism to avoid military confrontations between the two countries in chaotic Syria.

I agree.

Putin isn't antisemitic nor is he against Israel.

He seems to have a special warmth for Russians who have successfully settled in Israel.

Putin's purpose in defending Assad is to maintain his power base in Syria and also as a foil against the US who with Obama's usual stupidity, has left a vacuum in the Middle East.

Hopefully Israel will still be able to prevent the supply of weapons to Hezbollah.

Putin is aware of Israel's necessity to take this action and will not attempt to prevent it.
It appears that Putin has an affinity for the Jewish people.

When Putin met his high school German teacher in Israel

Gee who woulda thunk?

That's an amazing article you just posted! :clap2:

When Putin met his high school German teacher in Israel
In the late 1990s, Mina Yuditskaya Berliner recognized a familiar face on the screen of her television set in Israel.

It was her former student Vladimir, now on television for becoming head of Russia’s FSB security apparatus.

Before immigrating to Israel in 1973, Yuditskaya Berliner, now 93, was Vladimir Putin’s German teacher at St. Petersburg’s High School 281, she recently told the Israeli news site Ynet.

Putin, she revealed, even bought her the small Tel Aviv apartment where she now lives.

According to the Ynet article, Putin and his teacher were reunited in 2005, when the Russian president visited Israel. She had asked the Russian embassy whether she could attend a reception in Putin’s honor.

She joined World War II veterans for their meeting with Putin in Jerusalem, but afterwards he invited her to have tea with him in private.

“As we were walking to have tea, he told me: ‘You see, I’m bald now’,” she told Ynet. “I replied: ‘I can see that.’” At the reception, Putin introduced her to then Israeli president Moshe Katzav.

Shortly after the meeting, Yuditskaya Berliner, who is a widow, began receiving gifts: A watch and Putin’s autographed 2000 biography. Shortly after that, an employee of the Russian government showed up at her doorstep and took her to see some apartments in the center of Tel Aviv, she told Ynet.

“I told him all I needed was a flat that would be near the bus station, the market and to kuppat holim,” she told Ynet, using the Hebrew term for a health maintenance organization. “It all happened fast from there on; a few months later the movers came to my [rented] apartment in Florentine [in southern Tel Aviv], packed everything up and moved me,” she said.

She described Putin as a diligent student who, despite skipping classes to attend wrestling matches and practice, had a good command of the material taught to him by Yuditskaya Berliner.

Putin often spoke admiringly of his Jewish wrestling coach, Anatoly Rakhlin. At Rakhlin’s funeral last year, Putin, reportedly overcome by emotion, ditched his security detail and went on a short, solitary walk.

And in the biography he gave Yuditskaya Berliner, he recalled with affection his relationship with a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block and took care of him while his parents worked.

These encounters and relationships with Russian Jews helped shape a special appreciation in Putin for Jewish people, according to Mikhail Chlenov, secretary general of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. This appreciation and experience, he said, may well have a role in Putin’s current attitudes toward Russian Jewry, which critics and supporters alike describe as friendly.

Approached by Ynet, Putin’s office confirmed that Yuditskaya Berliner was the Russian president’s teacher and that the two saw each other in Israel, but declined to comment on other details, citing privacy issues. The question is, did the two speak in Russian or was Putin able to remember some of the German Berliner taught him?

What we need here now, Roudy, is a little Russian entertainment.

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