Israel and Turkey

In that region an interesting situation is unfolding. In a relatively small area three regional powers are emerging - Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Israel will definitely have room for maneuvering.
Before Covid and travel-restrictions 45 million "Radical Islamists" or tourists visited Turkey a year among them around 500.000 Israelis.
You are truly an Idiot.
Calm down. Man, no one can do everything alone.

Turkey may be making progress in terms of industry and production, but it is experiencing much more political and psychological problems. Turkey may receive serious tourists, but this does not mean that Turkey receives support in international politics.

Of course, it is good that Turkey can produce its own equipment, but no one can produce everything alone in the world today. The partnership of interest between Turkey and the European Union and NATO has been broken. (This is not a new event, but a reality since the 1980 coup and the establishment of the PKK)

In Turkey, people's love and respect for each other has decreased and is decreasing. A sect leader staged a coup in Turkey, and this person can still lead a normal life in the United States. The US, the EU, and Israel used to covertly support the PKK and its derivatives, now they openly support it. There is no possibility for Turkey to ally with Russia or China. Russia's aim is to get Turkey closer to it or even weaker.

Money is not everything. Stupid businessmen from Turkey did business to Northern Iraq like crazy. Those Northern Iraqi rulers have been secretly feeding the PKK, providing weapons and outposts for 30 years.

Northern Iraq sells oil to Turkey! Barzani, Talabani tribes, these are people who have partners with the Pkk.
Calm down. Man, no one can do everything alone.

Turkey may be making progress in terms of industry and production, but it is experiencing much more political and psychological problems. Turkey may receive serious tourists, but this does not mean that Turkey receives support in international politics.

Of course, it is good that Turkey can produce its own equipment, but no one can produce everything alone in the world today. The partnership of interest between Turkey and the European Union and NATO has been broken. (This is not a new event, but a reality since the 1980 coup and the establishment of the PKK)

In Turkey, people's love and respect for each other has decreased and is decreasing. A sect leader staged a coup in Turkey, and this person can still lead a normal life in the United States. The US, the EU, and Israel used to covertly support the PKK and its derivatives, now they openly support it. There is no possibility for Turkey to ally with Russia or China. Russia's aim is to get Turkey closer to it or even weaker.

Money is not everything. Stupid businessmen from Turkey did business to Northern Iraq like crazy. Those Northern Iraqi rulers have been secretly feeding the PKK, providing weapons and outposts for 30 years.

Northern Iraq sells oil to Turkey! Barzani, Talabani tribes, these are people who have partners with the Pkk.

In American civil war they didn't love each other as well, yet immediately after civil war USA emerged as economical and naval heavyweight.
National crisis doesn't always mean national decline in international context.
You are right, there's lots of stress inside Turkey, and despite Turkey having domestic issues Turks want much more than what their fathers have achieved. It is backed by USA failure and withdrawal from region together with almost all of Turkey's surrounding either being devatated by war or being economically bankrupt

As for the isolation:
Not receiving support in international politics does not mean paralyzation as long as you've an Army that can delpoy abroad on its own.
India has rejected Turkish claims in Cyprus.

These statements don't carry any weight just like USA recognizing Guaido as president of Venezuela (without any effect on the ground in Venezuela itself).
There are 40.000 Turkish soldiers in Cyprus, in an area with its own currency, education system, and state structure for 50 years.
These are not claims, these are facts.

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In that region an interesting situation is unfolding. In a relatively small area three regional powers are emerging - Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Israel will definitely have room for maneuvering.

"You might not be there for 2 weeks without us"

Sunni Man
So I know you hate Israel but you seem to get along with most Jews you meet !!

Turkey and Iran are not friends either
Well, that is up to Trump to respond to his words. What is your point?

What is there not to understand from Trump's words ?
He put it bluntly for everyone to understand: Without US support the regime in S. Arabia falls within 2 weeks.

Every year S. Arabia / UAE import billions worth of weapons from USA.
Those weapon purchases are "protection money" paid to the USA.
Nothing is sold which jeopardizes Israel.
When Aramco facilities, the basis for Saudi wealth was hit, they couldn't do anything because the boss (USA) didn't have an apetite for confrontation with Iran. Simple as that.

What is there not to understand from Trump's words ?
He put it bluntly for everyone to understand: Without US support the regime in S. Arabia falls within 2 weeks.

Every year S. Arabia / UAE import billions worth of weapons from USA.
Those weapon purchases are "protection money" paid to the USA.
Nothing is sold which jeopardizes Israel.
When Aramco facilities, the basis for Saudi wealth was hit, they couldn't do anything because the boss (USA) didn't have an apetite for confrontation with Iran. Simple as that.

I think it is a bit exaggerated about 2 weeks, but anyway. In the future, some military alliance can emerge in the Middle East. Which will include the Gulf monarchies, some other countries of the region, and Israel (which will be participating directly or indirectly).
I think it is a bit exaggerated about 2 weeks, but anyway. In the future, some military alliance can emerge in the Middle East. Which will include the Gulf monarchies, some other countries of the region, and Israel (which will be participating directly or indirectly).

Every "alliance" excluding the region's people will fail to materialize or have a short expiry date.
All Gulf countries except Kuwait are dictatorships giving no say whatsoever to their people in domestic affairs.
Those Gulf countries seeking alliance with Israel have a need to utilize Jewish lobby in Washington so that USA backs their regimes against true democracy in those countries like in the case of Al-Sisi in Egypt.
Anti-democratic forces reversed 1st round of Arab Spring... for now.
2nd round is only a matter of time.
Turkey is a predominately Sunni muslim country.
Iran is a Shiite muslim country.
So there is always going to be tensions between them. ... :cool:

Libya and Egypt have identical topography, climate, geography.
In Libya there are just 7 million inhabitants while there are 100 million Egyptians.
What makes the difference is the Nile.

Between Iran and Turkey there's mainly tension due to Syria, but it is temporary.
Both Euphrates and Tigris originate out of Turkey.
With climate change and rising temperatures all those downstream countries (Syria, Iraq) will fully subordinate to Turkish domination or perish in the desert.
Turkey and Israel aren't going to get along because both countries want to be the dominate power in the Middle East. ... :cool:

It is not about domination in Middle East, but about Jerusalem.
Jews together with Armageddonist US-based Protestant-Talibans are trying to turn Jerusalem into sole Jewish city.
Jerusalem is no Jewish city, its is Catholic, Muslim, Jewish city.

From Algeria over Turkey over Pakistan to Indonesia we'll always pray for Jerusalem even if the leadership of those dictatorial Gulf countries have abandoned this cause.
If those Gulf countries continue on their path it will just result in those countries loosing legitimacy, their leaders being killed by their own population at some point and non-Arab countries increasingly shaping Muslim public opinion.
It's not about Palestine, Palestinians,
Every "alliance" excluding the region's people will fail to materialize or have a short expiry date.
All Gulf countries except Kuwait are dictatorships giving no say whatsoever to their people in domestic affairs.
Those Gulf countries seeking alliance with Israel have a need to utilize Jewish lobby in Washington so that USA backs their regimes against true democracy in those countries like in the case of Al-Sisi in Egypt.
Anti-democratic forces reversed 1st round of Arab Spring... for now.
2nd round is only a matter of time.
Yes, the Gulf monarchies are dictatorships (and Kuwait can be considered 'democratic' only if compared with them). Their sustainability depends on how long they can support the desired level of life for their citizens.

The Arab Spring didn't happen in the Gulf to the point of possible toppling of the regimes, except of Bahrain.

I don't say it is 'good' to support the Gulf autocrats, but it is virtually the only solution for the US to curb Iran and Turkey's influence there and to prevent China from becoming dominant global player in that region.

And btw, I got an impression that you consider me as being an American. I think I should inform you that I am not.

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